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The comprehensive service package is 100% FREE OF CHARGE to our authors.

📚 Discover and Rediscover Economics 📚 Join Dr Lamine Keita and find out more about his work.🔍 Ready to uncover the true ...

📚 Discover and Rediscover Economics 📚 Join Dr Lamine Keita and find out more about his work.

🔍 Ready to uncover the true nature of economics? Get your copy today!

Mor From The Book:

L’économie est une science que les hommes appliquent naturellement en ayant la maîtrise de l’usage de son instrument de mesure, assurant justice et équité. Cet instrument est représenté aujourd’hui dans sa forme finale de monnaie, mais historiquement dans les pays, il a pu apparaître sous la forme de sel, de blé, de mouton. A la pratique, la monnaie n’a jamais été considérée avec cet attribut de la mesure, quand dans le troc, considéré comme l’échange de biens physiques entre eux, nul n’aura relevé le rôle de mesure, qui est pourtant joué par un bien particulier. Par conséquent, la monnaie est restée soumise à la volonté du Prince, et utilisée dans l’ignorance de règles présidant à son utilisation correcte. Cette situation a fini par engendrer, et paradoxalement dans les pays développés, utilisateurs privilégiés de la monnaie, de fortes inégalités, le chômage, la pauvreté et l’exclusion. Il s’est agi ici de découvrir cette économie naturelle à travers le descriptif du comportement des hommes et des femmes disposant d’un savoir-faire acquis et d’une bonne pratique de l’instrument de mesure.

🌱✨ New Release: “Sustainable Development through Craftsmanship and Sportsmanship” by Dr. Shirley M. C. Yeung ✨🌱 More Abo...

🌱✨ New Release: “Sustainable Development through Craftsmanship and Sportsmanship” by Dr. Shirley M. C. Yeung ✨🌱

More About The Book:

Dr. Yeung's extensive background in education and her passion for integrating traditional Chinese art forms with contemporary practices, for example, yoga with Chinese Calligraphy Paintings in Exhibition and Breathing patterns with Chinese brush strokes provide a unique perspective on sustainability. Her compelling arguments challenge readers to rethink their relationship with craftsmanship—not just as a means of production with hands but as a form of art that embodies cultural characteristics, for example, Chinese calligraphy painting, Indian yoga practices, and UNSDGs from the U.S. and environmental respect. Ir. Ho Chi-Shing, Chairman, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)/General Manager, BEAM Society Ltd."Sustainable Development through Craftsmanship and Sportsmanship" is not merely a book; it is a call to sustainable responsible actions. Dr. Shirley M. C. Yeung masterfully combines her expertise and passion to offer a transformative guide that motivates the community to transform for a better world. Paul Chan, CEO, ESG School HK, Hanin Enterprise Group

Don’t miss your chance to explore how cultural practices like Chinese calligraphy and yoga can inspire a sustainable future.

🛒 Get your copy now!

🌟 Discover a New Perspective on Faith and Knowledge! 🌟Dive into “Rationale Überlegungen zur Wahrnehmung der religiösen W...

🌟 Discover a New Perspective on Faith and Knowledge! 🌟

Dive into “Rationale Überlegungen zur Wahrnehmung der religiösen Wirklichkeit” by Urs Wiederkehr, a thought-provoking exploration of the delicate balance between knowledge and belief.

More About The Book:

Nicht das Wissen, sondern die Wahrscheinlichkeit ist die Grundlage der menschlichen Erkenntnis. Das moderne analytische und objektive sichere Denken hat die natürliche Ungewissheit in der Erkenntnis verdrängt. Das eigene ,,beweisbare" Wissen hat den religiösen Glauben ersetzt. Doch die grundlegenden Erkenntnisse sind nur im Glauben und im Vertrauen zu finden. lch muss an mich glauben und ich habe kein sicheres Wissen, wie ich mein Leben gestalten muss. Die vorliegenden Gedanken eröffnen eine neue Sicht auf die christliche Religion und werfen einen vertieften Blick auf das Leben und Wirken Christi. Credo, ergo sum. lch glaube, also bin ich.

