Art and the Artist - the Pandemic and Beyond
Open Words on the Art of Being an Artist


Yury Revich is certainly one of the most talented violonists of his generation. And he tells us not only about the experiences he made with the Pandemic situ...

Yury Revich is certainly one of the most talented violonists of his generation. And he tells us not only about the exper...

Yury Revich is certainly one of the most talented violonists of his generation. And he tells us not only about the experiences he made with the Pandemic situation, but we expand in our talk also on things that will move us in the future and how artists can show new paths to walk: for example using internet collaboration in concerts in order to avoid travel to reduce the Greenhouse effect. Listen to the opinions of a young personality and excellent artist.



8. März 2020: Unser heutiger Gast, Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz tritt in der Premiere der "Fledermaus" in Bonn als Frosch ...

8. März 2020: Unser heutiger Gast, Christoph Wagner-Trenkwitz tritt in der Premiere der "Fledermaus" in Bonn als Frosch auf und tut dies - mit Mund-Nasen-Schutz! Das Publikum biegt sich vor Lachen. Drei Tage später schliessen die Theater, die zweite Vorstellung dieser Produktion hat bis heute nicht stattgefunden... Diese und andere Eindrücke über ein Jahr Pandemie und Theater erfahren wir in diesem spannenden Interview mit einem hervorragenden Kenner der deutschsprachigen Musik- und Theaterszene, in der von ihm gewohnten witzigen und dennoch tiefschürfenden Art.

Today we talk to a real “opera man”. David Pountney has been a revered member of the opera community all over the world ...

Today we talk to a real “opera man”. David Pountney has been a revered member of the opera community all over the world for many years, and both his leadership as Artistic Director and the wonderful productions he directed are legend.

And David has a lot to say, in clear and outspoken words. Of course — like most of us — his life as an artist and as a human being has been touched and altered by the pandemic. But beyond that we also talk about another incisive experience in the life of many artists, British and international: Brexit!

PLEASE SUPPORT MYPODCAST.IS WITH YOUR DONATION! we talk to a real "opera man". David Pountney has been a revered member of ...

This coming Sunday we will welcome David Pountney on myPodcastis. He has been a revered member of the opera community al...

This coming Sunday we will welcome David Pountney on myPodcastis. He has been a revered member of the opera community all over the world for many years, and both his leadership as Artistic DIrector and wonderful productions he directed are legend.
We talk about his view on the pandemic, but also how Brexit has affected his life as an artist and the lives of many others.

Many of you, interested in the world of Classical Music and YouTubers, will have come across Joseph Olefirowicz. He beca...

Many of you, interested in the world of Classical Music and YouTubers, will have come across Joseph Olefirowicz. He became a kind of YouTube celebrity when a video featuring him as “The Dancing Conductor” was released back in 2012.

But Joseph is first of all a world-class musician, conductor and organist. He has performed all across Europe in concert halls and opera houses, in both the classical repertoire and what is considered to be the more “light” music.

He also tells us how his work in church music, where he has been leading for many years the biggest Church Music Festival of the US North-East, in Nashua, NH, has been a real support, mental and economical, for his community, the artists he works with, and himself.


Many of you, interested in the world of Classical Music and YouTubers, will have come across Joseph Olefirowicz. He became a kind of YouTube celebrity when a...

Very happy about this new website - thx to Room meets Freiland for this great design!

Very happy about this new website - thx to Room meets Freiland for this great design!

Per­form­ing Artists have the tal­ent and the capac­i­ty to inter­pret the words and sounds of oth­ers, poets and com­posers, chore­o­g­ra­phers, to express what oth­ers have devised. But they also have some­thing to say them­selves! And this pod­cast is intend­ed to offer them the ...

After speaking to opera artists our guest today is a TV celebrity in the German speaking world. Hans Sigl, best known to...

After speaking to opera artists our guest today is a TV celebrity in the German speaking world. Hans Sigl, best known to his fans for his lead role in the TV soap “Bergdoktor” (Mountain doc), talks to us about his experiences around handling the Pandemic, about how this affects the world where he is mostly at home now, the world of TV production.
But Hans Sigl is also a theatre actor, and he knows about the impact that the situation we go through has on the live performing arts. And he asks the (important) question if the actual crisis has not also put a magnifying glass on problems that our performing arts world has had for quite some time already!

myPodcastis diesmal in Deutsch! / in German this time! - ein Gespräch mit dem "Bergdoktor", Hans Sigl, wie er persönlich und auch seine Crew diese Zeit mit d...

