The Animal Turn

The Animal Turn A podcast focused on concepts in animal studies

In this Quick Clip, Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights tells Claudia how he started thinking ...

In this Quick Clip, Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights tells Claudia how he started thinking about animals and abolition.

This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, politics, and abolition which can be accessed from The Animal Turn Podcast:

You can also get access to "Reflections on Tom Regan and the Animal Rights Movement That Once Was" by Gary Francione here:

In this Quick Clip, Gary Francione outlines how he started thinking about abolition. This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, politics, and...

Gary Francione is a is a published author and frequent guest on radio and television shows for his theory of animal righ...

Gary Francione is a is a published author and frequent guest on radio and television shows for his theory of animal rights, criticism of animal welfare law and the property status of nonhuman animals. He has degrees in philosophy and clerked for U.S. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. He is the author of numerous books and articles on animal rights theory and animals and the law. His most recent book is the 2020 publication Why Veganism matters: The Moral Value of Animalsand other titles include The Animal Rights Debate: Abolition or Regulation? (Columbia University Press, 2010) and Animals, Property, and the Law (Temple University Press, 1995). He is also the editor of Critical Perspectives on Animals: Theory, Culture, Science and Law, a series published by Columbia University Press. Gary has been teaching animal rights for more than 25 years and, together with Professor Ana Charlton, started and operated the Rutgers Animal Rights Law Clinic from 1990-2000, making Rutgers the first university in the U.S. to have animal rights law as part of the regular academic curriculum and to award students academic credit, not only for classroom work, but also for work on actual cases involving animal issues.

Learn more about Gary on the Rutgers University website:

You can access the full interview with Gary Francione, including transcripts and chapter markers, here:

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Claudia talks to lawyer and philosopher Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights about abolition. Gary provides an overview of how ideas related to animals have emerged and changed since the 19th century. This includes the emergence of animal welfare, animal rights, and abolitionism. Throughout the interview Gary asserts that animal welfare and animal rights will not achieve anything until there is a paradigm shift whereby animals are no longer understood as property, food, or things to use.

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In this Snippet, Claudia Hirtenfelder reflects on the violence faced by pet fish in the home.

In this Snippet, Claudia Hirtenfelder reflects on the violence faced by pet fish in the home.

This is an extract from a longer discussion in which Claudia interviews Dinesh Wadiwel about animals, politics, and violence which can be accessed from The Animal Turn Podcast:

Claudia (Towne) Hirtenfelder is the founder, producer, and host of The Animal Turn. She has a PhD in Geography from Queen’s University, and her research is focused on the significance of the problematization of urban animals. She was awarded the AASA Award for Popular Communication and nominated for two International Women’s Podcasting Awards for her work with The Animal Turn. Contact Claudia via email ([email protected]).

Thank you to Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E) for sponsoring this podcast; Gordon Clarke for the bed music, and Jeremy John for the logo.

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In this Snippet, Claudia Hirtenfelder reflects on the violence faced by pet fish in the home. This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, poli...

In this Snippet, Dinesh Wadiwel notes different kinds of violence one finds in factory farms.

In this Snippet, Dinesh Wadiwel notes different kinds of violence one finds in factory farms.

In this Snippet, Dinesh Wadiwel notes different kinds of violence one finds in factory farms.This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, polit...

In this Quick Clip, Dinesh Wadiwel discusses why violence is an important concept in political theory and its significan...

In this Quick Clip, Dinesh Wadiwel discusses why violence is an important concept in political theory and its significance when thinking about animals.

This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, politics, and violence which can be accessed from The Animal Turn Podcast:

Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel is an Associate Professor in human rights and socio-legal studies at University of Sydney. He is author of Animals and Capital (Edinburgh UP, 2023), The War against Animals (Brill, 2015) and is co-editor, with Matthew Chrulew of Foucault and Animals (Brill 2017). He is also co-editor of Animals in the Anthropocene: Critical Perspectives on Non-Human Futures (Sydney UP). He is a member of the Multispecies Justice research group at the University of Sydney, and Chair of the Australasian Animal Studies Association. In addition, Dinesh is a disability rights researcher, and has recently been part of a team of researchers who have produced two reports for the Australian Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

Thank you to Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E) for sponsoring this podcast; Gordon Clarke for the bed music, and Jeremy John for the logo. This podcast is hosted and produced by Claudia Hirtenfelder.