📖✨ Get your book here:

📚 New Release Alert!🌟 Dive into the mesmerising world of "Honeyed Poison: Translations of Modern Persian Poetry ". 🌟More...

📚 New Release Alert!

🌟 Dive into the mesmerising world of "Honeyed Poison: Translations of Modern Persian Poetry ". 🌟

More About The Book:

Persian has had a long and distinguished presence in South Asia. From its first introduction to this region in the 1500s down to the coming of the British colonists, it flowered and flourished. Both as a lingua franca and as the vehicle for aesthetic expression during the Mughal rule (1526-1707) and later in the court of the Sikh rulers of the Punjab (1799-1849), it found fertile ground. With the arrival of the British in the Sub-continent, the rich and varied heritage nurtured over centuries was abandoned. Despite some rare exceptions—like Mirza Asadullah Ghalib (1797-1869) and Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) who continued to compose poetry in Farsi as well as Urdu—Persian lost its wider appeal. It was no longer the language of official affairs, and so of social advancement, nor appreciated as extensively as it once was. Translating modern Iranian poets into English is a commendable initiative by an individual. The translator is a polyglot, at home in Urdu, Punjabi, English, Persian, Chinese, and Spanish. With the rich and layered tradition of these cultures and their continuum of poetic wealth, this nuanced body of work has a distinctive global resonance.M. Athar Tahir

Whether you're a lover of poetry or fascinated by the cultural tapestry of the Subcontinent, this book is a must-read!

🚀 New Release Alert! 📚We're excited to announce the release of "Missionarische Präsenz" by Walter Kirchschläger!In a wor...

🚀 New Release Alert! 📚

We're excited to announce the release of "Missionarische Präsenz" by Walter Kirchschläger!

In a world constantly evolving, the Church continues to reflect on its role and identity, especially since the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).

More From the Book:

Besonders seit dem Konzil (1962-1965) reflektiert die Kirche ihr Selbstverständnis und sucht neu ihren Ort in einer veränderten Welt, eben „in der Welt von heute“. Der gegenwärtige Bischof von Rom erteilt zugleich einer Mitläufermentalität die Absage: Franziskus spricht in diesem Zusammenhang von einem „Wohnzimmerchristentum.“ Mit und auch schon vor ihm haben Menschen in verantwortlichen Positionen in der Kirche zu einer lebendigen Verkündigung aufgerufen und zu einem neuen Engagement der Menschen im Geiste des Evangeliums Jesu Christi ermutigt. Dieser Apell ist nicht nur an jene gerichtet, die in der Kirche beruflich tätig sind, sondern betrifft alle Menschen, die in dieser Glaubensgemeinschaft leben.„Missionarische Präsenz“ hebt sich von einem früheren Missionsverständnis ab. Es geht heute nicht nur um die Verkündigung in fernen Kontinenten – so unverzichtbar und prägend diese auch bleibt –, sondern um die Förderung eines unaufdringlichen und damit wirkungsvollen christlichen Lebenszeugnisses in allen Bereichen der Weltgesellschaft. Dieses Buch nutzt biblische Impulse, um verschiedene Schwerpunkte aufzuzeigen und zu einem bewusst christlichen Lebensentwurf zu motivieren.

Get your copy now and be inspired to live your faith boldly and authentically!

A successful collaboration is the result of a trusting partnership.🌟 Here is what our author, Justin Amuri Mweze, says r...

