CITY News Siliguri is a source of breaking news, updates and media of incidents occuring throughout CTNEWS that may impact upon the travel or safety of your journey, you and your family, or your community. We are not a government organisation or agency, nor do we represent any government organisation/agency. We are a group who aim to keep the community informed and updated about the latest inciden
ts, warnings and events happening right across Siliguri. If you are involved, or you witness an emergency, life threatening incident, you should immediately contact and report the incident. WHAT A "LIKE" MEANS:
A like on a post can signify that a person has read and acknowledges that post - It does not necessarily indicate that they "like" the content of the status. DISCLAIMER/TERMS OF SERVICE/SUPPORT:
We moderate all user-contributed content to the page, and if a comment or post is deemed unsuitable (as it may be unlawful, discriminatory, offensive or infringe copyright) it may be removed at any time without warning. For the safety of the involved persons, emergency services and yourself, we strongly advise against attending any of the incidents that we distribute through our service. All information provided on this page, and through our service is provided on an "as is" basis. We make every attempt to provide accurate, verified and suitable data - in some cases where the data is inaccurate, we will seek to rectify this by providing an update or removing the content. While we aim to provide information in all emergency situations, we do advise the community to not solely rely on our service for information, but visit or contact the relative organisation or agency with your query. If at any time you have an enquiry, or you need support, you can contact us at [email protected]. We hope to reply to your enquiry within 24 hours.