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In this Quick Clip, Dinesh Wadiwel discusses why violence is an important concept in political theory and its significance when thinking about animals. This ...

In this Quick Clip, Dinesh Wadiwel outlines the failure to view animals as victims of violence and why this is important...

In this Quick Clip, Dinesh Wadiwel outlines the failure to view animals as victims of violence and why this is important in political theory.

This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, politics, and violence which can be accessed from The Animal Turn Podcast:

Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel is an Associate Professor in human rights and socio-legal studies at University of Sydney. He is author of Animals and Capital (Edinburgh UP, 2023), The War against Animals (Brill, 2015) and is co-editor, with Matthew Chrulew of Foucault and Animals (Brill 2017). He is also co-editor of Animals in the Anthropocene: Critical Perspectives on Non-Human Futures (Sydney UP). He is a member of the Multispecies Justice research group at the University of Sydney, and Chair of the Australasian Animal Studies Association. In addition, Dinesh is a disability rights researcher, and has recently been part of a team of researchers who have produced two reports for the Australian Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

Thank you to Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E) for sponsoring this podcast; Gordon Clarke for the bed music, and Jeremy John for the logo. This podcast is hosted and produced by Claudia Hirtenfelder.

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In this Quick Clip, Dinesh Wadiwel outlines the failure to view animals as victims of violence. This is an extract from a longer discussion about animals, po...

Our most recent guest on the show is Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel, an Associate Professor in human rights and socio-legal studi...

Our most recent guest on the show is Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel, an Associate Professor in human rights and socio-legal studies at University of Sydney.

Dinesh is author of "Animals and Capital" (Edinburgh UP, 2023), "The War against Animals" (Brill, 2015) and is co-editor, with Matthew Chrulew of "Foucault and Animals" (Brill 2017). He is also co-editor of "Animals in the Anthropocene: Critical Perspectives on Non-Human Futures" (Sydney UP).

In addition to being an author, Dinesh is a member of the Multispecies Justice research group at the University of Sydney, and Chair of the Australasian Animal Studies Association. And, as a disability rights researcher, he was recently been part of a team of researchers who produced two reports for the Australian Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

On the show, Dinesh talks about violence and its significance for political theory and scholarship that pertains to animals. Find out more on our website:

Learn more about Dinesh Wadiwel at the University of Sydney:

In their brief editorial, Russell and Spannring bring light to a tendency of sometimes treating animals as novelties in ...

In their brief editorial, Russell and Spannring bring light to a tendency of sometimes treating animals as novelties in research without taking seriously their material circumstances and life-worlds.

They ask an important question - what's in it for the animals in this so called "animal turn"?

They conclude by saying: "As Helena Pedersen (2019) has argued, much animal-focused educational research still fails to ‘stand with the animal herself’ and is not ‘a sincere act of solidarity with animals’ Celebrating naturacultural entanglements without taking seriously the implications of human supremacy and the power of the animal industrial complex impedes the fundamental transformation needed to support multispecies flourishing."

This is an important reminder for all of us who work with and think about animals in our scholarship.

Access the full editorial here:


In the latest episode of The Animal Turn Podcast, Claudia Hirtenfelder talks to Dinesh Wadiwel about "Violence" and its significance for political practice and theory.

With animals in mind, Dinesh outlines how violence can be intersubjective, structural, or epistemic. He delves into how violence and coercion are tools used to try and achieve domination and that there is a political imperative to call violence what it is.

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This is a snapshot of a discussion with Steve Cooke on The Animal Turn Podcast in which he reads a quote from Immanuel Kant to make a point about how the property status of animals shapes the ways in which we can morally think about them.

In this Quick Clip, Steve Cooke unpacks how imagination is  tied to moral progress and is important for laying the found...

In this Quick Clip, Steve Cooke unpacks how imagination is tied to moral progress and is important for laying the foundation for animal rights.

This is an extract from a longer discussion about moral imagination and habitat rights in the 6th Season of The Animal Turn Podcast which is focused on "Animals and Politics."