A successful collaboration is the result of a trusting partnership.🌟 Here is what our author, Justin Amuri Mweze, says regarding his collaboration with us on the book "L’ÉDUCATION PATRIOTIQUE COMME STRATÉGIE POUR COMBATTRE LE COMPLOT "

"Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre merveilleux service de très grande qualité. Avec mon livre à la main, Je viens de découvrir que les Editions Universitaires Européennes, font un travail excellent : c’est la classe, la qualité, la distinction, une production incomparable.
En outre, mes remerciements vont encore ­à votre parfaite collaboration entre vous et moi, lors de l’édition de mon livre. Par la qualité de votre service, je suis grandement motivé et je collaborerai toujours avec vous. "

Find out more about the book here: 🛒


📚 New Book Release: "Metodologia de Ensino: O Caso da Universidade Cuito Cuanavale em Angola" by José Calulo & Armando Sachitota 📚

A docência no Subsistema de Ensino Superior, exige por parte dos docentes, o conhecimento de diversas metodologias de ensino, de modo que a aplicação das mesmas, venham possibilitar a criação de um ambiente de aula inclusiva, onde o docente planifica em função dos diversos níveis de assimilação existente na sala de aula, evitando assim, tornar alguns alunos invisíveis. A presente investigação, tem como objetivo, analisar as metodologias de ensino utilizadas no Ensino Superior em Angola, com foco na Universidade Cuito Cuanavale, possibilitando assim, ter uma visão geral das metodologias de ensino aplicadas e identificar possíveis áreas de melhoria para aprimorar a qualidade do ensino na instituição. Para esta pesquisa, tendo em consideração o raio de alcance do assunto, achou-se conveniente utilizar o enfoque de pesquisa, estudo de caso único de natureza exploratória, com uma abordagem mista. Na presente investigação, fez-se inicialmente uma abordagem sobre o ensino superior em Angola, tendo como foco o histórico da Universidade Cuito Cuanavale, posteriormente efetuou-se, uma breve fundamentação sobre docência universitária e metodologia de ensino no subsistema.

📖 A must-read for educators, researchers, and anyone interested in the advancement of higher education in Angola!

🌟 We are thrilled to present a review from one of our authors regarding his collaboration with us on the book "Fragments...

🌟 We are thrilled to present a review from one of our authors regarding his collaboration with us on the book "Fragments de Philosophie: Il y a philosophie et philosophie: La philosophie hier, la philosophie aujourd'hui: Progrès ou Régression " 📚

🔎 Here's what André Pierre Claver OKOUDJOU have to say about their experience working with us:

"Les Editions Universitaires Européennes m'ont agréablement surpris par le sérieux et la rapidité des travaux d'édition et d'imrimerie. Leur expérience en la matière a fait leur force et leur réussite. Avec toutes mes considérations."


🌟 NEW RELEASE 🌟Anthroposophie ist eine Geisteswissenschaft, die sich besonders mit dem Menschen, aber auch grundsätzlich...


Anthroposophie ist eine Geisteswissenschaft, die sich besonders mit dem Menschen, aber auch grundsätzlich mit den Lebewesen, mit Pflanzen und Tieren, mit der unbelebten Materie und mit kosmischen Zusammenhängen auseinandersetzt. Schon Rudolf Steiner propagierte eine Anwendung in der Medizin. In dieser Arbeit soll versucht werden, Aspekte der anthroposophischen Medizin darzulegen, kritisch zu durchleúchten, die Theorien sowohl inhaltlich als auch dialektisch zu untersuchen und ihre Anwendung anhand einer quantitative Studie plausibel zu machen.

Explore "Anthroposophische Medizin: Eine kritische Studie" 👉

📕Are you a poetry lover seeking something new? Honeyed Poison offers a unique exploration of modern Persian poetry. Don'...

📕Are you a poetry lover seeking something new?
Honeyed Poison offers a unique exploration of modern Persian poetry. Don't miss this opportunity to discover a hidden literary treasure! 💎

