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How was church today ❤️🤗?Comment with your photo❤️

How was church today ❤️🤗?
Comment with your photo❤️

Happy Sabbath y'all ❤️🤗😊

Happy Sabbath y'all ❤️🤗😊

THE WORD FOR TODAY ❤️🤗14 JUNE 2024How to have peace (5)‘Trust in the LORD.’ Proverbs 3:5 NKJVThe Bible says, ‘Trust in t...

14 JUNE 2024

How to have peace (5)

‘Trust in the LORD.’ Proverbs 3:5 NKJV

The Bible says, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths’ (vv. 5-6 NKJV). God wants you to trust Him. As long as you’re struggling to figure things out on your own, you’re not trusting God and you won’t have peace. You must trust Him with your health, your money, your relationships, and your future. Everything!

God never makes a mistake. All that happens in your life fits into His plan for you – even the problems and miseries and troubles you bring on yourself. He fits everything flawlessly into His plan for you (see Romans 8:28). And all He expects from you is to trust Him instead of attempting to figure everything out – that you acknowledge He is in control. When you do this, He promises to ‘make your paths straight’ (Proverbs 3:6 NIV).

When we aim at directing our own lives, we follow arbitrary paths filled with indecisiveness: ‘Should I do this or that? Should I go here or over there?’ And it produces stress! But as soon as you trust in the Lord, He directs your paths and makes them successful, not stressful.

‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds’ (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV). Note the order – prayer first, then peace. So if you’re not praying, you’re probably worrying. And worry is a worthless emotion – a waste! So when pressure starts accumulating, instead of panicking, start praying! Prayer is a remarkable stress reliever.

Good night y'all ❤️🤗😊Happy Sabbath

Good night y'all ❤️🤗😊
Happy Sabbath

Happy Sabbath preparations from mercy the young dorcas worker 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from mercy the young dorcas worker 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from these beautiful dorcas workers in uniform 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from these beautiful dorcas workers in uniform 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from the shepherdess 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from the shepherdess 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from the young dorcas worker in uniform 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from the young dorcas worker in uniform 💙🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from her💙🤗Today we are posting dorcas workers uniform❤️🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations from her💙🤗
Today we are posting dorcas workers uniform❤️🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations y'all ❤️🤗

Happy Sabbath preparations y'all ❤️🤗

Have a good day from these handsome brothers ❤️🤗🎶

Have a good day from these handsome brothers ❤️🤗🎶

Good morning from these handsome Adventist youths ❤️🤗

Good morning from these handsome Adventist youths ❤️🤗

THE WORD FOR TODAY ❤️🤗14 JUNE 2024How to have peace (4)‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ Psalm 46:10 NIVTo have peace ...

14 JUNE 2024

How to have peace (4)

‘Be still, and know that I am God.’ Psalm 46:10 NIV

To have peace you must focus on God’s presence. What you choose to focus on either fuels your fears or your faith. The Bible says, ‘You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you’ (Isaiah 26:3 NIV). That verse could be reduced to one sentence: ‘Get your focus in order − look at me.’ The psalmist says, ‘God is…an ever-present help in trouble’ (Psalm 46:1 NIV). Later in that psalm, He reminds us, ‘Be still, and know that I am God’ (v. 10 NIV).

These verses were written during the time of Hezekiah. Enemy armed forces had surrounded Jerusalem and the Israelites were tense, so they prayed this prayer! And five minutes before noon, God struck the Assyrians with a plague and 185,000 of them perished. Jerusalem was saved, and everyone was joyful. This psalm helps us remember that God is our refuge. No matter how overwhelming the odds seem, He is always with you to help.

This psalm informs us of two things about receiving God’s help in times of trouble. The first thing is to ‘be still’. Many of our troubles come from our inability to sit still. The second thing is to ‘know that I am God’. Did you know that in the middle of a hurricane or tornado there is a quiet centre referred to as an eye? Likewise, though everything is blowing apart around you, you can have a quiet centre. Be still and know. When you live this way, ‘the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds’ (Philippians 4:7 NIV). When you think about it, it’s the only sane way to live!

Adventist men who don't cheat 😄🤗Ba muzo naba Emma 🙌😅

Adventist men who don't cheat 😄🤗
Ba muzo naba Emma 🙌😅

What's your favorite song done by the Hebrew brothers?🎶❤️🤗They are releasing a song titled yebelel this Friday be sure t...

What's your favorite song done by the Hebrew brothers?🎶❤️🤗
They are releasing a song titled yebelel this Friday be sure to listen to it 😊

"Lesa wafisungusho nimwe yawe" 🎶❤️🤗What gospel song are you listening to this whole week 🤗

"Lesa wafisungusho nimwe yawe" 🎶❤️🤗
What gospel song are you listening to this whole week 🤗

Good morning y'all from this handsome mg❤️🤗

Good morning y'all from this handsome mg❤️🤗

THE WORD FOR TODAY ❤️🤗13 JUNE 2024 How to have peace (3)‘Great peace have those who love your law.’ Psalm 119:165 NIVIn ...

13 JUNE 2024

How to have peace (3)

‘Great peace have those who love your law.’ Psalm 119:165 NIV

In order to find real peace, you must do two things:

1) Live by the principles of God’s Word. ‘Great peace have those who love your law.’ Peace arrives when you live in harmony with God. A new car comes with an owner’s manual. It tells you that for your car to perform well, you must do certain things at certain times. Likewise, the Bible is your owner’s manual for life. It contains guiding principles for finances, health, marriage, business, relationships, and considerably more. Just as your car drives more smoothly when you use it according to its design, so your life will go more smoothly when you live it according to God’s design.

