Living the Kingdom Life Of Christ

Living the Kingdom Life Of Christ You are what you become by what you hear on daily basis.

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There's gonna be free ride to The Grace Experience.

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*MOUNTAIN OF FIRE* *AND MIRACLES* *MINISTRIES International* *Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.*
*Wednesday Manna Water Service*
*April 12th, 2023.*

Text: Psalm 2:1; Mark 9:24–26; Mark 3:27
Ministering: Dr. Daniel Olukoya (G.O. MFM Worldwide)

Last week, we began to look at this topic.

Psalms 2:1 (KJV): "Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?"

Straightaway, you know there is something called the rage of angry spirits. They exist. And in Mark 9, after Jesus had prayed for that boy, there was a rage. There were angry spirits, with violent anger. The Bible also tells us that the devil has come unto the earth, having great wrath, because he knows he has but a short time (Revelation 12:12).

There is a raging battle going on. There is anger from the enemy all over the place, and I explained to you last week that evil spirits do act in rage. When they act in rage, they are like mad cows, but in that madness, they know what they are doing. And so, when there are angry powers against you, you too must learn to pray angry prayers. We are going to pray some of those angry prayers very soon. We need angry prayers to control the angry demons.

We need angry prayers to put to shame the angry rage of the enemy. When you begin to pray these angry prayers, things begin to happen. When somebody begins to pray, "You spirit of darkness, come out with all your roots! in the name of Jesus", they get very angry and aggressive. They begin to rock the boat and cause trouble. There are prayers you pray, and the anger of the enemy is inflamed against you. Jesus will say, "Hold your peace and come out of him!". Jesus will tell them to "be muzzled and get out of him!"

The muzzle is a leather or wire covering the mouth of an animal that prevents the animal from eating or biting. So, Jesus used that word: "Be muzzled and get out!" You can see that it is an angry prayer when you use a muzzle. When somebody is shouting, "Eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, be muzzled and depart," those aggressive prayers will invite the anger of the enemy. That boy that Jesus prayed for, why did the demons in him get so angry?

They got angry because of the loss of accommodations. They had been living in that place for years, possibly from the womb, and now, after 30 or 40 years of living in a place, they were asked to get out. That was why they were so angry—because finding another accommodation might be difficult. That is why the Bible says some spirits roam around; when they are chased out, they do not go far. It is not everybody they can enter, so they go looking for those whose lives they can invade.

- So, they get angry because of loss of accommodation.
- They get angry because of the torture and trouble of looking for another host with whom they will live.
- they get angry because when you say, "Come out with all your roots!", you are extracting their roots out of the life of the person.
- They get angry because these evil spirits are very proud. They have proud personalities, so they find it embarrassing and disgraceful that somebody is asking them to get out.
- They get angry because they may face punishment from Lucifer for losing their hosts.
- They get angry out of fear of demotion, because once you chase them out, they are now going to face demotion.
- They get angry because they feed on human blood and flesh.

So when you say flesh-eaters and blood-drinkers should depart, it is as if you are rendering them hungry. Hunger for flesh and blood makes them angry when they are chased out of places where they can eat flesh and drink blood.

So big point number one: if the enemy is smiling at you, it means your prayers are not getting results. If the enemy is not contesting with you, it means that you are not affecting them. But immediately you begin to affect them, there will be a rage in the bottom of hell fire. There is no point in you complaining about your life and attacking every time. The reason you are facing that is because your destiny has been announced in heaven. You did not hear, but the enemy heard, and they see that you are now on your way to fulfil that destiny, so they raise up a rage against you.

So harassing and bombarding your life with questions is pointless; stop that and fight back. So you should discern that there is a rage against you, and you should rage back in your prayers. It is not boxing, karate, or judo. It is not shouting at people. It is not cursing people, No! Rage back in prayers.

The enemy may ignore your words. Men may scorn what you are saying. Men may belittle the words that come out of your mouth, but they are all very helpless when you get on your knees.

