
LM.Media LM.Media is a video production company based in Linz. We are your partner for motion video and film o LM.Media is a video production collective based in Linz.

We are your partner for motion video and film of all kinds. We unite all the skills it needs for a professional production. We think video from A to Z – everything from a single source. We are individualists with special skills in all aspects of the film business. We are directors, producers, cinematographers, editors, musicians, thinkers and aficionados.

Letzte Chance ein Ticket zu ergattern ...Link in bio.

Letzte Chance ein Ticket zu ergattern ...

Link in bio.

"Via Sedna" is the name of an expedition and climbing route that 8 women completed last year. One of them,  a good frien...

"Via Sedna" is the name of an expedition and climbing route that 8 women completed last year. One of them, a good friend of our team member .brugger, attended a bootcamp training at LM.Media to prepare for her mission as a camerawoman. And once these power women had completed their mission and returned, Ramona and Alexander edited the film together. About 1000 hours of work went into the project and last Wednesday we could finally present it to the public.

And what a premiere it was. We didn't expect applause during the film and standing ovations at the end. Thank you Lienz, it was great to get so much feedback and so many overwhelming emotions.

We would also like to thank our supporters for sponsoring this great event. &

And of course we thank .gatterer for her photography at the event.

We are more than happy to announce that our latest documentary movie 'Via Sedna' will be part of the FIFAV tour this yea...

We are more than happy to announce that our latest documentary movie 'Via Sedna' will be part of the FIFAV tour this year with stops in 250 cities in 20 different countries!🤯

Rendez-vous du 12 au 19 novembre 2023 à La Rochelle !Infos sur festival-film-aventure.com........................Montage et réalisation : Sophie Mestre – Alh...

Septimius Awards 2023 ... what an experience.We have come a long way since 2015, when we started filming the documentary...

Septimius Awards 2023 ... what an experience.
We have come a long way since 2015, when we started filming the documentary project 'Arkadaşloch - Nobody's Problem'. Now it is time to reap the fruits. Even though we didn't win the 'Best Documentary Award', it still feels like a big achievement to be nominated for an international award among Oscar-winning filmmakers.
But our biggest shout out goes to our dear friend and researcher, director and producer
Thank you for working on this and spending so much quality time together in so many different countries. We remain hungry for the next awards.

Photo credit: Wiedjai Dwarka & Ruben Philipse

We are grateful for the selection at the . It's just great when we can reach an international audience with our film and...

We are grateful for the selection at the . It's just great when we can reach an international audience with our film and share what we experienced. We wish we could all be there!

18-22.October, Rio de Janeiro/Brasil

We received the Best Feature Documentary Award from the Magic of Cinema Festival in Barcelona, Spain.We are thankful to ...

We received the Best Feature Documentary Award from the Magic of Cinema Festival in Barcelona, Spain.

We are thankful to the jury and organisers for this award!

In autumn, our documentary "VIA SEDNA" will be released. We will keep you informed about all screenings.

In autumn, our documentary "VIA SEDNA" will be released. We will keep you informed about all screenings.

Shooting for Bergwelten  in the spectacular region of  with director  on the Schladminger Tauern Trail Thank you  for yo...

Shooting for Bergwelten in the spectacular region of with director on the Schladminger Tauern Trail

Thank you for your great support on the mountains and in the valley!

We are looking forward to see this documentary in the spring!

Also thank you the warm welcome and 😋

Behind the scenes from  (Er)lebensräume Project.Flying Großglockner, Austrians' highest peak was a dream come true.Getti...

Behind the scenes from (Er)lebensräume Project.

Flying Großglockner, Austrians' highest peak was a dream come true.

Getting up early is a regular procedure as a cameramen to catch the best sunlight possible. Though when you shoot up in the mountains, at almost 3000 meteres altitude, you need to reach your spot in the first place and get up even earlier. To cover the planned flights, we needed to find launching spots with a direct line of sight for each and every corner of the routes. This resulted in a lot of hiking activity. Luckily, the national park is not the worst place for that. Even if you have to shuffle around 15-20kg backbags loaded with batteries and other gear, we enjoy these days a lot. During our shoot, we had very unstable weather conditions. We had days like ... hiking up, reaching our position just to find ourselves in a complete whiteout and staying in the fog for the rest of the day. So you start all over the next possible day with good hope and better predictions.