More About The Book:
Persian has had a long and distinguished presence in South Asia. From its first introduction to this region in the 1500s down to the coming of the British colonists, it flowered and flourished. Both as a lingua franca and as the vehicle for aesthetic expression during the Mughal rule (1526-1707) and later in the court of the Sikh rulers of the Punjab (1799-1849), it found fertile ground. With the arrival of the British in the Sub-continent, the rich and varied heritage nurtured over centuries was abandoned. Despite some rare exceptions—like Mirza Asadullah Ghalib (1797-1869) and Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938) who continued to compose poetry in Farsi as well as Urdu—Persian lost its wider appeal. It was no longer the language of official affairs, and so of social advancement, nor appreciated as extensively as it once was. Translating modern Iranian poets into English is a commendable initiative by an individual. The translator is a polyglot, at home in Urdu, Punjabi, English, Persian, Chinese, and Spanish. With the rich and layered tradition of these cultures and their continuum of poetic wealth, this nuanced body of work has a distinctive global resonance.M. Athar Tahir


📘 New Release Alert! 📘🌍 Introducing "Social Axioms: Mediating Factors between Needs and BehavioursThe relationship betwe...

📘 New Release Alert! 📘🌍

Introducing "Social Axioms: Mediating Factors between Needs and Behaviours

The relationship between social beliefs, basic psychological needs and subjective well-being "– an insightful dive into the intricate relationships between social beliefs, basic psychological needs, and subjective well-being.

🔎 More About the Book:

The main objective of this research was to determine the mediating role of social axioms between basic psychological needs and subjective well-being in the Romanian cultural context and to conduct a cross-cultural comparative analysis between the Romanian and UK cultural contexts. During the development of this research, the world experienced a pandemic. As a result, the author formulated an additional objective, analysed through the prism of a natural experiment with the variable COVID-19. Hence, comparing axioms, needs, and well-being before and during the pandemic provides unique insights into the impact of a global crisis on these variables. The results show that in Romanian culture, only social cynicism mediates the relationship between needs and well-being. In the UK cultural context, both social cynicism and reward for application mediate the relationship between needs and well-being. Subjective well-being tends to be associated with high linguistic performance in Romanian and English. For both Romanian and UK participants, social cynicism mediates the relationship between the need for competence and well-being, leading to an indirect effect of improving well-being.

🔗 Dive into the world of social beliefs and well-being through a lens of cross-cultural and pandemic-era analysis.

🤔 How can governments navigate the ethical complexities of the digital age?  Learn how to optimize information processes...

🤔 How can governments navigate the ethical complexities of the digital age? Learn how to optimize information processes while upholding the highest ethical standards.

💡More About The Book:

The purpose of this research is to analyze, synthesize, justify, explore, and implement an innovative Disruptive Conceptual Model for assessing the impact of cyberethical factors on the management of information processes in state and local governments in order to optimize them and align them with the strategic principles and objectives of state and local governance. As a natural realization of the stated goal, the authors provide several examples of the applicability of this Generative Conceptual Model in current social practice.



AI: Your Next Obsession? 🧠 🦾 Our authors have delved deep into artificial intelligence to bring you these incredible pieces of knowledge💡. From understanding the basics to exploring the limitless possibilities, these books hold the key to AI. 🔑 Which one will you choose? 🤔

📕Artificial Intelligence by Archna Goyal and RUCHIKA BHAKHAR:
📕Artificial Intelligence: Let us just begin a talk about “Algorithms” by Sandeep Kumar, Pankaj Sharma and Ashok Kumar:

📕Artificial Intelligence: Perspective towards Basic to Enhanced Approach - A Predictable Evolution by PROF. REENA SATPUTE:

🚨 New Book Alert! 📚Dive into "Reflection of the pandemic of Covid-19 in the journal "România Liberă"An overall view of t...

🚨 New Book Alert! 📚

Dive into "Reflection of the pandemic of Covid-19 in the journal "România Liberă"
An overall view of the years 2020-2022 " by Anca Oltean.