Any minister who is interested in solution evangelism will tell you that they face counterattacks. Sometimes they come to you and ask, "Why did you set this person free? Is this one of your family members? What is your concern in this matter? Leave us alone!" They get angry against ministers of the gospel and against those who are decreeing that what has to happen in their lives must happen.

I am believing that there will be somebody here today who will be sufficiently angry in spirit to demand and to say, "This is where I am supposed to be. This is where I am now. I am not where I am supposed to be. I decree that I must be where I am supposed to be!"

When does the enemy get angry against you?
1. When there are evil promissory notes on you by your parents. Your parents have made promissory notes to the enemy.

I know a Christian sister who, before she got born again, was failing her final exams. After failing eight times, the mother went to a native doctor, who said, "I cannot help you; go to your marine powers." And the mother went there and was given the prescription to get some things, prepare a fully blown meal, go to that river, and place it there, and her daughter would pass.

But once she passed, once a year, the mother was to make sure she prepared that food unfailingly, as though she were preparing for a party, and take it to the river.

The woman agreed. So she signed the promissory note, and the lady passed. And the mother kept going there every year to serve food to the waters.

This is why we sometimes laugh at people who feel they are here in Lagos trying to pray prayers and there is one old man or woman in your village taking your name to an idol to say, "I brought this sacrifice on behalf of my daughter or son in Lagos."

You do not know that they are doing that, but the idol knows and is recording it. And so you get to the deliverance ground and pray, but the idol says "NO!". They get angry against you. So, this lady got her first degree, and then the mother forgot to take the food there, and the life of this lady started going down. It was at that level of going down, when everything was going negative for her, that she knew there was a problem.

She had ten failed wedding engagements before she came to MFM. It was when she started praying here that the Lord said, "Go and ask your mother what is wrong." It was at that stage that we realised that the angry spirits were the ones fighting her.

🔥 I am praying for anyone here that your ancestors or parents consciously or unconsciously, knowingly or unknowingly, wrote a promissory note on your life, which is currently on the altar of darkness, right there where you are, in the name that is above all names, Jesus Christ, receive your deliverance! in the name of Jesus.

So the enemy gets angry because there is a promissory note against you.

2. When an evil angel has been assigned against you, and that angel sees that you want to go away, you want to escape. It is like when you catch an animal, and the animal is trying to run away. They are running after you. Are you surprised that sometimes when you pray very hard, attacks increase? Why did they raise the attacks? They do that because that evil angel does not want to lose the person that has been handed over to him.

🔥 Anyone here tonight, and an evil angel has been assigned to be a follow-follow spirit to be monitoring your destiny, right there where you are, with a tenfold Amen, escape from the evil angel! in the name of Jesus.

3. When your divine destiny is considered risky by the enemies. They say, "Ah, if we allow this man to possess his wealth, he will use it against us." "If we allow this woman to marry, she and her children will be against us." "If we allow this person to go, he will preach the gospel against us in dangerous places and win souls for Jesus." So they get angry whenever you want to move. They resist your movement.

4. When you have been passed through multiple covenants. Your parents gave birth to you in the house of a native doctor; a covenant was formed. On the eighth day, occult people dedicated you; covenant two was signed. On the day of the naming ceremony too, they put honey, dried fish, and water from the river into your mouth; another covenant was signed. Then, for circumcision, they brought the best wizard in the country to do your circumcision, who now took your fo****in away to his coven; another covenant was formed.

Then you started school, and they found out that you were not doing well, so they put incisions on your head; another covenant was formed. Then, when you wanted to go to a religious place of worship, you went to churches that are along the riverside, and you signed another covenant. After some time, you found a boyfriend or girlfriend and formed a blood covenant with them. You signed another covenant.

So once somebody is under multiple covenants like that and all of a sudden he arrives at deliverance ground and shouts, "Every covenant working against me, break!," Of course there would be anger against you from all the demons in charge of all those covenants.

