If anyone every calls you a conspiracy theorist or any other term to dismiss you because you're critically thinking and not giving repeatedly proven criminals the benefit of the doubt when they do obvious evil sh*t, share this CIA document with them. Show them that the term was invented by the CIA to discredit people questioning the assassination of JFK and their involvement, with the use of CIA provided propaganda to control the narrative.
By the way, where it says "psych" under action requires-references, that's for the psyop/psychological warfare department of the CIA.
Image 3 is where they explain the entire agenda and how they intend on contorting it. This is the first time the word "conspiracy theorist" was used as a term of dismissal in media and elsewhere, completely facilitated by the CIA, a repeatedly proven criminal organization filled with literal nazis from operation paperclip, per usual.
"The aim of this dispatch is to provide material for countering and discrediting the claims of conspiracy theorists, so as to inhibit the circulation of such claims in other countries. Background information is supplied in a classified section in a number of unclassified attachments"
Background information = PROPAGANDA
Dacă cineva te numește vreodată teoretician al conspirației sau folosește orice alt termen pentru a te discredita din cauza faptului că gândești critic și nu acorzi repetat criminalilor dovediți beneficiul îndoielii atunci când fac fapte evidente de rău, arată-le acest document al CIA. Arată-le că termenul a fost inventat de CIA pentru a discredita persoanele care pun sub semnul întrebării asasinarea lui JFK și implicarea lor, cu utilizarea propagandei furnizate de CIA pentru a controla narativa.
Marco Carola @ Sunwaves Festival, Romania
Ricardo Villalobos @ Sunwaves Festival, Romania
Audiofly @ Sunwaves Festival, Romania. 05:25 a.m.
Richie Hawtin @ Sunwaves 6