Access the full episode here:

Steve Cooke is an Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Leicester. He works on justice and nonhuman animals, and in the ethics of protest and activism. His main interests are in what a just society for human and nonhuman animal might look like, and the ethics of different ways of achieving it. He recently published What are Animal Rights For?, published by Bristol University Press.

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In this Quick Clip, Steve Cooke unpacks how imagination is tied to moral progress and is important for laying the foundation for animal rights. This is an e...

In this Quick Clip, Steve Cooke unpacks how imagination is central to our moral thinking and how the arts and humanities...

In this Quick Clip, Steve Cooke unpacks how imagination is central to our moral thinking and how the arts and humanities are essential to foster a more just imagination.

This is an extract from a longer discussion about moral imagination and habitat rights in the 6th Season of The Animal Turn Podcast which is focused on "Animals and Politics."

Access the full episode here:

Steve Cooke is an Associate Professor of Political Theory at the University of Leicester. He works on justice and nonhuman animals, and in the ethics of protest and activism. His main interests are in what a just society for human and nonhuman animal might look like, and the ethics of different ways of achieving it. He recently published What are Animal Rights For?, published by Bristol University Press.

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In this Quick Clip, Steve Cooke unpacks how imagination is central to our moral thinking. This is an extract from a longer discussion about moral imagination...

In this blog post, Animal Turn Fellow, Virginia Thomas highlights "Maguey Worms" and the ways in which they are used in ...

In this blog post, Animal Turn Fellow, Virginia Thomas highlights "Maguey Worms" and the ways in which they are used in the agave and tequila industries.

She touches on the fact that this 'worm' is actually a caterpillar and the numerous injustices they face which stretch across international borders.

Read more here:


In the latest episode of The Animal Turn Podcast, Claudia Hirtenfelder talks to Steve Cooke about Moral Imagination and Habitat Rights.

Steve argues that imagination allows for conceptual development that makes moral progress & political change possible. He unpacks how the development of habitat rights for animals would be an important step in ensuring animal vital interests are protected.

Listen to the full episode here:

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In the latest episode, Angie Pepper chose to read a quote from the work of Gary Francione (Gary L. Francione: The Abolitionist Approach to Animal Rights)

She reflects on the numerous conflicts that arise out of our relations with animals, including labour and companionship relations. Angie believes we need to stop and think about implications and root causes instead of simply responding to (and likely creating) problems.

Jump to this portion of the conversation:

In this Quick Clip, Angie Pepper discusses how she came to think about cosmopolitanism and her realization that cosmopol...

In this Quick Clip, Angie Pepper discusses how she came to think about cosmopolitanism and her realization that cosmopolitan thought often fails to account for animals.

This is an extract from a longer discussion about cosmopolitanism in the 6th Season of The Animal Turn Podcast which is focused on "Animals and Politics."

Access the Full Episode here:

Thank you to Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E) for sponsoring this podcast; Christiaan Mentz for his editing work, Virginia Thomas for the Animal Highlight, Gordon Clarke for the bed music, and Jeremy John for the logo. This podcast is hosted and produced by Claudia Hirtenfelder.

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In this Quick Clip, Angie Pepper discusses how she came to think about cosmopolitanism and her realization that cosmopolitan thought often fails to account f...


In the next episode of Season 6, Claudia Hirtenfelder talks to Angie Pepper about cosmopolitanism. Angie explains how despite cosmopolitans having an expansive view of justice, animals are rarely accounted for. They discuss the challenges of including animals in cosmopolitan thought and mull over what animals might be entitled to.

You can access the full episode here:

Thank you to Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics (A.P.P.L.E) for sponsoring this podcast; Christiaan Mentz for his editing work, Virginia Thomas for the Animal Highlight, Gordon Clarke for the bed music, and Jeremy John for the logo. This podcast is hosted and produced by Claudia Hirtenfelder.

You can find the podcast anywhere you listen. Don't forget to leave a review! You can also support the podcast via:

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Tonight is the International Women's Podcasting Awards and we've been shortlisted!You can hear the nominated clips on th...

Tonight is the International Women's Podcasting Awards and we've been shortlisted!

You can hear the nominated clips on the podcast here:

The Animal Turn was shortlisted in "Moment of Insight from a Role Model" for the conversation between Jeff Sebo and Claudia Hirtenfelder about the im/possibility of change in human-animal relations.