That is why I am saying that when things are like this, you need an equal and more powerful force of angry prayers to deal with them. The prayer the Bible puts in Isaiah says, "Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? But thus saith the LORD, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered".

By lawful captives, we mean those who are qualified to be in bo***ge. There are lawful and unlawful captives. There are some people in bo***ge, and the enemy is just being stubborn and mischievous because they are not supposed to be in bo***ge, but like a kidnapper or armed robber, they have been forced to be in the bo***ge. Those are unlawful captives; they have no right. And if those ones know their rights in Christ, they will decree, "You have no right to hold me here; in Jesus' name, I am going away!" and they go.

But there are some lawful captives. They have done things that have qualified them for bo***ge. But the Bible says that there are prayers that can deliver them from that lawful bo***ge. Nobody asked you to remove your pants, but at the last count, you have slept with about 200 men, or 50 men. So you have formed multiple covenants and multiple joinings. Thus, you are a lawful captive, and you are supposed to be under bo***ge. Once somebody is like that, there is still a way out if you repent and pray the correct prayers.

5. When you are under multiple curses. If your mother has cursed you, if your father has cursed you, if a strange woman has cursed you, if you have even offended your pastor and he has cursed you, the enemy will rage against you.

And for every curse issued, there is a demon to ensure that curse happens. All of a sudden, you say, "I break every curse!" Of course, there will be anger towards you. So you now need to completely repent and pray the kinds of prayers you should pray.

6. When the property of the enemy is in your life. Many complain about bad dreams, but what they fail to realise sometimes is that the video machine playing the bad dreams is already inside their lives, so the enemy gets angry. Nobody asked you to put holes in your nose. Nobody asked you to put holes in your navel. Nobody asked you to put chains on your legs. Nobody asked you to put any property of the enemy on your body. What kind of foolishness is this? People use their money to buy their bo***ge.

The average person cannot recognise a satanic symbol if they see one. The enemy now constructs that satanic symbol and turns it into jewellery, and people buy it. They did not ask you to buy it, but you went and bought it yourself. You did not know that it was an altar. You did not know that those who made it put it down in whatever country they made it in and said, "We dedicate these materials to our god that we serve." So wherever they export it all over the world, demons follow them there.

They have gathered wigs together. Wigs not made in Nigeria. Wigs from the heads of widows, wigs from the heads of dead people. They take them to idols before exporting them. They say, "Idol, these are wigs dedicated to you. As we send them away, let the money prosper in our hands" and so they pass them all over the place. And some people whose heads are not correct will buy it, put it on, and expect the enemy to be playing with them.

Once the property of the enemy is in your life, anger will be raging against you anytime you try to do the right thing.

The seventh and very serious reason why the enemy gets very angry is:
7. When a strong man has been assigned against your life. If that strongman is assigned against your life and you do not deal with it, or you are trying to get away without knowing what to do, the person gets into serious trouble. The Bible says, "When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he taketh from him all his armour wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils."

Jesus was speaking in Mark 3:27, and he said: "No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house." This was Jesus speaking, not just one of the prophets.

Please note that the Bible says, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not an iota of my Word shall pass away." Jesus is warning us, and you are saying, "I am doing fashion." I feel very sorry for you.

The strongman has captured so many things. He has been assigned against a person, he has locked those things up, and now you want them back. If he sees that you want them back, he will wage serious war against you. The enemy then gets very angry. This is where we are stopping tonight; we will continue next time.

But know for sure that if you pray the angry prayers of tonight, you will certainly get results. The warfare that most of us are complaining about; there is something in your life that the enemy is contesting for.

No warfare is for nothing. The enemy is fighting something in you, and that is why you must fight back. Fortunately, the Bible says in Jeremiah 1:19 (KJV): "And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee." It did not say they would not fight. They will give you a hard fight. And you must fight back. But they shall not prevail. And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force (Matthew 11:12).