🔎 More From The Book:

This book intends to present the evolution of pandemy of Covid-19 during the years 2020-2022 and its impact upon Romanian society as presented by the Romanian newspaper România liberă. The online archives of the newspaper România liberă present the context in which the pandemy evolved in Romania. The issue of vaccination, the emergence of different variants of the virus Covid 19, the isolation and endemic fear generated by the mass media campaign which helped and made the citizens aware of the emergence of this virus, were a few coordinates of the evolution of public life in the pandemic context. The restrictions imposed to the population including also the international travelling were bypassed by the fact that the majority of the population took the vaccine and, in their case, the resistance in front of new variants of the virus was higher. It was a kind of hybrid interior war that we all passed through but to win the battle means in fact to be stronger than before as individuals. The book intends to present the internal and international context of the pandemic years.

A powerful narrative that reveals the resilience of individuals and society during these unprecedented times.

🌟 Explore the Splendor of "璀璨的楚辞: 新解 复原 英译"  (The Glorious Verse of Chu ) by 振英 卓 More From The Book: 《楚辞》产生于两千多年前的战国时期,...

🌟 Explore the Splendor of "璀璨的楚辞: 新解 复原 英译" (The Glorious Verse of Chu ) by 振英 卓

More From The Book:

《楚辞》产生于两千多年前的战国时期,是中国诗歌乃至中国文化的源头之一。它在形式上参差错落、灵活多变;典故、方言,辞藻华美;比兴手法,表现力强;对理想的热烈追求融入了艺术的想象和神奇的意境之中,充满了积极的浪漫主义精神。内容涉及诸多领域,述遭际,刺群小,表现了诗人爱国爱民的高尚情怀和追求真理的科学精神。本稿与现有其它楚辞英译版本有诸多不同之处,主要是:形制不同,内容解读不同,英译策略不同,唱词作了角色区分,长诗划分了诗章,书名与篇目的翻译简约而蕴含地理历史信息,具有较鲜明显的特色和创造性。 楚辞是观察东方文明的一扇窗户,它将为您带来愉悦。

🌸Let this poetic masterpiece bring joy and inspiration to your literary journey.


📚✨ We're thrilled to share some moments from the Beijing Book Fair! Our esteemed distributor partner, China Publishers Services Ltd, proudly presented OmniScriptum and our latest releases at this event.

A huge thank you to China Publishers Services Ltd for their support!

Stay tuned for more updates and new releases from OmniScriptum. 📚❤️


📚 New Release Alert: "Prevención y resolución de conflictos alimentarios en el ámbito laboral: Soluciones alternativas de conflictos para trabajadores con problemas alimentarios específicos " 🌱

💡More About This Book:

Con la intención de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas en edad laboral y en la sociedad en general, este libro pretende tener un triple impacto: El cuidado de la salud, medio ambiente y la garantía del pleno ejercicio de los derechos alimentarios de los trabajadores. Se combinan dos problemáticas de los trabajadores; solución alternativa de conflictos y derechos alimentarios. La intención de este trabajo es generar un impacto positivo en la comunidad y/o medioambiente, a través de soluciones innovadoras ante problemas sociales, laborales, sanitarios y ambientales que existan en la población. Por otra parte, utilizar la mediación como medio para la resolución de conflictos, promueve la cultura de la paz y sirve de puente entre el trabajador y la empresa, obteniendo ventajas para ambas partes.

👉 Grab your copy now and take the first step towards a healthier, more harmonious workplace!

🌟 We're excited to announce the 2nd edition of "Manuel de procédures de passation de marchés publics" by Claudie Marsan!...

🌟 We're excited to announce the 2nd edition of "Manuel de procédures de passation de marchés publics" by Claudie Marsan!

💡More About The Book:

Actuellement, les marchés publics en Haïti sont régis par la Loi du 10 juin 2009 fixant les règles générales relatives aux marchés publics et aux conventions de concession d'ouvrage de service public completée de plus d'une quarantaine d'arrêtés et du décret du 9 septembre 2020. Cette nouvelle édition enrichie contient des références juridiques, règlementaires et commerciales adoptées entre 2013 et 2021. Cet ouvrage demeure un outil de travail quotidien qui présente et décrit de façon simple, claire, précise et succincte le mécanisme de passation des marchés publics. Particulièrement espéré dans l’actuel contexte économique et règlementaire d’Haïti, cet ouvrage est adressé à tous les intéressés: opérateurs économiques dont les PME et TPE, agents publics nationaux ou internationaux, professionnels, artisans, banquiers, écoliers, bailleurs de fonds ainsi que les organisations de la société civile (OSC) qui négligent de s'impliquer efficacement dans les processus de passation de marchés en tant qu'observateurs des marchés de l'Etat conformément à la législation en vigueur. Illustration de la couverture : Chevelin Pierre

🛒 Grab your copy today and stay ahead in the world of public procurement!

