Bright Fact



⚜️the billionaire's baby ⚜️

(He's a single Dad)👨‍👦

Episode 4
I stared at the pretty little girl in front of me and my mouth itch to ask questions. She's so beautiful, as little as she is her skin glows like it has never been touched before, she looks so classy.

"What's your name little girl" I couldn't keep my mouth shut and my mouth totally gave way.

She raised her head from the iPad which seems to have all her focus.

"Julia Bianca" she said, even her voice is adorable.

"Who's your father?' I asked again.

"Dave Anderson" she replied smartly and took her eyes back to the phone.
I gasp slowly, I never knew my boss had a daughter, am 100% sure nobody is aware, it's gonna be news.
I stared keenly at her, she looks familiar and I can't pin point where I have seen her.

"I need a candy bar aunt" her voice broke into my thoughts.

I took 3 different candies out of the bag.
"Here" I stretched them towards her.
She stared at me before taking them, my eyes twinkled in recognition.

She looks like the famous model Bianca Renner.

But how! She can't be her mum!
I mentally slapped myself for thinking too much.
A loud cry jolted me from my thoughts.
I stared wide eyed as the little girl cried.

"What the hell happened?"
I got no reply, I roam my eyes over body and my eyes landed on her finger, it has a little blood stain on it.
Oh no!
I guess she bit it while trying to open the candy.

The boss ordered that she should not cry what am I to do.
"It's okay Julia" I called out but she still continued to cry

"Shh...." I tried calming her down but she continued.
"Daddy" she cried.
I became confused and grabbed my phone, I called him only for the phone to ring in the office.

"Take me to daddy...."

I held her little hand having decided on taking her to her dad.
He won't be mad at me right? My heart skipped several beat as me got closer to the board room and this Julia is still crying, spoilt child!

"A little bit of fragrance would do the trick and an additional out the original would make it more appealing" I explained to the investors.

"I guess you're right Mr Dave...." He was cut short by the opening of the door followed by a loud cry.
I turned sharply to see Blair and Julia walk in.
My hear sank at the sight of my baby crying. Forgetting I was in the middle of a meeting I rushed to them and scooped Julia in my arms.

"What the hell happened!??" I yelled

I cleaned the tears that roll down Julia's cheek and checked her body for any bruise but found none.
I kissed her cheek twice then her forehead.
Suddenly remembering I was I'm a meeting I turned to see the men staring at me.
I gave Blair asign to leave .

"Am sorry gentleman please forgive my manners" I took my seat with Julia still my arms, I have no intentions of keeping her down.

"Who's she Mr Dave?" One of them asked.

"She's my daughter" I said plainly not ready to give further explanation.

"She's so beautiful Mr Dave" another said.
I smiled lightly with a nod, I get that alot.

"And she looks kind of familiar...."

"Okay, let's go back to business" I cut him off before he links it to Bianca.
We debated for sometime during which Bianca slept off.

They agreed to invest in our company and offered to use Julia as the face of their new children product but I bluntly refused.
I never used her for my own product because I feel she'll take after her mom and she might leave me, no! Cant take the risk, she's forever my baby.

I think Dave is acting base on experience what do you think?


⚜️the billionaire's baby ⚜️

(He's a single Dad)👨‍👦

Episode 3
I held Julia's hand as we walked into my office building.
"Good morning sir" the staffs greeted but I just nodded in response.
Some of them murmured words but I could pick out a little.

*The little girl is so pretty*

*Who's she?*

*How can a child be so beautiful*

I smiled knowingly, I've never brought Julia to work before and I could bet on 10 thousand that they don't even know she's my daughter.
I stared at Julia who was oblivious of whatever they were saying

"Julia Bianca!" I scolded as she left my side and started running as though she knows the way to around here.

She stopped and waited for me to get there.
"Sorry Dad" she pouted.

We got to my office and I made her seat on the couch.
"No disturbance Julia" I stretched an iPad to her which she took smiling.

I faced my system replying some emails and deleting the irrelevant ones.

Bianca's thought suddenly flashed through my mind. How could Kelvin suggest that.
Bianca, she used to be my girlfriend, u loved her so much and she loved me in return or so I thought, we practically do everything together, our first sexual experience resulted in my bundle of joy, Julia.
She never expressed her her displeasure in having a baby, infact she was totally happy with it but she gave birth to Julia and left after a month.
We named her Julia Bianca which is a combination of her name.