1. Enemies that hate me without any reason, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
2. Lion of Judah, Arise, tear up every unseen enemy blocking my way, in the name of Jesus.
3. Powers that want my eyes to see evil, violent angels from heaven throw them into fire in the name of Jesus.
4. Every evil stone the enemy is throwing at me, backfire sevenfold in the name of Jesus.
5. Bad luck magnet; infirmity magnet backfire; swallow your senders, in the name of Jesus.
6. Arrows of shame sent to harm my glory, backfire in the name of Jesus.
7. Powers that hate my celebration, before I leave this place, die, in the name of Jesus.
8. Powers assigned to put me on the sick bed, you are liars, die, in the name of Jesus.
9. Angry powers of my father's house, angry powers of my mother's house, angry powers of envious enemies, die, in the name of Jesus

God bless you🙏


If you want to surrender your life to Jesus Christ,

Please, kindly say these prayer:

Lord Jesus,
I come before you this hour,
I thank you for your death on the cross,
I acknowledge my sin today,
Please Lord, forgive me my sin of disobedience, lust, lukewarmness, unbelief, immorality, sexual pervasion, ma********on, lesbianism, drunkenness (list the sins),

Please have mercy on me, deliver me from myself and write my name in the book of life, and help me to see you in Glory at the end of my life's journey on earth.

Thank you Jesus, for saving me, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

God bless you for accepting Christ Jesus.
The Angels in heaven are celebrating you this moment.

Please, endeavor to attend a Bible believing church in your local area.

Kindly inbox with me with your messages or questions you may have in mind.

It is well with you.

God bless you.


Today is the day of Salvation, come to Jesus this hour and be saved.

Acts chapter 2 verse 21 says:

And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Come to Jesus and he will cleans you from all unrighteousness.

He is waiting for you.

Hear the footsteps of Jesus
He is now passing by,
Bearing balm for the wounded
Healing all who apply,
As he calls to the sufferer who lay at the pool,
He is saying this moment will thou be made whole?

Will thou be made whole?
Will thou be made whole?

O come weary sufferer o come sin sick soul,
See the life stream is flowing
See the cleansing waves roll,
Step into the current and thou shall be whole.


The Rapture will surely take place and nothing can stop it.

The great tribulation will commence without delay.

Are you willing to suffer in hell?


What will you tell God when he requires the souls that are supposed to be saved by you?

Ask yourself deep questions beloveth.

Are you truly born again?

Are you certain that your name is written in the book of life?

What did you do with the time he gave to you?

Do you care more about yourself and family and looking down on others?

How many people have heard the gospel of Jesus Christ from me?

Do I care more about the things of this world??

When I pass on from this sinful world, will heaven welcome me or will they say depart from us you worker of iniquities for we know you not??


The Bible says in Amos 4:12;

Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Isreal: and because I will do this unto thee, " Prepare to meet thy God, O Isreal".

Are you ready to meet with Christ?

If you lay down to sleep and you pass on, are you certain you're going to heaven?


You see, the scriptures cannot be broken. The word of God will never fail.

The Bible says that the trump shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first and we that are alive will meet with the Lord in the air,



First Thessalonians 4:16 says; KJV.

For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: And the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

Wherefore, comfort one another with these words.


Your Light has come and your Glory is Risen this year in the name of Jesus.