☀️ Beat the Heat with a Cool Summer Camping Sale!  ⏰  Stock up on all your summer reading essentials - this offer won't ...

☀️ Beat the Heat with a Cool Summer Camping Sale!

⏰ Stock up on all your summer reading essentials - this offer won't last long! The sale ends July 21st.

🛒 Shop Now:

P.S. Don't forget to use code SUN40 at checkout!

🇧🇬 Can Bulgaria Grow Food & Protect Nature? 🌳 🌟 New Release: Assessment of sustainability of the agricultural sector in ...

🇧🇬 Can Bulgaria Grow Food & Protect Nature? 🌳

🌟 New Release: Assessment of sustainability of the agricultural sector in Bulgaria: from the beginning of structural changes in the agricultural sector in 1998 to its accession in the EU 2007


Population growth and economic growth rates in recent decades have significantly increased pressure on nature and seriously threatened its carrying capacity. Future generations, by various estimates, are increasingly threatened by the reduction and depletion of natural resources, predatory destruction of the environment and limitation of development opportunities. Humanity has reached a point where an urgent rethinking of the current approach of economic growth and the management of natural resources is urgently needed. Growth, as a purely quantitative expansion of the economy, needs qualitative reassessment, taking into account a number of important social and environmental development objectives on which the well-being of future generations depends. The publication of the 1987 report "Our Common Future" by the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development ushered in the process of establishing a new path of development to "meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Despite many interpretations, there is no "universal" definition of the essence of sustainable development.

💚 Be part of the solution! Get your copy today! ➡️

🌟New Release: State and Statehood: Etymology and Characteristics 🔎 More About The Book: This study, despite John Ralston...

🌟New Release: State and Statehood: Etymology and Characteristics

🔎 More About The Book:

This study, despite John Ralston Saul’s assertion that “defining popular concepts is a familiar scholastic trap,” presents the generally accepted definitions of the state and statehood, along with the main characteristics of the state, its functions, and its role in the formation of statehood as a system. Moreover, the study explores the connections between the main functions of the modern state, its obligations to guarantee national security, and the model for assessing national power. It consistently presents the basic definitions and modern understandings of the essence of the modern state, national security, and national power. Additionally, the study identifies a set of factors that underscore the dominant role of state power in international relations, the leading factors generating national power, and the most current changes in the security environment, covering the most comprehensive contemporary sources and variables for the formation of national power.

🛒 Get your copy today!


📚 New Release: Une approche pour de tests cognitifs d’orientation de jeunes Africains  🧠  💡More About the Book: La probl...

📚 New Release: Une approche pour de tests cognitifs d’orientation de jeunes Africains 🧠

💡More About the Book:

La problématique de l’OSP des jeunes intéresse maints gouvernements du monde lesquels mettent en place des systèmes scolaires et professionnels adéquats, prennent des dispositions efficaces et les suivent pour un fonctionnement harmonieux. Moult approches sont utilisées en psychologie du conseil en orientation pour aider le jeune à opérer un choix judicieux. Le présent livre s’est proposé de présenter au public une approche pour explorer les aptitudes cognitives des jeunes, d’en dégager le profil et l’âge adéquat de l’orientation. Les PMA de Thurstone se sont avérées les aptitudes cognitives différentielles recherchées, lesquelles ont été adaptées aux africains grâce à la motivation des élèves, à la reformulation des consignes en termes plus motivants, à la réduction progressive du nombre d’items et à l’attention accordée à leur propre rythme et capacité effective de travail. Les PMA et la créativité ont rempli toutes les qualités métrologiques. L’âge adéquat de l’OV est 17 ans. Au-delà, on y note un ralentissement dans la progression des résultats. Les notes moyennes à 18 ans, sont mêmes inférieures et non significativement différentes de celles des sujets moins âgés.