2) Accept God’s pardon. Guilt is the top destroyer of peace. When we feel guilty, we feel haunted by our past. That’s why we read about people who make amends for a wrong they committed thirty years earlier. They say, ‘I was living in hell all those years and had to get it off my chest.’ The only way to have peace is to possess a clear conscience, and only God is able to give you that. ‘Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives…transgression?…You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy’ (Micah 7:18 NIV). Notice, Micah reveals God is eager – ready and waiting – to clean your slate. It’s His personality. He enjoys forgiving. He owns a big eraser. ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness’ (1 John 1:9 NIV).

Good night from the smile ambassador don't forget to pray 😁❤️🤗

Good night from the smile ambassador don't forget to pray 😁❤️🤗

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I h...

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 ❤️🤗

I think the message is very clear ❤️‼️

I think the message is very clear ❤️‼️

What song introduced you to Jehovah shalom music?🎶❤️🤗

What song introduced you to Jehovah shalom music?🎶❤️🤗

On a sad note 😥Our condolences to the people of Malawi and the family of the vice president and the people he was with 😥...

On a sad note 😥
Our condolences to the people of Malawi and the family of the vice president and the people he was with 😥🫂🇲🇼
Let's remember them in our prayers 🫂😥

GOOD BYE DICKSON MWANZA!😥💔=========================Throw back Tuesday.I met Dickson Mwanza on 6th August, 2022  in Lusak...

Throw back Tuesday.
I met Dickson Mwanza on 6th August, 2022 in Lusaka's Shantumbu Area as I was coming from the plot, I found him selling a small dog in order to raise money for school uniform and books.

Dickson who took advantage of the free education in Zambia by enrolling in school in grade one in January this year explained to me that he was an orphan and that he had no one to buy him a school uniform and books.

During the whole conversation,I noticed that Dickson was coughing and touching his chest ,so i asked him what was wrong.He then told me that he was feeling a sharp pain on the left side of his chest.

Dickson went on to tell me that he lives with his sick old grandmother who was also looking after several other orphans.He went on to tell me that he was determined to get educated and save his family from poverty.

I got touched by his story and promised him that I will come back with books and other school requirements after a week.
I then got permission from him to take a picture of him to show my colleagues at work in case some workmates might also wish to contribute something.
I then took a photo of Dickson and his dog and i also got details of where his grandmother lives.

On Monday the 8th of August,2022 when i reported for work,I showed his photo to my workmates and narrated his story to them.

My workmates contributed k800, I got books, school shoes ,a school bag and a uniform from that amount .I also got k800 from my account and bought his grandmother a bag of mealie meal,dry kapenta, beans , rice,sugar ,salt and cooking oil.

Then on Saturday the 13th of august, 2022 I drove to Shantumbu to deliver the things to Dickson and his grandmother.

Using the details I got from Dickson I managed to locate his grandmother's grass thatched house but to my surprise I found a funeral gathering at his grandmother's house.

After I introduced myself and explained the reason why I was there ,an elderly woman told me that Dickson died on 11th of August,2022 and was buried the next day on 12th august,2022.I was told that he was buried a day after he died because there was no food to feed the mourners. I was also told that on the day he died he showed symptoms of malaria and stayed in bed the whole day.
His condition worsened at night and died as they were preparing to take him to the hospital.

I am so saddened and disturbed by his death,I was willing to sponsor his education but God had other plans.

Credit: Mwebantu Trendsetters 2

THE WORD FOR TODAY ❤️🤗11 JUNE 2024How to have peace (2)‘I give you my own peace and my gift is nothing like the peace of...

11 JUNE 2024

How to have peace (2)

‘I give you my own peace and my gift is nothing like the peace of this world.’ John 14:27 PHPS

Jesus said His peace is a gift. That means you don’t have to work for it and you cannot earn it. You cannot psych yourself up for it, and you cannot ‘try really hard’ to obtain it. No, it’s a gift you must accept by faith. Jesus also said that His peace is unique from what the world provides. In the last 3,500 years, the world has only been free of war for 286 of them – that’s less than 9 per cent. This world’s peace doesn’t last.

Jesus told His disciples, ‘I give you my own peace and my gift is nothing like the peace of this world. You must not be distressed and you must not be daunted’ (vv. 27-28 PHPS). He spoke those words just before He went to the cross. So, God’s peace is not regulated by circumstances – it’s an ‘inside job’.

Have you ever heard someone say, ‘I need to get away’? This is sometimes known as a geographical cure. You think if you leave where you are and go somewhere else, you will have peace. But it doesn’t work, for wherever you go, you take yourself with you. Have you ever been so tired that your body collapsed into bed but your mind wouldn’t turn off? Well, you can get away and find peace! How? Jesus gives us the solution: ‘You may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world’ (John 16:33 NLT).

Where can you find peace? Jesus said, ‘In me!’ Today, spend time with Him.

Blue 💙💙💙

Blue 💙💙💙

Tim Storms VO says he is coming back next year with more fire 🔥 if you missed this year's event you still have chance to...

Tim Storms VO says he is coming back next year with more fire 🔥 if you missed this year's event you still have chance to make it next year may 31st, supporting groups to be availed soon 🔥🎶❤️🙌

BAKU S.D.A  kindly answer for us🤗

BAKU S.D.A kindly answer for us🤗

Smile ambassadors 😁❤️🤗

Smile ambassadors 😁❤️🤗

Good morning y'all have a wonderful Monday don't forget to smile 😁❤️🤗

Good morning y'all have a wonderful Monday don't forget to smile 😁❤️🤗


Chiparamba House





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