Go forth, break forth and Return back with your glorious testimonies in Jesus name Amen.




```Saturday 6th February, 2021.```


*Anchored Scriptures:*
*Jeremiah 50:25*
*Colossians 1:15-17*
*Revelations 4:11*
*Job 38:1*
*Nahum 1:3*
*Job 38:4-6*
*Job 38:7*
*Judges 5:20*
*Job 38:8*
*Job 38:9*
*Job 38:15*
*Job 38:12-13*
*Job 38:18*
*Job 38:17*
*Job 38:22*
*Job 38:24*
*Job 38:25*
*Job 38:25-28*

*Ministering: Dr. D. K. Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)*

We are looking at the mystery of God’s armor, and I read from the book of Jeremiah 50:25.

There is something known as God armory and there are many weapons in that armory of God that are unknown to believers, and this is why a lot of things happen.

*I am prophesying on the life of somebody here, that all those thins that are against your destiny that has been happening to you; it will not happen again by the power in the blood of Jesus!*

You see, life is a kingdom of choices; so the best thing you can do as you’re here this morning, is to doubt your doubt.

Because God that sits at the center of the universe, God who knows the number of gallons of water in every ocean, God who knows the number of the sands of the sea, when that God speaks;

His voice becomes a decree that all demons, principalities must obey.

Our entire world was created by His spoken words, by the spoken words of the Almighty.

By the spoken words of the Almighty, every impossibility shall become possible in the name of Jesus!
Blind Bartimeous in the Bible did not say his prayers, he cried them and he got an answer to his prayers.

There is something known as God’s armory and there are many weapons there, unknown to believers. To be quite honest with you, no creation of God can disobey His command. The whole of His creation, they can convert to a weapon.

In Colossians 1:15-17, Revelation 4:11
The truth is that all creation constitute weapons in the armory of God. And as a believer, you have the right to deploy any of these weapons as led by the Holy Spirit.

This morning and in this place, I want you to deploy some of those weapons.

What is the best book to turn to, to gather these weapons?

The best book is the book of ‘Job’. Incase you don’t know, the book of Job is the oldest book in the Bible.

It is identified as the strangest book in the Bible. They call it the oldest book because it has more references to creation, flood and primeval events than any other book; except Genesis.

The book of Job took place in the patriarchal age when heads of family use to offer sacrifices for their families.

You don’t find anything about Abraham, Moses, Israel, judges, kings, prophets in that book; so it is older than them.

But it talks about the fall of man, about the flood, the convent man, the scattering of the people. And the life span of people in Job use to be very long, it is that high.

So it is that book that you can gather these weapons. Let’s see how far we go this morning:

1. The first weapon you can gather is in the book of Job 38:1. In fact that book of Job 38, when you get home; study it very well. You will find plenty of weapons there you can deploy.
*That weapon is the Weapon of Whirlwind* Nahum 1:3. One weapon you learn there is the weapon of the whirlwind.

2. In the same Job 38, look at it from verse 4. Job 38:4-6, this weapon is the *creative power of God.* The creative power of God is a weapon.

I am taking you through systematically so you can know to convert these weapons to prayers. I’m giving examples so you can know how the Holy Spirit will help you to fashion your own prayers.

3. Another weapon is Job 38:7, another weapon is the *Stars.* Judges 5:20. Those stars have military credentials. Pray prayer no. 6.

4. Another weapon you will find in the same Job 38:7, about the *Morning Stars;* these are angels of God. You can deploy the angels of God to fight for you.

5. Another weapon you will find in Job 38:8, another weapon is the *Gate.* So you can say that the gates of God should shut out the troublers of your Israel.

6. Another weapon in Job 38:9 is the *Clouds.* You can decree that the cloud of God will arise and blind all the eyes of your enemies.

7. Another weapon is *Light and Darkness,* which you will find in Job 38:15.

*I pray that the light of your enemies shall be removed, according to this scripture; in the name of Jesus!*

8. Another weapon is in Job 38:12-13, this is where we have the book *'Commanding the morning’.* You can command morning to fight against your enemies.

9. Another weapon we should find in Job 38:18, is the *Deep.*

10. Another weapon is *Death and the Gates of Death.* Job 38:17

11. Another weapon is the earth and the *Earthquake,* you find it in Job 38:18 too.

