SXM KPSM Sint Maarten Police

SXM KPSM Sint Maarten Police St Maarten News and viral videos online. St Maarten News Network [email protected]


Olivier Arrindell could not find the leaks in his chats. So he removed most members. My source was an OMC Candidate 🤫

NOBODY can judge me before knowing the full story. And here's the full story Good morning St Maarten, I am blogging and ...

NOBODY can judge me before knowing the full story. And here's the full story Good morning St Maarten, I am blogging and this is the FULL story about why Olivier Arrindell lied and had me put in jail, and I am the reason why Olivier Arrindell couldn't get his airline and I got OMC supporters threatening and calling me. So read the full story of what Olivier Arrindell did to me, and why I brought down Olivier Arrindell and OMC PERMANENTLY

Why Judith Roumou destroyed Olivier Arrindell & OMC Permanently

KPSM Expresses Gratitude for Supporting the March Against Youth Violence The police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) take th...

KPSM Expresses Gratitude for Supporting the March Against Youth Violence

The police Force of Sint Maarten (KPSM) take this opportunity to show its sincere appreciation to all stakeholders, partners, schools, sponsors, parents, students, and the general public who participated in the March Against Youth Violence held on August 23, 2024. Your collective efforts were instrumental in making this event a significant success.

This achievement would not have been possible without the steadfast support and active participation of all involved.
Let us continue to work together to foster peace and discourage violence. Remember: Forget the beef, live in peace.

Happy birthday 🎂 Andrew Dick

Happy birthday 🎂 Andrew Dick

This why red woman going be the end of me, especially Scorpios 😡 hilarious 😂 I would of done the same so I guess thank you

🎶 Saint Martin wheelers And dealers.But no true leaders.Deals under the table. Coalition unstable Don't forget to mentio...

🎶 Saint Martin wheelers
And dealers.
But no true leaders.
Deals under the table.
Coalition unstable
Don't forget to mention
The coalition tension
It's every man for himself
We have to fend for ourselves.
Undermining each other
Demolition of the coalition
It's an inside job
Mark my words
Members of Parliament
Bought votes, now they're our government
Intentionally, surpressing us
But we'll make dust
Of them all.
Saint Martin stand tall. 🎶



👀 Are they towing A BOAT???
Thank God I just got out of Simpson Bay and Colebay

** Ambulance Department **When faced with an emergency, calling 911 can be a critical and life-saving action. Here’s a c...

** Ambulance Department **

When faced with an emergency, calling 911 can be a critical and life-saving action. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to make an efficient emergency phone call, ensuring that help arrives swiftly:
Dial the Emergency Number: In most countries, dialing 911 for police/ambulance, 919 for fire department from your phone connects you to emergency services.
Stay Calm and Clear: When the operator answers, remain calm. Clearly state your location/telephone number first. Provide essential details such as the nature of the emergency (fire, medical, or police) and any critical information (trapped individuals, injuries, hazardous situations).
Location: Begin by sharing your precise location. If you’re unsure, look for landmarks, street signs, or nearby businesses.
Incident: Briefly describe what has happened. Be concise but thorough. For example:
“There’s a fire in my apartment building.”
“Someone is having a heart attack.”
“I witnessed a car accident.”
Other Services: The operator will guide you. If you need an ambulance, say so. If there’s a crime or threat, request police assistance. If it’s a fire, call the fire brigade : 919.
Number of People and Injuries: Provide information about the number of people involved and the extent of injuries. This helps emergency responders prepare adequately.
Stay on the Line: Even if you’ve provided all necessary information, stay connected. The operator might need additional details or instructions. Follow their guidance and DON'T ARGUE/CURSE the Police/Ambulance Dispatcher. Don't hang up unless the dispatcher instructs otherwise.
Reassure and Assist: Reassure the injured person. Keep calm. Let them know help is on the way, and stay with them until it arrives. If you have been taught first aid, now’s the time to use it!
Remember the LIONEL system to organize your thoughts before you call 911/919:
Location: Tell them exactly where the emergency is and where they need to come.
Incident: Describe exactly what has happened.
Other services: Do you need the ambulance, police and/or fire service?
Number of people: How many are involved/need help?
Extent of injuries: How badly are they hurt?

Saying the person feels unwell/sick is vague... provide proper information on what exactly is happening.

