Catholic Time

Catholic Time This is Catholic Media which is to share care and joy with Word of God for catholic and Vatican News

††† --- July 16 is the Feast of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL --- †††------- July 12 - Day SIX   Novena Prayers -------O MOST...

††† --- July 16 is the Feast of OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL --- †††
------- July 12 - Day SIX Novena Prayers -------

O MOST BEAUTIFUL FLOWER OF MOUNT CARMEL, SPLENDOR OF HEAVEN, BLESSED MOTHER OF THE SON OF GOD AND MOTHER OF MINE, support me by Your never failing love and help and protect me. Show me that You are my Mother.

May I, unworthy as I am, come one day to exchange Your Scapular
that I had the privilege to wear for the wedding Garment of Heaven, and dwell with You and all the Saints of Carmel in the Kingdom of Your Son.

O Mary, my Mother, I consecrate myself to You forever. I offer You my body with all its miseries, my soul with all its imperfections, and my heart with all its affections and desires.
I offer You all my prayers, works, joys and sufferings, my struggles
and especially my death with all that it will entail. I unite all of these, Mother, with Your own joys and sufferings. Amen.

The Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, prayed by the Carmelite Sisters


Voice of Jesus Christ 11.7.2023

Against the criminalisation of the NFIW fact-finding team by the Manipur State policeWe women, concerned citizens and hu...

Against the criminalisation of the NFIW fact-finding team by the Manipur State police
We women, concerned citizens and human rights organisations are shocked and condemn the criminalisation of the NFIW fact-finding team by the Manipur State police. The FIR lodged at the Imphal Police station on the 8th of July, 2023, against the members of the fact-finding team- Annie Raja, General Secretary of the NFIW, Nisha Sidhu and Advocate Deeksha Dwivedi- on the basis of an application by one L. Liben Singh under sections 121- A /124 /153 /153-A / 153-B / 499 / 504 / 505(2) / 34 of the IPC, shows the vindictive nature of the State and the Police, who do not want the truth to be known to the world.

The right to know is protected by our constitutional right as enshrined in Article 19 of the Indian Constitution. The FIR is a violation of our fundamental right. It is important to note that this was the first citizens fact-finding team, which was an all-women’s team, to Manipur. They went to hear the distress of women and report objectively their stories of violence, loss,
displacement, deaths. This effort is being criminalised via the allegation of
the complainant that they have hurt the sentiments of the Meira Paibi women and
defamed the state Government by calling the violence “state sponsored violence”.
See the news report

We defend the right of the NFIW team in conducting this fact-finding report, which included a process of hearing individual testimonies of the affected people, in Delhi as well as in Manipur, by visiting the homes of the affected and through visiting the
privately run relief camps, (no camps are being run by the Government, the
government is only providing rice and pulse) and meeting the district collector
and others.

We fully endorse the NFIW team’s conclusion that it was the failure of the state to protect the lives of the people, its demand of the resignation of the Chief Minister and calling it “state sponsored violence”. The violence which has continued for over two months has killed more than 150 people from both Kuki Zo and the Meitei communities, destroyed approximately 300 churches and displaced more than 70,000 people who are now forced to live in camps and seek shelter with relatives in Manipur and outside the state.

We demand the immediate closure of the FIR and initiation of action against the police who indulged in this malicious act of registering a FIR against the fact-finding team.

Finally, it is important, as also stated by the NFIW interim report, that peace building measures between the two communities should be undertaken at the earliest, including disarming the population, establishment of proper relief camps and rehabilitation of those displaced.

We are:

Abha Bhaiya, National Co-ordinator, One Billion Rising (OBR)

Amrita Johri, Social Activist

Anjali Bhardwaj, Social Activist

Kavita Srivastava, People’s Union for Civil Liberties

Maya John, Centre for Struggling Women

Minakshi Singh, Unity in Compassion

Navsharan Singh, independent researcher

Ritu Kaushik AIMSS

Shabnam Hashmi, ANHAD


அன்பியம் செய்தி 11.7.2023


Fr. Ferdinand Dkhar, New Bishop of Jowai

Bangalore 8 July 2023 (CCBI): His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Fr. Ferdinand Dkhar (61), currently the Administrator of the Diocese of Jowai, Meghalaya, Northeast India, as the Bishop of Jowai on Saturday, July 8, 2023.

