Jugni Style

Jugni Style Jugni Style was a South Asian arts, cultures + style magazine from 2011-2019 The Jugni Style Manifesto

1. We will not implore our readers to get married.

Art / Pop Culture / Fashion / History / South Asian Lifestyle - visit www.jugnistyle.com. Listen to the Jugni Style Podcast and The Nameless Collective - South Asian History Podcast on iTunes.


Jugni Style is a South Asian arts, culture and lifestyle magazine. We talk about everything from race & politics and personal essays, to clothes and the latest art exhibit. Jugni Style is created for t

he critical thinkers, the creators and the dreamers looking for high quality, sometimes serious and sometimes amusing content. We pledge to bring our readers relevant stories related to South Asian identity, culture and life.
2. We vow to never carry stories or advertisements on dating, nor will we sponsor dating events.
3. We will not talk about how we are part of a crush generation, how we’re torn between cultures, how we can’t identify with our parents, how we battle between East & West.
4. The single life is great too.
5. We will act as guinea pigs and test products before recommending them to our readers.
6. We will never use the word “masala” unless we’re talking about a dinner recipe.



Repost from Grewal Twins
The power of prayer is immeasurable. It is the greatest source of energy known to humankind and the most powerful weapon against our trials and tribulations

Kanwar Grewal taps into the collective energies of the protestors through simran (chanting meditation) for shakti (power) and shanti (inner peace), at the ...by invoking the various names of the Supreme Creator:

Waheguru, Raam and Allah

This battle against oppression can only be won if we stay united and remember:

Saada dharam kisaani
Saada maksad kisaani

Our religion is agriculture
Our goal is agriculture 🌿

Recognise the human race as ONE.
Strength in UNITY

Video credit


Smash the patriarchy in South Asian Media //

Over the weekend, Raj from Pink Chai , and I, Manjot, had a conversation about misogyny and male dominance in South Asian media. We had a lot to say about this subject and our frustrations with the uncle culture prevalent across radio, TV and print media. Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn-qkuzzExY.

In the midst of recording this conversation, it struck me that this was the first time I've been on panel with four brilliant and talented South Asian women talking about this kind of subject matter. No media outlets, mainstream or South Asian, are interested to hear our voices on media, politics and patriarchy.

Thank you Raj for hosting the panel and moderating such a thoughtful conversation that has struck a chord with many, many South Asians, including female broadcasters who reached out privately to share their stories. We see you ❤❤

"There are many stories which are not written on paper, they are written in the bodies and minds of women” - A M R I TA ...

"There are many stories which are not written on paper, they are written in the bodies and minds of women” - A M R I TA P R I T A M

The second piece in 's Admiration Series: the enthralling and fearless Punjabi poet and novelist Amrita Pritam (1919-2005).

SOUTH ASIANS AGAINST ANTI-BLACK RACISM.Simply posting   is not enough. We need to think, talk and act against anti-black...


Simply posting is not enough. We need to think, talk and act against anti-blackness, racism and privilege in our South Asian communities.

has compiled some concrete actions that you can take today. Please follow them, they're doing really important and helpful work around mental health and challenging racism in our communities.


"Still, through decades we walked."

As we're sitting home and missing out on community gatherings and celebrations, this video from Sikh Heritage Month BC is a reminder of how community gatherings have carried us through challenging times over the decades.

Something to remember and cherish, and draw inspiration from as we find new ways to connect, advocate and celebrate from home.

Directed by Paneet Singh
Produced by Dunya Nessa Aref Shyam Valera
Written by The Nameless Collective
Edited by Lawrence le Lam
Music by Ruby Singh

From :

This year, we don't get to celebrate Vaisakhi with a Nagar Kirtan. This year, let us remember how these walks have carried our community through its most challenging times over the decades. We can use this opportunity to appreciate and reflect on this blessing, to recognize the importance of this celebration to each of us individually, to our families, to our communities. All of it is only possible with Guru Sahib's blessings and with the sacrifices of our ancestors.

May we continue to walk.

A message from Jugni Style's Editor, Manjot Bains:For part of 2019, I worked as a senior program advisor in the federal ...

