Life Line

Life Line We are here to make you believe that genuine journalism exists. The thirst for knowledge and truth is human nature. is one of the best news portals in Bangladesh covering tech news, Health Tips, Lifestyle, applications, celebrity updates, and other interesting things. On 4 December 2018, GlobalNews48 began its humble journey of conquering the hearts of readers with its credible and courageous news delivery through innovative presentation and layout. The unprecedented popularity of Glo

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Guess how many goals will CR-7 score today?

যাদের উত্তর সঠিক হবে তাদের মধ্য থেকে ৩ জন কে বিজয়ী ঘোষণা করা হবে।
বিজয়ীরা পছন্দের খাবার অর্ডার করলেই পাবেন ৩০% ডিসকাউন্ট!!!!!!




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