As a Journal

As a Journal * as a Journal is a fresh semi-annual outlook of the contemporary cultural movements and a tribute to artists co-creating in Lithuania and beyond.

Each magazine issue is dedicated to a specific topic and explored by different guest curators.


Coming soon!

Enjoying the creative process of the new issue of *As a Journal, POEM AS A JOURNAL. While we're working on it, check out...

Enjoying the creative process of the new issue of *As a Journal, POEM AS A JOURNAL.

While we're working on it, check out OTHER AS A JOURNAL.


Lietuvos kultūros institutas / Lithuanian Culture Institute

OTHER AS A JOURNAL Article by Genna RovieccoIn 1991, when Paris Is Burning was given its wide release into cinemas, the ...

Article by Genna Roviecco

In 1991, when Paris Is Burning was given its wide release into cinemas, the word ‘vogue’ had already entered the cultural lexicon – not thanks to the Black and Latino gay men who had helmed it, but to a white woman named Madonna.

The same year as Paris Is Burning, Madonna’s rockumentary, Truth or Dare, was also released. Not only that, but it was released by the same distributor: Miramax. A company, as many know, infamously run by a grotesque, predatory producer named Harvey Weinstein who would, for decades, go unchecked for his oppressive behaviour. This seems more than slightly pertinent to mention in that Paris Is Burning, despite how celebrated it may be, is a film steeped in exploitation. And yet, like Jean-Michel Basquiat knowing full well that Andy Warhol was exploiting him just as much as Basquiat was exploiting Warhol, there’s no denying that the documentary subjects, treated as ‘exotic creatures’ though they might be, are getting something out of it. And some even continue to get something out of it to this day. At least, those that survived the ravages of the 80s and 90s as q***r men.


ARTŪRAS MOROZOVAS is a Lithuanian documentary photographer. Over the last fifteen years, he has documented various event...

ARTŪRAS MOROZOVAS is a Lithuanian documentary photographer. Over the last fifteen years, he has documented various events in Lithuania and Europe, focusing on sensitive social issues, including the military conflicts in Caucasus and Ukraine, post-conflict situations, and human migration elsewhere.



Artūras Morozovas
As a Journal
Lietuvos kultūros institutas / Lithuanian Culture Institute

We have destroyed the Berlin Wall, opened the borders, adopted the Internet, and most of us live in multicultural cities...

We have destroyed the Berlin Wall, opened the borders, adopted the Internet, and most of us live in multicultural cities. But the existence of a wall is the living experience of modern Europeans.

Toward Xenopolis by Krzysztof Czyžewski.

This article in full in OTHER AS A JOURNAL, NO.6


In Lithuania, the magazine is available at the MO Museum bookstore and Abroad distributed by Antenne Books.

NOMINATION!!!!Memory As a Journal's editor Daiva Price has been nominated in the Art Criticism Awards of the Contemporar...


Memory As a Journal's editor Daiva Price has been nominated in the Art Criticism Awards of the Contemporary Art Centre for her work on the issue!

Congratulations to Daiva and the entire creative team - Kotryna Lingienė, Ignė Alebaitė, Adomas Narkevičius, Vaiva Grainytė.🎉

Editor Kotryna Lingienė talks to architect Šarūnas Petrauskas. In the autumn of 2023, Šarūnas presented the third stage ...

Editor Kotryna Lingienė talks to architect Šarūnas Petrauskas.

In the autumn of 2023, Šarūnas presented the third stage of his project – biomorphic mycelium structures – to the public. He invited an audience to observe a mushroom growing in a terrarium and reflect on how we might grow spatial structures from mycelium that could be adapted to human activities. However, before delving into the ‘how’, let’s get to the bottom of why this is necessary and meaningful.

This article appears in full in OTHER AS A JOURNAL, NO. 6.

Purchase this issue

In Lithuania, the magazine is available at the MO Museum bookstore and Abroad distributed by Antenne Books.


Naujasis Other as a Journal jau laukia lentynose! 🔸🔸🔸

🔶 Šeštojo As a Journal numerio sudarytojas - filosofas, Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto docentas, šiuo metu kviestinis Jeilio universiteto (JAV) asocijuotasis profesorius Viktoras Bachmetjevas. Anot sudarytojo, šio numerio idėja buvo žurnalo tekstais apmąstyti įvairias kitybės ir kitoniškumo formas, su kuriomis mums tenka susidurti.

