Global Perspective

Global Perspective "Global Perspective" reports the result of examining all problems from a global point of view!


La coltivazione della canapa per la produzione di fibra destinata a materiali edili richiede una serie di passaggi specifici, dalle condizioni del terreno e della pianta stessa, fino alla raccolta e lavorazione. Ecco una panoramica del processo:

# # # 1. **Selezione delle Varietà**
Per ottenere fibra di alta qualità destinata a materiali edilizi, è essenziale scegliere varietà di canapa industriale specifiche per la produzione di fibra. Alcune varietà sono particolarmente adatte per produrre lunghe fibre resistenti e robuste, come la **Fibranova**, la **Carmagnola** o la **Fedora 17**.

# # # 2. **Condizioni del Terreno**
- **Tipo di suolo:** La canapa cresce meglio in terreni ben drenati, ricchi di nutrienti, con pH neutro o leggermente alcalino (tra 6 e 7.5).
- **Preparazione del suolo:** È importante preparare il terreno attraverso aratura e livellamento. Il terreno dovrebbe essere ben lavorato e privo di erbacce.

# # # 3. **Clima**
- **Temperatura:** La canapa richiede un clima temperato con temperature comprese tra i 15 e i 27°C.
- **Luce solare:** Ha bisogno di molta luce solare, preferibilmente 12-14 ore al giorno durante il periodo di crescita.

# # # 4. **Semina**
- **Periodo:** La semina avviene in primavera, solitamente tra aprile e maggio, a seconda delle condizioni climatiche locali.
- **Densità di semina:** Per ottenere una fibra lunga e sottile, è consigliabile una semina densa (circa 60-80 kg di semi per ettaro). Questo favorisce la crescita di piante alte e sottili, ideali per la produzione di fibra.

# # # 5. **Cura e Manutenzione**
- **Irrigazione:** La canapa richiede una quantità d’acqua moderata, ma è resistente alla siccità. Tuttavia, l'irrigazione può essere necessaria in aree con precipitazioni insufficienti.
- **Controllo delle erbacce:** La canapa è una pianta competitiva e, se ben seminata, tende a soffocare le erbacce. Tuttavia, una gestione iniziale delle infestanti può essere necessaria.
- **Concimazione:** La canapa ha bisogno di nutrienti, soprattutto azoto. La concimazione dovrebbe essere fatta con attenzione per evitare di danneggiare il suolo.

# # # 6. **Raccolta**
- **Periodo di raccolta:** La canapa per la fibra viene raccolta generalmente quando la pianta raggiunge la piena fioritura o poco prima, cioè circa 70-90 giorni dopo la semina.
- **Metodo di raccolta:** La raccolta viene eseguita tagliando le piante vicino alla base. Per ottenere fibre di qualità, è importante che le piante siano lasciate sul campo per una prima fase di macerazione naturale (retting), dove le fibre vengono separate dalle parti legnose tramite l'azione di batteri e funghi.

# # # 7. **Macerazione (Retting)**
- **Macerazione naturale:** Dopo la raccolta, le piante vengono lasciate essiccare in campo per circa 2-4 settimane. Durante questo periodo, l'umidità e la pioggia aiutano a separare le fibre dai tessuti legnosi.
- **Macerazione in acqua:** In alcuni casi, la macerazione può essere accelerata immergendo le piante in acqua. Tuttavia, questa tecnica richiede un controllo accurato per evitare la degradazione eccessiva delle fibre.

# # # 8. **Essiccazione e Lavorazione**
- Dopo la macerazione, le piante vengono raccolte e poste ad asciugare completamente.
- **Decorticazione:** Una volta asciutte, le fibre vengono separate dalle parti legnose (canapuli) tramite macchine specifiche (decorticatrici).
- **Pettinatura e filatura:** Le fibre lunghe vengono ulteriormente pettinate e filate per ottenere il prodotto finale.

# # # 9. **Produzione di Materiali Edili**
Le fibre di canapa vengono successivamente trasformate in diversi prodotti edilizi come:
- **Mattoni di canapa e calce (hempcrete):** Miscelando la fibra con calce e acqua si ottiene un materiale leggero, isolante e resistente, utilizzato per costruzioni eco-sostenibili.
- **Pannelli isolanti:** Le fibre di canapa possono essere utilizzate per realizzare pannelli isolanti termici e acustici.
- **Altri composti:** Possono essere utilizzate anche in combinazione con resine naturali per creare composti utilizzati nella produzione di elementi edilizi.

