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Any clear eyed and firm policy pronouncements to address crippling loadshedding you have heard thus far?


No one will go hungry during this challenging period - HH


Long hours of load shedding regrettable and we sympathise with Zambians for enduring the same .. Our hearts are with them - HH

Loadshedding has impacted our business - MultiChoiceChinoyi ChipuluMultichoice Zambia says the company has been impacted...

Loadshedding has impacted our business - MultiChoice

Chinoyi Chipulu

Multichoice Zambia says the company has been impacted by the current loadshedding the country is experiencing.

MultiChoice Zambia head of corporate affairs Chilufya Mwelwa said in this regard, the company had implemented various strategies to ensure customers


CHIPOLOPOLO MUST ADDRESS MENTALITY - GRANTBy Mubukwanu Kaingu AVRAM Grant has conceded there is a need to seriously addr...


By Mubukwanu Kaingu

AVRAM Grant has conceded there is a need to seriously address Chipolopolo Zambia's vulnerability to conceding goals after taking a lead in matches.

Last Tuesday at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola, Chipolopolo was pegged back twice by Sierra Leones to go two-all into the final 10 minutes of the 2025 AFCON qualifying game.

It took an 84th minute free-kick from midfielder Kings Kangwa to see Zambia clinch a 3-2 victory and collect their first competitive win in seven games dating back to November 2023 against Congo-Brazzaville


Govt must reduce fuel prices owing to drop in international prices, demands DodiaBy Mubanga MubangaEconomist Yusuf Dodia...

Govt must reduce fuel prices owing to drop in international prices, demands Dodia

By Mubanga Mubanga

Economist Yusuf Dodia says the government must reduce fuel following the drop in fuel prices on the international market.

Speaking in an interview yesterday, following the drop in fuel price on the international market trading, now trading at $70 per barrel as at Wednesday September, 11, 2024, the lowest since 2021, Dodia said fuel prices must drop.

“First let us appreciate that Zambia fuel prices are tagged and linked to international oil price. lf we are saying the international price has come down recently


Murder suspect in Muleya case sues state over continued detention without trial By Esther ChisolaMurder suspect in the l...

Murder suspect in Muleya case sues state over continued detention without trial

By Esther Chisola

Murder suspect in the late Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) chairperson Guntila Muleya, Francis Chipyoka has sued the state in the Lusaka High Court demanding a declaration that his continued detention without being brought before a competent court violates the laws and constitutes an abuse of legal process.

Chipyoka who has cited the Attorney General as the respondent also wants an order directing that he be brought before a court of competent jurisdiction forthwith.

He also wants a declaration that he was subjected to torture, inhuman and degrading


UNZASU issues 7-day ultimatum to LCC to remove traders with makeshift stores ... failure to which we shall remove them o...

UNZASU issues 7-day ultimatum to LCC to remove traders with makeshift stores ... failure to which we shall remove them ourselves

By Jane Chanda

University of Zambia Ridgeway Campus Students Union (UNZASU) have given the Lusaka City Council (LCC) seven days within which to remove traders who have mounted makeshift stores, failure to which they will take matters into their own hands and remove them.

In an interview with Daily Revelation, union president Rodgers Tembo accused the traders with makeshift stores along Nationalist Road of using university facilities such as toilets, taps and Wi-Fi and that they were posing a security threat.

Tembo said the the mushrooming of containers



"Call Eddie to call studio power has gone off," one of the moderators was heard saying after a brief interruption in the live parliamentary coverage on Parliament Radio.

President Hakainde Hichilema is addressing the fourth session of the 13 National Assembly today.

ACC PROBES CHITAMBO COUNCIL OFFICIALS FOR CDF ABUSE…. Council officials are allegedly transporting students to non-TEVET...

…. Council officials are allegedly transporting students to non-TEVETA accredited schools at inflated costs

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is investigating alleged rampant abuses of Constituency Development Funds (CDF) at Chitambo Council where senior officials have are said to have created loopholes through which to steal money meant for the vulnerable.

According to information made available to Daily Revelation, those being investigated are council secretary and other senior officials.

The ACC investigation was launched following various allegations of irregularities at the council in the administration of the CDF.