🔶 „Nors šiuolaikiniame kontekste kalbant apie Kitą įprasta visų pirma minėti kitą žmogų – atstovaujantį kitai kultūrai, rasei, lyčiai ar religijai – nesinorėjo apsiriboti tik tuo. Būtent todėl numeryje rašome ir apie fundamentaliai kitokias būtybes – angelus ir dvasias, taip pat kalbamės su architektu, kuris eksperimentuoja su tokia gyvybės forma kaip grybai. Nepaisant to, kad numeryje aptariamos įvairios kitybės formos, labai nesinori, kad šis numeris būtų traktuojamas kaip kitybės enciklopedija – jis neturi pretenzijos būti išsamus. Greičiau jis skaitytinas kaip tam tikra kitybės pavyzdžių galerija, kuri primintų, jog pasaulis pilnas kitų ir kitokių”, – sako V. Bachmetjevas.

Išleido: Lietuvos kultūros institutas / Lithuanian Culture Institute

Nuoroda į leidinį - komentaruose

* AS A JOURNAL - AT THE VILNIUS BOOK FAIR! Opportunity to buy the latest OTHER AS A JOURNAL at the Hubris stand, from th...


Opportunity to buy the latest OTHER AS A JOURNAL at the Hubris stand, from the hands of the guest editor of this issue, Viktoras Bachmetjevas.

Fresh issue No 6. All about Other in OTHER AS A JOURNAL.The guest editor - Viktoras Bachmetjevas. Issue design - Jurgis ...

Fresh issue No 6.
All about Other in OTHER AS A JOURNAL.

The guest editor - Viktoras Bachmetjevas.
Issue design - Jurgis Griškevičius

Read Viktoras Bachmetjevas's editorial online at


In Lithuania, the magazine is available at the MO Museum bookstore and Abroad distributed by Antenne Books.

📷 Gedimina Šalkauskaitė

MEMORY AS A JOURNAL, NO. 5 also discusses the struggle between the impulse to erase all traces of the horrifying past an...

MEMORY AS A JOURNAL, NO. 5 also discusses the struggle between the impulse to erase all traces of the horrifying past and to remember such experiences in order to warn future generations of the devastation that can result from taking the wrong routes and turning in the wrong directions. We appear to be competing to see which stone can be discovered earliest, and which stones might be buried forever, while artists and scholars work to uncover the painful events of the past.

Read more:

Order new issue MEMORY AS A JOURNAL, NO. 5:

Photo: Gedimina Šalkauskaitė

Michael Shubitz’s, second-generation Holocaust survivors', aspiration to understand his family history brought him back ...

Michael Shubitz’s, second-generation Holocaust survivors', aspiration to understand his family history brought him back to Kaunas where he featured survivors of the Kaunas Ghetto and brought back to Lithuania the stories that correspond with them. Behind this photography project (and a new one in the making) lies the story that is still being written decades after the events happened. In Michael Shubitz’s case, the memory of his family history was hidden, “What to do when the memory is hidden? Well, take the mask off, but don’t fall into hatred. Hatred is a poison that will poison the hater themself. Yet, it is the memory that we have to preserve to make a better world.”, Shubitz says.


Read more:

Photo: Gedimina Šalkauskaitė

BODY AS AS JOURNAL took two prizes at the first Art Criticism Awards in Lithuania. From over 350 submissions BODY AS A J...

BODY AS AS JOURNAL took two prizes at the first Art Criticism Awards in Lithuania. From over 350 submissions BODY AS A JOURNAL, guest edited by Neringa Černiauskaitė, a curator, researcher and part of the artistic duo Pakui Hardware, took the award in Long Form category. Congratulations to the team!

Agnė Jokšė, an artist, took a prize for her text At a Loss for Words in Texts by Artists and Curators category. The text is published in BODY AS A JOURNAL:

Images by Audrius Solominas.

While the art world has, for some time already, been talking about the urgency to create new visions and vocabularies fo...

While the art world has, for some time already, been talking about the urgency to create new visions and vocabularies for non-discriminative and all-inclusive worlds in the current climate of ecological and other disasters, colonial and imperial thinking is expanding its own brutal, chauvinistic and retrograde regimes. Valentinas Klimašauskas, a curator and writer, analyses a few aspects of the brutal poetics of dizzinformation that accompanied Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine.

