7 Days Times is a 8 page newspaper with a circulation of 2000 copies with an objective of promoting social awakening and introducing a feeling of responsibility among the citizens of a recently independent Indi 7 Days Times was launched on the 04 sept/2011 from Delhi, as a 8 page newspaper with a circulation of 2000 copies with an objective of promoting social awakening and introducing a feeling
of responsibility among the citizens of a recently independent India. In keeping with these objectives that the publishers had set for themselves, the kind of news published was basically revolving around political and social issues and crime.
7 Days Time servicing all over Delhi.Growing slowly, but steadily. Not ever deviating from the objectives with which the newspaper was originally started, even today 7 Days Times continues to be a completely unbiased newspaper with a thrust on political and current events and developments in all fields across the nation and beyond. Using the latest state of the art technology and equipment, 7 Days Times is now being printed from 1 centres and publishes 4 editions in all. Also in keeping with today's fast paced life, all printing centres are connected by V-sat technology to enhance speed of news dissemination. The latest photographs are therefore part of every edition.
7 Days Times has grown dramatically and has evolved with the changing times. The newspaper is known for some ground breaking journalism and even in today's cut throat competition.