📚 Discover 'The Mortality of New Political Parties in Southern Africa: A Case Study of South Africa and Angola '

🔍 More About The Book:

This book addresses the problem of the mortality of new political parties in the Southern African region from 1987 to 2022. The process of democratization in the region took place in the 1990s, when there was a transition from African Socialism to Democracy regime, from one-party to multi-party system. However, this transition was characterized by a series of events, such as the emergence of new parties and coalitions of political parties, as well as their immediate demise. The book explores the reasons for the premature death of these parties. The study's field of action is the sociology of political parties, and it seeks to understand the internal and external reasons that influence the mortality of new parties in the region. However, although to a limited extent, the study also explores the new political formations that were born at the same time, but which had a different fate to the others. This dichotomy between mortality and survival, which is vividly discussed in the book, leads us to understand the reasons behind the high level of mortality of political parties in the region, especially in South Africa and Angola, as they lead the list.

👉 Get your copy now and explore the intricate world of political party dynamics!

✨ New Release: GUERIR POUR SERVIR ✨"Marcher main dans la main avec notre seigneur Jésus Christ de Nazareth" MORE ABOUT T...


"Marcher main dans la main avec notre seigneur Jésus Christ de Nazareth"

La relation intime avec le seigneur, est une force inébranlable. J’aurais pu intituler ce livre «sois honnête avec toi-même» mais j’ai choisi le terme «guérir» qui revient plusieurs fois dans la parole de Dieu. JEHOVA RAFAT Le DIEU qui guérit Être libéré de toutes nos mauvaises habitudes, nos préjugés, notre passé, etc. est crucial pour marcher en intégrité de vie avec le seigneur, espérer trouver la paix et servir efficacement le seigneur en toute plénitude. «Jésus Christ ma boussole»

📖 Author: Mireille MOUKALLA

Find your path to healing and service. Get your copy today! 📚



NEW RELEASE: Sistema de Captação e Amplificação do Som Para Salas de Aulas: em Época da COVID-19: Uma resposta em tempos de crise

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly disrupted education 📚, particularly in terms of communication between teachers and students 👩🏫👨🎓. This book by Milton Maleiane and Urânio Stefane Mahanjane presents a sustainable and effective solution 🌟


Com a eclosão da pandemia da COVID-19 em 2020, a qualidade do ensino e aprendizagem na maioria das instituições teve que enfrentar alguns problemas relacionados à comunicação entre os docentes e os estudantes nas salas de aulas, decorrentes do uso de máscaras e distanciamento físico. Assim sendo, o principal objetivo desta obra é mostrar uma solução técnica sustentável trazida para captação e amplificação do som para as salas de aulas. Um sistema proporcionando uma comunicação adequada entre os grandes intervenientes do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, nomeadamente, os docentes e os estudantes. Para a projeção e construção do sistema electrónico sustentável de captação e amplificação do som nas salas de aulas, foram usados cálculos e modelagens matemáticas, simulador electrónico, componentes electrónicos e eléctricos (alguns reutilizados), condutores eléctricos, entre outros.

Embrace seamless communication and foster a conducive learning environment with this practical guide.


☀️ Beat the Heat with a Cool Summer Sale! Get 40% OFF black & white books with code SUN40 at checkout! ⏰ Stock up on all...

☀️ Beat the Heat with a Cool Summer Sale!
Get 40% OFF black & white books with code SUN40 at checkout!
⏰ Stock up on all your summer reading essentials - this offer won't last long! The sale ends July 21st.
🛒Shop Now:

P.S. Don't forget to use code SUN40 at checkout!


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