Mkhanyakude Express News

Mkhanyakude Express News Mkhanyakude News Express is a local newspaper based in the Umkhanyakude region.


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Sisaziphethe bukhoma , ungasabi futhi ukukhangisa nathi ngebhizinisi lakho nanoma ngabe yini ufuna ukuthi siyibeke empha...

Sisaziphethe bukhoma , ungasabi futhi ukukhangisa nathi ngebhizinisi lakho nanoma ngabe yini ufuna ukuthi siyibeke emphakathini................................


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Kuboshwe abasolwa abangu-134
AMAPHOYISA abophe abasolwa abangu-134 eThekwini, emkhankasweni wokulwa nobugebengu wezinsuku ezimbili Isithombe: Sithunyelwe
AMAPHOYISA abophe abasolwa abangu-134 eThekwini, emkhankasweni wokulwa nobugebengu wezinsuku ezimbili Isithombe: Sithunyelwe
Intatheli Yesolezwe | November 2, 2020

BAZOVELA kuleli sonto enkantolo abasolwa ababoshelwe amacala ahlukene nges*khathi amaphoyisa eqhuba umkhankaso wokulwa nobugebengu, ngoLwesine nangoLwesihlanu eThekwini.

Okhulumela amaphoyisa KwaZulu-Natal uBrigadier Jay Naicker, uthe lo mkhankaso wokulwa nobugebengu wezinsuku ezimbili ubuholwa yiphini lomkhuzi wamaphoyisa esifundazweni uMajor General Thulani Gonya kanti kuboshwe abasolwa abangu-134 kwatholakala nezimoto ezebiwe nezidakamizwa.


Ukhozi FM luchithe ingxoxo kaLinda Sibiya
OWAYENGUMSAKAZI woKhozi FM, uLinda “Mr Magic” Sibiya, uthukuthele uthelwa ngamanzi emuva kokuvalwa kwengxoxo eyis*khangiso senkampani asanda kuqashwa kuyona iVerityhurst Academy kuKhozi FM ngoba kuthi...


ZIYIKHALELE intokazi ekhwele yadilika es*khulwini se-ANC KwaZulu-Natal esiphinde sibe yilungu lesiShayamthetho uMnuz Jomo Sibiya, isisola ngokuphika ingane yaso. USibiya oyilungu lesigungu esiphezulu kuKhongolose esifundazweni, ubhale kwiFacebook...


UNGQONGQOSHE wezeMfundo uNkk Angie Motshekga usexolisile kubantu bakuleli ngedida edalwe uMnyango wakhe behlehlisa isithangami nabezinaba sekusele amahora kulindeleke ukuthi akhulume ngokuvulwa kwezikole ngaphansi kwesigaba sesithathu s*kathaqa.


UGWETSHWE odilikajele abathathu owesilisa waKwaZulu-Natal olahlwe amacala okuthumba nokudlwengula izingane iminyaka engu-14.


SIX people have been arrested and charged for pretending to be cops and soldiers.


"The most critical grades will be brought in first to start the primary and secondary schools, while the remaining learners are retained at home, and they are brought in on an incremental basis," the document stated.
This is according to the proposals contained in the Department of Education's Corvid -19 lockdown recovery plan which was discussed with teacher's unions and governing body association on Wednsday.

According to the document, two grades will be phased in at a time, starting from May 6.

These are the tentative dates for pupils to return to school:
1. Grades 12 and 7: May 6
2. Grades 11 and 6: May 20
3. Grades 10 and 5: June 3
4. Grades 9 and 4 : June 17
5. Grades 8 and 3 :July 1
6. Grades 2 and 1 :July 8
7. Grades R :July 15

The document stated the phased-in approach "will be closely managed and monitored" and that the next two grades will be brought in based on how the school is coping with the management number of pupils, the space and the hygienic requirements.

This is according to the proposals contained in the Department of Education's Corvid -19 lockdown recovery plan which was discussed with teacher's unions and governing body association on Wednesday.

"Given the high risk associated with large gatherings, the DBE is considered the phased-in approach.

"The most critical grades will be brought in first to start the primary and secondary schools,while the remaining learners are retained at home, and they are brought in on an incremental basis," the document stated.

The Congress of SA students'(Cosas) national convener Katleho Mangoejane said they welcomed the proposal, adding that they felt that it is a good a good one.

"Immediately [after] we defeat this virus,it must be all systems go. There's no time to waste," Mangoejane said.

"However, this is quite premature because the spread of the virus is still high and said Mangoejane.

