"Batman" is a short story by Kim Shaddick, featured in Issue No. 4 of Flunk Magazine. Sneak preview time 🧐👇
"The only bit of the body they ever found was a right hand. Mr. Caden’s dog had proudly presented it to Mr. Caden on a Thursday afternoon in late October. Spring was dancing through the trees and the village was preparing for Halloween. We all assumed Mr. Caden was playing a prank as he ran down Main Street clutching the hand. In fact, it wasn’t until the next day that we discovered it was a real hand and that it belonged to Josh Rogan, village thief and vagabond. It was enough to wipe the empty smile off the plastic jack-o-lanterns squatting on our gateposts and doorsteps."
Check out the full story here: https://www.flunkmagazine.com/batman
Submit your work for Issue No. 4 here: https://www.flunkmagazine.com/submit