Bistro Films


Everyone has their own Everest to climb—whether in work, studies, or life. Lucia Janičová successfully conquered every one of them, and the director's duo Wolfberg transforms her journey into a striking visual experience.

Cast: Lucia Janičová
Client: Slovenská sporiteľňa
Agency: Zaraguza

Director's duo: Wolfberg
DOP: Alexander Šurkala
1st AD: Petr Heinrich
Production Company: Bistro Films
Executive Producer: Pavel Prejda
Producer: Adam Polák
Production Manager: Barbora Prejdová

AC 1: Adam Vejvoda
Gaffer: Miro Žila
Grip: Robert Koděra
MUA: Andrea McDonald
Wardrobe: Dušan Bebčák
Production Designer: Mariana Hädler
Props: Oliver Růžička

Casting: Maja Hamplová
Studio: Hexar

Edit: Filip Malásek
Grading: Ondřej Štibinger, PFX
Online + VFX: Jan Všetíček, Dara Klenhardová, RUR
Sound Design: Vladimír Bajnoci
Music: Ivan Zachariáš


Every year, 1.5 times more food is produced worldwide than we consume. Despite this, millions of children in crisis areas continue to suffer from malnutrition and hunger. The EFFE agency and the director collective Friends with Benefits and Bistro Films joined forces to create a spot highlighting the critical need for better food distribution.

client: UNICEF Slovensko UNICEF
agency: EFFE
director: Friends with Benefits

executive producer: Pavel Prejda
production manager: Barbara Prejdová

DOP: Alexander Surkala

1st AD: Shakir Hafoudh
1st AC: Pavel Kuřák
location manager: Ondřej Novák, Ondra Uhlík

art director: Tomáš Bukáček
prop master: Zdeněk Kubka
food stylist: Jiří Navrátil
SFX: Martin Prýca

gaffer: Michal Gaško
key grip: Robert Koděra

off line: Filip Malásek
grading: Ondřej Štibinger - Universal Production Partners a.s. (UPP)
on line / VFX: František Štěpánek
sound: Vladimír Chorvatovič - Kabelovna Studios
music: Ivan Zachariáš


Unforgettable visual experience for NOVELLISTA from Marek Partys

Client: Givet - Kristyna Palečková, Jana Čapková, Pavel Brůček

Dir.: Marek Partys
DOP: Dusan Husar from NOCHI

Executive Producer: Jirka Ptacek
Line Producer: Lucie Slavičková
Production Manager: Martina Bailová
Location Manager: Ondřej Garfunkel, Ondřej Uhlík

Wardrobe stylist: Ondrej Kinský
Make-up: Margita Skřenková

1st AC: Filip Kettner
2nd AC: Adrian Novotný
Steadicam: Filip Rybář
Props: Reset Art, Leonard Hadler
Gaffer: Miro Žila
Key grip: Ludvík Hradílek from Just Grips

Casting: CAST ME
Grading: Nadia Khairat from MAP Berlin
Sound Design: Samuel Jurkovič from NO CAP Collective
Edit: Marek Partys


New charity spot of Jakub Strejda Žídek for Himálajský patron - Brontosauři v Himálajích

dir: Jakub Strejda Žídek
DOP: Tomáš Štastný
prod: Bistro Films, Jirka Ptacek, Stanzin Tharchin
agency: McCann Prague , Monika Semerádová, Jan Rídl, Michal Kotulek
AC: Jakub Myška
edit: Jakub Salavec, Benjamín Kolmačka
color: Ondřej Štibingr, Universal Production Partners a.s. (UPP)
sound: Kryštof Blabla, Studio Studio BEEP
equipment: Panavision, Biofilms, Hexar
thanks to: David Suda, Marek Partys

Another great evening for us at Art Directors Club Czech Republic Awards 2024, thanks to the jury and our friends at OAK...

Another great evening for us at Art Directors Club Czech Republic Awards 2024, thanks to the jury and our friends at OAK, VCCP Prague and DDB Prague! Let’s make wining our yearly tradition!

Post Bellum Paměť národa “Mother” - agency OAK

3x 🥇
- film long format - dir Marek Partys
- cinematography - dop David Hofmann & dir Marek Partyš
- sound design - Vladimír Chorvatovič Kabelovna Studios

2x 🥈
- advertisement for good
- direction - Marek Partyš

1x 🥉
- production design - Marek Partyš

Albert “Xmas 2023” - agency VCCP Prague

1x 🥉
- production design - Mariana Hädler & dir Robert Hloz

McDonald’s McDonald's “Joy” - DDB Prague

1x 🥉
- campaign: integrated - dir. Marek Partys



🏆 3-2-1 awards time! Three awards, two bronzes, one silver from last night’s ADC Creative Awards! Thanks to the jury of Art Directors Club Czech Republic for recognizing the craft that went into creating this work, as well as our friends at Bistro Films & boogiefilms – it’s been a great pleasure to bring these campaigns to life with you!