According to information made available to Daily Revelation, several CDF recipients confirmed the alleged involvement of senior council officials directing them


Access today's ePaper here 👉https://dailyrevelationzambia.com/epaper-no-140-wednesday-sept-13-15-2024/

Hichilema’s Parliamentary Address By Daily Revelation EditorPresident Hakainde Hichilema will today address the Fourth S...

Hichilema’s Parliamentary Address

By Daily Revelation Editor

President Hakainde Hichilema will today address the Fourth Session of the 13th National Assembly.

There will be more riding on this year’s speech actually than perhaps any other address Hichilema has addressed since he assumed office in 2021, given the very challenging situation the country is going through. One can safely argue that almost everything is pointing towards the negative in the country.

Zambians are therefore expectant of the President to provide well-thought out and workable policy directives to help get the country from the ongoing quagmire. Hichilema’s plate is full right now with all sorts of challenges, from the tormenting loadshedding Zambians are enduring for 21-hours daily, and some for days, to the ever rising cost of living ever faced by Zambians, among several challenges afflicting Zambians.

Zambians will therefore be expecting to hear from the President Policy proposals on how he intends to turn this loadshedding to finally get the country on the path towards sustainable energy that is not solely dependent on hydropower. And if the country is moving towards other sustainable energy sources, people will be happy to hear sound proposals incentivizing solar energy for instance. Will the President also move towards re-embracing relations with the Russians and other willing nations for instance in the spheres of nuclear energy in the country? All these are avenues that can still be explored if the talk is about exploring other avenues of power generation in the country. Energy is one critical area that may ultimately define Hichilema’s time in power, given the crippling impact the loadshedding is having on the country. This is a serious matter that requires clear eyed policies from the President.

Then there is the escalating cost of living, which has been induced by many factors including the terrible drought situation the country experienced to some of the government’s own policies such as the decision to remove subsidies on fuel for instance. Zambians will be happy to hear what policies the President will announce and which will actually be informed in the national budget, in terms of how they will go about working to reduce the cost of living for the many Zambians whose poverty situation is worsening by the day.


Don't expect anything from HH apart from self-praise - Rev Mulenga By Chinoyi Chipulu As President Hakainde Hichilema op...

Don't expect anything from HH apart from self-praise - Rev Mulenga

By Chinoyi Chipulu

As President Hakainde Hichilema opens the Fourth Session of the 13th National Assembly today, Ndola Pastor's Fellowship chairperson Reverend Chilekwa Mulenga says he does not expect anything apart from from self praise.

In an interview with Daily Revelation yesterday, Rev Mulenga said the president would just focus on attacking opponents and raising false hopes in people.

He said the UPND's administration had been very consistent at inconsistencies.

" It is very difficult to say, his administration has been very consistent at inconsistencies. I don't expect anything new apart from self praise, attacking opponents and raising false hopes in people," he said.

Chilekwa said Zambians wanted speeches


Abash intolerance! Abash intimidation!By Daily Revelation EditorTransparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has expressed d...

Abash intolerance! Abash intimidation!

By Daily Revelation Editor

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) has expressed disappointment with the lack of tolerance of divergent views by the UPND government.

Speaking yesterday at TI-Z third quarter press briefing, Priscilla Chansa said there was a growing trend of not respecting divergent views by the UPND government.

“In terms of the governance arena in general, we are concerned about signs of intolerance to divergent views and constructive criticism by the UPND leadership. Most recently, the Minister of Information and Media used a press briefing to castigate and attack TI-Z for commenting on illegal mining following a News diggers investigations,” said Chansa. “Instead of addressing the concerns raised by both T-lZ and the investigations, the minister targeted the institutional reputation of T-lZ seemingly in a feeble attempt to evade accountability that had been raised over the Senseli issue.”

Not too long ago, police arrested and detained a 22-year-old activist for protesting the escalating cost of living in Zambia, and was only released from detention after 13 days. Such a serious crime indeed that one had to be kept that long in police detention without charge. Of course, one doesn’t even need to be a rocket science to determine why that was the case. The activist Chanda Chikwanka was kept that long in order to send a message to other would be protesters who are upset at the escalating cost of living in the country, that they would face the same punishment if they dared protest.