He was born in Longkaluh, in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jowai , on 26 February 1962. After attending the minor seminary in Upper Shillong, Meghalaya, he studied Philosophy at Christ King College and Theology at Oriens Theological College in the Archdiocese of Shillong. He was ordained a priest on January 23, 1994 for the Archdiocese of Shillong.

He has held the following offices: dean of studies at the minor seminary of Shillong (1994-1995); assistant parish priest of the Annunciation Church, Namdong (1995-2000); assistant parish priest (2000-2002) and then parish priest (2002-2007) of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Ummulong; parish priest of the Annunciation Church and principal of a high school in Namdong (2007-2009); Procurator of the Diocese of Jowai (2009-2021). From 2021 until now he has been diocesan administrator of Jowai.

The See of the Diocese of Jowai became vacant when Bishop Victor Lyngdoh was appointed as the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Shillong on December 28, 2020. Fr. Ferdinand Dkhar will be the third bishop of the diocese after Bp. Vincent Kympat (2006-2011) and Bp. Victor Lyngdoh (2016-2020).

The Jowai diocese was erected in 2006, bifurcating the Archdiocese of Shillong. It is situated in Jaintia Hills , in the east of Khasi Hills, north of Bangladesh, west of north Cachar Hills, and South of Karbi Anglong in Meghalaya. It is 64 kilometers away from Shillong.

It has a 1,20,275 Catholic population, 23 parishes, 30 diocesan priests, 41 religious priests, 83 religious sisters, and 313 educational institutions.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
Deputy Secretary General, CCBI
Catholic Church in Bangladesh Bangladesh Catholic media -BCM
Conference of Catholic Bishops of India CCBI EWTN Vatican John Paul II (the Vatican page) Vatican News Catholic Daily Reflections Catholic News Agency Vatican Vatican News - Tamil Vatican News Catholics in Pakistan Archdiocese of Bombay CCBI Youth Commission - India Roman Catholic Faith in Pakistan Pope Francis and the Catholic Church Pope Francis💛 Catholic Voice 🤍🇻🇦 Pope Francis Kerala Catholic Bishops' Council (KCBC)

ஞாயிறுசிந்தனை.28/2023  09.07 .2023.(ஒருங்கிணைந்து பயணிக்கும் திருஅவையின் தொடர் சிந்தனையில் இன்றைய உலகில் திருஅவை என்ற இர...