A message from Jugni Style's Editor, Manjot Bains:

For part of 2019, I worked as a senior program advisor in the federal government's anti-racism program. After I critiqued the prime minister doing blackface, I was told that I could not work there, and continue to write and edit Jugni Style or produce The Nameless Collective Podcast. They said I couldn't talk about racism publicly - but that's an important part of the work we do on the podcast. They forced me to choose - work with the government or write stories and produce the podcast. This was after they had cleared me of any conflict of interest when I was hired.

It benefited the department to hire me, a brown woman, to work on their anti-racism program and promote their work. Having BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) deliver anti-racism and official multiculturalism programs works to legitimize these programs and the overwhelmingly white department that oversees and creates policy about Canadian identity and culture.

I understand now that, as long as I remained quiet, docile, and stayed in my place as a person of colour, I could continue to work on eliminating racism in Canada. And when I did not remain obedient, I was seen as a problem that needed to be dealt with.

The work we do with Jugni Style and The Nameless Collective Podcast means so much to all of us and I am proud of the humble work we do and plan on continuing to do in the coming years.

Read the full story here: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/trudeau-blackface-anti-racism_ca_5df0279be4b0b75fb533f938

This past year, Milan Singh along with Naveen Girn and Paneet Singh, had the honour of working on something very special...

This past year, Milan Singh along with Naveen Girn and Paneet Singh, had the honour of working on something very special. Vancouver now has a plaza named after Bibi Harnam Kaur.

Trutch and Broadway is the first and only location in Vancouver named after a South Asian woman (It’s as close as we could get it to 1866 West 2nd Ave, home of the original gurdwara!). The beautiful stone plaque is fitting – it symbolizes Harnam Kaur’s courage, strength and defiance. She was a pillar of the South Asian community and truly represents “har naam” as her story transcends boundaries of all kinds (religious, cultural, regional, geographic, etc.). Her story speaks to experiences of female migration from past to present. - Plaque text and above written by Milan.

For more information about Harnam Kaur, check out The Nameless Collective Podcast, Episode 2: Detained and Deported: https://jugnistyle.com/episode-2-detained-deported/

"You know what? You should cut your turban off, you'll look like a Canadian."We can't have a conversation about this Can...

"You know what? You should cut your turban off, you'll look like a Canadian."

We can't have a conversation about this Canadian election without talking about racism. But this isn't a new issue; for those of us who have experienced systemic, institutionalized racism since we were young, the only difference here is that more people are being forced to hear and learn about it. And certainly, Jagmeet Singh, Canada's first racialized candidate for Prime Minister, has made things even more uncomfortable for Canadians who don't like turbans, POC, Black or Indigenous folks.

From Blackface to Quebec's Bill 21, to this CTV headline "Some voters question whether Canada is ready for a PM with a turban," we chat about racism and the 2019 Canadian election on the latest episode of The Nameless Collective Podcast, produced by Jugni Style.

Listen on Apple Podcasts:

You can also find The Nameless Collective on Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher and lots of other podcast players.

"You know what? You should cut your turban off, you'll look like a Canadian."

We can't have a conversation about this Canadian election without talking about racism. But this isn't a new issue; for those of us who have experienced systemic, institutionalized racism since we were young, the only difference here is that more people are being forced to hear and learn about it. And certainly, Jagmeet Singh, Canada's first racialized candidate for Prime Minister, has made things even more uncomfortable for Canadians who don't like turbans, POC, Black or Indigenous folks.

From Blackface to Quebec's Bill 21, to this CTV headline "Some voters question whether Canada is ready for a PM with a turban," we chat about racism and the 2019 Canadian election on the latest episode of The Nameless Collective Podcast.

Tell us what you think in the comments below, on twitter (.co) and on Instagram (thenameless.collective), and share this episode with your friends.

Find us on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, Stitcher and lots of other podcast players.


Thinking about this woman today on  .Reposting from Paneet Singh: She battled against racist Canadian immigration laws a...

Thinking about this woman today on .

