📚 New Book Release: "Metodologia de Ensino: O Caso da Universidade Cuito Cuanavale em Angola" by José Calulo & Armando Sachitota 📚
A docência no Subsistema de Ensino Superior, exige por parte dos docentes, o conhecimento de diversas metodologias de ensino, de modo que a aplicação das mesmas, venham possibilitar a criação de um ambiente de aula inclusiva, onde o docente planifica em função dos diversos níveis de assimilação existente na sala de aula, evitando assim, tornar alguns alunos invisíveis. A presente investigação, tem como objetivo, analisar as metodologias de ensino utilizadas no Ensino Superior em Angola, com foco na Universidade Cuito Cuanavale, possibilitando assim, ter uma visão geral das metodologias de ensino aplicadas e identificar possíveis áreas de melhoria para aprimorar a qualidade do ensino na instituição. Para esta pesquisa, tendo em consideração o raio de alcance do assunto, achou-se conveniente utilizar o enfoque de pesquisa, estudo de caso único de natureza exploratória, com uma abordagem mista. Na presente investigação, fez-se inicialmente uma abordagem sobre o ensino superior em Angola, tendo como foco o histórico da Universidade Cuito Cuanavale, posteriormente efetuou-se, uma breve fundamentação sobre docência universitária e metodologia de ensino no subsistema.
📖 A must-read for educators, researchers, and anyone interested in the advancement of higher education in Angola!
🛒 https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206760818
📚✨ We're thrilled to share some moments from the Beijing Book Fair! Our esteemed distributor partner, China Publishers Services Ltd, proudly presented OmniScriptum and our latest releases at this event.
A huge thank you to China Publishers Services Ltd for their support!
Stay tuned for more updates and new releases from OmniScriptum. 📚❤️
#BeijingBookFair #OmniBooks #ChinaPublishers
📚 New Release Alert: "Prevención y resolución de conflictos alimentarios en el ámbito laboral: Soluciones alternativas de conflictos para trabajadores con problemas alimentarios específicos " 🌱
💡More About This Book:
Con la intención de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas en edad laboral y en la sociedad en general, este libro pretende tener un triple impacto: El cuidado de la salud, medio ambiente y la garantía del pleno ejercicio de los derechos alimentarios de los trabajadores. Se combinan dos problemáticas de los trabajadores; solución alternativa de conflictos y derechos alimentarios. La intención de este trabajo es generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad y/o medioambiente, a través de soluciones innovadoras ante problemas sociales, laborales, sanitarios y ambientales que existan en la población. Por otra parte, utilizar la mediación como medio para la resolución de conflictos, promueve la cultura de la paz y sirve de puente entre el trabajador y la empresa, obteniendo ventajas para ambas partes.
👉 Grab your copy now and take the first step towards a healthier, more harmonious workplace!
#ConflictResolution #WorkplaceHealth #FoodRights #SustainableWorkplace
📚 Discover 'The Mortality of New Political Parties in Southern Africa: A Case Study of South Africa and Angola '
🔍 More About The Book:
This book addresses the problem of the mortality of new political parties in the Southern African region from 1987 to 2022. The process of democratization in the region took place in the 1990s, when there was a transition from African Socialism to Democracy regime, from one-party to multi-party system. However, this transition was characterized by a series of events, such as the emergence of new parties and coalitions of political parties, as well as their immediate demise. The book explores the reasons for the premature death of these parties. The study's field of action is the sociology of political parties, and it seeks to understand the internal and external reasons that influence the mortality of new parties in the region. However, although to a limited extent, the study also explores the new political formations that were born at the same time, but which had a different fate to the others. This dichotomy between mortality and survival, which is vividly discussed in the book, leads us to understand the reasons behind the high level of mortality of political parties in the region, especially in South Africa and Angola, as they lead the list.