Internationally renowned Lithuanian tenor Kristian Benedikt talks to us about his very personal experience: when he was ...

Internationally renowned Lithuanian tenor Kristian Benedikt talks to us about his very personal experience: when he was diagnosed with COVID and had to go to hospital and to intensive care. But he also gives a message of hope about his recovery and how he has helped other ill people afterwards. Listen carefully, it is worth it - for all of us!

Lithuanian star tenor Kristian Benedikt is our guest today, and we do not only talk about general experiences of artists in the times of the Pandemic, but Kr...

Internationally renowned Lithuanian tenor Kristian Benedikt talks to us about his very personal experience: when he was ...

Internationally renowned Lithuanian tenor Kristian Benedikt talks to us about his very personal experience: when he was diagnosed with COVID and had to go to hospital and to intensive care. But he also gives a message of hope about his recovery and how he has helped other ill people afterwards. Listen carefully, it is worth it - for all of us!

Internationally renowned conductor Karen Kamensek is our guest today on the show. Our focus in this talk lies mostly on ...

Internationally renowned conductor Karen Kamensek is our guest today on the show. Our focus in this talk lies mostly on the particular experiences someone in her profession makes during the pandemic. And we also discuss the similarities and differences between Europe and North America in regards to our topic.

Internationally renowned conductor Karen Kamensek is our guest today on the show. Our focus in this talk lies mostly on the particular experiences someone in...

Meet Conductor Karen Kamensek in our Episode 2, to be released on February 14. We talk about her experiences with work -...

Meet Conductor Karen Kamensek in our Episode 2, to be released on February 14. We talk about her experiences with work - or no work - during the Pandemic, seen from the conductor's desk

now also on Apple podcasts

now also on Apple podcasts

‎Sendung myPodcastis, Folge Episode 1 - Jose Cura – 29.01.2021


And here is our first episode, where Host Rudolf interviews international star tenor, conductor and composer José Cura. They talk about the effect that the a...

Listen to this trailer we justed released!

Listen to this trailer we justed released!

Listen what will present to you in the future and who are the makers behind this new podcast and videocast.And host Rudolf also tells you what c...

Art and the Artist - the Pandemic and Beyond Open Words on the Art of Being an ArtistEs ist ein allgemeiner Konsens, das...

Art and the Artist - the Pandemic and Beyond
Open Words on the Art of Being an Artist

Es ist ein allgemeiner Konsens, das seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kein anderes Ereignis die Welt so umfangreich und global getroffen hat wie die COVID19-Pandemie.
In weiten Teilen der Welt wurden sämtliche Veranstaltungen abgesagt, und so wurden auch Konzerte, Theater- und Opernaufführungen und Festivals ein Opfer dieser Situation.
Wie reagiert die Kunst darauf? Was haben die Künstler, jene, die sonst im Rampenlicht stehen, dazu zu sagen? Wie sind sie betroffen, künstlerisch, psychisch, materiell? Wo sehen sie die Zukunft der Darstellenden Kunst nach dem Ende der Pandemie? Hat sich etwas für immer verändert?
Auf diese und viele andere Fragen geben internationale Künstler in diesem Podcast ihre ganz persönlichen Antworten. Sie geben Einblick in das, was diese Krise in ihnen auslöst, worüber sie nachdenken, was sie bewegt.
It is a general consensus that no other event since World War II has hit the world as extensively and globally as the COVID19 pandemic. In many parts of the world, all events were cancelled, and so concerts, theatre and opera performances and festivals were also a victim of this situation.
How does the Performing Arts World react to this? What do the artists, those who are otherwise in the spotlight, have to say? How are they affected, artistically, mentally, economically? Where do they see the future of Performing Arts after the end of the pandemic? Has it changed forever?
International artists give their personal answers to these and many other questions in this podcast. They give insight into what this crisis causes in them, what they think about, what moves them.


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