Out of 2million sperm cells released, only 200 gets to the egg, and only one *CHAMP SUCCEEDS* in fertilizing it, That champ is *YOU*. You beat 200 million people to be born, that's natures way of selecting the *BEST of the BEST to be born into this world*. And you still think you are failure? because men said so? 😳 #medicine #health #champion
Out of 2million sperm cells released, only 200 gets to the egg, and only one *CHAMP SUCCEEDS* in fertilizing it, That champ is *YOU*. You beat 200 million people to be born, that's natures way of selecting the *BEST of the BEST to be born into this world*. And you still think you are failure? because men said so? 😳 #medical Faculty Of Medicine