If you love all of this ... and without any sarcasm, I can say, yes we do! Then it is really a dream job.

Hiking FPV spot for  Like I mentioned in yesterdays reel the weather conditions weren't easy to handle. We got thunderst...

Hiking FPV spot for

Like I mentioned in yesterdays reel the weather conditions weren't easy to handle. We got thunderstorm predictions for the afternoon, but the plan was to summit the almost 3000 meter high Degenhorn. So the whole day, we tried to work and hike quick as possible and felt the time pressure. The team handled the situation perfect though ... as you can see on the pictures we had a great time, laught a lot and even could have a short break.

Thanks to .lorenz for the great photos and to for the good support as always.

Models: &

Drone pilot:


Get the last Director's Cut ....

The profession of filmmaking is something very special. We see it as a great honor to get to know many wonderful places,...

The profession of filmmaking is something very special. We see it as a great honor to get to know many wonderful places, insanely exciting personalities and, above all, wonderful things. The Hofstettner Granitbock is one of these very special wonderful things. Last year, we had the privilege of making a film about this very special beer. The goal was to bring a taste to life visually. For this approach, we were awarded a Golden Dolphin at the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards. Many thanks to for this unique opportunity and the great collaboration.


Shot in autumn 2021 in Paris. This was a really challenging project thus of the little time we had for preparations and shooting.


Today Monday 15th of August at 9 pm on Eurosport ... have a look.

Schön dass wir im "Rampenlicht" stehen dürfen. Danke an die Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria für diese Plattform.

Schön dass wir im "Rampenlicht" stehen dürfen.
Danke an die Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria für diese Plattform.

Spot on CAPTIF und LM.Media! 🤩
Die beiden Linzer Video- und Bewegtbildstudios haben sich erfolgreich für den Schaufensterplatz in der Linzer Landstraße beworben.

Ihr wollt mehr über die beiden Unternehmen erfahren? Im Blogbeitrag gibt's die Details: https://creativeregion.org/2022/07/spotlight-juli

Für das gemeinsame Foto mit Doris Lang-Mayerhofer und Elke Pflug vom City Management Linz haben wir die Filmprofis mal vor die Kamera gewechselt 😉.

Bis Ende August könnt ihr die Installation noch in der Landstraße 97 besuchen und mittels QR-Code mit dem Schaufenster interagieren.

- -

Spot on ist eine Initiative der Stadt Linz und der Creative Region, um jungen Unternehmen aus der Kreativwirtschaft eine Bühne zu bieten.

Danke an Michael Holzer und Responsive Spaces für die Umsetzung des Schaufensters!


Hoch- oder Querformat

Heutzutage besteht ein starker Bedarf an vertikalen Inhalten. Meistens wird die vertikale Version eines Clips aus dem ursprünglich 16x9 Video herausgeschnitten.
Wenn man Bildinhalte zuschneiden muss, geht man immer einen Kompromiss ein ... manchmal sieht der Bildaufbau nicht mehr gut aus oder man verliert sogar Teile des Motivs.

Aber manchmal muss man nicht wählen ... man verwendet einfach beides. Was denkst du?
Verwendest du Facebook auf einem Mobiltelefon oder eher auf dem Computer?

Vertical vs. Landscape

There is a strong need for vertical content these days. Most of the time the vertical version of a clip is croped out of the original 16x9 video.
It can be very annoing when you have to crop a frames ... sometimes they don't look good anymore or you lose parts of the subject.

But sometimes you don't choose ... you just do both. What do you think?
Are you using facebook on your mobile phone or still more on a computer?

Letzte Woche fand der Commercial Film & Music Award statt. Wir waren fünfmal auf der Shortlist. Erfreulicherweise können...

Letzte Woche fand der Commercial Film & Music Award statt. Wir waren fünfmal auf der Shortlist. Erfreulicherweise können wir verkünden, dass wir drei Preise gewonnen haben.

Gold in der Kategorie "Beste Story" für unseren Tortec Imagefilm. Vielen Dank Andreas Bacher für deine tolle Konzept- und Regiearbeit. Vielen Dank an unseren langjährigen Kunden TORTEC Brandschutztor GmbH, der uns dieses mutige Konzept realisieren ließ.