But it stated that the schooling will only resume after the Department of health has given the green light that it is safe to resume schooling.

National Association of School Governing Bodies secretary Matakanye Matakanye said they will welcome any plan that would be of assistance to our children provided it will be conducted under safe and healthy conditions for our children and teachers".


igciwane iCorona isidlule nabanye abantu abawu-14 osekubeka isibalo sabashonile ku-4, kanti isibalo sabahaqekile sinyukele ku-2 605


UDkt Zweli Mkhize onguNgqongqoshe weze Mpilo kuzwe lonke, uthe "Zingu 400 000 izinsiza kusebenza ezifikile kuleli zokuhlola igciwane iCorona kanti kulindelwe ukuba babe ngaphezu 600 000 abantu abazohlola ezikhungweni zikahulumeni nasezikhungweni ezizimele."


Uma ngabe kunezindaba okanye ezemidlalo ezenzeka emphakathini wangakini ongafisa sizikhiphe ephephandabeni lethu mahhala ungazithumela kwi email yethu ethi [email protected] okanye uxhumane nathi ngewhatsapp ku0710262738/0728682991


UMengameli wakuleli uCyril Ramaphosa nomkhandlu kazwelonke obhekelele ukunqandwa kwegciwane banqume ukulula uthaqa ngamasonto amabili kusukela ngomhlaka 16 kwephezulu. Isibalo sabantu abanesifo icoronavirus sekhiphukele ku 2003 kant abahaqwe isifo bangasinda sebengu 24


UNDUNANKULU waKwaZulu Natal, uMnuz Sihle Zikalala no Ngqongqoshe wezempilo, uNKK Nomagugu Simelane Zulu bazosazisa kabanzi ukuthi yini eholele ekukhuleni kwesibalo sabahaqwe wubhubhane iCoronavirus esibhedlela I-St Augustine's (eThekwini).


Precsident Cyril Ramaphosa says he will make serious decisions about the lockdown after considering all options based on scientific modelling and advice as well as the possible economic repercussions of the nationwide shutdown


OVID-19 cases in South Africa (vte)
Deaths Recoveries Active cases
# of cases
2020-03-05 ​ 1
2020-03-06 ​ 1
2020-03-07 ​ 2(+100%)
2020-03-08 ​ 3(+50%)
2020-03-09 ​ 7(+133%)
2020-03-10 ​ 7
2020-03-11 ​ 13(+86%)
2020-03-12 ​ 16(+23%)
2020-03-13 ​ 24(+50%)
2020-03-14 ​ 38(+58%)
2020-03-15 ​ 61(+60%)
2020-03-16 ​ 62(+2%)
Sources: 2020 coronavirus pandemic in South Afric


Guys becarefull this corona virus its a serious case that we are facing.....


sinibingelele siyithimba loMkhanyakude Express News, sithanda ukunazisa ukuthi iphepha liphumile around uMkhanyakude the whole, please go and get your copy.


Singumkhanyakude Express news sinxusa wonke umuntu onesifiso sokusithumelela izindaba ukuba asibhalele kulo leli page ...noma ngabe iluphi udaba ufisa silushicilele ephephandabeni

Thank you




BY: Dasheka Phumi
Bathwele kanzima abazali bezingane ezingu-10 abangaboni emehlweni emva kokusha kwendlu yabo eMbumbulu. UMnuz Mbuyiseni Zikhali (52) noNkk Khanyisile Makhanya (43) bahlala emjondolo ohlala amathuluzi nezingane zabo ngemuva kokuthi indlu yabo ishe yangqongqa ngo 2019 Juni 15.Izingane zalaba bobabili zineminyaka esuka kwengu-33 kuya kwengu-5. UZikhali uthe uNkk Makhanya wayebase phansi ngenkathi kuthungeleka indlu eyasha nezimpahla zabo.
“Kuvame ukuba nenkinga yokuhamba kukagesi kule ndawo. Ngelanga okwasha ngalo indlu umkami wayebase phansi eceleni kwendlu ephekela izingane ezazikhala ngendlala, ngiyacabanga kwathungeleka ikhethini ngoba lalilide lifika phansi kwase kwasha indlu yonke,” kusho uZikhali. Uthe akulimalanga muntu ngenkathi indlu isha kodwa kwasha impahla yabo eningi. “Sakwazi ukuphuma nezingubo ezinhlanu nes*khwama esinezingcwadi ezibalulekile njengezitifiketi zezingane,” kusho uZikhali. “Okwamanje sihlala emjondolo onegumbi elilodwa osekhaya elikhulu futhi singaphuma noma inini uma kubuya umnikazi wawo. Kunzima kakhulu ngoba akunakudla, nezimpahla zokugqoka nezezingane zes*kole kwasha nendlu,” kuqhuba uZikhali. Umakhelwane kaZikhali, uNkk sibongile Ntetha, uthe isimo lomndeni ophila ngaphansi kwaso sinzima futhi sinobungozi njengoba bengaboni emehlweni.