ஞாயிறுசிந்தனை.28/2023 09.07 .2023.
(ஒருங்கிணைந்து பயணிக்கும் திருஅவையின் தொடர் சிந்தனையில் இன்றைய உலகில் திருஅவை என்ற இரண்டாம் வத்திக்கான் சங்கத்தின் அருள்பணிக் கொள்கை ஏட்டின் விளக்கம் தொடர்கிறது).
பிரிவு : 2. அனைத்து நாட்டுச் சமூகத்தை உருவாக்குதல்
அமைதியைக் கட்டியெழுப்ப சங்கத் தந்தையர்கள் காட்டியுள்ள வழிகள்: 1.மனிதர்களிடையே நிலவும் பிணக்குகளுக்கான காரணங்க்களை வேரறுத்தலாகும். குறிப்பாக, அநீதிகள், போரை உரமிட்டு வளர்க்கின்றன. பொருளாதாரத்தில் நிலவுகின்ற பெரும் ஏற்றத் தாழ்வுகளும், இவற்றை ஒழித்திட தேவையான வழிவகைகளை விரைவாகச் செயல்படுத்தாமையும் காரணமாகின்றன. 2. பிறரை அடக்கி ஆளும் ஆதிக்க மனப்பான்மையிலிருந்தும் ஆள்களின்மேல் கொள்கின்ற வெறுப்புணர்விலிருந்தும் பிறக்கின்றன. 3.மனிதரின் பொறாமை, பிறர்மேல் நம்பிக்கையின்மை, ஆணவம் மற்றும் பிற தன்னல தன்மை எழுச்சிகளின் காரணமாக ஏற்படுகின்றன.
இப்படிப்பட்ட சீர்கேடுகளினால் போர் நிகழாத காலத்திலும் கூட, உலகம் மனிதரிடையே எழுகின்ற சண்டை சச்சரவுகளாலும் வன்முறைச் செயல்களாலும் இடையறாது அல்லல்பட்டுக்கொண்டுதான் இருக்கிறது. எனவே, இத்தீமைகளை முறியடிக்கவும் அல்லது அவை நிகழாமல் தடுக்கவும், கட்டுக்கடங்காமல் போகின்ற வன்முறைகளை ஒடுக்கவும் வேண்டுமென்றால்; அனைத்து நாட்டு தலைவர்களும், அமைதியை வளர்ப்பதைக் குறிக்கோளாகக் கொண்டு செயல்படவேண்டும்.
மண்ணுலகிலுள்ள அனைத்து மக்களும் ஒருவரொருவரோடு கொள்கின்ற நெருக்கமான உறவுகளும் பிணைப்புகளும் வளர்ந்துகொண்டே வருகின்றன; இப்பின்னணியில் உலகளாவிய பொது நலனில் அறிவார்ந்த முறையில் ஈடுபட்டு மேற்கூறிய குறிக்கோளை அடைய அனைத்து நாட்டுச் சமூகம் இன்றைய உலகின் நடைமுறைத் தேவைகளுக்கேற்பப் பொருத்தமான விதத்தில் தங்களுடைய அமைப்பு முறைகளை இப்பொழுதே ஏற்படுத்திக் கொள்வது தேவை. தாங்கமுடியாத பற்றாக் குறைகளினால் எண்ணற்ற மக்கள் வாடிக்கொண்டிருக்கின்ற உலகின் எண்ணிறந்த பகுதிகளைச் சிறப்பாகக் கருத்தில் கொண்டு மேற்கூறிய அமைப்பு முறைகள் ஏற்படுத்தப்பட வேண்டும் என்று சங்கத் தந்தையர்கள் கூறுகின்றனர்.(இ.உ. தி.எண் 83-84) தொடரும்.
ச.ஜான்போஸ்கோ. 09 .07.2023.
Conference of Catholic Bishops of India CCBI EWTN Vatican Vatican News John Paul II (the Vatican page) Catholic Time Pope Francis and the Catholic Church Pope Francis💛 Catholic Voice 🤍🇻🇦 Madha TV Vatican News - Tamil

Prayer For Peace ToMARY, THE LIGHT OF HOPEIMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, help us to conquer the menace of evil, which so easi...

Prayer For Peace To

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, help us to conquer the menace of evil, which so easily takes root in the hearts of the people of today, and whose immeasurable effects already weigh down upon our modern world and seem to block the paths toward the future.

From famine and war, deliver us.
From nuclear war, from incalculable self destruction, from every kind of war, deliver us.
From sins against human life from its very beginning, deliver us.
From hatred and from the demeaning of the dignity of the children of GOD, deliver us.
From readiness to trample on the commandments of GOD, deliver us.
From the loss of awareness of good and evil, deliver us.
From sins against the HOLY SPIRIT, deliver us.

Accept, O Mother of CHRIST, this cry laden with the sufferings of all individual human beings, laden with the sufferings of whole societies. Help us with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT conquer all sin: individual sin and the “sin of the world,” sin in all its manifestations.

Let there be revealed once more in the history of the world the infinite saving power of the Redemption: the power of the Merciful Love.
May it put a stop to evil.
May it transform consciences.