Bianca is now a top notch model and is practically the face of every beauty magazine
I still can't believe she left us to make money, when I had enough.
I hate the fact that my baby had to grow up without her mum but am cool with it now, raising my daughter was fun.

Julia took everything about her mum ranging from hair color to overall beauty, she serves as a reminder of her mom but in a good way. I really loved Bianca and I don't know if I still do.

My main focus in life is to shower my baby girl with all the love, care and glimmer of life, I personally made the cream kit she uses, my company deals on that.
Am a billionaire and my girl won't have time work a day on Earth, my only problem is that one day she'll grow up and leave me.

"Sir the investors are waiting in the board room" my secretary's voice broke into my thought.

"Alright Blair, come with me" I took her to the couch where Julia sat.
"Julia" I called to get her attention, she stared at me cutely and my smile widened.
"Am just gonna attend a meeting okay? Be a good girl, you can tell her what ever you need" I said pointing to Blair.
I placed a kiss on her cheeks before standing up.
I turned to Blair.

"There's a bag on th desk, it belongs to her and you can find different snacks as well as chocolates, make sure sh doesn't shed a tear." I said to her.

I took one more glance at Julia before leaving for the board room.
Only Hannah has taken care of Julia apart from me, I hope she likes Blair.

I stared at the picture of Julia Bianca which Kelvin just sent to me. After so much pleading, he finally gave me a picture, I had to beg Kelvin for this picture for months, he was so scared of Dave finding out. I couldn't be more happier, she's truly beautiful.

Am so ashamed of my self, am really a terrible mother huh...
I thought of calling Dave but shrugged it off instead I scrolled through the pictures of Dave in my second phone. I stared at both father and daughter and a tear dropped from my eye.
"I never planned on leaving the both of you, if it were up to me, I'd b with the both of you right now."

Dave's pictures are all over the internet but not a single picture of Julia could be seen. He's doing a good job hiding her from me.
Am so tired of living in pain, I'll get to see both of you real soon.
I hope Dave takes me back, at least for my daughter's sake, more tears streamed down my eyes but I wiped them off hurriedly as my Gloria my assistant came in.
"You have a photoshoot now Bianca" I nodded my head in response and dropped my phone as she did a little touch up on my face.


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⚜️The billionaire's baby ⚜️

( He's a single Dad)👨‍👦

Episode 1
The annoying sound of my alarm peered into my beautiful sleep and woke me up.
What the hell! Alarm.

I woke up to an alarm this morning? It's unlike me, I haven't done that in months.

My princess always wakes me up, she never fails to do that.
I rushed into the bathroom and took my bath, I came out and wore my work outfit consisting of a black trouser on a long sleeved shirt and my tie for the final touch.

I picked my phone from the night stand and rushed out of my room. Everything seems to be in a hurry today.

"Hannah!" I called out loud

"Sir" she came rushing towards me.
"Good morning sir, I was just on my way to your room" she hesitated a little before speaking up.
"Julia Bianca is sick"

My heart skipped a bit the moment those 4 word left her mouth.

I took the stairs that leads to her room, how the hell did she fall ill.

I opened the door to see my little girl curled up in bed and tucked in a blanket.

"Baby.." I rushed to her bedside taking off the blanket, her pretty eyes twinkled in recognition.

"Dad" she muttered.

I felt her temperature with my palm and she was burning up. I scrolled through my contacts and called Kelvin.

"You need to house right now Kelvin!" With that I hung up.

Kelvin has been a friend of mine and he was also among the doctors in the delivery room.

"How come am just finding about her illness just this morning Hannah"

I also find out this morning sir and I was on my way to call you"

Julia Bianca has never been sick for 2 years now, I wonder what happened.

Am Dave Anderson 24 years old bachelor with a daughter, yeah! I have a daughter and she's four. Well her mum left us when she was born and right now am more worried that she's sick than anything else.

I loosened my tie and threw it on the couch. I carried my baby on my lap waiting for Kelvin to come.

This is definitely the reason she wasn't jumping on my bed when I woke up this morning.
The door opened and Kelvin rushed in.

Knowing I wasn't going to drop her, he tended to her right in my arms.

"What's wrong kel?, would she be fine?" I asked worriedly.

He urged me to lie her down on the bed which I did reluctantly.

"Let's talk outside Dave"
I followed him outside giving Hannah instruction to stay with her.