Silber in der Kategorie "Beste Kamera" für unseren Hofstettner Granitbockfilm. Vielen Dank an die Brauerei Hofstetten für das Vertrauen und die große kreative Freiheit bei der Visualisierung.

Und am Ende erhielten wir einen Sonderpreis der Jury in Bronze für die "beste Produktionsfirma". Vielen Dank an uns, dass wir so eine tolle Boyband sind.


Last week the Commercial Film & Music Award took place. We were shortlisted five times. Happily we can announce that we've won three awards.

Gold in the category "best story" for our Tortec Imagefilm. Thanks Andreas Bacher for your great concept and directing work. Many thanks to our long-standing customer TORTEC Brandschutztor GmbH, who let us realise this courageous concept.

Silver in the category "best camera" for our Hofstettner Granitbock film. Many thanks to the Brauerei Hofstetten for the trust and the great creative freedom in the visualisation.

And in the end we received a special jury price in bronce for "best production company". Many thanks to ourselves for being such a great boyband.


Stimm*Raum 2/3

The stories presented were compiled in the bilingual book "Stimm*Raum", which was recently published by Bayer Verlag in German and Chechen. They tell of longings and visions, of love and passion, of the garden of the grandparents and grandma's food, of childhood memories and mulberries, about that Emma which ​​one of the Stimm*Raum participants was looking for in Austria shortly after she came here from Chechnya. The stories often deal, almost incidentally, with war and escape.

Stimm*Raum 3/3But if you listened to the stories of the Chechen youths that evening, read by well-known Austrian artists...

Stimm*Raum 3/3

But if you listened to the stories of the Chechen youths that evening, read by well-known Austrian artists, you would realize that these young people hardly differed from anyone else in Austria. "When you read these essays, it becomes clear that a Chechen farmer is just like an Austrian farmer, and that his wife is just like the wife of the local farmer," says Gerhard Ruiss, writer and musician, who gave Malika his voice.

Stimm*Raum 1/3The art project Stimm*Raum .raum by the .initiative is about the works and voices of young people who are ...

Stimm*Raum 1/3

The art project Stimm*Raum .raum by the .initiative is about the works and voices of young people who are often talked about in this country, but who hardly ever get a chance to speak out.Young people of Chechen origin. The reading and vernissage in the last Friday showed how great the need is in Austria to listen to them.


A quick edit from last weeks shooting. We had a great day and catched perfect conditions ... not too much snow ... so the averlange situation was still ok not like this week. Also the tempratures were quite cosy ... no sticking fingers on the metal parts of the cameras. We could get used to this ;)


Es freut uns sehr dass wir das Jahr 2021 mit dem Release eines ganz besonderen Filmes abschließen können. Der Film über das Gault&Millau Bier des Jahres … dem Hofstettner Granitbock.

Vielen Dank an die Brauerei Hofstetten für das große Vertrauen, die künstlerische Freiheit und für euer grandioses Bier.

Besonderes Handwerk in Bildern einzufangen ist jedes Mal ein tolles Erlebnis. Apropos besonderes Handwerk: setzt euch doch bitte Kopfhörer beim Anschauen auf, denn der Sound hat es in sich. Danke an heimwerk.audio

Wir wünschen euch eine feine Weihnachtszeit & einen angenehmen Jahreswechsel



Industriefilme sehen immer alle gleich aus und es gibt sowieso keinen Spielraum für Kreativität?
Falsch gedacht. Für unseren mutigen Kunde, die TORTEC Brandschutztor GmbH durften wir dieses sympathische Konzept entwerfen.

Industrial films look all the same and there is no space for creativity.
False. With our courageous customer TORTEC Brandschutztor GmbH we could produce this very likeable concept.


So that's what happend in Paris two weeks ago.
One of the most stressful shoots we ever had, because of the very tight schedule and the limited time slot.
Anyhow ... this is just a social media side outcome of the actual shoot.

Vor zwei Wochen gings nach Paris.
Es war einer der stressigsten Drehs unser Firmengeschichte. Das ganze war mehr als straff eingetaktet und die Zeitspanne insgesamt sehr eng.
Aber wie auch immer ... dieser Clip ist nur ein kleines Social Media Nebenprodukt von unserem eigentlichen Auftrag.

Winter is coming

Winter is coming


Kreuzstrasse 15a


Montag 09:00 - 17:00
Dienstag 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag 09:00 - 17:00




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