Parhlo Pink

Parhlo Pink is the voice of Pakistan with viral stories promoting talent not in just entertainment but in liberating youth to become young change makers. is an open platform for youth having 3 main objectives:
Liberating youth, showcasing their talent, and entertaining them. We talk about issues that people want to discuss but can't. Write for us:

Nita Ambani drinks Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani, a luxury water encased in 24-carat gold, designed by Fernand...

Nita Ambani drinks Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani, a luxury water encased in 24-carat gold, designed by Fernando Altamirano.

This exclusive water blends glacier water from Iceland, and spring water from France and Fiji. Valued at 249 lakh, each bottle is made with 750 ml of water and contains 5 grams of gold for alkalinity.

Nita, aged 60, is said to have immaculate skin thanks to this gold-infused water. It holds the Guinness World Record as the world's priciest water, auctioned for $60,000 (Rs. 1.5 Crore).

Moomal Khalid Embraces ReligionSince the birth of her beautiful daughter, Moomal Khalid has begun wearing a headscarf. S...

Moomal Khalid Embraces Religion

Since the birth of her beautiful daughter, Moomal Khalid has begun wearing a headscarf. She has, since giving birth, joined a spiritual journey and is finding herself closer to God.

Since embarking on this spiritual journey, Moomal has declared that she will be quitting the showbiz industry.

After fans suspected something of the sort on its way, they questioned her to which she replied, “No”.

Regardless of the disappointment, Moomal’s fans have been very supportive of this news. They have been ending their graces and blessing to both Moomal and her newborn daughter. Netizens have been very supportive of her journey.

This Pakistani actress has been spotted wearing a headscarf. After this drastic change in her lifestyle, Khalid has now been sharing inspiring, and helpful religious quotes.

Though many have accused her of being extreme which she said, unfortunately in today’s society being haram is so normalised that being religious is considered extreme.

Moomal through her career has faced multiple ups and downs. She was caught in a crash in 2015. Though, with God’s grace, the actress made out alive despite injuries, her fiance, on the other hand, could not.

Beta ji dekh 😜

Beta ji dekh 😜

In the Punjab Assembly it was revealed that due to the non availability of dowry, one crore 35 lac (13.5 million) women ...

In the Punjab Assembly it was revealed that due to the non availability of dowry, one crore 35 lac (13.5 million) women in the country have not been able to get married.

Minister Ahsan Raza Khan termed dowry as a social curse, stating that India has passed a law according to which demanding and giving dowry is a crime.

Ahsan Raza Khan praised Shehbaz Sharif’s initiative of imposing a ban on one-dish, which has enabled poor girls to get married. He emphasised that a ban should be imposed on dowry and display of wealth



سابق کرکٹر اور مبلغ سعید انور کی ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر تیزی سے وائرل ہو رہی ہے، جس میں وہ بتاتے دکھائی دیتے ہیں کہ پاکستان...

سابق کرکٹر اور مبلغ سعید انور کی ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر تیزی سے وائرل ہو رہی ہے، جس میں وہ بتاتے دکھائی دیتے ہیں کہ پاکستان میں جب سے خواتین نے کمانا شروع کیا ہے تب سے طلاقوں کی شرح میں 30 فیصد اضافہ ہوگیا ہے۔

سابق کرکٹر کی سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل مختصر ویڈیو میں وہ دنیا بھر میں خواتین کی خودمختاری سمیت پاکستان میں عورتوں کی خودمختاری اور طلاقوں کے بڑھتے رجحانات پر بات کرتے دکھائی دیتے ہیں۔

یہ تصدیق نہیں ہو سکی کہ سابق کرکٹر کی ویڈیو کب کی ہے اور انہوں نے مذکورہ خطاب کہاں کیا۔

وائرل ہونے والی ویڈیو میں وہ بتاتے ہیں کہ حال ہی میں وہ آسٹریلیا سے ہوکر آئے، جہاں کے ایک میئر بھی اپنے شہر اور ملک کے حالات سے پریشان تھے؟سابق کرکٹر نے خطاب میں کہا کہ آسٹریلیا میں نوجوان رل رہے ہیں، گھر والوں میں، بیویوں اور شوہروں میں لڑائیاں اور جھگڑے ہو رہے ہیں۔

ویڈیو میں وہ بتاتے ہیں کہ انہوں نے میئر سے سوال کیا کہ ان کے ہاں خودکشی کا رجحان زیادہ کیوں ہے اور نوجوان نسل میں نشہ اتنا مقبول کیوں ہے؟

سعید انور کے مطابق میئر نے انہیں بتایا کہ جب سے انہوں نے اپنی خواتین کو کمائی پر لگایا تب سے ان کے حالات خراب ہوئے۔

