It is the umbrella title for numerous other titles (and pages) that include the phrase Peace Herald Tribune, prefaced by a place (country, continent) or topic / subject (Health & Sports, Women, Youth, Marriage & Family... and many more). The word Universal is preferred to, say, World, since it includes the spiritual and well as physical dimension of life. the title Peace Herald Tribune:
= the aspiration is Peace, to promote peace, celebrate efforts to create genuine peace, and expose threats to peace; recognizing that peace is not merely the absence of war, and necessarily involves peace in the head and mind as well as in the body, of an individual, couple, family, community, nation, continent, world and universe.
= as a Herald, it seeks to be a messenger, carrying or proclaiming important news; to be a harbinger, giving signs or indications of things to come; even to make proclamations and convey challenges;
= and as a Tribune, to be a protector or champion of the people, provide a platform or dais from which a ''speaker'', even a bishop / hierophant / bard might address an assembly. Pages by location: USA, America, Russia, Africa, Pacific Rim, QalbeAsia... and more
Pages by topic: Health & Sports, Women, Youth, Marriage & Family... and many more...
Universal Peace Herald Tribune is inspired by the teaching and life of Father & Mother Sun Myung Moon, True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind. Father & Mother Mon founded the Universal Peace Federation in 2005. The Universal Peace Herald Tribune and all PHTs are in particular inspired by the aspirations and work of UPF, but are individual initiatives by UPHT founder Christopher Vipond Davies - and any criticism should be levelled at him and him alone.