Reposting from Paneet Singh:

She battled against racist Canadian immigration laws alongside Bibi Harnam Kaur, Bibi Kartar Kaur, and others. Spent months in detainment for that cause. Knowingly boarded a ship from India to put up this fight. Her husband went to jail for his revolutionary activity. She stands at the forefront behind Bhai Mewa Singh's body in this photograph of his funeral, and near Bibi Harnam Kaur's at hers.

Yet her name is not readily available anywhere. She's identified in newspapers and documents only as her husband's wife. After all that, she isn't recognized by name.
To me, International Women's Day isn't about celebrating just those women that are famous, or popular, or hold positions of power, or are related to us, or that we are attracted to. It's about honouring those whose existence is a revolution unto itself.

Jagmeet Singh is the first non-white leader to be elected to the House of Commons, ever. This blows my mind! Last year, ...

Jagmeet Singh is the first non-white leader to be elected to the House of Commons, ever. This blows my mind!

Last year, The Nameless Collective Podcast discussed the history of racist news coverage around South Asians in Canada, and how Jagmeet Singh has been subjected to an ongoing narrative othering brown people in the news media. Have a listen, subscribe, and get ready because The Nameless Collective Podcast returns in March!

The Nameless Collective Podcast: Canadian Media Portrayals of South Asians Manjot BainsApril 24, 2018HistoryRecent StoriesThe Nameless Collective Podcast What can we do when the people controlling the public narrative about us and our communities are white male journalists and South Asian community....

"Power couple."Read our interview with Blahjinder - a brilliant artist whose visual storytelling connects across generat...

"Power couple."

Read our interview with Blahjinder - a brilliant artist whose visual storytelling connects across generations beautifully: http://jugnistyle.com/blahjinder-baljinder-kaur/

Baljinder Kaur is in Vancouver this weekend for GNA Talks, a TED Talk-style event where she joins poet Harman Kaur and blogger That Sikh Mama (Kiranjot Kaur) to share their stories of spirituality, faith and practice.

"I wanted to be able to tell my story instead of waiting for someone else to do it for me. Phulkari is essentially a lov...

"I wanted to be able to tell my story instead of waiting for someone else to do it for me. Phulkari is essentially a love letter to my people, and by my people I mean anyone who identifies as Panjabi or Sikh."

Read our interview with writer + spoken word artist Harman Kaur : http://jugnistyle.com/interview-harman-kaur/.

And this weekend, listen to Harman in person as she shares her stories at GNA Talks with Baljinder Kaur (Blahjinder) + Kiranjot Kaur (That Sikh Mama - sure to be an inspiring and fulfilling evening. Details on the Guru Nanak Academy page - limited tickets still available.

Holiday spirit accurately depicted by  🖤😂🖤.Another favourite desi artist who brings the ideal combination of wit and art...

Holiday spirit accurately depicted by

Another favourite desi artist who brings the ideal combination of wit and artistic vision to all her work. Maria's art has been showcased across North America and the UK, and she's collaborated with numerous brands and shops creating original art for their campaigns and spaces. Here's hoping she'll start selling samosa bean bag chairs soon 🙏🏾. PS. Maria's book, Trust No Aunty, is the perfect gift for the didis and aunties in your life.

Featuring our favourite desi artists til the end of the year. // I first came across 's work years back when he was illu...

Featuring our favourite desi artists til the end of the year. //

I first came across 's work years back when he was illustrating for Sabyasachi Mukherjee. The Indian illustrator breathes fresh air into fashion illustration, subverting how we more commonly see women's bodies in fashion.

Jasjyot's work is also transformative in how we see Sikh women and South Asian woman. I've been enamoured by his visual commentary on body image, q***r identity, and ideas of beauty. His zine "Sikh Women in Sick Fashion" is fantastic, and his illustrations for NORBLACK NORWHITE make you want to go out and buy an NBNW jacket.

"Harnam Kaur was one of the first Sikh women to immigrate to BC, Canada in 1912. She played many roles in her young life...