Good morning 1) VERY bad weather guaranteed. THREE SYSTEMS...FULL INFO from NOAA and TWC BELOW: I am not blogging becaus...

Good morning 1) VERY bad weather guaranteed. THREE SYSTEMS...FULL INFO from NOAA and TWC BELOW: I am not blogging because my right shoulder is out of commission due to inclement weather. 2) Expect GEBE to go on a load shedding rampage today and this weekend for their 1000 hour inspection, all GEBE SCHEDULE INFO BELOW. 3) MY WEBSITES ARE DOWN DUE MY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT, I'm switching up platforms because I'm more versatile than AI.
4) So, with the weather, I can't use my right shoulder, so I might just take pain medication and relax for the rest of the weekend. I might post the alternate website, but unlikely. Any urgent or emergency updates will be posted. Stay safe St Maarten.
August 30, 2024

NV GEBE would like to inform the general public that Diesel Generator Set # 14 is scheduled for its routine 1,000-hour maintenance service tomorrow, Saturday, August 31, 2024. The maintenance window will be from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

As a result, there will be load-shedding across various districts. The detailed load-shedding schedule is posted below. This includes the affected areas and the expected duration of outages, to assist with personal planning. The schedule can change depending on the load capacity.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that our team will work diligently to complete the service as quickly as possible, with the goal of restoring normal operations at the earliest opportunity. Please be advised that this maintenance is both mandatory and essential to ensuring the continued reliability of our services.

On behalf of the management and staff of NV GEBE, we thank you for your understanding and patience.

Load-shedding schedule (subject to change)
Saturday, August 31, 2024

8:00am to 11:00am
Cole Bay,

8:30am to 11:30am
Port de Plaisance,parts of Cole Bay

10:30am to 1:30pm
Pelican, Simpson Bay Resort

11:00am to 2:00pm
Beacon Hill, Maho Shopping, Blue Marine, Cupecoy, Point Pirouette

11:30am to 2:30pm
Belvedere, Dutch Quarter, Bishop Hill
Kimsha, Simpson Bay, Yacht Club, Isle del Sol

1:30pm to 3:30pm
Zagersgut, Bush Road
Airport Road, Simpson Bay, Beacon Hill

2:00pm to 5:00pm
AT Illidge Road, Long Wall Road, Front Street, Back Street, Cannegieter Street, Pond Fill (Stop Lights to GEBE), Fort Willem

2:30pm to 5:30pm
Madame Estate, Arch Road, Sucker Garden, The Keys, Soualiga Road
Cay Hill, Saunders

The 5 o'clock schedule will be posted separately. Please note that the schedule is subject to change base on load capacity.

LATEST WEATHER: Hurricane Central
National Hurricane Center Tracking Three Possible Areas Of Atlantic Tropical Development

At a Glance
A tropical depression or storm could form from a disturbance that will reach the Caribbean next week.
That system could bring rain and gusty winds to the eastern Caribbean, but its long-term future is uncertain.
There is a second system closer to Africa that's also being watched for possible tropical development.
NHC is also watching an area of storminess near the Texas coast.

T​he National Hurricane Center (NHC) is tracking three areas of possible development in the Atlantic Basin, one of which could form into a tropical depression or storm as it heads toward the Caribbean next week. Two of the systems are in the deep tropics while a third is bubbling near the Gulf Coast.

Festering area of storminess near Texas and Louisiana coast not likely to develop: Thunderstorm activity has been persistent in the northwestern Gulf over the last few days. The biggest threat for this area will be locally heavy rain and flash flooding, rather than tropical development. The NHC has given this area a low chance of development.

Rainfall Forecast
(Locally heavier rain totals are possible where clusters of thunderstorms stall over an area for a few hours. )
Potential for development in the Caribbean is more elevated: This system is an area of disturbed weather called a tropical wave located several hundred miles east of the Lesser Antilles. The NHC gives this disturbance a medium chance of development as it tracks westward through the Caribbean. This potential development is more likely toward the end of the week ahead and no development is expected before the tropical wave reaches the Lesser Antilles.

If the disturbance becomes more well-defined with organized shower and thunderstorm activity, it could become a tropical depression or storm next week. That potential formation is most likely to occur in the orange-shaded area on the map below, according to the latest NHC outlook.

T​he next name on the 2024 Atlantic hurricane season list is Francine.

