These screenplays are copyrighted by us. We categorize them for you under different genres namely: suspense, comedy, action, drama, true stories and romance. Our secondary services include script doctoring, rewriting and ghostwriting which we provide to production companies and movie studios.If you have a story, concept or any idea which is based on a headline event or a bestseller (rights attaine
d), we can develop and adapt it into a highly dramatic, visual screenplay, ready to present it to movie-stars and agents. Affiliate Services (For Independent Writers)
As the saying goes, “screenplays are never written, they are rewritten.” Sometimes it helps to have another writer collaborate with you to give the script an extra dimension, a new life. If your screenplay needs more work, we can enhance it and turn it into an exciting, commercial manuscript ready for the marketplace. We will improve your story structure, premise, motivations, characterizations, pacing, subplots, dialogue, construction of scenes, conflict, suspense, humor, action, and more. We can either be your ghostwriter (you can take all the credit) or we can share credit. You can either market the screenplay yourself or we can work with you and market it to production companies, studios and agents.