"What's wrong Kel"

"There's no trace of fever in her, I think the reason why she's burning up is because she misses her mum." He said and my heart fell.

"Her mum??"

The baby needs her mom....
Episode 2 dropping today please encourage me with your likes.

Love you all 💕 💕💕



( Crazy Office Romance )



Jocelyn broke it after some minutes and pecked him on the cheeks

He smiled widely

Right now the lady in front of him means a whole lot to him

“I love you” Jocelyn said

“Much love Lynn” he replied and is about to kiss her again when his phone rang

Jocelyn’s phone rang too

They picked at the same time and after picking, they looked at each other and smiles took over their faces

Blake held her hand and they left the place

They got in the car and Blake drove them to the hospital

Emery just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy

The baby is already in his coat, struggling in his small space

And even at the fact that he’s a new born baby, he looks a lot like Emery already

Raymond is sitting beside Emery who’s laying on the bed

Julius and Glenn are present already with Alyssa

“It was like a miracle, she didn’t spend up to thirty minutes in the labour room” Raymond said

” Wow!” Jocelyn said surprisingly

” That’s surprising ” Blake replied

“I’m just glad I’m finally a grandmother” Alysa said

“And I’m glad that apart from a beautiful brainy wife, I got a handsome dude as my first son, I can’t ask for more” Raymond said, kissing Emery lightly

” Thanks for bringing our baby home safely” he said

“It’s my pleasure” she replied with a big smile on her face..

” So news flash everyone” Jocelyn suddenly said

” Jocelyn” Blake said quietly but she pretended like she didn’t hear

“I’m officially Blake’s girlfriend” she said

Maybe the spirit of shyness decided to visit him today

He became shy again

“OMG!” Glenn screamed

“You finally fell in sh*t” Julius giggled

“Great news” Alyssa said

“Blake thanks for this, you don’t know how happy I am for you, that you finally decided to be a man” Emery said

Blake covered his face with his palm

Raymond walked up to him and hugged him

“Hey…” Blake said

“I’m just so happy that you’ve eventually did the right thing Blake, I love you bro” he said, patting Blake’s back

Glenn hugged Jocelyn too

” Miss Magnet has finally hooked Mr Casanova” she said

” Don’t call us that again, everything has changed now” Jocelyn said

“I’m proud of you daughter” Alyssa said and hugged her too

” I love you Jocelyn” Emery said

Jocelyn hugged her on the bed

” Love you more sis, and thanks for bringing that cutie safely to the world” she replied, pecking her

” Congratulations Jocelyn” Julius said

“Thanks Julius” she replied

” And another news flash, I’m pregnant, two months” Glenn said

“oh ma God!, Congrats sis” Emery exclaimed

” Congrats former secretary” Blake said

“Congratulations sis” Jocelyn said

“Congrats” Raymond said with a wide smile

” Congrats baby” Alyssa said and hugged her

*So no one is telling me congratulations despite the fact that I’m the manufacturer, it’s unfair” Julius said

They all laughed before congratulating him too

” Today is a happy day I swear, you came to earth on a happy day” Alyssa said, stroking the baby’s cheek in the cot

“His name is Benedict” Emery said

“Yeah” Raymond replied

“How cute!, My Benedict” Alyssa said


A month later**

Raymond and Emery came down from the car In front of Crown empire this morning, all set to start work

They’re resuming work today and Emery is getting introduced today…

Crown empire 2 is starting work today too with Blake as it’s CEO

It was Raymond who carried the baby

They agreed to be taking him to work since Raymond rejected the idea of getting a babysitter

He says he’d rather be his son’s babysitter

He pecked Benedict on the cheeks and Emery did the same

He pecked Emery too before they both went in

The staffs bowed in greetings and they replied them all but Emery suddenly noticed someone among the cleaners

He’s busy hiding his face but she just can’t help but know him

“Jerry?” She said

He shamefully showed his face

He’s holding a mop with a guilty look on his face…

“It’s really you” Emery said

“Oh, I think I know you and I should thank you” Raymond said and walked closer to him

” Look thanks for giving me the opportunity to find a way to the heart of my grapefruit” he said

” Emery I’m so sorry, I just realized what I’ve lost” he said, hiding his tears

” Unfortunately you realized late” Emery said and left

Raymond followed behind…

The staffs gathered below the stairs and Raymond made the announcement himself

“I… Raymond Crown is resuming my post as the CEO of Crown empire today.. and introducing my wife, the woman of my dreams, my world, my grapefruit … Emery Crown as the new chairwoman of Crown empire” he said