From BODY AS A JOURNAL, issue 4.

Valentinas Klimašauskas

The Basel-based duo Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė work in multiples across performance, painting, sculpture, fragran...

The Basel-based duo Dorota Gawęda and Eglė Kulbokaitė work in multiples across performance, painting, sculpture, fragrance, and video installation. You can find them where language breaks down and one genre or author morphs into many. Transfusing different bodies of knowledge across space and time, they nurture a research-based practice that weaves together seemingly disparate fields – ecology and technology, science and magic, nonhuman intelligence and shared speculation – into a collective carrier bag that’s always generating new offshoots.

Interview with the artist by Alice Bucknell and GPT-3.

From BODY AS A JOURNAL issue 4.

by Alice Bucknell (with contributions from GPT-3* initalics)

The interactive installation Lithuanian Space Agency: Planet of People, established by the artist and researcher Julijon...

The interactive installation Lithuanian Space Agency: Planet of People, established by the artist and researcher Julijonas Urbonas, is on again. It represented Lithuania at the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale and now is up and running at Taikomosios Dailės Muziejus in Vilnius. Come and experience it for yourself!

Julijonas also is the guest editor of COSMOS AS A JOURNAL, issue 2. The magazine is available on our website:

Some artpieces by Pakui Hardware from the article by Inga Lāce about all things body and medicine in Lithuanian art. The...

Some artpieces by Pakui Hardware from the article by Inga Lāce about all things body and medicine in Lithuanian art. The article is available online at
Or get a print copy BODY AS A JOURNAL here:

Sping is here and it's a good time to take a walk in the forest. Gabrielė Grigorjeva, a London-based spatial practitione...

Sping is here and it's a good time to take a walk in the forest. Gabrielė Grigorjeva, a London-based spatial practitioner and researcher, takes stock of woods and their meaning.
From FOREST AS A JOURNAL, issue 1.

Gabrielė Grigorjeva

Stills from "Heavy Blood“ by Naomi Rincón Gallardo.Naomi is a visual artist and researcher currently living and working ...

Stills from "Heavy Blood“ by Naomi Rincón Gallardo.

Naomi is a visual artist and researcher currently living and working between Mexico City and Oaxaca. From a decolonial-cuirperspective, herresearch-driven critical-mythical dreamlike world makings address the creation of counter-worlds in neo-colonial settings. In her work she integrates her interests in theatre games, popular music, Mesoamerican cosmologies, speculative fiction, vernacularfestivities and crafts, decolonial feminismsand q***r of colour critique.

These stills are from the interview with Stacy Alaimo in BODY AS A JOURNAL:

Body talk. With a philosopher and an artist.

Body talk. With a philosopher and an artist.

Gabrielė Gervickaitė and Jurga Jonutytė

In their conversation, Catherine Malabou and Kristupas Sabolius try to grasp the in-betweenness and plasticity of vulner...

In their conversation, Catherine Malabou and Kristupas Sabolius try to grasp the in-betweenness and plasticity of vulnerability that is born in or through an accident. ‘Are we equipped to receive the accident or, on the contrary, isn’t the accident what creates our availability to the accident? If that is true, I think that vulnerability is plasticity to the extent that we have to create the form of our exposure. And we do not know whether the form was already there or it has to beinvented, or both at the same time. This is what makes it plastic.’ reflects Catherine Malabou.

Read the full conversation in the link below and in BODY AS A JOURNAL printed version.

Catherine Malabou in conversation with Kristupas Sabolius

How to deal with the total collapse of our ecosystems caused by eurocentrism and the greed of capitalist accumulation? A...

How to deal with the total collapse of our ecosystems caused by eurocentrism and the greed of capitalist accumulation? Agnė Bagdžiūnaitė interviews the physician, activist, artist and writer Rupa Marya:
Also available in print issue of BODY AS A JOURNAL:

Arthur Jafa, Dreams are Colder than Death, 2013. Video Still. Courtesy of the artist and Gladstone Gallery

Tongues by Anu Põder. This artwork by Estonian artist, created in 1998, is on the cover of BODY AS A JOURNAL: https://as...

Tongues by Anu Põder. This artwork by Estonian artist, created in 1998, is on the cover of BODY AS A JOURNAL:
Image courtesy of Eesti Kunstimuuseum


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