However, there is actually no crime whatsoever in any Zambian protesting the escalating cost of living as they have the right to do that. We actually urge those who feel like expressing their feelings on the high cost of living to come out and express their feelings provided they do so peacefully.

It is actually very disappointing that we should be talking about such glaring incidences of intolerance under the UPND administration given the many promises President Hakainde Hichilema gave on this score. It should also not be lost on Zambians, that Hichilema himself once conducted a one man protest in which a carried a placard talking about the alleged lies he felt the PF administration of late president Michael Sata told, and no one arrested him for doing the same. Why should it now become an issue for one to protest the escalating cost of living the President promised he would address but has not addressed? Yes! We know there was a drought which has impacted negatively on the economy. But that should not be used as an excuse over the many things that have gone wrong in this country.

For instance, it is not the drought which increased the price of fuel by almost 100 percent from around K17 to over K33 in less than two years, neither was it drought which increased mealie-meal prices from around K130 to over K320 for 25kg bags.




Most Zambians are now enduring 2-3 days without electricity. The first boza was about 17-hours then came the 21-hours. Wait to hear the explanation for the 2-3 bufi and then one week and finally nothing at all. Classic example of governing people on lies. Shameful!

HH PLEASE APPOINT ME AS PS, PLEADS BEN PHIRIMajor Ben Phiri, who served for 10 days as Luapula Province permanent secret...


Major Ben Phiri, who served for 10 days as Luapula Province permanent secretary in 2013 has pleaded with President Hakainde Hichilema to consider him for an appointment in his government as permanent secretary.

In a written statement to Daily Revelation yesterday, Maj Phiri stated that he had received no response from the President despite making representation with the Secretary to Cabinet Patrick Kangwa, the President's principal



Zesco boss responds to contradictions from PS, utility company on energy supply ... the Namibia connector was rectified ...

Zesco boss responds to contradictions from PS, utility company on energy supply ... the Namibia connector was rectified at the time of PS' briefing, but later developed a fault

By Esther Chisola

ZESCO chairperson Vickson Nc’ube argues that the utility company and government are speaking the same language on the issue of increased load shedding and what is causing the unfortunate development.

About two weeks ago, the country continued to experience unprecedented load shedding hours which went from an entire day or two and this was attributed to a connector fault on the Namibian power import route.

On August 30, 2024, the permanent secretary- technical in the ministry of Energy Peter Mumba said the Namibian fault was resolved and the country would go back to a normal 12 hours’ loadshed awaiting the 17 hours’ which was scheduled to commence on September 1, 2024.

A day later, in a statement, Zesco spokesperson Maumbi Matongo announced a 21 hours’ load shedding attributing the disaster to the company’s failure to receive the scheduled 160 megawatts from Namibia of which it is only able to receive 33 megawatts of electricity due to a converter transmission fault.

But asked on the contradictions from the permanent secretary and Zesco yesterday, Nc’ube said the connector in Namibia developed a fault and was



Thieves have stolen solar pump at police post under construction - MPBy Chinoyi ChipuluKantashi member of parliament Ant...

Thieves have stolen solar pump at police post under construction - MP

By Chinoyi Chipulu

Kantashi member of parliament Anthony Mumba says thieves have stolen a solar pump at the police post under construction in his constituency.

And Mumba said the current loadshedding is affecting businesses and national productivity hence the growth of the economy would be affected

In an interview with Daily Revelation yesterday, Mumba said thieves have now run riot stealing people's solar panels, which many have invested in so heavily owing to the ongoing loadshedding in the country.

"In my constituency, we were constructing a police post where we had put up a solar borehole but thi


TI-Z denounces UPND intolerance towards divergent viewsBy Mubanga MubangaTransparency International Zambia (TI-Z) presid...

TI-Z denounces UPND intolerance towards divergent views

By Mubanga Mubanga

Transparency International Zambia (TI-Z) president Priscilla Chansa has expressed disappointment with the lack of tolerance of divergent views by the UPND administration.

And Chansa has urged President Hakainde Hichilema to immediately appoint the new director general of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), failure to which he is going to make the work of the commission difficult.

Speaking yesterday at T-lZ third-quarter press briefing, Chansa said there was a growing trend of not respecting divergent views by the UPND government.