Everyone clapped and cheered to the new development

“The choosing of the new head of staffs will be done soon, so everyone get to work, lagging behind means you want to get yourself fired” Raymond said

” Work hard everyone.. hard work is the way to excellence” Emery said with a big smile

” Oh!, Lest I forget, I’m introducing the future CEO of this empire, Benedict Crown” Raymond said, kissing Benedict in his arms

The staffs clapped and smiled

Every family will want to imitate them, they’re too too cute…



“I want ice cream baby” Glenn said , sitting on the couch

Julius is busy massaging her shoulders

Her stomach is getting big already

He left to get it from the freezer and sat in front of her

“Don’t tell me you want to feed me” she said


She took it from him

*I’m not crippled, I can do it, just continue the massage” she said

He stood and kissed her deeply before going behind her again to continue the massage


“Yes?” Julius replied

“What should we name him if it’s a boy?’ she asked

“Sam” he replied

“Cute, what if she’s a girl?”

“Olivia” he said

“Kiss me, I love it” she replied, raising her head up

He kissed her again till the ice cream melted…


Blake entered Jocelyn’s touch with smiles on his face

He scanned everywhere for Jocelyn but can’t find her

Her students are busy working on customers

“Where’s my baby?” He asked one of them

“Boss is in, resting” she replied

He went to her private room and truly met her sleeping on the bed

He smiled and sat beside her on the bed

He didn’t call to say he’s coming though

He stared at her sleeping face for long, smiling too

How they met is just too funny

But here they are now, in love

And she’s. .. pretty

Love is really a bitch, since he fell in love, other ladies has become ugly to him

Only his babe is beautiful

Love can do wonders when you’re really into it

He touched her cheeks and that woke her up

She smiled immediately she saw his face

“Baby” she said

“Heard you’re tired and taking a nap” he said

She sat up and knelt on the bed in front of him

She hugged him

“But now you’re here” she said

“Mind if I give you a finger massage?” He asked

“I actually don’t mind but what if you massage my lips first?” She said

*I don’t mind” he replied and grabbed her waist, connecting their lips in an hot kiss

He pushed her gently to the bed and he lay on top of her


He stopped

” What?”

” The door” she said…

He smiled and went to the door

He shut it and locked it behind before going back to her…


“I’m all yours” she replied
He yanked off his coat and shirt,

He climbed the bed again and resumed devouring her lips which later led to a top notch Romance…


A year later****

Crown empire and Crown empire 2 remains the two best empires in New York till now

Jocelyn’s touch exceeded Damsel’s touch and is now the most popular makeup artist in New York

Popularly known as Lynn, no… Lynn is for only one person

She got married to Blake just last month and their wedding still remains one of a kind

And Glenn, is a happy mother of Olivia together with Julius..

So after being his secretary for some weeks, she ended up being his grapefruit, mother of his child and the chairwoman of his company, owner of his heart

Emery Crown, Raymond’s grapefruit till now

She’s not scared of rainy nights anymore, maybe because Raymond is always with her

Love is indeed great wherever it is…

That’s why till now, it still remains the most beautiful thing in the world….

Love is cute


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( Crazy Office Romance )



Tears of joy fell from Emery’s eyes

“What were you expecting?, I can’t possibly say no when I’m carrying your baby, yes sweetheart, yes yes a million times” she replied happily

He kissed her again, it was deep this time and the clapping doubled

They broke it after some minutes and hugged each other

And that’s when they have eyes for the others

“My darling” Emery said, hugging Glenn tightly

*Sweetheart I’m so happy to have you back, you don’t know how happy I am” she replied and pecked her

She hugged Julius lightly too

” Glad you’re back, I really don’t know how to take care of people with mental problem so you saved me by coming back” he said

Raymond hit him playfully

” Casanova” she said when she got to Blake

“Not anymore, I got tired of it already” he replied

“high five” Emery said and they did an high five

” So candy heart, meet my new mum to be, doctor Alyssa, she took care of me and our baby during my one month in coma without collecting one dime” Emery said