"Harnam Kaur was one of the first Sikh women to immigrate to BC, Canada in 1912. She played many roles in her young life, embodying both softness and tremendous grit. She mothered two children and also played an active role at the Gurdwara (“Sikh Temple”) at which her husband was secretary.
With very little information available on Harnam Kaur, we can only imagine the details of her everyday life. In the first of these two illustrations, she is seen enjoying the simple delights of a cup of tea and jalebis while tending to her baby. At the same time, her hair is pending a comb-through as her braid unravels; putting her son to sleep is her priority. (check out the The Nameless Collective for more details on Harnam Kaur’s journey!)"

- From Keerat Kaur
🌹Featuring our favourite desi artists til the end of the year.🌹
First up is Keerat Kaur, whose practice extends from visual art and architecture to music (and what a voice!). Her work with honouring and remembering Harnam Kaur is haunting and beautiful and provides inspiration to us today. @ Vancouver, British Columbia

🌹Featuring our favourite desi artists til the end of the year.🌹 First up is Keerat Kaur, whose practice extends from vis...

🌹Featuring our favourite desi artists til the end of the year.🌹

First up is Keerat Kaur, whose practice extends from visual art and architecture to music (and what a voice!).

Her work with honouring and remembering Harnam Kaur is haunting and beautiful and provides inspiration to us today. In Keerat Kaur's words:

Harnam Kaur relishes her first home in the Indus tropics 🌴 , whilst reflecting on the knowns and unknowns of her life-to-be in the Pacific Northwest 🌲 ~
Harnam Kaur’s journey to Canada was a tumultuous one. She was to leave Peshawar (present-day Pakistan), where life had been familiar and vibrant. As discussed in the The Nameless Collective entitled ‘Detained and Deported,’ the Canadian Government was concerned that allowing Asian women into the country would lead small immigrant communities to settle rather than to continue their role as temporary labourers. Along her journey, Harnam Kaur had been detained for months and even deported to Hong Kong before finally being allowed on the shores of Vancouver.

Harnam Kaur’s lineage & legacy🌸 A Canadian-Punjabi-Sikh woman who pioneered the space which we inhabit and celebrate today. The sisterhood is diverse & evergrowing; one pool of energy and love. @ Vancouver, British Columbia

Sunny Dhillon, a reporter at the The Globe and Mail Newspaper resigned last week. Here's his story. "When a story or col...

Sunny Dhillon, a reporter at the The Globe and Mail Newspaper resigned last week. Here's his story.

"When a story or column does not adequately, if at all, understand or consider the perspectives of the nonwhite people it involves, what do you say? When a story involving people of colour is assigned with a colour-blind lens and a false sense of objectivity, what do you do? When you pitch projects on race and multiple times see the boss prefer a race-related project pitched by a person who is white, regardless of your read of the room, what is your recourse? When you ultimately stop pitching stories on race to preserve your own sanity, what good are you doing the very nonwhite people whose perspectives you deem yourself to be in the newsroom to share?

How many battles do you have in you?"

Read his full story here:

I’ve thought about this piece, involving the experiences of journalists of colour, a lot the last few months.

🖐🏽 Our Editor in Chief Manjot Bains was recently featured in FLARE Magazine's   series. Read about her experiences in cr...

🖐🏽 Our Editor in Chief Manjot Bains was recently featured in FLARE Magazine's series. Read about her experiences in creating a space for unheard voices in Canadian media, and why we need way more women of colour in positions of power.

Manjot Bains is the editor-in-chief of the online magazine, Jugni Style. Here, she tells FLARE how she made it


Jugni Style is hiring a podcast editor. This paid position will work on The Nameless Collective Podcast (recently featured in The Walrus) and an upcoming season of The Jugni Style Podcast.

Please send an email with your qualifications, notes on experience, and why you'd like to work with us, to [email protected], attention Manjot Bains, Editor in Chief. We prefer to work with a Vancouver-based editor, but are open to working with the right person from another city across North America.

"And until 1947, South Asian Canadians were denied the right to vote. I strongly believe that city council and other lev...

"And until 1947, South Asian Canadians were denied the right to vote. I strongly believe that city council and other levels of government should be representative of Canada’s ethnocultural diversity."