“In terms of the governance arena in general, we are concerned about signs of intolerance to divergent views and constructive criticism by the UPND leadership. Most recently, the Minister of Information and Media used a press briefing to castigate and attack TI-Z for commenting on illegal mining following a News diggers investigations,” Chansa said.



HANIF BELIEVED IN ME - PATRICKBy Mubukwanu Kaingu Ex-Chipolopolo coach Patrick Phiri has paid tribute to the late Lusaka...


By Mubukwanu Kaingu

Ex-Chipolopolo coach Patrick Phiri has paid tribute to the late Lusaka Dynamos supremo Hanif Adams for believing in him as a coach which subsequently led to him being poached by Nkana.

Hanif, 70, died in Lusaka on September 8 after an illness, and for over four decades, he set about building Dynamos into a successful conveyor belt of talent that became Chipolopolo's mainstay.

He was put to rest on September 8 in Lusaka in accordance with Islamic rites.

Phiri left a youthful and promising Dynamos project in 1997 when Nkana snatched him to revive the Kitwe giants' fortunes much to Hanif's disappointment.

"I joined Lusaka Dynamos whilst I was serving in the military," Phiri said.

"When I retired as a soldier, I saw that it was not sustainable to coach Dynamo's on



Foreign investor once a subject of police call-out talks up $90 million investmentBy Jane Chanda A mining director who w...

Foreign investor once a subject of police call-out talks up $90 million investment

By Jane Chanda

A mining director who was once under a subject of a police callout in connection with a police investigation, says he has met senior people in President Hakainde Hichilema’s office who have been tasked with implementing the changes that the President wants, including getting rid of bad apples and sorting out historic corruption.

Arc Schirnding said the company's $90 million project in Zambia's Copperbelt region is the most exciting prospective copper tenement in the world and certainly in Africa.

According to Schirnding, the project, which is fully funded would focus on exploring the Dome region, where drilling was set to resume in June.

"We started drilling late last year, but the rains caught up with us. We drilled one deep stratigraphic hole down to 950m, and that showed all kinds of interesting things, including not only coppe


Vedanta out to raise $1 billion in bonds to finance operationsBy Jane Chanda Vedanta Resources, the holding company of V...

Vedanta out to raise $1 billion in bonds to finance operations

By Jane Chanda

Vedanta Resources, the holding company of Vedanta Limited, is in advanced talks with lenders to raise up to $1 billion through foreign currency bonds.

According to money.com, while the bond issue was a positive step towards refinancing debt and securing financial future, analysts flagged liquidity issues and high debt levels.

Vedanta Resources aimed to reduce debt by $3 billion over three years, with a current debt of $6 billion as of Fiscal year 2024 (FY2024).


I lived comfortably before joining govt - Lusambo ... I owned 5 cars, properties and landBy Esther ChisolaFormer Lusaka ...

I lived comfortably before joining govt - Lusambo ... I owned 5 cars, properties and land

By Esther Chisola

Former Lusaka province minister Bowman Lusambo has told the court that he was living a very comfortable life before joining politics.

He said he was able to buy a property or any item of his choice without any inconveniences.

Testifying in his defence in the matter he is jointly charged with his wife Nancy, for possession of property suspected of being proceeds of crime, Lusambo said during his time before politics, he managed to buy properties such as houses, land and vehicles.

"Between 2014 and 2015, I had more than five vehicles. I had three Mercedes’ Benz cars, I had a Toyota Prado, I had a



Saboi, Hamasaka are friends who worked together as UPND media directors - WitnessBy Esther Chisola A state witness has t...

Saboi, Hamasaka are friends who worked together as UPND media directors - Witness

By Esther Chisola

A state witness has told the Lusaka Magistrates' Court that National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Saboi Imboela and State House Communications Specialist Clayson Hamasaka are friends who worked together as media directors in the UPND.

In this matter, Imboela,45, of Lilayi pleaded not guilty to two counts of Libel Contrary to Section 191 of the Penal Code Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

She is alleged to have defamed Hamasaka.

When the matter came up for continued defence yesterday before magistrate Sylvia Munyinya, Imboela called Mambwe Zimba to aid her defense.