(The possible areas of tropical development according to the latest National Hurricane Center outlook are shown by the polygons, color-coded by the chance of development over the next seven days. An "X" indicates the location of the current disturbances.)
Here's where this potential Caribbean system is headed: The system will be steered westward by high pressure to its north, reaching the Lesser Antilles by Monday or Tuesday. Regardless of development, the Lesser Antilles could see heavy rain and gusty winds as the system moves through.
The strength of the Bermuda high and resulting upper-level pattern will help determine where exactly this system tracks next week.

It's far too early to know what, if any, threat this system might pose to the continental United States, but multiple models are now suggesting that development is more likely as we near the peak of hurricane season (roughly Sept. 10).
What to know about the e​astern Atlantic system following behind: This system, which is located just off the west coast of Africa, is an elongated area of low pressure called a tropical wave. Some slow development of this system is possible as it heads toward the central tropical Atlantic through the middle part of next week.

It's not an immediate concern for land areas, but we will continue to track it in the coming days, so check back frequently for more details.

Typical for this time of year: This "Potential Francine" is developing in an area that's very common for activity this time of year. September is hurricane season's busiest month in the Atlantic, so we anticipate enhanced tropical development in the coming weeks.


NEW CHUNE 🎶 Song: "St Maarten Government Frenemies" Lyrics J.Roumou Vocals: AI named "Blue".



Ayera e Centro di Operacion Maritimo (scroll naar beneden voor de NL versie) di Wardacosta a haya un melding di un boto ...

Ayera e Centro di Operacion Maritimo (scroll naar beneden voor de NL versie) di Wardacosta a haya un melding di un boto di piscado local cu tawata perdi riba lama. Abordo di e boto tawata tin dos homber local cu a sali pa lama diaranson mainta. E hombernan mester a regresa cas diaranson anochi, pero no a regresa cas. E famianan di e piscadonan perdi a tuma contacto cu Wardacosta pa haci un busceda pa e dos hombernan. Mesora despues di e melding, Wardacosta a lansa un helicopter cu a start un busceda aereo buscando e hombernan riba e boto Mila panort di Aruba. Diahuebs atardi a haya un vest di salbabida, un tas y un tanki di gasolin na altura di Bachelor Beach, cu ta kere cu tawata pertenece na e boto Mila cual tawata perdi. Wardacosta tambe a dirigi un drone y e cutter Jaguar pa asisti cu e busceda. E busceda a keda anula den oranan di anochi debi na e skuridat. Diabierna mainta tempran a cuminsa cu e busceda bek na cual momento e drone a constata un curpa cu no tawata duna señal di bida na Bachelor Beach. Despues di un rato, a constata un curpa mas cu no tawata duna señal di bida riba e mesun beach. E curpanan cu no tawata duna señal di bida a wordo identifika komo e dos piscadonan local perdi. E curpanan a wordo entrega na Cuerpo Policial Aruba pa mas investigacion. Wardacosta ta desea famia y amigunan di e hombernan hopi forsa.

Gisteren ontving het Maritiem Operatie Centrum van de Kustwacht een melding van een lokale vissersboot die vermist werd. Aan boord van de boot zaten twee lokale mannen die woensdagochtend naar zee waren vertrokken. De mannen zouden woensdagavond huiswaarts keren, maar keerden niet terug naar huis. De familieleden van de vermiste vissers namen contact op met de Kustwacht voor een zoekactie naar de twee mannen.

De Kustwacht lanceerde direct na de melding de helikopter die ten noorden van Aruba vanuit de lucht een zoektocht naar de mannen op de boot inzette. Donderdagmiddag werd in de buurt van Bachelor Beach een zwemvest, een tas en een benzinetank gevonden die vermoedelijk van de vermiste vissersboot Mila afkomstig waren. De Kustwacht zette ook een drone en de cutter Jaguar in om met de zoekactie te helpen. In de avonduren werd de zoekactie gestaakt vanwege de invallende duisternis. Vrijdagochtend vroeg werd de zoekactie voortgezet waarbij de drone een levenloos lichaam op het strand van Bachelor Beach detecteerde. Later werd een tweede levenloos lichaam op hetzelfde strand gedetecteerd. De levenloze lichamen van de twee mannen zijn geïdentificeerd als de twee vermiste lokale vissers. De lichamen zijn aan het Korps Politie Aruba overgedragen voor verder onderzoek. De Kustwacht wenst familie en vrienden van de overleden mannen veel sterkte toe.

kustwacht Caribisch Gebied


Meanwhile on Bushroad KPSM is aware of the video circulating on social media involving an police officer (s) engaging with a male suspect in the bush road area. The internal affairs department of KPSM is also aware of this video and busy gathering the necessary information to start a investigation into this matter.

