Welcome to the Comics House Communication, Contents & Events official page.
. Ad suggestions;
. Books suggestions;
. Comic Books suggestions;
. Events suggestions;
. Magazine suggestions;
. (My) Comics experience;
. (My) Editorial experience.
My name is Miguel Coelho, I love Comics since kid, I investigate Comics and I spread Comics since 1996.
I work on COMICS, COMMUNICATION, CONTENTS and EVENTS since 1996: La Lettre (French Comics magazine), Trésors de la BD - BDM (French Comics catalog), JuveBÊDÊ (Comics magazine since 1997), Forum Estudante (journal and magazine), Volta à Gália (Comics tour in Francein 1998), Braga Desenhada (Comics Festival in 2000), InforGEO (geographical magazine), Fórum (Universidade do Minho cultural magazine), Selecções BD (II série - Comics magazine), Quadrado (II série - Comics magazine), Diário do Minho (journal), A BD Hoje (Comics conference), Braga Cultural (monthly agenda), Rádio Televisão do Minho (local radio), 25 Anos de BD no distrito de Braga (DVD-ROM about 25 de Abril), Infopedia.pt (Comics articles for a site), conferences, congresses, catalogs, exhibitions flyers and texts and Porto Editora (school books and online contents publisher, for Angola, Cabo Verde, Portugal, Moçambique and Timor-Leste, bettwen 2000 and 2018).
I'm Portuguese and I live in Porto, Portugal, but I'm a citizen of the world.
I have a degree master in Geography about Comics, presented in 2001 at Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (Portugal).
After 18 years working in the biggest School Books Publisher, I have my hon project in Communication, Contents & Events since the Fall of 2018.
You are free to send suggestions to improve, because Comics House is YOUR HOUSE.
See you soon!
[To be continued]
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