👉 Get your copy now and explore the intricate world of political party dynamics! https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786207653324
NEW RELEASE: Sistema de Captação e Amplificação do Som Para Salas de Aulas: em Época da COVID-19: Uma resposta em tempos de crise
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly disrupted education 📚, particularly in terms of communication between teachers and students 👩🏫👨🎓. This book by Milton Maleiane and Urânio Stefane Mahanjane presents a sustainable and effective solution 🌟
Com a eclosão da pandemia da COVID-19 em 2020, a qualidade do ensino e aprendizagem na maioria das instituições teve que enfrentar alguns problemas relacionados à comunicação entre os docentes e os estudantes nas salas de aulas, decorrentes do uso de máscaras e distanciamento físico. Assim sendo, o principal objetivo desta obra é mostrar uma solução técnica sustentável trazida para captação e amplificação do som para as salas de aulas. Um sistema proporcionando uma comunicação adequada entre os grandes intervenientes do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, nomeadamente, os docentes e os estudantes. Para a projeção e construção do sistema electrónico sustentável de captação e amplificação do som nas salas de aulas, foram usados cálculos e modelagens matemáticas, simulador electrónico, componentes electrónicos e eléctricos (alguns reutilizados), condutores eléctricos, entre outros.
Embrace seamless communication and foster a conducive learning environment with this practical guide.
🛒 https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206759614
#Education #COVID19 #SoundAmplification
Want to understand the challenges & opportunities facing education in the Democratic Republic of Congo? 📚 "L’ENSEIGNEMENT EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO ET SES REALITES " by Aimé Kanda Mbuangi takes a deep dive into the factors influencing educational quality.
💡More about the book:
Un analyste disait, pour bloquer le développement d’un pays, il suffit de détruire la qualité de l’éducation. Parlé de la qualité de l’éducation, ceci met l’accent sur la qualité des disponibles tels que : 1. Les ressources humaines (personnel enseignants) ; 2. Les infrastructures scolaires ; 3. La sécurité sociale du personnel enseignant.
En remplissant dans les meilleures conditions les deux éléments fondamentaux suscités, il sera possible de confirmer d’avoir assuré aux enfants élèves une éducation de qualité. Aller en l’encontre de ceux-ci, l’ambition d’assurer cette éducation de qualité telle que prônée par les autorités du pays, serait devenue un mystère. L’éducation étant un droit, il est nécessaire voire une priorité afin d ’accélérer les progrès vers la réalisation des objectifs de l’éducation pour tous et les objectifs de développement durable « ODD » telle que prônée par les Nations Unies. La République Démocratique du Congo s’était engagée à l’échéance 2020 à accroître à 23,5% le financement intérieur destiné au secteur de l’éducation.
Education is a right, not a privilege!
🛒 Get your book now!: https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206705499
#Congo #globaldevelopment
🎓 Unlock the power of education with "Educação de Adultos: Uma abordagem didático-andragógica no Ensino Superior" by Adelino Pelembi
📖 More about the book:
No âmbito da análise das teorias sobre a educação de adultos, sem se pretender expor todo o seu amplo espectro, pretendeu-se apresentar nesta obra, uma abordagem didático- andragógica numa perspectiva do ensino superior. Do ponto de vista educativo, confia-se nas instituições de ensino superior para ampliarem o domínio da razão e libertar a humanidade da obscuridade, pois o objectivo da educação de adultos consiste em fomentar as condições e as destrezas necessárias para que o aluno adulto compreenda a sua experiência, através de uma participação livre e activa, por meio do diálogo como tributo mais significativo do ser humano e como forma de interação social. Um dos grandes desafios para a docência universitária concorre sem sobressaltos para a auto reflexividade em relação aquilo que é a sua prática pedagógica, sustentando assim a sua equidade epistemológica e também metodológica. A abordagem andragógica é sem dúvida aquela que é aplicável ao processo de aprendizagem no contexto universitário, pois, ela consiste precisamente na arte e na ciência orientadora para aprendizagem dos adultos, propondo a utilização de metodologias participativas.
Get your book now! 👉 https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206758617
#EducationForAll #AdultLearners
✨ Dive into "From Values/Belief to Actions via Self-Management for Impacts" by Shirley Mo Ching Yeung and William Shum. ✨
📖 The aim of this book is to explore the elements of a committed organization with happy transformative servant business leadership for improving the attributes of professional service providers for transformation. A research was conducted to interpret factors potentially related to Committed Organization with Happy Transformative Servant Business Leadership. Fifteen articles published from 2021 to 2022 were found. By thoroughly diving into these articles, numerous relatable factors are identified to the topic, including Effective Transformative Leadership, Optimistic in Future Relationship, Relationship with Trust in Organization, Emotional Engagement with Employees, Balance in Mental and Material Well-being, Serve with Common Goals, Serve with Happiness, Task Completion with Commitment, and Creativity in Problems Solved.