🥉Pilsner Urquell - Keepers of the Craft | Film craft: Direction
🥈Pilsner Urquell - Keepers of the Craft | Sound design
🥉Albert - Kingdom of Joy | Film craft: Production design


Small victories are always the most precious ones. Check the new work of Marek Partys for Czech Erste Česká spořitelna

Client: Czech Erste Česká spořitelna
Agency: VML

Dir.: Marek Partys
DOP: Filip Marek
Executive Producer: Jirka Ptacek

Producer: Lucie Pelantová
Production manager: Martina Bailova
Production coordinator: Kristian Skop
Location Manager: Ondřej Novák, Martin Simral

1st AD: Petr Heinrich
2nd AD: Max Horn

Wardrobe stylist: Dasa Stefflova
Make-up: Andrea McDonald

1st AC: Ondra Kos,
2nd AC: Tomas Kutlak
DIT: Martin Dolejš
VTR: Hosheen Al-Rashy
Gaffer: Tomáš Volter
Key grip: Ludvík Hradílek
Animal Supervisors: Vanda Trojanová, Ivana Hrabcikova, Lenka Nitschova
VFX: R.U.R. Postproduction

Casting: CAST ME
Grading Operator: Hannibal Lang, Filip Marek
Online: R.U.R. Postproduction
Sound: Studio BEEP


Finding your people and staying in touch with them have never been so easy as in the new playful work of Marek Partys for T-Mobile CZ

Client: T-Mobile CZ
Agency: Ticino

Dir.: Marek Partys
DOP: Radim Střelka
Executive Producer: Pavel Prejda
Producer: Adam Polák
Production manager: Barbara Prejdová
Location Managers: Ondřej Novák, Ondřej Uhlík

1st AD: Pavel Svatoň
Wardrobe stylist: Ondřej Rosický
Make-up: Andrea McDonald

1st AC: Filip Kettner
2nd AC: Michal Vojta
DIT: Martin Dolejš
VTR: Jiří Typlt
Steadi cam: Filip Rybář
Prop man: Robert Podolský

Gaffer: Tomáš Volter
Key grip: Ludvík Hradílek
Animal Supervisors: Vanda Trojanová, Kateřina Barešová

Casting: CAST ME Margareta Abena
Reenactors: Jakub Jiří Jukl, Petr Schleiss, Michal Illich
Grading Operator: Alex Gregory
Online: R.U.R. Postproduction
Sound: Studio BEEP
Music: Matyáš Adámek, Jakub Bolbol, Ondřej Lahoda (Island Mint)

Laurence Dunmore's spot for Slovak Erste Slovenská sporiteľňa - Dare to Dream won Gold Digital PIE 🟡 in the category Mot...

Laurence Dunmore's spot for Slovak Erste Slovenská sporiteľňa - Dare to Dream won Gold Digital PIE 🟡 in the category Motion Design. Congratulations to the whole team and our friends from Zaraguza 🥳

Director: Laurence Dunmore
Senior VFX Supervisor: Miro Gal Universal Production Partners a.s. (UPP)
2d Animation: Ové Pictures OvéPictures

Kampaň Meníme sny na budúcnosť oslavuje svet a sny mladých ľudí. Spot v réžii Laurenca Dunmora prenáša diváka očami hlavných hrdinov do snového, fantazijného až surrealistického multicolor sveta budúcnosti.


New work of Marek Partys for Paměť národa - National History Archive. Dedicated to Věra Jirousová and other women, victims of communist regime.

CAST: Elizaveta Maximová, Ben Vojtíšek

Agency: OAK, Tereza Svěráková, Tomáš Dvořák

Dir: Marek Partys
DoP: David Hofmann
AC 1: Filip Kettner
AD: Patrick Kirschner

Production: Bistro Films
Line producer: Adam Polák
Production assistant: Bára Prejdová
Executive Producer: Jirka Ptacek

Grip: Ludvík Hradilek
Steadycam: Daniel Vagenknecht
MUA: Andrea McDonald
Wardrobe: Dušan Bebcak
Props: Stanislav Přerovský
Location: Ondřej Garfunkel, Martin Šimral, Lukáš Bucman
Gaffer: Miro Žila
Camera equipment: Panavison Prague, Václav Hejduk

Special thanks to: CAST ME, Margareta Thiam Abena

Grading: Vojtěch Štětka
Sound design: Kabelovna Studios, Vladimir Chorvatovič


Biskupský Dvůr 6



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