La coltivazione della canapa per l'edilizia richiede quindi una buona conoscenza delle pratiche agricole e delle tecniche di lavorazione per garantire un prodotto finale di alta qualità.

Ecco 20 hashtag relativi alla coltivazione della canapa e all’uso della fibra di canapa in edilizia:



Thousands and thousands civilian Palestinians murdered in only seven days of criminal, barbaric, indiscriminate, war, with massive, terroristic, exterminator, genocide, various types of cluster fragmentation bombs and also with atrocious white phosphorus bombs against the total helpless and complete armless civilian population of Gaza
Many and many videos shows, to all the people of the world, the irrefutable evidence of the israelian use of cluster fragmentation bombs and also of atrocious white phosphorus bombs in Gaza!

Israelians occupating Palestine are committing very serious War Crimes with: Fragmentation Cluster Bombs and White Phosphorus Bombs against the total helpless and complete armless civilian Palestinian population of Gaza!

The Israel's Rain of Fire and Shells is the Unlawful War Criminal Use of White Phosphorus and Cluster Bombs against innocious, helpless and armless civilian Palestinian people in Gaza!

Just the Israeli army said they had bombarded for seven days the besieged enclave, and trap prison of the unique concentration camp of the all territory of Gaza, with approximately 6,000 bombs containing 4,000 tonnes of explosives since Saturday; that is, 6 million kilograms of bombs and 4 million kilograms of explosives, which means 2 kilograms of bombs and more than 1 kilograms of explosives for each of the almost 3 million inhabitants of Gaza.

Israeli military forces use especially terrible cluster bombs and burning poisonous white phosphorus weaponry on heavily populated districts in the north of Gaza.

Israeli strikes destroys residential building in Gaza territory refugee concentration camp, killing every time hundreds and hundreds of innocent men and women, old people and children.

So, Israel starts raining internationally banned white phosphorus bombs and fragmentation cluster bombs indiscriminately and war criminally on all pople Gaza.

The war criminal Indiscriminate violence, and the barbarian collective punishment of the helpless and armless civilians in Gaza, must cease!


SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS What everyone should know!2023-02-08The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 20...

What everyone should know!
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious "sustainability goals". This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity.

- Video:

More information:

October 22nd, 2022
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Unraveling the truth behind the deaths of 4 U.S. Special Forces soldiers in Africa leads to evidence of a cover-up at the highest levels of the Army.

James Gordon Meek, a 52-year-old investigative reporter and producer of Hulu’s acclaimed documentary “3212 Un-redacted,” has not been seen in public since heavily armed federal agents raided his penthouse apartment in Arlington in April, according to Rolling Stone.

lbry:// #9/3212-Un-redacted-(2021) #2
ID Claim



The 18th meeting of security agencies and intelligence services of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) on intelligence issues takes place in Moscow

COLOMBIA 2022-07-29Bogotà: Rickshaw cyclists exchange projectiles with armed police during demonstrations on the streets...

Bogotà: Rickshaw cyclists exchange projectiles with armed police during demonstrations on the streets of Bogota over the city Mayor's order to remove the 'dangerous' informal taxis

- Video:


Thomas Fuller, an African sold into slavery in 1724 at the age of 14, was sometimes known as the “Virginia Calculator” for his extraordinary ability to solve complex math problems in his head.

Rumors circulated that he was a servant. However, he could not read or write, which was not uncommon among slaves at the time. Some believed that he may have gained his skills with math in his homeland in Africa.

His case was often cited by abolitionists of the time as proof that Blacks were in no way mentally inferior to whites. Born in Africa somewhere between present-day Liberia and Benin, Fuller was enslaved and shipped to America in 1724 at the age of 14, eventually becoming the legal property of Presley and Elizabeth Cox of Alexandria, Virginia.

Both Fuller and the Coxes were illiterate. The Coxes owned 16 slaves, and appeared to value Fuller the most; he expressed gratitude for not being sold.
Stories of his abilities abounded through the Eastern seaboard. His skill was even used as proof that enslaved Blacks were equal to whites in intelligence, which fueled some pro-abolitionist discussion.