—Pope St. John Paul II

மன்னார் , யாழ்ப்பாணம் இரு அருட்பணியாளர்கள் 11 வது உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி மாநாட்டில் கலந்து கொள்ள பயணம்.சென்னை செம்மஞ்சேரி...

மன்னார் , யாழ்ப்பாணம் இரு அருட்பணியாளர்கள் 11 வது உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி மாநாட்டில் கலந்து கொள்ள பயணம்.

சென்னை செம்மஞ்சேரியில் அமைந்துள்ள ஆசியவியல் நிறுவன வளாகத்தில் யூலை மாதம் 7ஆம் திகதி தொடக்கம் 9ஆம் திகதி வரை பதினொராவது உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி மாநாடு நடைபெறுகின்றது.

இந்மாநாட்டில் மன்னார் மறைமாவட்டத்தைச் சேர்ந்த அருட்திரு. கிறிஸ்துநேசன் அடிகளாரும் யாழ் மறைமாவட்டத்தைச் சேர்ந்த அருட்பணி கலாநிதி ரூபன் மரியாம்பிள்ளை அடிகளாரும் கலந்துக் கொண்டு தங்கள் ஆய்வுக்கட்டுரைகளை சமர்பிக்க இருக்கின்றனர்.

(அருட்திரு. தமிழ்நேசன் அடிகளார்)
அருட்திரு. கிறிஸ்துநேசன் அடிகளார் ஒரு எழுத்தாளரும் முன்னாள் மன்னா பத்திரிகையின் பதிப்பாசிரியராகவும் தற்பொழுது மன்னார் மடுமாதா சிறிய குருமட அதிபராகவும் கடமைபுரிகின்றார்.

இருபதாம் நூற்றாண்டைச் சேர்ந்த இரண்டு ஐரோப்பியத் தமிழ் அறிஞர்களின் தமிழியல் ஆய்வுகள் தொடர்பான இரண்டு ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரைகளை அடிகளார் இந்த பதினொராவது உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி மாநாட்டில் சமர்ப்பிக்கின்றார்.

(கலாநிதி ரூபன் மரியாம்பிள்ளை அடிகளார்)
கலாநிதி ரூபன் மரியாம்பிள்ளை அடிகளார் இலங்கை திறந்த பல்கலைக்கழகம் ஊடக வருகை விரிவுரையாளரும் - யாழ்ப்பாணம் பல்கலைக்கழகம் மேனாள் ஊடக வருகை விரிவுரையாளரும் - இலங்கை யாழ்ப்பாணம் பிசப் சவுந்தரம் மீடியா சென்ரர் இயக்குநருமாவார்.

இவர் தனிநாயகம் அடிகளும் சுவாமி விபுலாநந்தரும் இலங்கை நாட்டின் வடக்கையும் கிழக்கையும் பிரதிபலித்து சமயத்தையும் தமிழையும் வளர்த்த இருவேறு சமயத் துறவிகள் என்ற தலைப்பிலான இவ்வாய்வு இந்த இரு துறவிகளது வாழ்வையும் பணியையும் ஒப்பாய்வு செய்து ஒற்றுமை வேற்றுமைகளைக் கோடிட்டுக்காட்டி அவர்கள் ஆற்றிய தன்னிகரற்ற பணியின் வழியாகச் சாதித்தது என்ன - அவர்கள் ஆற்றிய பணியின் வழி தமிழ் கூறும் நல்லுலகு பெற்றது என்ன என்ற கேள்விக்குப் பதிலுடன் இந்த மாநாட்டில் தனது ஆய்வுக் கட்டுரையை சமர்பிக்க இருக்கின்றார்.

அருட்திரு. கிறிஸ்துநேசன் அடிகளார் மற்றும் கலாநிதி ரூபன் மரியாம்பிள்ளை அடிகளார் ஆகிய இருவரும் பதினொராவது உலகத் தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சி மாநாட்டில் கலந்து கொள்வதற்காக வியாழக்கிழமை (06) இலங்கையிலிருந்து சென்னைக்கு பயணமாகின்றனர் என்பதும் குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.


