The Journal of Creative Communications encourages a new language of analysis for contemporary communications research and publishes articles dealing with innovative and alternate ways of doing research that push the frontiers of conceptual dialogue in communication theory and practice. The journal engages with a wide range of issues and themes in the areas of cultural studies, digital media, media
studies, technoculture, marketing communication, organizational communication, communication management, mass and new media, and development communication, among others. Editorial Board
Manisha Pathak-Shelat, MICA-The School of Ideas, Shela Ahmedabad, India
Kallol Das, MICA- The School of Ideas, Shela Ahmedabad, India
Maarit Jaakkola- University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Massimo Ragenneda- Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
Yangsun Hong, Department of Communication and Journalism, The University of New Mexico, USA
Rajat Roy, Bond University, Australia
Kjerstin Thorson, Michigan State University, USA
Yuan Wang, Department of Media and Communication, City University of Hong Kong
James R Barker, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Patrice M Buzzanell, Department of Communication, University of South Florida, USA
Paula Chakravartty, New York University, USA
Shubhra P Gaur, MICA-The School of Ideas, Shela Ahmedabad, India
Renne Hobbs, Harrington School of Communication and Media, University of Rhode Island, USA
Srinivas R Melkote, School of Media and Telecommunication, Bowling Green State University, USA
Anjali Monteiro, School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India
Jyotika Ramaprasad, University of Miami, USA
Nishant Shah, Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Lueneburg, Germany
Piyush Sharma, School of Marketing, Curtin University, Australia
Peter Shields, Department of Communication Studies, Eastern Washington University, USA
Preeti Shroff, MICA-The School of Ideas, Shela Ahmedabad, India
Wesly Shurm, Department of Sociology, Louisiana State University, USA
Arvind Singhal, Department of Communication, University of Texas, USA
T T Sreekumar, MICA-The School of Ideas, Shela Ahmedabad, India
H Leslie Steeves, School of Journalism and Communication, University of Oregon, USA
Pradip Thomas, School of Communication and Arts, University of Queensland, Australia
Daya Kishan Thussu, India Media Centre, University of Westminister, UK
Shanyang Zhao, Department of Sociology, Temple University, USA