Tanahungey's to your own FB Page of First & only English blog-cum-website www.damaulitanahun.wordpress.com. There are other pages all in Nepali languages but we're doing it only in English..why?..as we all Nepalese are somehow already well aware of this Places & get news easily from other nepali news resources too but the world doesn't also as English is spoken & understood by people all over the
world it helps eases other Nationalities reading the stuffs imprinted on it and get connected to the whole world. Its not we boasting ourselves writing in English. Main theme of it is to try to give the happening news, information, entertainment, photos from our own place Damauli + Tanahun to our people of Tanahun living all over the world as well as living inside Nepal and help promote the places. Unlike other FB pages here we only just post the happening things from inside Tanahun only, other than that nothing else. In other FB pages we can see copy paste of all the sh*tty things like this & that blah,blah like Internet Malwares harassing the webpages from other news sources rather than focusing on their own particular places. We strictly prohibit these kind of things. To get the information of your Places and help promote our Damauli Tanahun, u can plz. visit our official website www.damaulitanahun.worpdress.com for full articles.