Fr Elias Frank New Bishop of Asansol

Bangalore 3 July 2023 (CCBI): His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Fr Elias Frank (61), the clergy of Asansol, presently Professor of Canon Law at the Pontifical Urban University in Rome, Bishop of Asansol on Monday 3 July 2023.

Fr Elias Frank was born on 15 August 1962 in Bantwal, Infant Jesus Parish, in the Diocese of Mangalore. After completing school studies in the parish school at Modankap, higher secondary studies from St. Anthony’s College in Shillong, joined the Archdiocese of Kolkata (Calcutta) in 1983. His Minor Seminary Formation was at St. John Mary Vianney Seminary in Barasat, philosophy at Morning Star Regional Seminary in Barrackpore and theology at Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome. He was ordained priest on 23 April 1993 at Our Lady of Happy Voyage Church in Howrah.

After his priestly ordination, from 1993 to 1995, Fr. Elias Frank was a parochial vicar at Sacred Heart Church, Burdwan. From 1995-1996 he was the priest –in – charge of Kristo Jyothi Church, Basinda, and from 1996 to 1999 he was a parochial vicar again at Sacred Heart Church, Burdwan. After the creation of Asansol diocese, from 2002 to 2003 he was the parish administrator of St. Therese of Lisieux Parish, Durgapur; and from 2005 to 2006 he was the parish priest of Sacred Heart Church, Burdwan. During the years 2005-2006 Fr Elias served as judge at the Inter-Diocesan Tribunal of Kolkata. From 1999 to 2001 he did his Higher studies at Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome, and earned Licentiate in Canon Law in 2001-2002, Diploma in Jurisprudence and in 2003-2004 Doctorate in Canon Law.

Starting from 2007 until now he has been professor of “The Sanctifying office of the Church” in the Faculty of Canon Law at the same university. Since 2020 he has also been a visiting professor at Accademai Alfonsiana. He has published two books and numerous articles in various scientific jiurnals. He has served as editor of the journal lus Missionale, external judge of the First Instance Tribunal of the Vicariate of Rome, Consultor of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and Commissioner for in favorem fidei marriage cases at the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
Deputy Secretary General, CCBI
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The US has certified the world's first flying car for the testing phase. The flying car has already received over 400 preorder bookings. Will the US pioneer in making flying cars? Molly Gambhir tells you more.


(Mt. 10:37-42) Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In today’s Gospel Jesus tells His apostles who they should love most. Specifically He mentioned that their love should be more than parents and children, two groups of people who ordinarily receive our love. But He did not stop there. Even our lives which we treasure were not exempted. He put it a beautiful principle:

“Whoever finds his life will lose it,
and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”

Then, Jesus followed this up with the rewards for those who receive the apostles, the prophet and the righteous man. Interestingly, He capped it by saying that even a cup of water given to little ones AS A DISCIPLE, is ascertained of a reward.

Love the Lord and be rewarded. It is a big and important challenge. Loving here means transcending human loving relationships and our very existence. It does not mean that Jesus do not care about our human relationships nor our lives. They should not take precedence. It is tantamount to idolatry. Remember the first commandment? “You shall have no other God besides me.” God is a jealous God. We should love Him with our whole heart, soul, mind, and strength. No part of our person, whether physical or spiritual, is exempted from loving Him. When we seek Him first, all will be given to us. God is our enough. God is our fulfilment.