When Fuller was about 70 years old, William Hartshorne and Samuel Coates of Pennsylvania were in Alexandria and, having heard of Fuller's powers, sent for him. They asked him two questions which satisfied their curiosity.

First, when they asked him how many seconds there were in a year and a half, he answered in about two minutes, 47,304,000.

Second, when they asked how many seconds a man has lived who is 70 years, 17 days and 12 hours old, he answered in a minute and a half 2,210,500,800.

One of the men was working out the problems on paper, and informed Fuller that he was wrong, because the answer was much smaller. Fuller hastily replied, "'Top, massa, you forget de leap year." When the leap year was added in, the sums matched.

Despite Fuller's perfect answers, it appeared to Hartshorne and Coates that his mental abilities must have once been greater. They wrote:
He was gray-headed, and exhibited several other marks of the weakness of old age. He had worked hard upon a farm during the whole of life but had never been intemperate in the use of spirituous liquors. He spoke with great respect of his mistress, and mentioned in a particular manner his obligations to her for refusing to sell him, which she had been tempted to by offers of large sums of money from several persons. One of the gentlemen, Mr. Coates, having remarked in his presence that it was a pity he had not an education equal to his genius, he said, "No, Massa, it is best I had no learning, for many learned men be great fools."

Guys let's get our YouTube channel (YT: Historical Africa) to 10k subscribers. Kindly click on the link to subscribe. 🙏


Șeful forumului BRICS, Purnima Anand, a vorbit despre dorința Turciei, Egiptului și Arabiei Saudite de a se alătura organizației după Iran și Argentina: „Toate aceste țări și-au arătat interesul de a adera și se pregătesc să solicite aderarea. Cred că acesta este un pas bun, deoarece extinderea este întotdeauna percepută pozitiv, va întări clar influența BRICS în întreaga lume.
Sper ca aderarea țărilor la BRICS să se întâmple foarte repede, pentru că acum toți reprezentanții nucleului asociației sunt interesați să se extindă. Așa că va fi foarte curând."


...tanto per avere conferma di Fb da che parte sta!!!!


UK Knew Terrorists Would Gain from Toppling Gaddafi
June 30, 2022
The revelation raises serious questions about British foreign policy and whether David Cameron misled Parliament, write Phil Miller and Mark Curtis.
Declassified UK

Britain’s military knew that fighters from an Al Qaeda-linked terrorist organisation were benefiting from the overthrow of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, but continued to support NATO airstrikes in Libya for another two months.

The revelation raises serious questions about British foreign policy and whether the U.K.’s then Prime Minister David Cameron misled Parliament.

In early September 2011, Cameron updated the House of Commons about the situation in Libya, telling MPs:

“This revolution was not about extreme Islamism; Al-Qaeda played no part in it.”

However, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) had assessed the month before that: “The 17 February Brigade is likely to be an enduring player in [the] transition” away from Gaddafi’s regime and had “political linkages” to Libya’s rebel leadership, the National Transitional Council.

The 17 February Brigade, also known as the 17 February Martyrs Brigade, was a hardline Islamist militia named after the date the uprising began against Gaddafi. Its ranks included Salman Abedi, who went on to murder 22 innocent people in the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017.

[Related: How the West’s War in Libya Spurred Terrorism in 14 Countries]

The MOD assessment said, “Many 17th February Brigade fighters have affiliations with the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist groups, such as the Libyan Islamic Movement for Change (formerly LIFG).”

The LIFG, or Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, was banned by Britain in 2005 as a terrorist organization over its links to Al Qaeda. Its supporters included the Manchester bomber’s father, Ramadan Abedi. The organization rebranded to the Libyan Islamic Movement for Change during the 2011 war.

Although the LIFG’s leadership renounced ties to Al Qaeda as part of a prisoner release deal it made with Gaddafi shortly before the 2011 uprising, many of its members continued to hold violent Islamist views. It was not until 2019 that the ban was lifted on the LIFG in the U.K.

Misleading Parliament?

May 27, 2010: Prime Minister David Cameron, left, with Defence Minister Dr. Liam Fox. (MOD)

The MOD has only released a portion of its assessment to Declassified following a freedom of information request. It is not clear whether the intelligence was shared at the time with ministers.