Sinibingelele nonke siyithimba loMkhanyakude Express News..

IChiefs ikhiphe iheheba lesixoliso kubalandeli bayoUKUPHENDUKA kweKaizer Chiefs inhlekisa iguqiswa yiTS Galaxy kowamanqa...

IChiefs ikhiphe iheheba lesixoliso kubalandeli bayo

UKUPHENDUKA kweKaizer Chiefs inhlekisa iguqiswa yiTS Galaxy kowamanqamu eNedbank Cup, kususe inkungu kubaphathi nokuyisimo okubukeka sizojabulisa izinkumbi zabalandeli baMakhosi.
Eyokuvuka kwezikhulu emaqandeni ivezwe yilo iqembu liphanyeka iheheba lesitatimende lapho izikhulu bezixolisa khona futhi zizibophezela ekutheni zizokwenza izinguquko ezinqala eqenjini ukulungisa isimo.

IChiefs, edume ngaMakhosi ezicoco, iphendulwe ompushana ingena emabhukwini amabi omlando iba yiqembu lokuqala elidlala kwi-Absa Premiership ukuhlulwa kowamanqamu yiqembu eligijima kwiNational First Division.

Iguqe ngo 1-0 wegoli likaZakhele Lepasa, obebolekwe ezimbangini zayo i-Orlando Pirates.

Isitatimende seChiefs, okuphele amahora angu-24 sisathandwe abantu abangu-500 kuphela kwiTwitter nokuyinto engajwayelekile kuleli qembu abalandeli abanodumo lokuthenga bawaqede isigubhukane amathikithi emidlalo emikhulu, sisidweba sigqame isithombe sokuthi akukuhle eNaturena.

“Le sizini edlule ngengamulekile neze njengoba sihlulwe yikho konke ebesizibekele khona.

“Sizenzele thina phansi futhi saphoxa kabuhlungu ukufeza izifiso nemigomo ebesizibekele yona nabo bonke abathintekayo eqenjini.

“Sekube amasizini amane manje sincela izithupha kodwa singubuholi beqembu sizokwenza konke esingakwazi ukulungisa lesi simo nokuthatha izinqumo. Sisebenzisa leli khefu ukuqalisa izinguquko nokuklama indlela eya phambili ngeso elisha ngesizini entsha, kusukela ezifundweni esizifundile.

“Ukubunjwa kabusha kweqembu ukulungiselela isizini ka-2019/20 sekuqalile futhi zonke izinyathelo ezifanele zizothathwa ukuqikelela ukubuyisela lengqungulu yes*khungo lapho kufanele sibe khona esicongweni s*kanobhutshuzwayo.

“Sizoqinisa ithimba labaqeqeshi, is*kwati nophiko nje lwebhola emalungiselelweni esizini entsha,” kusho isitatimende ebesiphanyekwe kwewebsite yeChiefs.

“Iqembu lisanda kushintsha eyezikhundla ngaphakathi kwaqokwa nebhodi elisha labaqondisi. Ibhodi lizoklama indima emqoka ekuyiseni iqembu phambili.

“Sibonga bonke abalandeli bethu ngokuqhubeka nokusithanda ezikhathini ezimnandi nezimbi. Ngokukhuthazwa yilokhu kwesekwa, sizobenzisa lesi s*khathi ukubuyekeza nokubuyela emuva emoyeni, enkambisweni nasemsizilweni iqembu elasungulelwa phezu kwawo. Ngalokho sizoqinisekisa ukuthi siyaphinda siphenduka abaholi ebholeni ngemisebenzi emihle enkundleni nangaphandle.”

Kuvela lesi sitatimende nje ngisho indodakazi kasihlalo (Kaizer Motaung), uKemiso ayikufihlanga kumaPSL Awards abese-Inkosi Albert Luthuli International Convention Centre ukuthi yephuke umoya ngokwenzeke eqenjini. “Inhliziyo yami ibuhlungu, ngizwela usihlalo nabalandeli ngokwenzekile,” kusho uKemiso.

Body found in Durban hospital ceilingDurban - A partly decomposed body found in the ceiling of the casualty ward of Maha...

