Samajhdar Sintu was launched as an Environmental Comic strip series on 6th January, 2011 at a suburban cafe in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The idea of making comic strips which focus upon the environment and healthy living came into picture. The idea was well appreciated and many awards were won for starting up something which directly pinches the right nerve of the people and make them environmentally ca
utious as well as concerned. Samajhdar Sintu was also declared as India’s First Environmental Comic Strips in the year 2012 by The Limca Book of Records. Since then, the graph of success of Samajhdar Sintu has seen new heights. The readership of the comic strips has been soaring high and the urge to follow Sintu upon his march towards a greener future has been seen amongst lakhs of youngsters all across the country. This was made possible because the comic strips have been published in The Times Of India, Newspaper in Education edition for over an year which has a reach to over 50000 schools all across the country. Sintuics is one of a kind 3d comic book based on enviro education. These comic books are foldable and have a three dimensional touch to them. The comic books revolve around Sintu and his family as well as friends. In the very jovial way, Sintu talks about environment through stories and illustrations.