The Romanian Women's LOBBY Association (the national coordination in Romania of the European Women Lobby) and National Democratic Institute - are preparing the ground for the participation of Romanian women in the elections multiples of 2024.
The two partner organizations in the Minority of the 51% project – funded by the Dutch Embassy in Romania and co-financed by the European Women's Lobby - believes that it has been reached
to an impasse regarding women's access to leadership positions in local, county councils, in
The Romanian Parliament and in the European Parliament and that the current models cannot lead to change if the paradigm is not changed. Violence against women who are politically active is one of the main reasons why they do not run or refuse to participate in the elections.
The event was dedicated to the various forms of violence against women active in politics and will have moderators and speakers from the European Union, mainly from the Netherlands and guests from the USA and its proposes to emphasize this phenomenon which is taking place on a large scale, but has not been discussed and not solved either. The event presented case studies from different countries and share the best overcoming practices, especially when talking about physical or online violence, as a barrier main factor in women's participation in political life.
Congratulations for the proeminent speakers:
H.E. Willemijn van Haaften, Ambassador – Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania
H.E. Kathleen Kavalec, Ambassador of the United States in Romania
Liliana Popescu, Director National Diplomatic Institute
Daniela Palade Teodorescu, Editor in Chief Feminism For Real, journalist, trainer D&I, founding member Asociația Solidaritate și Egalitate
Ana Radicevic, National Democratic Institute Program Director
Andreea Daniela Fedor – Vicepresident ROWL
Iliana Balabanova – President European Women’s Lobby
Hinke Nauta – Deputy Head of Mission at Embass
👏👏👏 On this day, we pay tribute to the one who was Alva Myrdal, Swedish sociologist, diplomat and politician, militant for peace, laureate of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982.
In his will, Nobel requested that those awarded the peace prize fulfill at least one of the following three requirements: work for the "reduction of military forces", for the "organization of peace congresses" and for "fraternization between peoples".
Her husband, Gunnar Myrdal, was a laureate of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1974. They are the first couple to be awarded this prestigious title independently of each other. There are five other couples who have been awarded the Nobel Prize, but for the same project.
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On This Day... we pay tribute to Anna Gardner - an American writer, teacher and abolitionist, as well as an ardent reformer, and a constant supporter of women’s rights.
As an author, she published several volumes of poetry and prose.
As a student, teacher, lecturer, she supported the cause of human liberty and equal rights.
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On This Day - Marguerite Durand
Marguerite Durand - actriță de scenă, jurnalistă franceză și sufragetă principală.
Și-a fondat propriul ziar pentru a candida la alegeri.
Marguerite Durand - French stage actress, journalist and leading suffragist. Shee founded her own newspaper to run for election.
On This Day - scriitoarea Jacobine Camilla Collett
Jacobine Camilla Collett a fost o scriitoare norvegiană, adesea numită prima feministă norvegiană.
Jacobine Camilla Collett was a Norwegian writer, often called the first Norwegian feminist.
Gertrude Belle Ellion - farmacista care a câștigat Premiul Nobel pentru Medicină
Gertrude Belle Elion a fost o spacialistă în biochimie și farmacologie. În 1988 a primit Premiul Nobel pentru Fiziologie sau Medicină. A creat o diversitate de medicamente, printre care și AZT, un antiretroviral utilizat pentru tratamentul HIV.
Gertrude Belle Elion was a biochemistry and pharmacology specialist. In 1988 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. It created a variety of drugs, including AZT, an antiretroviral used to treat HIV.
👏👏👏 On This Day... Feminism For Real pays tribute to Anita Borg, founder of Women and Technology Institute and Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
“Around the world, women are not full partners in driving the creation of new technology that will define their lives. This is not good for women and not good for the world….Women need to assume their rightful place at the table creating the technology of the future.” Anita Borg
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Did you know that Agnes Hannah von Kurowsky Stanfield, the nurse who inspired the character Catherine Barkley in the novel
"A Farewell to Arms" by Ernest Hemingway, lived for two years in Romania, sent on a special mission by the Red Cross?
Then she returned to America and after another two years was sent to Haiti, where she held the position of director of the public health service.
Follow us for more information - link in the first comment:
🌟✨☀️New year, new ideas.
As one of the directions we develop Feminism For Real is honoring the memory of those who made history for women's rights, we are launching a video series „in memoriam” dedicated to those people to we owe a lot
👏👏👏Without gratitude to our priceless ancestors, we cannot ask for more. Without their work, effort, risks and sacrifice, benefits such as the right to vote, education access, the right to drive a car, to own a property, a business, and the right to make choices in professional and personal life would not have existed. All these rights seem to us "taken for granted" or guaranteed from immemorial times", but it is not so at all.
So if you ever feel tempted to say "oh, but I don’t feel discriminated and I don't see the point of any feminist movement", don’t forget that all the privileges of today last only for around a century.
And they can be limited or canceled at any time.
🎗🎗🎗 In honor of all those who made these privileges possible, we created the "on this day..." series.
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻We invite you to contribute to this series by proposing names that are representative of the history of women's rights.
We start with Simone de Beauvoir.
#FeminismForReal #onthisday #TudorCommunications #feminism #feminismisequality #feminismforlife #feminismquotes #FeminismIsForEverybody #feminismrocks #equality #equalityforall #equalityforeveryone #equalityforwomen #equalitynow
On This Day - Simone de Beauvoir
🌟✨☀️New year, new ideas.
As one of the directions we develop Feminism For Real is honoring the memory of those who made history for women's rights, we are launching a video series „in memoriam” dedicated to those people to we owe a lot
👏👏👏Without gratitude to our priceless ancestors, we cannot ask for more. Without their work, effort, risks and sacrifice, benefits such as the right to vote, education access, the right to drive a car, to own a property, a business, and the right to make choices in professional and personal life would not have existed. All these rights seem to us "taken for granted" or guaranteed from immemorial times", but it is not so at all.
So if you ever feel tempted to say "oh, but I don’t feel discriminated and I don't see the point of any feminist movement", don’t forget that all the privileges of today last only for around a century.
And they can be limited or canceled at any time.
🎗🎗🎗 In honor of all those who made these privileges possible, we created the "on this day..." series.
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻We invite you to contribute to this series by proposing names that are representative of the history of women's rights.
We start with Simone de Beauvoir.
#FeminismForReal #onthisday #TudorCommunications #feminism #feminismisequality #feminismforlife #feminismquotes #FeminismIsForEverybody #feminismrocks #equality #equalityforall #equalityforeveryone #equalityforwomen #equalitynow
Mulțumim pentru toată susținerea arătată în 2022 și sperăm ca dorința voastră de a schimba viitorul într-unul mai bun să fie cel puțin la fel de puternică și în 2023. 🤩
#FeminismForReal #newyear2023
Dă și tu share să afle cât mai multă lume despre ofertele speciale pentru anumiți bărbați* 👇
#FeminismForReal #BlackFriday #genderequity #womenempowerment