The principle which Jesus said regarding finding and losing life is a challenge to His apostles to pursue heaven rather than earthly life. Fullness of life is in finding and
entering the Kingdom of God. “What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world
but suffers the lost of his own soul?” The world is not enough for us. The world cannot give us satisfaction. Only God does. Thus, if we are to find life, find the Lord, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Jesus promised rewards. The Catholic Faith identifies different rewards (crowns) base on achievements. They are the following:
1. Crown of Life - Martyr’s Crown. This is for those who persevered under trials unto death.
2. Incorruptible Crown - Crown for those who practice self-denial and perseverance.
3. Crown of Righteousness - given to those who long for the Second Coming of Jesus and seeking intimacy with Him.
4. Crown of Glory - given to the Christian clergy who gave unselfish love for the flock and gave good examples to others.
5. Crown of Exultation - Thisnis given to those who engage in evangelism of those outside the Church.

There are many others mentioned in the bible. All these rewards, merited out of living a good Christian life and responding to the demands it gives, lead to a blissful life with God. Lest we forget, prior to these rewards is the reward of living the Faith. Our Faith life is its own reward!

Who says Christianity is all pain and suffering? Who says the Christian God is ma*****st and Christians are sadists? Who says that worshipping in this Faith are in vain? We anchor our Faith in Jesus risen from the dead. St. Paul warned us that if it was a hoax, we would have believed in vain. We have reasons to believe it is true. There were reliable witnesses to Jesus alive after His death. We bank on this truth. We stake our life and salvation in Jesus. In faith, we obey His commands and do everything AS A DISCIPLE!


Sl.No.27 /23 Synodal Church 02.07.2023
(Continuation of Sunday Meditation Sl. No.26/23 dt.25.06.2023, A Summary of Chapter-III, Section-II, Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Second Vatican Council).
Principles of Governing Socio-Economic Life as a Whole
After stating the guide-lines which must govern economic development if man’s dignity is not to be violated, the Constitution reaffirms certain basic principles underlying the Church’s teaching on social and economic life in general. In this connection three fundamental questions are dealt with: the nature and dignity of human labor; the organization of the productive process; and the question of property.
1. The Nature and Dignity of Human Labor
Human labor has greater value and dignity than any material good or machine. It is by means of his work that a man supports himself and his family, exercises charity, brings God’s creation to perfection and unites himself to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ. From this it flows that every man has the duty to work faithfully and the right to work. And society has a duty to help its citizens find work. Remuneration paid to workers must be sufficient to make possible the material, social, cultural and spiritual development of themselves and their dependents. In determining this remuneration in concrete cases, the productiveness of the worker, the conditions of the factory and the demand of the common good must be taken into account. (continued)
Dr.S.John Bosco. 02.07.2023.
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Gospel Insights!Mt. 8:5-17Saturday01 July, 2023Faith in Jesus...Calls us to relate!Calms us to be relevant!Invites us to...

Gospel Insights!
Mt. 8:5-17
01 July, 2023

Faith in Jesus...

Calls us to relate!
Calms us to be relevant!

Invites us to be sensitive!
Inspires us to be selfless!

Forms us to be wounded healers!
Fosters us to be worthy believers!

Do I firmly believe in Jesus?
Do I fully become like Jesus?

Fr. Michael Augustine SCJ

Coloured Gospel-toon from Sathish Paul SDB & Loyola TV Madurai

Coloured Gospel-toon from
Sathish Paul SDB
& Loyola TV Madurai


കോതമംഗലം രൂപതാംഗമായ നിയുക്ത മെത്രാൻ ബെന്നി വർഗീസ് ഇടത്തട്ടേലിന് പ്രാർത്ഥനാശംസകൾ

Fr. Benny Varghese is the New Bishop of Itanagar

Bangalore, June 29, 2023 (CCBI): His Holiness Pope Francis has appointed Fr. Benny Varghese Edathattel (53), a priest belonging to the diocese of Kohima, Nagaland, as the second Bishop of Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast India. The announcement was made on Thursday, June 29, 2023. Currently, he is the Executive Secretary of the Catechetical Commission of the Northeastern Regional Bishops’ Council.

Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Bishop John Thomas Kattrukudiyil (75) from the pastoral care of the Itanagar diocese. He was the Bishop of Diphu (1994–2005) in Assam and the Bishop of Itanagar (2005–2023).