📚Grab your copy today and start your journey towards a brighter future!
👉 https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786207641598
✨Find more about Dr. Shirley Yeung here: https://www.omniscriptum.com/author-biography/shirley-yeung/
#newbook #leadership #transformation #changemakers
🌟New Release! "Design Actions for SDG x ESG x UNPRME Impact 5"
Organizations nowadays are operating in an environment of unpredictable changes after COVID-19 with increasing expectations from the community. There are new demands with social responsibilities and trust to customers. To ensure its sustainable development, new elements are needed to be added for trust-building and word-of-mouth, for example SDG and ESG. Transformative business models with insights from business leaders and scholars are needed. The new book of Dr. Shirley Yeung provides insights in SDG acceleration project design to socially engage the youth and women community. It also gives a comprehensive presentation of the projects that Dr. Yeung has convened and implemented with impacts in the past few years. The material covered in this book provides educators, industry practitioners and policy makers with good practices on SDG x ESG. It will be a useful reference for those who wish to enhance their organization’s sustainable development performance. Mr. William ShumFounder, Memorigin Tourbillon Watch
Dr. Shirley Yeung's exhibition on project "Restore the Nature with Innovations via SDGs and ESG /i5" with Design for Actions in Beyond Coffee and Bar, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
🌟Get your copy now!
👉 https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786207485079
📚 Discover fascinating minds in "Derrière la célébrité : les grands esprits palpables l Portraits en écrit "
This captivating book takes you on a global journey, exploring the lives of artists, musicians, scholars, and visionaries.
Author: Gabriela Căluțiu Sonnenberg
📖 Grab your copy now and embark on this enriching literary adventure!
👉 https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786204972657
#GreatMinds #IntellectualExploration #MustRead
🌟 'Faire l'amour, la vie sexuelle des personnes âgées en institution! ' sheds light on a topic often whispered about, but rarely addressed openly.
💖 Let's break the silence on the sexuality of the elderly and embrace the age of desires.
Don't miss the video below :
#AgingWithDignity #ElderlyCare #BookRecommendation
Understand Soil Erosion in Mozambique
"Erosão do solo em Moçambique: Processos, formas e mitigação " by Elisa Eda Nhambire, Gustavo Sobrinho Dgedge and Bernardino José Bernardo, is a must-read for understanding this critical environmental issue. This book delves into:
👉How erosion works
👉Impacts on Mozambique
👉Mitigation strategies
👉Challenges for the future
For teachers, researchers, and anyone concerned about Mozambique's environment. 🇲🇿
Learn more: https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786205506219
#soilerosin #mozambique #environment #sustainability #bookstagram
☕✨ Sip into the world of mindful communication with "Bon Te Lespri"! 📚🍵
Words have the power to shape our world. Discover how to elevate your communication and harness the positive energy of your words with Guerlency Michel's insightful book "Bon Te Lespri".
Inspired by the wisdom of Proverbs 18, this book explores the transformative power of speech and reminds us to choose our words carefully.
📖 Transform your communication and relationships: https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786139594153
#CommunicationWisdom #PositiveEnergy #bookstagram #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth
🧪 Delve into the world of Chemistry education with "Aprendizagens associadas às atividades laboratoriais em Química: Um estudo com docentes e estudantes da Universidade Pedagógica centrado em percepções e representações de práticas"
Join us on a journey of discovery as author Ana Paula Camuendo explores the perceptions and representations of teaching practices related to Laboratory Activities (ALs) in Chemistry education. 🎓
Gain insights into the conditions necessary for assessment practices associated with ALs to foster meaningful learning for future Chemistry teachers.
🧠 Get your copy now and enrich your understanding of Chemistry Education: https://morebooks.shop/shop-ui/shop/product/9786206756163
#ChemistryEducation #TeachingPractices #LearningJourney