Alyssa smiled

” How can I thank you madam?, Just how can I say my thanks” Raymond said

” Nothing much, just let me adopt your wife to be my daughter” she replied

“It’s fine, you took care of her, what more is there to ask for” he said

” Thanks Mr Raymond Crown” Alyssa replied with a grateful smile

” And this is Magnet…sorry I mean Jocelyn, the one who took me from the skyscraper, I actually have known her from the orphanage, she’s like a sister to me” Emery said

” Thanks a lot Jocelyn, thanks very much I’m just too happy for what I’m witnessing today, I’m too overwhelmed, thanks a bunch” he said

Jocelyn bowed and smiled

” She’s really a Magnet” Blake mumbled, looking at Jocelyn who kept her face down

“Oh dear, you don’t have to be mad, she actually used the money she took from you on me, so I’ll pay back , ok Blake?” Emery said

” It’s nothing, just praising her abilities” Blake replied…

“I need to go see devil for the last time” Raymond said, meaning Brenda


“we should take her to the hospital” a cop said Immediately Raymond entered the station with Blake Emery and the others

“I’ll talk to her first” Blake replied

“Thirty minutes from now, she’ll bleed till death” another cop said

“Who cares”. Raymond replied…

They were led to the room she’s in

She sat on a chair, the empty bleeding arm was covered with a cloth though the clothe is wet with blood already

She’s already shaking and crying at the same time

“It must be painful right?” Raymond said


” Don’t call me that” he interrupted

“I’m just sorry, it’s just that, the world is so boring, I just thought of adding a little sauce” she said in tears

” A little sauce?, By killing the Innocents?” Emery said

” I’m just here to say bye, you don’t deserve it but it’s my last gift, your spirit is too unlucky, I gave you one month and only two weeks, you’re about to die, you deserve it anyways, dying with only one hand is the best for someone like you , I just wish Dorothy had the chance to cut off the other one before the cops intervened” Blake said

Brenda started another round of tears

” I’m so sorry”

“Too late, five minutes left for you” Blake said, checking the time

” You know what madam Brenda?, Chase the devil from the throne once you get to heaven cos that throne belongs to you” Jocelyn said, rolling eyes

They left the place as she started gasping for breath

She died on the spot


They went straight to a registrar’s office to adopt Emery, Jocelyn and Glenn as Alyssa’s daughter, registering their surnames as hers…


But it’ll soon change anyways since they’re all getting married soon, but what matters is that they now have a mum to call theirs….

Alyssa stayed with them throughout that day before going back the second day, promising to come check on them every weekend especially Emery…


“Candy heart” Emery said with a smile on her face

Her face is gradually changing from radiant to tired, maybe because of the pregnancy…

*Yes grape” he replied, massaging her toes

” I love you” she said

” You’ve said that close to hundred times today” he said

” I can say it hundred more times, thanks for taking care of me” she said

” It’s nothing, aren’t feeling thirty right?” He asked

“A little bit” she replied

He rushed to the freezer and brought a bottle of water which he poured in a cup

He placed it on her mouth and made her drink in his hand

“Thanks” she said after drinking

“Don’t say that again, anything else?” He asked

“The teddy” she replied

He went upstairs to get it

He came back with it and she took it from him , admiring it

“Thanks to that, I was able to live one month successfully, I kissed it countlessly” he said

” I’m sorry” she replied

” It’s ok grapefruit” he replied

Her eyes suddenly caught his finger

“That” she said, looking intently at the ring

” This?, You still remember it?”

” The one I got during the run to the mall” she replied.

” Yeah, I kept it, now we only need to get your own ring for the wedding since I have mine, you just have to insert it” he replied

” Really can’t believe you still have that” she said

” I’ve loved you for long” he said

She widened her arms and he hugged her

“Wedding bells are ringing, can’t wait for Saturday” he said

“Me too” she replied, closing her eyes and smiling hard…



“So ….. Now that everything is settled, I don’t want to see a crybaby again, Glenn should come back” Julius said, hugging Glenn from behind in the bedroom, she’s actually Changing to her nightie

“I won’t cry anymore trust me, since my friend is here already” she replied

He kissed her bare shoulder and a short gasp escaped her lips

“What if you don’t put that on” he said

She faced him

“Really?’ she said

He kissed her deeply and stylishly unhooked her bra from behind


He interrupted with another kiss

” I want you” he said

She kept staring at him

“Should we still wait?” He said

“Ion think so” she replied and quickly kissed him

He completely took off her bra, rubbing his fingers on her t**s

“Oh ma God!” She moaned softly when he carried her and lay her on the bed

He sucked on her t**s for long before his hand lingered on top of her shorts

He looked at her and she nodded nervously

He took it off, coming face to face with her nakedness

“Love you Glenn”