KPSM Bulletin


There's NO "Get out of hell free" cards! Christians believe that they can be evil, then beg forgiveness 👀 And be REWARDED!!!


This rat reminds me of that Haitian/St Maarten politician, who is always playing African music, and singing mumbo jumbo over good African music, because he does NOT comprehend ONE WORD that he's singing.
I'm here procrastinating. Some big news supposed to drop today, dey seh.

Bureau Telecommunications and Post Sint Maarten clarifies misleading statements in mediaBureau Telecommunications and Po...

Bureau Telecommunications and Post Sint Maarten clarifies misleading statements in media

Bureau Telecommunications and Post Sint Maarten (BTP) would like to address and correct the misleading statements that have recently circulated in the media.

Contrary to claims, BTP has not implemented any new rules or guidelines to prevent Starlink from entering the market to protect local service providers. Rather, BTP is upholding the longstanding telecommunications laws and regulations that have been in effect for decades. These laws are designed to maintain a fair and competitive market, and they are fully accessible on our website at

Furthermore, BTP wishes to clarify that it possesses Starlink equipment solely for regulatory purposes. In line with our mandate and responsibilities, we conduct comprehensive testing and monitoring to manage spectrum usage, mitigate interference, assess the impact of new products on existing spectrum users, determine spot beams and coverage areas and verify equipment identification features.

As the regulatory authority, it is our duty to perform these evaluations before any new products or services become officially available in our market.

It is also important to note that BTP relies on services from local operators for all its business needs. However, BTP maintains a range of test accounts across the telecom sector—locally and internationally—to ensure we can effectively regulate and monitor the diverse array of services currently available, as well as potential future offerings in Sint Maarten

Let me explain ya'll something...Olivier Arrindell was getting candidates to stay through BLACKMAIL...As soon as they re...

Let me explain ya'll something...Olivier Arrindell was getting candidates to stay through BLACKMAIL...As soon as they resign, Olivier Arrindell has the dirt spilled on them.... 🤫
👀 I was made aware of THIS BEFORE THE ELECTIONS. But it's such a harsh claim, I knew that if I posted during elections, that OMC would find a way to make him the victim, and me the liar.
OMC and Olivier Arrindell were FULLY AWARE OF THIS... and there's MORE DAMNING INFORMATION!


Good mawnin SIN Maarten... So many stories ... so many different tales. I'm taking the day off to focus on what's important to me. Namely... to sleep. There's a LOT of tension in the government selection... I personally am sick and tired of the nonsense, technically we've been having election running since December 2023!!! And I am sick and tired of it, because when these children elected are bickering and fighting...WHO'S RUNNING THE COUNTRY???
I am doing AI animation classes and courses, and I use St Maarten politicians when I practice, and I occasionally post some of my homework. People thinking that we are working hard are dotin.... What part of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE don't you understand? I got various "helpers", doing the hard work and everyone knows that I can't sing, so I do a little bit of programming and voila!!!


👀 slow Newsday sooo NEW CHUNE 🎶 🎵 "Olivier on D RUN Haitian Edition.
Lyrics: PRIMUS 😆
Vocals, AI named Blue

Final Results Dutch St Maarten SXM Parliament snap elections

Final Results Dutch St Maarten SXM Parliament snap elections

Dear Editor,As a concerned Justice Worker deeply invested in the future of our Ministry of Justice, I feel compelled to ...

Dear Editor,
As a concerned Justice Worker deeply invested in the future of our Ministry of Justice, I feel compelled to address the recent developments surrounding the formation of the proposed new coalition government and its impact on our vital institution. Under the leadership of Minister Lyndon Lewis, we have finally begun to see some progress in addressing the longstanding issues within the Ministry. However, I have serious doubts about the proposed Coalition's commitment to solving the problems that have plagued us for far too long if they honestly intend to put third-time retiree politician and undertaker Frankie Meyers and his team of misfits in charge of the Ministry of Justice.

