अरुणाचल प्रदेश स्थित 13 हजार 700फीट की ऊंचाई पर बसे तवांग शहर पहुंचे,,, सिक्किम के मुख्यमंत्री,,,1962 भारत के-चीन युद्ध मेमोरियल में शहीदों को दी श्रद्धांजलि
इंडो-भूटान चामुर्ची ,बानरहाट में विभिन्न मांगों को लेकर चाय बागानों के श्रमिकों द्वारा धरना प्रदर्शन
आजादी का अमृत महोत्सव के तहत नार्थ ईस्ट इंडिया के सात राज्यो की सहभागिता से इंटरनेशनल फ्रेंडली कार रैली को लेकर सिक्किम उत्साहित
दार्जीलिंग में हाम्रो पार्टी की कोर कमिटी की बैठक आयोजित
कनाडा, जापान, पोलैंड, दुबई, सऊदी अरब, रसिया, सिंगापुर सहित दुनिया केविभिन्न देशों में ऊंचे वेतनमान के साथ जॉब की विश्वसनीय सेवा के लिए संपर्क करें।।
Anit Thapa appeals all to come together to fight against COVID 19
"To serve, you don't need position. What you need is zeal, passion and desire to serve." Anit Thapa
I thank all the people of Darjeeling and Kalimpong hills for making the election peaceful.
COVID 19 has again started to show its actual colour; it is more virulent. I have seen the reports from our area, people have started to panic. Nursing homes in Siliguri are filled with COVID 19 patients, and even in our Triveni COVID 19 hospital, more than 21 infected people have been admitted.
We were busy in the election campaign, due to which we hardly paid any attention to the growing pandemic. Now the election is over, and it's time for us to go back to society and serve the people. We are going to start the COVID 19 help desk in all subdivision. I appeal to all the Surveillance Committee formed last time in all our 45 Samasti to activate again. We will be making the help desk number public by tomorrow.
Many of the sufferers cannot share their fear, nor those who need help are getting help. Doctors and nurses at the hospital are working very hard. They, too, are not getting any help. They need the help and support of society.
Last year we worked in unison and able to tackle the situation well. Same unity is needed this time too. We served the people irrespective of caste, creed and political affiliation. Now is the time for us to be more active.
When I was BoA Chairman, I worked as a simple citizen. To serve, you don't need a position. What you need is zeal, passion and desire to serve. I request all Organisation, NGOs to come forward and work together to save our hills and people from COVID 19.
Whenever Hills need me, I am always there to serve. I will work as a servant of People. Government machinery needs our support. I again request everybody to come forward and lend their hands to save the hills and our people.
Anit Thapa
General Secretary
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha
Ground Report
All shops are closed except medicine, ration and vegetable shops,Vehicles are allowed to ply in Sikkim.
Report by Alok Sandel