“Love you forever Julius” she replied

He peeled off his clothes and moved in

“Julius” she moaned, closing her eyes…


Second day***

Blake rang the doorbell at the house of a known person

She opened the door and her eyes widened


“Miss Magnet” he replied

He came in fully and sat

“I need a drink” he said

She went straight to the cellar and brought a bottle of Budweiser

“Not this” he said

She went back and brought champagne

“Not this” he replied, pressing his phone

She brought vodka next

” Not this” he replied

She brought Baron

“Not this either” he replied

He’s not even looking up before saying not this

Jocelyn went back to the cellar with the little bit of patient left in her

She brought royals

“Not this” he said

“And why the hell are you doing this!, I’m not a lorry you can order around!, I’m tired!” She shouted frustratedly

” We’ve not even started and you’re shouting already” he said, standing up

He walked closer to her and she kept shifting back till she got to the wall

He stood in front of her and placed his hands on the wall, caging her in

She looked straight at him

That made him wonder how she can do that

Girls always say she’s too handsome to look at, they say his handsomeness can blind

“You’re still owing me” he said..

“Emery promised to pay back” she replied

He tried hard not to look at her lips

*No I want it from you” he replied, looking straight at her

” I’ll…I’ll.. I’ll pay you” she stammered

His hands went to her hair

” You rear hens?” He said, removing a white feather from her hair

” Maybe my pillow” she replied

“Why are you different from all the girls I’ve met?” He said

” Huh?”

” Forget it” he said and brought out a card

He handed it to her

“It’s the address of where you’ll be starting work as from tommorow, as a makeup artist, Emery said you’re quiet good at it” he said

Her eyes lightened up

” Like seriously?”

” Do I look like someone who can lie?” He said

She jumped up and eventually hugged him happily without knowing

“You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting this, I’m so glad Blake, I’m glad you did this for me, just short of words” she said

Blake hugged her back but she quickly retracted when she got back to her senses…

“I’m..I’m sorry” she said, still looking at his eyes

Any other girl would be embarrassed…not her

He looked away

“Cook something for me” he said

“What?’ Sge asked

“chicken casserole” he replied

“I’ll make it delicious” she replied with a wink

” By the way your bra strap is showing” he said

She quickly looked at it, it’s really showing

“Thanks” she replied to his face and adjusted it right there

“Magnet Please! I’m trying hard to be holy , go in to do that” he said, covering his eyes

” Magnet?, And I said I’m not Magnet anymore” she replied.

” Magnet” he teased

” Say that one more time’ she said

“Magnet, Magnet, Magnet” he said repeatedly

She jumped back on him and made him fall on the ground with her on the top

Her hands made contact with her butt in the process

Her eyes widened

“What did you just touch?”

“A soft butt” he replied with a naughty smile on his face, revealing how cute he is

Jocelyn swallowed hard

“I’m serious, it’s soft” he said again


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( Crazy Office Romance )




Emery breathed in and out for some minutes, trying to balance her breaths

“You’ve been taking oats unconsciously for a month, stop blowing out air like that, you might end up blowing out your intestines” Jocelyn said

” I just hope my darling will be ok, I really hope” Emery said

” So far I haven’t heard any news about the death of CEO of Crown empire” Jocelyn said

” God forbid evil, he’ll never die, we made a deal of always and forever so forget about death, I’m just scared of how miserable he’d have been” she replied, shedding tears again

” But one happy news is that … The devil’s advocate is dead, I mean Liz” Jocelyn said

” Really?, What killed her? ”

” Death” Jocelyn replied

” I mean how did she die? ”

” She died by experiencing death” Jocelyn replied

” Don’t be so annoying again, I mean was she killed? ” Emery said

” Obviously, Brenda killed her so she won’t spit out her secret, it’s just so obvious to me” Jocelyn replied

“Ion know but.. I feel like the devil bribed someone to get on that throne, Brenda is the real devil, after killing my parents, she decided to kill me again just because I’m in love with her son” Emery said

” Such is life, trust no one, but why will you go to skyscraper alone?”