ان کا کہنا تھا کہ وہاں مرد اور خواتین سب کما رہے ہیں لیکن حالات بد سے بدتر ہوتے جا رہے ہیں، ڈپریشن بڑھتا جا رہا ہے۔

سابق کرکٹر نے دعویٰ کیا کہ انہیں ایک نیوزی لینڈ کے کرکٹر نے بھی مدعو کیا اور ان سے دریافت کیا کہ ان کے حالات کیسے بہتر ہوں گے؟ ان کے ہاں پریشانیاں ہیں، مسائل ہیں۔

اسی معاملے پر بات کرتے ہوئے سعید انور دعویٰ کرتے ہیں کہ جب سے پاکستان میں خواتین کمانے لگی ہیں، تب سے گزشتہ تین سال میں طلاق کی شرح 30 فیصد تک بڑھ چکی ہے۔

سابق کرکٹر کا کہنا تھا کہ خواتین کے خود مختار ہونے سے وہ مرد کو کہتی ہیں کہ دفع ہوجاؤ، مجھے تمہاری ضرورت نہیں، میں خود کما سکتی ہوں۔

سعید انور نے دعویٰ کیا کہ یہ گیم پلان ہے لیکن یہ منصوبہ اس وقت سمجھ نہیں آئے گا جب تک خدا ہدایت نہیں دے گا۔

Hania Amir vs Ayeza Khan Most popular Pakistani actress with 13.9 million followers

Hania Amir vs Ayeza Khan
Most popular Pakistani actress with 13.9 million followers

Love you Ammie ❤

Love you Ammie ❤




Real couple goals 💯👫

Real couple goals 💯👫

Moscow has announced the easing of regulations concerning applications for citizenship by foreign nationals, permitting ...

Moscow has announced the easing of regulations concerning applications for citizenship by foreign nationals, permitting the use of headscarves and in photographs, as stated by the Russian Interior Ministry last Wednesday.

The new law, set to be effective from May 5, will be implemented ten days after its publication, according to Russia Today. “In cases where the religious beliefs of the applicant do not allow them to appear in front of strangers without a head covering, are to be provided in head coverings that do not hide the oval of the face,” the document states.

However, images with scarves that entirely or partially conceal the applicant's chin will not be accepted, the report indicates. Notably, citizens have already been allowed to use photographs in hijabs for passport applications, driver's licenses, work permits, and patents.

The initiative aims to “allow believers to observe religious traditions,” while also ensuring “the security of the state,” as the “face, like other data, is needed so that video monitoring systems can identify a person,” noted Biysultan Khamzaev, a member of the State Duma Security and Anti-Corruption Committee, in the Russian Parliamentary Gazette.

Internet blames feminism, suggests polygamy for '10 million unmarried Pakistani women over 35' .....Share your perspecti...

Internet blames feminism, suggests polygamy for '10 million unmarried Pakistani women over 35' .....Share your perspective❗

Your favourite honeymoon destination ❓👫

Your favourite honeymoon destination ❓👫


اداکارہ ہانیہ عامر اور زویار نعمان کی جانب سے حال ہی میں ایک شادی کی تقریب میں شرکت کرنے کی ویڈیوز اور تصاویر وائرل ہوگئیں۔

مذکورہ شادی کی تقریب میں دلہا کی جانب سے اپنی دلہن اور اداکارہ ہانیہ عامر کے ساتھ تصاویر اور ویڈیوز بنانے کے دوران اداکارہ پر زیادہ توجہ مرکوز کرنے کی ویڈیوز بھی وائرل ہوگئیں، جن پر صارفین نے دلچسپ تبصرے کیے۔

شادی کی وائرل ہونے والی ویڈیوز میں زویار نعمان سمیت دیگر شوبز شخصیات اور سوشل میڈیا انفلوئنسرز کو ڈانس پرفارمنس کرتے ہوئے بھی دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔

تقریب میں سینیئر اداکار سہیل احمد خان نے بھی دلہا اور دلہن کے ہمراہ تصاویر و ویڈیوز بنوائیں، تاہم تقریب کے دوران ہانیہ عامر توجہ کا مرکز رہیں۔

شادی کی تقریب کی وائرل ہونے والی ایک ویڈیو میں دلہا کو دلہن اور اداکارہ کے ساتھ تصاویر اور ویڈیوز بنواتے یوئے دیکھا جا سکتا ہے۔

مذکورہ ویڈیو میں دلہا کی ایک طرف ہانیہ عامر جب کہ دوسری طرف ان کی دلہن ہیں، تاہم دلہا اپنی دلہن کے بجائے اداکارہ پر زیادہ فوکس کرتے ہوئے دکھائی دیتے ہیں۔

ویڈیو میں دیکھا جا سکتا ہے کہ دلہا اپنی دلہن کے بجائے بار بار ہانیہ عامر کو گھورتے ہیں جس پر اداکارہ بھی پریشان دکھائی دیتی ہیں۔

Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Maryam Nawaz attended a police passing out parade in Lahore on Thursday, donning a police uni...

Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Maryam Nawaz attended a police passing out parade in Lahore on Thursday, donning a police uniform.

  was given a guard of honour and also distributed prizes among the top performers from the Police Training College. The chief guest of the ceremony inspected the parade.

Addressing the ceremony, the Punjab CM said her government wants to increase the number of female cops in the police department.”I realized how much of a big responsibility it is after wearing the police uniform.”

She lauded the women in uniform and hoped they would serve the masses.

Maryam Nawaz underlining the importance of the rule of law, said societies cannot prosper without the implementation of law and order.

The Punjab chief minister was accompanied by IG Punjab Usman Anwar in the ceremony


بیٹی ہے یا کوئی سزا؟

Financial independence is the reason divorces have become common: Sanam Saeed. A-list actor Sanam Saeed believed that di...

Financial independence is the reason divorces have become common: Sanam Saeed.

A-list actor Sanam Saeed believed that divorce rates are increasing because of the financial independence of women of today, who do not want to stay in a marriage just for the sake of shelter provided by their husbands
What do you say?

The Sindh government has exempted women from paying fares on Pink Bus Service in Karachi for two months.Sindh Transport ...

The Sindh government has exempted women from paying fares on Pink Bus Service in Karachi for two months.

Sindh Transport Minister Sharjeel Inam Memon made the announcement while speaking at a ceremony on inclusion of new fleet of buses on Monday. PPP leader Faryal Talpur has requested exempting passengers from paying fare on Pink Bus Service in the port city.

Last week, Sind government announced two new routes of Pink People’s Bus Service in Karachi. Prior to that, the bus was operating from Model Colony Malir to Tower via Shahrah-e-Faisal.

The new route is from Numaish Chowrangi via M.A Jinnah Road, Zaibunissa Street, Metropol, Do Talwar, Teen Talwar, Mazar e Abdullah Shah Ghazi, Dolman Mall and end at Seaview Clock Tower.

Last month, the government announced launching of the only for women People’s Bus Service in Mirpurkhas.

Mosam to macharo ka ha 🦟

Mosam to macharo ka ha 🦟



Itna pyara jora 💔

Itna pyara jora 💔

Congratulations are in order for Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui as they announce the birth of their daughter, Noor-e-...

Congratulations are in order for Zara Noor Abbas and Asad Siddiqui as they announce the birth of their daughter, Noor-e-Jahan Siddiqui 💗



Love 💗

Love 💗

In a recent development, Minister of State Shaza Fatima Khawaja, affiliated with PML-N, has been assigned the role of th...

In a recent development, Minister of State Shaza Fatima Khawaja, affiliated with PML-N, has been assigned the role of the IT and Telecommunication Ministry. The official announcement was made through a notification issued by the principal secretary, following the directives of the prime minister.

Despite taking the oath on Monday night along with other ministers, Shaza Fatima’s portfolio was initially omitted from the list of federal ministers’ assignments. The federal government officially disclosed the portfolios on Monday night, with key appointments like Khawaja Asif overseeing defense, defense production, and aviation, and Ishaq Dar leading the Foreign Ministry. Azam Nazeer Tarar, Ahsan Iqbal, and Qaiser Sheikh were also designated to head specific ministries.

Amidst the reshuffling, Attaullah Tarar assumed the position of federal minister for information and broadcasting. Notably, Shaza Fatima Khawaja had previously taken the oath as a minister of state, and this recent announcement solidifies her role in the IT and Telecommunication Ministry, filling the initial gap in the portfolio list. The new cabinet, sworn in on March 11, reflects the ongoing efforts to form a robust government under Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s leadership

Bank Alfalah , a leading financial institution, has joined forces with  an all-female improv comedy troupe, and  an entr...

Bank Alfalah , a leading financial institution, has joined forces with an all-female improv comedy troupe, and an entrepreneurship community, in a unique collaboration to foster financial inclusion for women. This partnership marks a significant step towards creating awareness and empowering women to take charge of their financial futures.

As part of this collaboration, the event had several keynotes, talks, and panel discussions focused on the importance of women's financial independence and ability to steer their career.

Through their performance, The Khawatoons engaged and empowered the audience, sparking meaningful conversations about the role of women in achieving financial independence and success.

Bank Alfalah is proud to support initiatives that promote gender equality and empower women to reach their full potential. Through collaborations like this, we aim to create a more inclusive society where every woman has the opportunity to thrive financially.


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