Nearly a year back, 4 mavericks, namely Joel Ramrajkar, Lailesh Masurkar, Manish Thakker & Ranjeet Kumar, got together and decided to provide interesting solutions to clients who were challenged to try a new medium, they had never explored in the past. This propelled into the media space and brought them into the reckoning against competition which was the kinetic energy to win them newer accounts
. With over 6 retainer clients and over 15 projects across the national market, it was an idea that made them feel, that Bengaluru should be the next hub. Thus, John M Kohlhoff was brought on board to start digital marketing activities in Bangalore, Sri Lanka and Singapore. The digital revolution is also home to the city of Bangalore and hence the national Digital mandates will be operated out of there. An idea can change everything. Our kind invented the wheel and we are constantly reinventing ways in which we use the wheel, this one thought brought us all together. We have evolved and become your one stop shop, a warehouse of ideas. We get super excited about all our work and do things interestingly. We are open-minded, honest, passionate and focused and we are explorers, we’re all for new ideas and experiences. We do not like complicating things but we thrive to discover The New! We are a team of collaborators and we excel in minimizing complications and obstacles. We are here as your partner, we share your passion, love and belief for your brand!