Dr. Liam Fox, who was defence secretary during the war, told Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee in 2016: “I do not recall reading any reports that set out the background of any Islamist activity to specific rebel groups.”

Fox was responding to a question from the committee about whether he was aware that members of the LIFG were participating in the rebellion.

Lord William Hague, who was foreign secretary, told the committee: “Libyan leaders themselves did not have a deeper understanding of what was happening in their own country” and so “it is probably wrong to expect somebody sitting in the backrooms of the Foreign Office or Vauxhall Cross [MI6 headquarters] to know better than they did.”

General Sir David Richards, Britain’s top military officer during the intervention, said Whitehall’s knowledge about the extent of LIFG involvement in the rebellion “was a grey area.” He told the committee “in a perfect world, we would have known it all” and that “we were suspicious and beginning to build up our understanding during the campaign.”

Richards had argued internally for pauses during the bombing campaign to allow for negotiations, but Cameron overruled him.

The former defence chief told Declassified he was concerned that this particular assessment was not shown to him at the time.

“Given my well-known hostility to regime change in Libya, I am certain that my outer office staff would have brought this to my attention if they had seen it,” Richards commented.

“I suspect it remained within Defence Intelligence as one of many sometimes contradictory reports. The report’s importance was also probably not properly understood at the time.”

Defence Intelligence is a branch of the MOD that gathers and analyses information relevant to conflicts.

Failed State

The MOD assessment was compiled sometime in August 2011, when rebels led by former LIFG commander Abdul Hakim Belhaj captured Libya’s capital Tripoli. That operation relied heavily on NATO air power and planning.

Ian Martin, the U.N.’s top official in Libya at the time, has said British attack helicopters were “pivotal … in supporting the final assault on Tripoli”, and that U.K. special forces accompanied and advised a rebel commander throughout the advance.

Although NATO’s U.N. mandate allowed it only to protect civilians, the alliance continued attacking Gaddafi’s forces until the end of October 2011, two months after the fall of Tripoli. Gaddafi was lynched by rebels in his hometown of Sirte on Oct. 20.

Oct. 31, 2011: NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen meets leaders of the National Transitional Council forces in Tripoli. (NATO)

By destroying Libyan government forces, rather than seek a ceasefire and negotiated settlement, as the African Union proposed, NATO helped create a power vacuum in the country.

Elections were held in 2012, at which Islamists failed to win a majority and instead used their militias to maintain political influence. Libya then descended into a failed state, as rival militias vied for control.

The chaos created a safe haven for international terrorism, with Al Qaeda’s Libyan branch Ansar al Sharia and the so-called Islamic State group setting up camps in the country.

Among those fighting with Ansar al Sharia in 2011-12 was Khairi Saadallah, a child soldier who several years later went on to murder three men in a park in Reading. Attacks on Western tourists in Tunisia in 2015, that killed 60 people, were also linked to a terrorist base in Libya.

More than a decade after NATO’s intervention, Libya is split between rival governments and run by militias. A recent survey by The Economist found that Tripoli was one of the worst capital cities in the world to live in.

An MOD spokesperson told Declassified:

“Throughout 2011, the U.K. government was responding to a rapidly changing and volatile situation in Libya and sought to make timely decisions to protect Libyan civilians and U.K. national security. All U.K. military action was taken in accordance with the United Nations mandate to protect civilians.

“Assessments of the different actors in Libya in 2011 were produced as standard by the MoD. These were routinely made available to ministers and senior officials.”

David Cameron, Liam Fox, William Hague and former Home Secretary Theresa May did not respond to requests for comment.

Phil Miller is Declassified UK’s chief reporter. He is the author of Keenie Meenie: The British Mercenaries Who Got Away With War Crimes. Follow him on Twitter at

Mark Curtis is the editor of Declassified UK and the author of five books and many articles on UK foreign policy.

This article is from Declassified UK.



So next time when they talk about "international society", you know what they mean...