Body found in Durban hospital ceiling

Durban - A partly decomposed body found in the ceiling of the casualty ward of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital in Phoenix, Durban, on Friday was that of a patient.
According to a worker at the hospital, who did not want to be named for fear of victimisation, the man was thought to be a mentally ill patient who was missing from the ward since Monday, but this could only be confirmed after a post-mortem because of the partial decomposition.
“The patient went into the ceiling at the casualty ward.

“We assume he got stuck there and was unable to move,” she said.

It is alleged the cleaners and nurses were troubled by a strong stench from the linen room.
“The smell began to worsen on Thursday, but we did not pay any attention to it because we had no water on that day; so we assumed it was sick patients.

“But on Friday, when the security guards looked up at the ceiling and as they tried to follow the smell, they saw droplets of blood.

“They later broke the ceiling open and found the corpse,“ said the source.

There was still some confusion as to how he got into the ceiling.

“We don’t understand how he got in there because somebody would have noticed him trying to get in or there would have been a staircase or ladder leading to it.

“The hospital does not know who he is as his face is disfigured,” said the source.

Spokesperson for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health Ncumisa Mafunda said it was shocked and concerned by this “gruesome discovery”.

“The matter has been reported to the police, who have begun an investigation. The department would not like to comment further and would like to allow the police investigation process to continue unhindered,” Mafunda said.

Police spokesperson Lieutenant-Colonel Thulani Zwane said the search and rescue unit was called to the hospital on Friday.

“An inquest is under way. It is not known at this stage how the person ended up in the ceiling.

“It is also not yet clear whether he was a patient at the hospital,” Zwane said.

Shameen Thakur-Rajbansi, a former member of the hospital board, has called for a commission of inquiry into the hospital’s operations.

“This hospital has had a lot of problems, from not being properly run by the chief executives to negligence and a lack of security.

“Only a commission will divulge what is happening, and only then will the hospital find a way forward,” she said.

In October 2017, a 4-year-old girl found a “mummified” body in an equipment room at the hospital.

The body was wrapped in white plastic, with only the decomposing toes visible.

The officers were killed while guarding an eThekwini councillor’s house. Their fi****ms, which were stolen, have now bee...

The officers were killed while guarding an eThekwini councillor’s house. Their fi****ms, which were stolen, have now been recovered.

Three people have been arrested early on Thursday morning for the murder of two Durban Metro police officers and the theft of their handguns.

Durban metro police spokesperson Parboo Sewpersad has confirmed the arrests, adding that the suspects were apprehended in the KwaMashu area and that the missing fi****ms have been recovered.

On Tuesday, Sewpersad had confirmed that a hunt was underway for the gunmen who killed two Durban Metro police officers and stole their handguns from their holsters.
The officers were guarding an eThekwini councillor’s house in Inanda, near Phoenix to the north of Durban, and were attacked overnight. They were shot in their marked police car.

The Phoenix Crime Watch page said the officers were shot dead at the entrance of Bhambayi in Phoenix.

Sewpersad was not willing to speculate on Tuesday morning if the attack on the police could be interpreted as a possible attempt to also kill the councillor. He said it could have been simply a brutal robbery.

The spokesperson said he could only release the names of the deceased once their families had been informed, though he confirmed one officer was 58 years old and the other was a 37-year-old female.

Durban mayor Zandile Gumede’s supporters march to ANC KZN officesDurban - Supporters of the embattled eThekwini mayor Za...

Durban mayor Zandile Gumede’s supporters march to ANC KZN offices

Durban - Supporters of the embattled eThekwini mayor Zandile Gumede have marched in their numbers to the ANC’s provincial headquarters in Durban on Friday.

There was a strong police presence as the supporters, who came in their numbers, marched to the ANC KwaZulu-Natal provincial headquarters.

Some of the banners they carried read ‘NPA and Hawks used to settle political scores’ as a sea of green and gold swept through parts of the Durban CBD.

Gumede’s supporters were demanding a meeting with ANC KZN’s provincial chairperson Sihle Zikalala. It has been alleged, and later denied by Zikalala, that he had knowledge in Gumede’s arrest.

Gumede was arrested earlier this week on graft charges relating to a R200m Durban Solid Waste tender. He was released on R50 000 bail at the Durban Commercial Crimes Court.

They also want Gumede to remain in her job as mayor as pressure mounts on her to step down.

ANC KZN spokesperson, Nomagugu Simelane-Zulu, blamed DA KZN leader Zwakele Mncwango for the march and for purportedly causing divisions in the party.