Fr Benny Varghese Edathattel was born on 22 April 1970 in Njayappilly, in the Syro-Malabar eparchy of Kothamangalam, in Kerala. He attended the Good Shepherd minor seminary in Dimapur, then studied philosophy at the Salesian College in Dimapur and theology at the Oriens Theological College in Shillong and was ordained a priest on 19 April 1999 for the diocese of Kohima.

He has held the following offices and carried out further studies: assistant parish priest of St. Thomas Church and vice-principal of St. John School, Tuensang (1999-2002); dean of studies and administrator of St. Xavier's Seminary and director of the Agricultural Training cm Production Centre, Jalukie (2002-2004); Studies for the Diploma in Pastoral Ministry and the Master in Pastoral Theology with specialization in Small Christian Communities at the East Asian Pastoral Institute, in Manila; assistant parish priest of Our Lady of the Abandoned, in Marikina, in the Philippines (2004-2007);

Secretary of the Bishop of Kohima and diocesan coordinator of the Small Christian Communities (2007-2011); Studies for the Master in History at Gauhati University (2008-2010); parish priest of St. Peter's, in Kiphire, Nagalang (2011-2016); Bachelor of Education at the Mirza Teachers' Training College, Assam (2012-2013); Administrator of St. Joseph's College in Jakhama and Visiting Professor at Oriens Theological College, Shillong (2016-2020). Since 2021 he has been parish priest of the St. Joseph's Center in Songlhuh.

The diocese of Itanagar was erected on December 7, 2005, by bifurcating the Tezpur diocese in Assam and appointed Bishop John Thomas Kattrukudiyil as its first Bishop. The diocese includes 10 civil districts: Tawang, West Kameng, East Kameng, Papum Pare, Upper Subansiri, Lower Subansiri, Kurung Kamay, West Siang, East Siang and Upper Siang of Arunachal Pradesh. It borders to the north on China, a south on the mother diocese of Tezpur, to the east on the new diocese of Miao and to the west on Bhutan. There are 90, 822 Catholics; 52 parishes; 27 diocesan priests; 105 religious priests and 170 religious sisters in the diocese. Adi, Aka, Apatani, Hill Miri, Monpa, Nyshi, Tagin, etc are the languages of the people in Itanagar diocese.

The Catholic faith in Arunachal Pradesh was facilitated by the commitment and spirit of perseverance of the early Catholic leaders and catechists, who, resisting all prohibitions and persecutions, held on to their faith and proclaimed it in the villages. The seed of faith germinated and took root under the watchful care of these great missionaries. The Benedictine brother Prem Bhai, known as the "apostle of Arunachal Pradesh". His missionary spirit took him beyond all borders and into every village in West Arunachal Pradesh.

Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
Deputy Secretary General, CCBI

(Mt. 8:5-17) Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary TimeIn today's Gospel Jesus was approached by a centurion to seek ...

(Mt. 8:5-17) Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

In today's Gospel Jesus was approached by a centurion to seek healing for his ailing servant. Jesus was stunned by the professionalism of the centurion. The centurion only needed to hear Jesus' healing words and they were enough for him. He likened it to his own leadership where words were carried out by mere commands. Jesus was awed by the faith of the centurion. He admitted not to have found one such faith in Israel.

It was really an enviable faith. Must be the norm but was one of a kind at that time. Usually, words are not enough for us. But with God, words are equivalent to actions. When God speaks, it happens simultaneously. Creation was a testimony to that. As God spoke His words become realities.

At one point in the Gospels, Jesus proclaimed that every letter of God's word including every part of those letters will not come to pass without being fulfilled. The centurion's own discipline, formation, and faith provided the same attitude towards Jesus. Jesus' words were enough for him. And he was right.


In a bold and defiant interview, where “people in power” are repeatedly accused of planning, funding and executing the conflict in Manipur, which, in turn, i...

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In a bold and defiant interview, where “people in power” are repeatedly accused of planning, funding and executing the conflict in Manipur, which, in turn, i...


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