I use healthful tips, various forms of bodywork & movement to aid the posture with optimal alignment. Through exercise we can program our body to move in conscious deliberate ways to minimize injury and maximize our strength. We can train ourselves to move with grace despite challenging barriers. Healthy posture, grace and more is encompassed within Bhangra, a northern Indian dance of joy and stre
ngth/vitality. Smiling is foremost and serves as an excellent form of concentarion as we embody the fun rhythm by moving with the drum beat and focus on employing various mudras accompanied by facial expressions that exude positive mindsets making it a charisma building experience as well. The 100+ moves I teach are designed for movement therapy, defined as the therapeutic use of movement to further the emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration of the individual. In this way, Bhangra can be taught to dance novices of all ages and walks of life as a class or it can be incorporated into a variety of classes. Personal training and classes in Bhangra are suitable for many settings: Kids classes, Corporate Wellness Programs, Fitness Dance Classes, Yoga Classes, Retreats and more. Stay tuned for workshops teaching the therapeutic uses of Bhangra designed for instructors in Yoga, Dance, Fitness, Dance Therapy, Group Fitness, Holistic Therapists and more.