Part 4 – Unpacking, for the final time (hopefully), the video sent to us of a conversation / interview recorded in October 2021, so just over 2 years ago, by Age UK Salford and its Emma Smith.
No apologies for the long explanation below - it is tcritical to understand what has been going on.
‘It’s not what he chooses to remember that’s important. It’s what he chooses to forget.’
(Words spoken by one very wise 83-year old woman with Vascular Dementia)
We return to an Ostrich, disguised by Norman McNamara as his ‘young multi-millionaire backer’ in the Video made by Age UK Salford and Emma Smith where he was talking about the GPS trackers that failed to take flight.
As for his ‘young multi-millionaire’ backer (who was just 21 at the time) – read on!
McNamara and the Ostrich group had been in touch for months. Planning and plotting their ways and means of convincing people to ‘involve and engage’ with the ostrich. (Norm’s much-loved slogan words.)
Once the Ostrich had convinced Norman McNamara not to blow its feathered plumage, he was given the go-ahead to announce that he was now in bed with a CARE COMPANY called Ostrich Care. He had been hinting at this for weeks.
NB. If anyone can find a care company called Ostrich Care – past or present – we would be more than interested. (Providing care to humans – not birds.)
So excited was he that he said “.. here is the news i have been waiting so long to give you ...”.
He then shared a very long post about FREE GPS trackers being made available to all with a diagnosis of dementia and prone to wandering, and to ‘registered carers’ too. Except that he didn’t tell people that his long post had been written for him, by an ostrich, giving details of their monthly monitoring cost to punters, and with additional info about this FREE tracker being available from a care company called Ostrich UK and its call centre. All FREE .... for the first 3 months; then full normal charges would apply.
‘After many weeks of discussions and negotiations with Ostrich Care UK it is with IMMENSE PRIDE that I can now say : thanks to all at Ostrich Care’ said Norman McNamara.
NB. If anyone can find a care company called Ostrich Care UK – past or present – we would be interested to hear more. (Providing care to humans – not birds.)
During that period of enforced silence from McNamara, the ostrich’s website changed its tabs to include the word ‘care’. Prior to that, it had just been fairly bald in that regard, because, of course, it was just an affiliate marketing website, funded by putting punters in touch with companies who might be able to put punters in touch with other companies who might be able to provide chargeable services to the punter. The ostrich would have received its fee – even though the punter may never have bought as much as a sausage.
Its original website had links to funeral directors, Will writing companies, estate agents. Just the kind of services most people with dementia, especially those in need of GPS trackers because they are prone to wandering, are not exactly trying to track down. Definitely not a care providing kind of company.
But it did have on its spine board an Actor, a Plumber/Gas Engineer, a Receptionist, a ‘real estate agency person’ specialising in buying homes in Florida (!), with the young (alleged) ‘multi-millionaire’ describing himself as an Actor. I kid you not!!
Suddenly, almost overnight plus a very long weekend, Ostrich Money, Ostrich Law, Ostrich Insurance, Ostrich Care, Ostrich Property, Ostrich Carers, Ostrich Shop, and Ostrich Leisure were all hatched as tabs on the old website. Not companies; just tabs on the affiliate marketing website. Amazon also featured.
McNamara became even keener on giving out the impression that there really was an ostrich that cared about people with dementia. But it seems it was all purely and simply a hook; a money-making hook, designed to catch vulnerable people with dementia and their relatives. Fishing, anyone?
The previously-named funeral directors, Will-writing companies and estate agents immediately vanished from the revamped Ostrich website.
So involved and manipulative was the ostrich that a new breed was about to be hatched – calling themselves ‘Ostrich Purple Angel Ambassadors’, supporting the ‘Ostrich Purple Angel Dementia Awareness Campaign’ with further information available from that ‘company’ called Ostrich Care with its own new website ostrichcare.co.uk – except that there never was a care company called Ostrich Care. It was all a game. It was all the creation of an ostrich. The ambassadors was the idea of the ostrich too! Bet you didn't know that.
The ostrich informed its ‘Ostrich Purple Angel Ambassadors’ that they would be required to make mention of the ostrich at every turn. With the ostrich reserving the right to withdraw all offers of free posters, free window stickers, free postage etc at any time.
All this with Norman McNamara’s full knowledge and full support.
“We do reserve the right to withdraw this offer (of GPS trackers) – for reasons you appreciate- and we hope your growing team appreciate we too are a growing company not yet Microsoft or Twitter with billions! The more they help us with interaction on the site - shopping in the shopping mall, encouraging care homes to enhance their listings free – get involved with the trackers etc – then the more we can continue to do.” So said the Ostrich to McNamara.
The ‘Ostrich Purple Angel Ambassadors’ were all asked to register with the ostrich’s website, as well as sharing it to all memory cafés, memory clinics, care homes, newspapers, radio stations within their reach. In order to draw attention to the affiliate-marketing website of the ostrich, in order to enrich the ostrich, in order to support the ostrich. In order to maximise an ostrich.
In other words, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
The ostrich even had the nerve to blog about David Cameron at the G8 summit. With guest bloggers being invited onto the ostrich’s web-blog – including McNamara, of course.
Then, the ostrich invented a few companies (mostly now dissolved via compulsory striking-off), and persuaded Norman McNamara to promote most of its desires. Norman McNamara did as required and even feathered the nest with an information booklet and his assertions of EQUITY RELEASE being suitable for everyone with dementia. Or as he put it, “ to help as many as possible out there who are touched by this awful disease. there is also important advice about Equity release so you don’t have to lose your home whilst paying for care”. That is neither useful nor helpful advice, McNamara. It is misleading and muddled advice, from someone who should not be let loose on the unsuspecting public. Not that he’s ever owned a property, so he knows absolutely nothing about the ideas that he promotes. A complete purple angel booklet was written by the ostrich.
Did money change hands along the way from the Ostrich’s conception to its confinement? Did it?
Look what happened to the money from the fund-raising Babbacombe Theatre Military Wives concert – a cheque for £3461.15 was made out to OSTRICH CARE to fund some of the FREE GPS units from the ostrich. Where was the ‘young multi-millionaire’ in that? Would any multi-millionaire backer have felt the need to go down that road? Whenever you see the word FREE in anything connected to Norman McNamara, you can rest assured that there’s a catch somewhere. If you look for it, you will find it.
McNamara told everyone that the Torbay NHS Trust had also donated and agreed that they “will PAY for the first most needy 100 people call centre charges for a whole year !! they wanted to pay for 6 months but we negotiated a FULL YEAR!!”. Not what you would expect if you were being backed by a ‘multi-millionaire’, is it? Not as described on the Age UK Salford video either.
As always with Norman McNamara, the important information is what he chooses NOT to make available to anybody, or to any interviewer, about his past, his family, his dementia, and about his gimmicky over-bloated ideas.
What happened to the Ostrich, the Actor, the Plumber/Gas Engineer, the Receptionist and the Real Estate Agent? It’s beginning to sound like something out of Fawlty Towers. They all vanished once they realised that their plan to increase their footfall had fallen on stony ground. The anticipated income had fallen out of sight. The Ostrich took flight.
That is no way to treat people with dementia and/or their carers.
He knows exactly what he fails to mention. He knows exactly how the information he does provide has been selected before being twisted. He knows exactly what to leave out. Leaving the question if someone can fabricate all that, what else can someone fabricate?
All in their own very best interests. As always.