Sunday 24 April - 08:58
They defy Europe and sanctions: shoemakers leave today for the Moscow fair. Here is the long ride that awaits them to get to Russia

Sunday 24 April 2022 by Massimiliano Viti
They challenge Europe and sanctions: footwear manufacturers leave today for the Moscow fair

FERMO - ITALY - They will leave today and Monday for Moscow, defying Europe and sanctions, to sell their shoes and try to make their companies survive. They are the entrepreneurs who through Serbia, Turkey or Dubai will arrive in the Russian capital to participate in the Obuv Mir Kozhi fair scheduled from Tuesday 26 to Friday 29 at the Expocentre.

There are 48 Italian footwear, leather goods and clothing companies that have confirmed their participation, of which 31 from the Marche, especially from Fermano. They are those companies that cannot do without the Russian market and despite the situation, the risks, the unknowns, the much higher costs than in the past for logistics and travel, and a still very uncertain future, they decided to face the journey of hope. Because business does not stop; the business goes on.
With difficulty but he goes on, trying to overcome wars and sanctions. Alongside the entrepreneurs there will be Assocalzaturifici which collaborates with Bologna Fiere, the organizing body of the Moscow trade fair.

"We have no alternative to the Russian market that was closed to us overnight. We need it," says Marino Fabiani, a footwear entrepreneur from Fermo, now a symbol of the wounded Marche footwear district, the most penalized in Italy by the trade sanctions that the US and the West have applied to Russia. A district that, so far, politics has completely abandoned. And that's not all. On the one hand there is the Marche Region which, as planned, encourages the participation of entrepreneurs in the Moscow fair by making contributions, on the other hand there are sanctions to prevent regular trade with Russia. Coherence? What most hinders exports to Russia is the blocking of money flows and the impossibility for customers to get the money to Italy. And if you find a road, its path is winding and very expensive. "We go to Moscow with the hope that in a few months something will be unlocked in terms of receipts" confirms Marino Fabiani who then continues: "The orders we will collect in Moscow could turn out to be waste paper because if the advances do not arrive, if we are not sure to cash in, we will not put the shoes into production".

Samples of the products that will be exhibited at Obuv have already arrived in Moscow. The entrepreneurs of the Marche region are confident that customers will also arrive. In the Russian capital, the situation is described as apparently quiet so exhibitors count on a number of visitors not lower than in previous editions. In addition, the exit from the Russian market of many luxury brands, which have closed their stores or interrupted operations, has even opened up an extra space for Made in Italy products. Other fashion companies (for example Geox and Baldinini to stay on the subject of footwear) have instead decided to remain on the Russian market because it is too important for their turnover. And somehow they manage to circumvent the sanctions and, albeit with all the difficulties, they manage to get in and sell their products. In terms of logistics, Kazakhstan is playing an increasingly important role, especially for the most Asian Russia. "We cannot leave out of the blue a market in which we have invested and which keeps our companies alive. And this gives us the strength to start, concludes Fabiani.

Last updated: 08:57

- Source: access the article and all the contents of the site -


Former HUD secretary sounds off on critical race theory causing division on 'The Story.'Subscribe to Fox News! more Fox News Vid...

MANY AND MANY SOCIAL NETWORK SITES OF ALL THE WORLD2022-03-03 At this moment, all of us, both as individuals and as orga...

At this moment, all of us, both as individuals and as organized collectives and peoples of the world, must not have even the slightest fear of Rothschild and their hellish cabal, because they, our main and most dangerous enemies of all. the world, which have always attacked us heavily and first, are beginning to take very numerous blows, of all kinds, and more and more increasing both in number and in size from all parts around the world; therefore we must act in an increasingly well-organized manner and attack them thoroughly as appropriate, both with cunning and force, both on their social networks and also on other social networks such as:

- Bitchute (American)

- Rumble (American)

- Telegram (Russian)

- VKontacte (Russian)

- Weibo (Chinese)

- Baidu (Chinese)

- TikTok (Chinese)

and many other Social Networking Sites from all over the world!


Big brother is watching. #5 though is a Constitutional Republic


Prices are going up because the dollar has lost *value*. Higher prices are a symptom of a worthless federal reserve note.


In my opinion, Silver will knock gold off its throne in the near future or at least be it's equal because Silver is consumed, and has over 1,000 uses. Gold is Hoarded and locked away in a vault by the rich. U.S. Dollars are debt notes...the currency of Slaves


Piazza Del Quirinale


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