The appointment of the Ministry of Justice to Franklin Meyers and the SAM political party is a slap in the face of the justice workers. Throughout their campaign, SAM never addressed the critical issues within the Justice Ministry, and no one within the party has the experience or knowledge necessary to tackle the complex challenges we face daily. The Justice Ministry is not a token portfolio to be handed out as a bargaining chip in political negotiations. It is a critical institution that requires leadership with a deep understanding of law enforcement, justice administration, and the unique challenges faced by Justice Workers.
It is disheartening to see the URSM, Democratic Party, and PFP allocate the Ministry of Justice to a party that has shown little to no interest in our struggles.

My colleagues and I feel that this decision is a "consolation prize" for SAM, to keep others in the Coalition from voicing their objections rather than a genuine attempt to bring about meaningful change within the Ministry. This is especially disappointing given the URSM's refusal to take on the Ministry themselves, despite their claim of knowledge of the Justice Ministry's challenges and their ability to advocate for real reform by one of their own Parliamentarians.
Sjamira Roseburg, as prominent attorney and Parliamentarian, would have been a far better choice for Minister of Justice, or is she not willing to take on the role of working for us and is only talking and not interested in action? Her legal expertise, deep understanding of the justice system, and genuine concern for the well-being of Justice Workers make her an ideal candidate for the role. Why are URSM and Prime Minister Mercelina refusing to take the issues of the Ministry of Justice seriously? You cannot use this crucial Ministry as a bargaining chip to prevent the destabilization of the Coalition, instead of addressing the real needs of the Justice Workers and the security of the community.
Justice Workers are not mere pawns in your political game. We are the backbone of the community, working tirelessly and often at great personal risk to ensure the safety and security of our island.

I hope on the people of St. Maarten join us in demanding better for Justice Workers and workers everywhere. The Ministry of Justice is too important to be a consolation prize. We need experienced, committed leadership that prioritizes the needs of Justice Workers and the safety of our entire island. I urge the coalition partners to reconsider their decision and place the Ministry in the hands of those who truly understand its significance and are prepared to make the necessary changes to improve it.
Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.


A Concerned Justice Worker

Sint Maarten Police Force Assists TEATT Inspectors in Simpson Bay

Sint Maarten Police Force Assists TEATT Inspectors in Simpson Bay

In the early hours of Thursday, August 29th, 2024, officers of the Sint Maarten Police Force (KPSM) were called to assist inspectors from the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Traffic, and Telecommunications (TEATT) during an inspection of a business establishment located in the Simpson Bay area.

The police were requested to assist after the TEATT Inspectors encountered a situation where the management of the establishment in question was found to be operating outside the rules and regulations set forth by the Ministry. Despite prior warnings and notices, the business had continued its operations without adhering to the necessary legal requirements.

In cooperation with the TEATT Inspectors, the Police ensured that the establishment was closed down
to prevent further non-compliant activities. The Sint Maarten Police Force remains committed to upholding the law and supporting other government agencies in their efforts to regulate and maintain order within the business community.

The KPSM encourages all businesses to comply with the regulations established by the TEATT and other relevant authorities.


NEW CHUNE!🎶 🎵 Omc RESIGNATION Olivier on D RUN 🎶 🎶 Lyrics Judith Roumou ...Vocals AI "Blue" 😉 enjoy


From whatsapp elections underground chat NOT ME: As we were told before by the great Doran the people indeed distance themselves from the NOW party leader Emmanuel who was not re elected to parliament. All of a sudden Emmanuel who is on his out finds a book containing information about the sales agreement of the belvedere homes. All of a sudden. On Tuesday 27th August he speaks about the deplorable state of the 911 district of dutch quarter and is encouraging others to come with him to see how it looks. The status of 911 has been that way for more than 20 Years chris. So do not act like you didn't know. Now that you are not elected you want to try get those people on your side. For years you have been going into districts to determine what's good for them. You know nothing of the struggles. You drive around with a french plate to avoid paying road tax every year and you were the one of the MPs who refused to take a pay cut. Shame on you chris go home in peace. You bitch and complain to dam much. SOS radio with Billy D can't save your ass NOW.


Part 2 Billy D of SOS got in bed with crooked obeah Dawgs woke up with fleas disease and stds


E Camille Richardson



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