
Kredenc Kredenc is a boutique audiovisual studio established in 2014 by a respected team of film-makers with We invent. We develop. We produce.

Kredenc is a boutique audiovisual studio established in 2014 by a team of well-known and established film-making professionals. What we do best is independent design, development and production of captivating animation and visual effects for broadcast, film and other media. We enjoy experimenting with different techniques and often combine them to achieve new, fresh visuals. When it comes to creat

ive solutions for cinematic as well as commercial projects, we don’t do what everyone else does. And we do all that using all the newest animation and post-production techniques in combination with old school skills and an artistic eye.


Dělnická 47



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Mediálních Společností v blízkosti

Ostatní Filmová a televizní studia ve měste Praha

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