” I was texted to come meet the killer of my parents” Emery replied

” Are you daft?, Someone who made your parents die in the fatal accident, you think she’s not capable of killing you too?, You should have contacted the cops ” Jocelyn said

” I lost my senses then, I know what I did was senseless” Emery replied, her stomach making sounds

Jocelyn giggled

“I’ll get you something to eat, you still like spicy spaghetti?” She said

” Of course it’s still my best, but I don’t feel like eating right now” she replied

Jocelyn rolled eyes at her

” Are you talking to me?, Eat or get spanked, choose one” she said

“Jocelyn… ” Emery said

” Shhhh’ Jocelyn replied, taking in her lips as she entered the small kitchen

“By the way, how have you been living? ‘ Emery asked

“Magnet job of course, after I left the orphanage, no one is ready to give me a job and you know I’m not close to good at school, I dropped out at year two so madam Kira (the orphanage owner) won’t continue to waste her money” she replied

” What about since we got here? ‘ Emery asked

“Oh, I actually Magnet from Blake Crown a night before the incident, so i used it for two weeks, then after that, I almost got caught in a store while stealing, doctor Alyssa helped me, she has really been of great help, she took no dime in taking care of you” Jocelyn replied

Emery laughed lightly

“Blake will skin you alive ” she said

“I know, I just have to apologise, he helped me but I ended up stealing from him” Jocelyn said sadly

” Well he’s single, and I think he has stopped chasing after girls, he’s trying hard to stop smoking too” Emery said

” Meaning? ”

” Hook up you know” Emery said

“You’re sick” Jocelyn replied

Doctor Alyssa came In

” Oh!, Our Emery is awake!” She said with a big smile

” Doctor Alyssa? ” Emery guessed

“Yeah” she replied

“My lifesaver” Emery gushed, sitting up properly as Alyssa came more closer

She hugged her

“You’re too kind, you took no cash for treating me, how can I even say thank you” Emery said

” Just be good and don’t do anything to stress that baby inside you, then get ready to meet your boyfriend tommorow, since you’re awake now, we should go home tommorow” Alyssa said

Emery nodded positively

” I miss my candy heart, I can’t wait” she said

” And putting that animal called Brenda behind bars will be made snappy, she doesn’t deserve to live amidst humans” Jocelyn said, coming out of the kitchen

” Sure” Alyssa replied

“Doctor Alyssa, you should stay for dinner, the spaghetti is almost done” Jocelyn said

” Sure, and Emery, you must promise me to eat well during dinner” Alyssa said

” Sure… Em, you’re old enough to be my mother” Emery said

” Me too” Jocelyn added

” Maybe, I’m turning fourthy at the end of this year” Alyssa replied

” You aren’t married? ” Emery asked

” My husband and only daughter died in a plane crash five years ago” she replied

” I’m sorry” Emery and Jocelyn said simultaneously

“It’s ok, so you both, can I adopt you both?, Please?” Alyssa said

Jocelyn and Emery exchanged glances

” I bet you’ll wanna make us three, Glenn is cool too, you’ll meet her tomorrow” Emery said

” I don’t mind, I really want daughters around me, I’ve always wanted daughters to call mine” Alyssa replied

” Yayyy!! ” Emery and Jocelyn screamed joyously…

” Ok, it should be done by now” Jocelyn said and left for the kitchen

She dished the food in three separate plates and set it on the table

“Maybe our Emery will still be too weak to eat by herself” Alyssa said

” I can manage” Emery replied

” No dear, open up” Alyssa said, raising a fork full of spaghetti to her mouth

Emery smiled and opened up

She shoved the fork gently into her mouth

“I’m jealous” Jocelyn said…


Next day**

Raymond is really really very sick, he has been in the hospital for days now and is showing no signs of improvement

Blake and Julius with Glenn stood by him throughout but it’s not even helping, all he kept saying is Emery…

Brenda never bothered to come, he won’t want to see her anyways…

She sat in her big house, feeling lonely like hell

Dorothy has never called or visited since Liz died though she doesn’t know why but she never called or visited too

Her doorbell suddenly rang

She stood and went to the door

She opened the door and Dorothy came to view with something wrapped with a white shawl in her hand

Then a determined smile on her face

“Dorothy?, You surprised me, I thought we’re at odds” she said as Dorothy came in fully…

” I’ve called the cops and told them everything you did to Emery and her parents, that you did to my daughter too” Dorothy said


