On the use of foot... Or rather feet Youth Friends in all the world I believe that if there is anyone who can change, transform, conduct, guide, direct the world towards sustainability it is youth people! My Friends, it is very stimulating to stay in connection with someone smart and enthusiastic people just like you! I believe that if there is anyone who can direct the world towards sustainability it is youth people! That is my huge message in my main speach addressed at the United Nations, in san Salvador, El Salvador, in which I represented Brazil; you can see if you want the full short report link right away: I believe that only young people assimilate new knowledge and new concepts of survival, sustainability and human behaviour, so I trust their energy and their willingness to help real initiatives for sustainability to the Environmental Social Governance with Ethic, Empaty, Inclusion, Diversitiy, Equity and Respect!! Because all of you like Nicola Tesla, " He wasn’t concerned about money. He was concerned about the pursuit of science for the betterment of humanity. Tesla wanted to change the world and he did. Thanks in part to Elon Musk’s company, people are starting to learn more about the man who inspired the company, a man whose inventions would power our entire planet. It’s because of Tesla that modern society functions the way it does. Tesla’s mother called him a child of light and she was quite right." I owe to the very demanding bosses and interlocutors my development anda improvement in other specialized and personalized skills and services, which were not acquired at the University, nor post-graduate, nor in the masters, nor in the post-doctorates, due to which I was able to access new environments and ascend to the highest corporate levels and move with ease in the highest spheres and governmental, business, academic and social circles as a result of them, always improving myself in providing better, more sophisticated and highly personalized services to an audience and interlocutors and select and highly selective partners whom I had the honor of humbly serving and with whom I am lucky to live! Contra a loucura universal da vida frenética, precisamos escolher a defesa do prazer material tranquilo. Contra aqueles, e há muitos deles, que confundem eficiência com frenesi, propomos a vacina de uma porção suficiente de prazer garantido, a ser apreciada de forma lenta e prolongada.Trecho retirado do Slow Food Manifesto, revelado em Paris, 1989. "Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. "Jack Welch I knew Aurélio Barbato as an coordination advisor, a hands on professional, in Brazilian Association of the Electric and Electronic Industry - ABINEE, many years ago. Aurélio Barbato as an expert business manager and shrewd economist, performs and improves the best skills of an excepcional coordination advisor and an umparalleled humanistic person. I recommend him as a trully strategic planner, clear interaction andcredibility in all environments, with excellent vision of the future! I recommend him enthusiastically, confident that he assures the successes of any challenge, however endeavor it may be! in oue oly word: He means commitment! "The way is to fill yourself with faith, row robustly against the tide, overcome fatigue, persist in the fight with determination and move on, forward and upward, with a confident heart on this journey called Life!" Garcia, Eliana People like to ask what my job is, what do I do in life? I compare myself to a humble gold digger who finds a precious stone in its raw state, whether it is a person or a situation which wants or needs to be worked on, whit a latent desire to shine, to grow, to be fulfilled; then I become a humble polisher to extract the greatest possible shine from you as a person, professional or your company. Brilhe com ideias inovadoras e originais: Pensa, Cria, Sente, Atrai, Acredita, Acontece! Vibração! Vença competições e provas. Feche esta semana desafiadora com chave de ouro. Admiramos Você, Nobre Parceiro Vencedor! Devolvemos à praia de Copacabana, em parceria com o Projeto Aruanã e o Projeto Ilhas do Rio, uma jovem tartaruga, de uma espécie em risco de extinção. Após ser resgatada debilitada e ferida, ficou em tratamento em um dos centros de recuperação de animais mantidos pelo Projeto de Monitoramento de Praias (PMP) da Bacia de Santos. Os PMPs são estruturados e executados pela Petrobras para o atendimento de condicionante do licenciamento ambiental federal. Assista ao vídeo: https://petrobr.as/o-retorno-da-tartaruga-cabecuda-fb
O vídeo começa com Caio Salles, do projeto ilhas do rio falando, ele está em um barco no mar. Corta para imagens da tartaruga no mar, enquanto surge o texto: ela estava bem debilitada à deriva e com pneumonia. Surge então o texto: o resgate é feito para recuperar a saúde dela, a Petrobras financia o maior programa de monitoramento de praias do mundo com mais de 3 mil km monitorados - o monitoramento é uma exigência do Ibama para o licenciamento ambiental. O vídeo corta para a tartaruga em um barco sendo devolvida para o seu habitat, e surge o texto: chegou o momento de devolvê-la ao seu habitat, ela retorna reabilitada e sem riscos para a sua saúde. O vídeo encerra com o logo da Petrobras e o texto: energia para transformar.Um encontro imprescindível para aqueles que buscam se antecipar às transformações do mercado financeiro e aproveitar as oportunidades
Junte-se a nós para uma imersão única, onde figuras importantes da política, da economia e dos setores inovadores, como tecnologia, startups, agro e inteligência artificial, vão se reunir para debater as decisões que definirão os caminhos para 2024. Faça parte da conversa que moldará os rumos da nossa economia. Esteja preparado para uma jornada além das palavras, onde a visão de hoje cria o mundo de amanhã. Um evento organizado pelo maior Banco de Investimentos da América Latina, com a presença dos maiores CEOs, formadores de opinião e representantes governamentais. O Banco ideal para apoiar seu momento de vida e a construção da sua história. Abra sua conta: https://l.btgpactual.com/3vfP1ZA Página · Serviço financeiro Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima, 3477, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 0800 772 2827 [email protected] https://www.ceoconference.live/evento