Meet Taq Bhandal, an intersectional feminist running for Vancouver City Council: http://jugnistyle.com/taq-bhandal-city-council/ ✊🏾

"Is freedom without safety freedom at all?"Last year we interviewed Paneet Singh about his sold out play, "A Vancouver G...

"Is freedom without safety freedom at all?"

Last year we interviewed Paneet Singh about his sold out play, "A Vancouver Guldasta." Set in East Van in 1984, the play invites us to witness a family as they process what's happening in Punjab, and their emotional and conflicting responses to the immediate trauma.

"A Vancouver Guldasta" is now re-staged at The Cultch Theatre to rave reviews from theatre critics, and runs until October 21. Read the interview below and get your tickets - only a few shows remain: https://bit.ly/2NIyQuz.

Can we talk about 1984? Manjot BainsNovember 10, 2017CultureHistoryRecent Stories Conversations around the 1984 attack and occupation of the Darbar Sahib in Amritsar, the November pogroms in Delhi, Bhindrawale, Indira Gandhi, Khalistanis, and the human rights violations throughout Punjab are divisiv...





🙋🏾‍♀️ Our friends at Didihood are throwing a party in Vancouver 🎈 South Asian media professionals, creatives, artists an...

🙋🏾‍♀️ Our friends at Didihood are throwing a party in Vancouver 🎈 South Asian media professionals, creatives, artists and allies are invited to join Didihood - a space to connect, work together and inspire the next generation of brown girls to follow their dreams. See you there 😚

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/didihood-vancouver-launch-tickets-44082657415


Feeling filmy 💕💕💕

Simplicity. While we were all distracted by Sonam Kapoor's wedding, Neha Dhupia secretly married her ❤ Angad Bedi.I love...

Simplicity. While we were all distracted by Sonam Kapoor's wedding, Neha Dhupia secretly married her ❤ Angad Bedi.

I love how Neha styled this Anita Dongre lehenga. A lesson in elegance.

Wedding reception style 👌🏾 Sonam Kapoor in Anamika Khanna at her wedding reception with Anand Ahuja, wearing Nike sneake...

Wedding reception style 👌🏾
Sonam Kapoor in Anamika Khanna at her wedding reception with Anand Ahuja, wearing Nike sneakers 😍


Sonam Kapoor 😍 Back in 2011 we launched a special style watching section on jugnistyle.com called, "Desperately Seeking ...

Sonam Kapoor 😍 Back in 2011 we launched a special style watching section on jugnistyle.com called, "Desperately Seeking Sonam," which followed her sartorial adventures from Mumbai to Cannes.

Sonam is getting married this week and we wish her so much love and serenity in her new relationship. Swipe through to see photos from her sangeet, dressed in Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla 🖤🖤🖤.

@ Mumbai, Maharashtra



"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."- Thomas Merton.📸 City Palace Udaipur via Elle De...

"Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time."
- Thomas Merton.

📸 City Palace Udaipur via Elle Decor.

😍🙌🏾Sonam Kapoor in Anamika Khanna ❤


Sonam Kapoor in Anamika Khanna ❤

A classic. Waheeda Rehman in Abhijan.

A classic.

Waheeda Rehman in Abhijan.

Everyday mood 👠Created by . Make this into a t-shirt too please. "My whole life I felt so uncomfortable with my hairy le...

Everyday mood 👠

Created by . Make this into a t-shirt too please.

"My whole life I felt so uncomfortable with my hairy legs. I was bullied so much for being unnatural to the point where I believed it and started shaving at such an early age. ‘Why me??’ I would ask myself. I would cringe with I realised people were staring at my legs. It took years and years before I realised I don’t have to hate my hair and that I can love my body not DESPITE the hair but BECAUSE of it. It’s a journey but I’ve learnt that my natural body is nothing to be ashamed of. I no longer give anyone the power to make me feel like I need change my body for their comfort, and since, I have never felt more content or happier with who I am or what I look like."

Angles by . One of my favourite jewelry designers, and one to watch this year 🖤

Angles by .
One of my favourite jewelry designers, and one to watch this year 🖤


Vancouver, BC


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