Zimba who is a Lusaka businessman said he was shocked when he heard that Imboela was arrested for defaming Hamasaka.



Alleged killer of Ugandan Olympian dies from burns, hospital saysThe former partner of Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegei...

Alleged killer of Ugandan Olympian dies from burns, hospital says

The former partner of Ugandan athlete Rebecca Cheptegei, who is accused of killing her by dousing her in petrol and setting her on fire, has died from burns sustained during the attack, the Kenyan hospital where he was being treated said on Tuesday.

Cheptegei, 33, who competed in the marathon at the Paris Olympics, suffered burns to more than 75% of her body in the Sept. 1 attack and died four days later.

Her former boyfriend, Dickson Ndiema Marangach, died at 7.50 p.m. (12.50 p.m. ET) on Monday, said Daniel Lang’at, a spokesperson at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Eldoret in western Kenya, where Cheptegei was also treated and died.

“He died from his injuries, the burns he sustained,” Lang’at told Reuters. Local media reported that he had suffered 30% burns when he assaulted Cheptegei as she was returning home from church with her children.


Kabimba, HH allianceBy Daily Revelation EditorUnited Kwacha Alliance (UKA) interim chairman Sakwiba Sikota warned about ...

Kabimba, HH alliance

By Daily Revelation Editor

United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) interim chairman Sakwiba Sikota warned about the potential of Economic Front (EF) leader Wynter Kabimba regretting the decision to join an alliance with the ruling UPND.

Sikota warned Kabimba of the dangers of engaging with UPND.

"The fact that Wynter Kabimba has chosen to engage with UPND is his democratic right, but he must be aware that he is walking a path that many have trodden before and regretted," he said.

Sikota urged Kabimba to ask himself why people who had gone into alliances with UPND had left.

"For instance, president Kelvin Fube Bwalya, Saboi Imboela, Sean Tembo, Nason Musoni, and Ernest Mwansa all went down that path and later realised their mistake," said Kabimba.

We will not delve into the arguments about whether Kabimba is right or even wrong in his announcement that his party has initiated alliance talks with the ruling UPND, as that is his democratic right to choose the people he wants to associate with.

However, our main concern is the lack of principles that mostly governs our politicians generally, from both ailes, the ruling and opposition parties. These are politicians who will say the most damning things about another party today, but before they have even finish uttering those damning things you will find them joining hands with the same political party they were saying bad things about. In the end you even begin to wonder whether they actually mean the criticisms and observations they make when talking about their political opponents.

The saddest part is that these are the politicians that have graced the political scene of this country for a long time, and by that standard alone, they stand a better chance of finding themselves holding the reigns of power from time to time in this country. For instance, there is ample material of what Kabimba used to say about the same UPND he has joined hands with today. And there is a lot the UPND themselves, including Hichilema said about Kabimba. And it's not just them, but the whole political field actually that has become infected with this cancer. Our politicians have taken something which is supposed to be a noble career as something chosobelesa,


SABOI RAISES LUNGU’S ELIGIBILITYNational Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Saboi Imboela recently raised questions around...


National Democratic Congress (NDC) leader Saboi Imboela recently raised questions around the eligibility of former president Edgar Lungu to contest the 2026 general elections during a recent UKA meeting.

And sources have told Daily Revelation that owing to the unresolved matter of the presidential candidate to lead the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) into 2026, some political players with attachments to the alliance, are moving towards working with others to form an alternative alliance called Tonse Alliance.


More @ www.dailyrevelationzambia.com

Police will not tire of arresting Nakachinda - Hamoonga ... Let him tame his tongue, or the police station will be his s...

Police will not tire of arresting Nakachinda - Hamoonga ... Let him tame his tongue, or the police station will be his second home

By Mubanga Mubanga

Police Spokesperson Rae Hamoonga has urged PF faction secretary general Raphael Nakachinda to tame his tongue if he does not want police to be arresting him.

On Thursday, Nakachinda visited police headquarters with a view to seeking audience with Inspector General of Police Graphael Musamba, on what he termed unwarranted arrests which the police had been subjecting him to.

But speaking to Daily Revelation yesterday, Hamoonga said police would not get tired of arresting Nakachinda, as long as he does not learn to



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