It was also shortlisted in "Changing the World One Moment at a Time" for the conversation with Yamini Narayanan in which she outlines how devastating sacralisation is for women, children, and animals - particularly cows in India.

You can learn more about the other shortlisted podcasts as well as how you can get tickets to attend the awards here: -

Learn more about the categories as well as the awesome people at , here:

Thank you for listening and your support!



Take note!

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...

New Blog Post - Animal Highlight: Domesticated Dogs as CitizensIn this animal highlight, Virginia Thomas muses about wha...

New Blog Post - Animal Highlight: Domesticated Dogs as Citizens

In this animal highlight, Virginia Thomas muses about what it would mean for domesticated dogs to be thought of as citizens.

Animal Highlight: Domesticated Dogs as Citizens

Taken from the most recent episode, in this Quick Clip, Will Kymlicka talks about how animals are increasingly considere...

Taken from the most recent episode, in this Quick Clip, Will Kymlicka talks about how animals are increasingly considered in regulation as members of families and of workplaces.

Listen to the full episode here:

In this Quick Clip Will Kymlicka talks about how animals are increasingly considered in regulation as members of families and of workplaces.This is an extrac...

In this Quick Clip Will Kymlicka delves into three different models for how to bring animals into politics: politics “on...

In this Quick Clip Will Kymlicka delves into three different models for how to bring animals into politics: politics “on behalf of” animals, where humans represent animals; politics “by” animals, where wild animals exercise self-government; and politics “with” animals, where humans and animals do politics together and co-author decisions.

This is part of a broader conversation on The Animal Turn Podcast, hosted by Claudia Hirtenfelder, which you can access here:

Claudia Hirtenfelder

In this Quick Clip Will Kymlicka delves into three different models for how to bring animals into politics: politics “on behalf of” animals, where humans rep...

Claudia launches Season 6 by talking to Will Kymlicka about politics. They discuss how animals remain largely sidelined ...

Claudia launches Season 6 by talking to Will Kymlicka about politics. They discuss how animals remain largely sidelined in political philosophical thought, as compared to other areas of ethics and social theory. Will delves into three different models for how to bring animals into politics: politics “on behalf of” animals, where humans represent animals; politics “by” animals, where wild animals exercise self-government; and politics “with” animals, where humans and animals do politics together and co-author decisions. As examples of joint politics, they discuss recent efforts to share power with domesticated animals in farmed animal sanctuaries, in the family and in the workplace.

Listen to the full episode:

Will Kymlicka is the Canada Research Chair in Political Philosophy in the Philosophy Department at Queen's University in Kingston, Canada, where he has taught since 1998. He is the co-author with Sue Donaldson of Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights, published by Oxford University Press in 2011, and now translated into German, French, Spanish, Japanese, Turkish, Dutch, Chinese, Korean, and Polish. Zoopolis argues that animals belong at the heart of democratic political theory - defending rights of citizenship for domesticated animals and sovereignty rights for wild animals – and its ideas have helped launch the recent `political turn’ in animal ethics. Will and Sue have continued developing their model of a zoopolis, and its implications for animal advocacy, legal reform, and alliances with other social justice movements. Their recent work has appeared in Politics and Animals; The Philosophy and Politics of Animal Liberation; Journal of Animal Ethics; Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law; the Oxford Handbook of Animal Studies. Will co-directs the Animals in Philosophy, Politics, Law and Ethics research group at Queen’s University, including its postdoctoral fellowship program, and teaches courses in animals and political theory and in animals and the law.

Cow with Ear Tag  #1389 is a theoretically and empirically rich book that manages to capture the effects of commodificat...

Cow with Ear Tag #1389 is a theoretically and empirically rich book that manages to capture the effects of commodification on the lives and bodies of cows. Kathryn Gillespie is a talented writer who captures the complexity and the cruelty of the dairy industry in the United States. She charts how males and females are differently positioned in the industry, how semen is extracted, calves discarded, and mother cows used. The effects of a life of commodification are visible on the body of the cow with ear tag #1389 whose story the book is named after.

Learn more about the book from

Kathryn Gillespie was a guest on The Animal Turn and discussed "intimate geography" in Season 2, which was focused on "Animals and Experience." It was a captivating discussion and can be accessed here:




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