12. Another weapon is the *Treasury of Snow and Hail,* Job 38:22.

13. Another weapon is the *East Wind,* Job 38:24. If you’re a good reader of scripture, you could have known that when Moses stretched his rod over the land of Egypt, it was the east wind that blow the locust into the place.

*May the east wind blow the wind of paralysis into the camp of your enemies in the name of Jesus!*
14. Another weapon which we will find in Job 38:25, is *Lighting and Thunder.*

15. Another weapon is we will find in Job 38:25-28, is *Rain.*

And as we read on in that Job 38:

16. You find the weapon of *Ice and Frost.*

17. *Weapon of the ordinances of Heaven.*

18. Weapon of the *Lions*

19. Weapon of the *Ravens*

20. Weapon of the *Wild Goats.*

21. Weapon of the *Ox*

22. Weapon of *Leviathan*

All these, you will find in the book of Job 38. If you looks at it very well, you will find a total of *30 weapons in that book.* Weather in figuration or in actual principle, God can use any instrument to fight His battles; and this is applicable to us in our days.

God with, through us and through our prophetic actions, release the weapon of the armory of God and cause great things to happen.

Time to unleash the weapons of the armory of God:

- When temptation want to make you backslide, it is time to unleash the weapon of God’s armory.

- When you’re sick, it is time to unleash the weapons.

- When sons of discouragement are following you, unleash the weapon of God’s armory.

By the time you try weapon 1, weapon 2, weapon 3, by the time you try 40 weapons; something would have happened.

And apart from this Job 38, if you want a book that puts all the weapons together; there is a book published by the mountain of fire called ‘101 weapons of spiritual warfare’. Get that book.

- When your yoke seem to be getting heavier, you need to unleash the weapons.

- When you are being mocked, you need to unleash the weapons.

- When you are using drugs and the drugs are not working, unleash the weapons.

- You find your business is going through a sad decline, and you are drowning like Peter in the sea; unleash the weapons.
This minute, that’s what I’m going to encourage you to do; before we go into our closing prayers.

*Prayer Rain:*

*During Ministration prayers by the General Overseer:*

That’s why I want you to cry like blind Bartimeous in these three prayers I want you to pray. The prayers may seem strange, but let you voice roar like fire and like thunder, let your enemies regret that you are hear. Can you shout this loud and clear:

1. Vultures of death fired against me, backfire in the name of Jesus!

2. Judgement of darkness upon my name, backfire in the name of Jesus!

3. Demonic gang up against my next level, what are you waiting for; scatter in the name of Jesus!

4. O whirlwind of the Lord, roar against my oppressors and turn them upside down in the name of Jesus!

5. O creation, fight against my stubborn enemies in the name of Jesus!

6. Stars of fire from God, arise; fight for me now in the name of Jesus!

*After Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:*

Rise to your feet now, and put on your warrior garment; because the next few minutes will spell a major disaster in the camp of your stubborn enemies.
As you pray this prayers:

* The powers detaining your life in the valley shall be disgraced.

* The strongman that is holding tight to your breakthroughs, will fall down and die in the name of Jesus!

* The enemies that does not want to let you go, they will release you instantly in the name of Jesus!

* The activity of the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood shall be terminated.
All eyes closed, pray with fire and with power, pray with all your strength; for the few minutes we are going to pray. This is a prayer that you cannot negotiate:

7. Strange voices challenging my prayers, shut up now in the name of Jesus!

8. Every sacrifice assigned to chase my helpers away, catch fire in the name of Jesus!

9. Prayer for the sisters: Any discussion of my matter in witchcraft coven shall make them mad in the name of Jesus!

*The next three prayers, please don’t negotiate:*

10. The anointing of ‘touch me not’, enter into my life in the name of Jesus!

11. Powers assigned to turn my life upside down, what are you waiting for; die in the name of Jesus!

12. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise with all your weapons; fight for me now in the name of Jesus!

13. Arrows of pestilence, arrows of pandemic, I’m not your candidate; die in the name of Jesus!

14. Thou power of this pandemic, depart from our nation in the name of Jesus!