“They’re coming for your arrest, but that’ll be after I might have cut off your hands, the hand you used to put poison in Liz’s drink” she said, removing the sword from the shawl

Brenda’s eyes widened

” What are you.. you talking about?” She stammered, drawing back

” I know you killed Liz cos you’re afraid Blake might force words out of her mouth so stop f*cking pretending! ” Dorothy yelled

” Dorothy…

“If you’re planning to plead, too late” Dorothy said and raised the sword, she brought it down on Brenda’s right arm, cutting it off completely

She cried out in great agony as her blood pumped out uncontrollably

She’s about to cut off the second one when the cops rushed in

She dropped the sword voluntarily and fell in tears

“She killed my daughter, she killed her” she cried…

Brenda is still screaming in pains as her blood continued wasting

They were both pushed into the police van and taken to the station after Brenda’s bleeding joint has been covered with a towel…


Getting off from the bus at the bus stop, the first thing Emery’s eyes caught is the street TV

A news is going on, her eyes widened when she saw Brenda being taken out of the police van with only an arm, her second arm is gone

She was pushed into the station with another woman…

News: chairwoman of Crown empire, madam Brenda Crown has been arrested in her house today after her right arm got cut by her closest friend Dorothy Harsha…. Dorothy confessed that it was Brenda who killed the missing girlfriend of CEO Raymond Crown by pushing her from the top of one thousand stairs on an uncompleted skyscraper…. having Liz as the only witness became a bother to Brenda, she killed Liz by poisoning and dumped her body…

Reporters also Stated the real reason for Emery Williams murder, … Brenda killed Emery’s parents, Gloria and Brian Williams thirteen years ago while going to dump the co**se of her mother whom she also killed by herself… CEO Raymond Crown was said to have been in the hospital since days ago, seriously lovesick…is madam Brenda really a human?….

Emery is already crying

Jocelyn placed her hand on her shoulder

Alyssa hugged her

“You have a strong soul and spirit, you won the battle without lifting a finger” she said

” Madam Alyssa I’m just..I’m grateful I’m not dead, I’m grateful to be alive, I can’t ask for more” she replied

Alyssa wiped her tears

” It’s ok baby, stop crying” she said.

“My sweetheart is sick, we should go to the family hospital first, I’m sure he’ll be there” she said

Jocelyn stopped a cab and the drive to the hospital started


“Finally, I think I should be a prophetess, I gave her a month and just two weeks, she lost an arm, an hour from now, she’ll bleed till death,” Blake said, watching the news from the hospital TV

“So she killed Emmie’s parents too?” Raymond said

” She’s the devil, I wonder where she is when the vote for devil is going on” Julius said

Raymond cried more

” Raymond stop crying, that’s what you’ve been doing since a month ago” Glenn said

Blake is about to talk when there suddenly came loud shouts from the hallway outside

It came nearer and nearer and it finally came in

Their eyes widened

Emery is standing right in front of them with Jocelyn and Alyssa beside her..then some doctors and interns

“Emmie?” Raymond said, wiping his tears, thinking maybe it’s what’s making him see things

But she’s still in front of him

“Candy heart” Emery said and her tears fell as she ran to him

Raymond got down from the bed and met her halfway, they hugged each other so tight but her belly is doing a good job in not making the hug very tight

“Raymond I missed you” she said tearfully

” Don’t talk Emmie, just shut up and let’s stay like this” he replied

She kept mute, only her sobs can be heard

Blake’s eyes caught Jocelyn and she faced the floor, too embarrassed to look at him

“Where have you been!” Raymond finally spoke up

” I was pushed from the stairs, but Jocelyn here saved me, doctor Alyssa saved me completely” Emery replied

He broke the hug and bent in front of her

He touched her stomach and kissed it eventually

“My baby, how’re you doing?, Dad is here now….” He said and kissed her belly repeatedly again

He stood and hugged her again

The interns and the doctors who are present clapped loudly at the reunion

Many made videos

“I’m sorry, my mum did that to your parents” he said in her arms

“You have no right to be sorry, it was her, not you.. and I’m glad she’s paying for it already… Raymond I love you like madly” she said, breaking the hug

” I love you immensely my Emmie” he replied and in the next minute, he held her cheeks and kissed her softly, it was short but heartwarming

He broke it but still holding her cheeks…

“Let’s get married..marry me Emmie…”



Kanga-chir, Zawang, Bukuru, Jos-south





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