MOMA Brussels

MOMA Brussels MOMA Brussels - Because Brussels needs it ! This collection needs to be shown because after all:
What is art without a public?

Judd, Fontana, Boltanski, Panamarenko, Arman, Flavin, Picabia, Spilliaert, Picasso, Broodthaers, Kosuth, Jespers, Janssens, Long, Christo, Pistoletto, Alechinsky, André, Miro, Oldenburg, Jorn, Dali, de Chirico, Paik, Chagall, Delvaux, Wouters, Bogart, Miro, Ernst, Tanguy, Dufy, Permeke, Tuymans, Vantongerloo, Fabre, Matisse, Delahaut, De Cordier, Bury, Cragg, Moore, Appel, Mendelson, Nolde, Braque

, Van de Woestyne, Vasarely, Anselmo and many others didn't make art so that it could be locked away in basements just to make place for two tourist attractions ( magritte + art nouveau). What is a painting without its viewer? What is there to learn when everything is hidden in basements. What is the use of collecting when there is no place to show the world what you are collecting? ...

Brussels - capital of Europe - needs a Museum of Modern Art that can proudly be placed amongst other famous Modern Art Museum throughout the world.





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