*The next few minutes, I want you to know that new angels have just descended into the midst; and they are here because of the prayers that we are going to start praying now. It will be dangerous to keep quite, it will be dangerous to let your volume be low. It says ‘in the day that I cry, then shall my enemies turn back.*

15. Every darkness blocking my way, you’re a liar; die in the name of Jesus!

16. Powers dragging me to where my angels of blessing will not locate me, what are you waiting for; die in the name of Jesus!

17. Powers assigned to defeat me at the edge of my breakthroughs, before I leave this place; die in the name of Jesus!

18. Envious enemies gathered against me, scatter in the name of Jesus!

19. Forces of Egypt pursuing my life, die in the name of Jesus!



MOUNTAIN OF FIRE AND MIRACLES MINISTRIES International Headquarters Lagos Nigeria



Praise worship

Scripture Reading - Isaiah 37

Confession - Matthew 11:30

Prayer Points

1. O God arise and uproot anything You did not plant, inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in Jesus' name.

2. O God let the fire of revival, fall upon the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.

3. O God, let the power of peace and progress, overshadow this nation, in Jesus' name.

4. O God, arise and give us God-fearing leaders, in Jesus' name.

5. Stubborn and cruel affliction, release me and die, in the name of Jesus.

6. Powers, drinking the blood of my breakthroughs, run mad and die, in Jesus' name.

7. Enemies that hate themselves, but are united to fight against me, destroy yourselves, in the name of Jesus.

8. Horns of darkness, assigned to afflict me, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

9. Hard times, assigned against my life, expire, in the name of Jesus.

10. Any satanic prophet, cursing me in a strange language, receive angelic slap, in the name of Jesus.

11. Lord, let satanic prophets and their evil shrines, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

12. Battles, assigned to attract battles into my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

13. Battles, assigned to kill my values, die, in the name of Jesus.

14. Battles, that want me to waste strength on a useless battle, be terminated, in the name of Jesus.

15. Any dark power, saying I will not enjoy my life, you are a liar, die, in Jesus' name.

16. Foundational and local Balaam, cursing me, die, in the name of Jesus.

17. O God, arise, and deliver me from the powers that will make me go places I should not go, in the name of Jesus.

18. O God, arise, and let mercy speak for me in all places where an error has cut me short, in the name of Jesus.

19. Lord, let the rage of conspiracy against my life, scatter, in the name of Jesus.

20. By the anointing of God, that breaks every yoke, O God, arise and destroy the bars of iron hanging over my life, in the name of Jesus.

21. O God, arise, and let Your anointing terminate my struggles, in the name of Jesus.

22. Every power, that wants me to be a scapegoat, for my enemies, die, in Jesus' name.

23. Every satanic arrow, fired at me, go back to your senders, in the
name of Jesus.

24. O God, arise, let the joy of the wasters in my life come to an end, in Jesus' name.

25. No matter how far the wizards have gone, I stop them. No matter what they have done, I destroy them, in the name of Jesus.

26. O God, arise, and honour me above all my enemies, in the name of Jesus.

27. Foundation of my life, hear the word of the Lord, flourish and prosper, in the name of Jesus.

28. Songs of glory and joy, locate my mouth; dance of joy, locate my legs, in the name of Jesus.

29. My destiny, hear the word of the Lord, you shall not fish in the barren water of life, in the name of Jesus.

30. Where is the Lord God of Elijah? Arise, and turn my shame to praises, in Jesus' name.

31. Every spiritual rag, around my body, assigned to detain me in captivity, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

32. Arrows of desert and lean blessings, come out with all your poison, in Jesus' name.

33. Every witchcraft power, using my sweat against me, lose your power and die, in the name of Jesus.

34. Powers of dead persons, assigned to kill my helpers, fall back into your grave, in the name of Jesus.

35. Every ancestral mortar, pounding my breakthroughs, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

36. Powers, jamming answers to my prayers, disappear, in the name of Jesus.

37. Any power assigned to use my blood for business, pay with your own blood, in the name of Jesus.

38. Any power, warming up to drink my blood, run mad and die, in the name of Jesus.

39. Terminating deposits, in my life, be flushed out by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

40. Every gate of death, waiting to welcome me, reject me and close, in Jesus' name.







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