She said he had named ANC KZN leaders in the Gumede matter, causing confusion amongst supporters.

“Fresh from a humiliating defeat in the general elections, Mncwango is attempting to resuscitate his dying political career by spreading lies about ANC leaders.

“As the ANC we are comforted by the fact that Cde Sihle Zikalala has approached law enforcement agencies to establish the identity of the voices in an audio clip that is circulating on WhatsApp and other social media platforms.

“The two males, one purporting to be working with the Hawks, mentions Zikalala’s name in an attempt to create the impression that he knew about the arrest of the Mayor of eThekwini Municipality Cllr Zandile Gumede and eThekwini Regional Chairperson,” she said.

Simelane-Zulu accused Mncwango of rumour mongering.

Kuxoshwe wonke umuntu kwiFree State StarsI-FREE State Stars edliwe yizembe ekupheleni kwesizini ibakhombe indlela bonke ...

Kuxoshwe wonke umuntu kwiFree State Stars

I-FREE State Stars edliwe yizembe ekupheleni kwesizini ibakhombe indlela bonke abadlali bayo kwasala abahlanu ngokusho kwes*khulu sayo uRantsi Mokoena esesiqala amalungiselelo empilo entsha kwiNational First Division (NFD).
Ngaphandle kwabadlali, nomqeqeshi uNikola Kavazovic uxoshiwe emva kokuvumelana naleli qembu ukuthi ladliwa izembe futhi nango-2006.

Ngokusho kukaMokoena, as*kho isidingo sokuzikhotha amanxeba ngemuva kokudliwa yizembe kodwa kufanele basukume bacabange ukuthi bazoyimela kanjani impilo yakwiNFD lapho sebezothola khona isibonelelo senyanga esiwu-R433 000 besuka emalini ecela ezigidini ezimbili ngenyanga. “Ngokubona ukuthi ukudliwa izembe kusilahlekisele ngezizumbulu zemali, sibone kungcono siyiyeke le ndaba yokuzizwela ubuhlungu kepha sibhukule sihlele indaba yeNFD,” usho kanje.

Ngokusho kukaMokoena, bavumelene ngokulihlukanisa ifindo likasofa silahlane noKavazovic othathe lo msebenzi kuLuc Eyamael ngoJanuwari.

“Sivumelene ngokuhlukanisa isivumelwano sethu ngaphandle kokuxabana ngoba sonke siyazi ukuthi uhlulekile ukufeza lokhu ayeqashelwe khona,” kusho uMokoena.

Nakuba lokhu kungaqinisekisiwe kodwa kubadlali abasele kukhona uNyiko Mobbie, Martin Kizza, Makhehleni Makhaula, Harric Chilombu noSibusiso Hlubi. Yize laba badlali besele kodwa ababukeki bezokuba yingxenye yeFree State kwiNFD ngoba bangabadlali abaphambili futhi maningi amaqembu abafunayo.

“Maningi amaqembu es*khuluma nawo ngabadlali abasele. Uma kukhona okwenzekayo ngabo sizomemezela nges*khathi esifanele. Akusekho ukujikela emuva kwendlu manje ngaphandle kokuthi sibhekane nesimo esizithola sibhekene naso. Indaba yokukhuculula bekumqoka ukuthi sisheshe siyilungise ngoba sines*khathi esingangenyanga eyodwa kuphela ngaphambi kokuthi siqale ukuzilungiselela impilo entsha,” kulandisa lesi s*khulu.


Okuhle kanti futhi ngaleli phepha ndaba lethu ukuthi litholakala mahala kulezindawo esizinze kuzo...


Sinazise futhi ukuthi leliphepha litholakala njalo ukuphela kwenyanga kulamadolobha Mtuba, Hluhluwe, KwaHlabisa, Mkuze, Manguze kanye naseJozini. Litholakala ezizindeni zikaHulumeni koma Police Stations , Libraries, Home Affairs , Post Office, traffic Department etc


Sithanda ukwamukela wonke umlandeli wephepha lethu....sibuya kumaholidi kaGood Friday

Load-shedding has started affecting water delivery to some high-lying suburbs in Johannesburg."So far the only area that...

Load-shedding has started affecting water delivery to some high-lying suburbs in Johannesburg.

"So far the only area that has been problematic is the Brixton tower that is supplying Brixton‚ Auckland Park‚ Crosby and the surrounding areas‚" Johannesburg Water spokesperson Isaac Dhludhlu said on Thursday.

This comes after Johannesburg Water tweeted about dropping reservoir and water tower levels.

Dhludhlu said when the water level is at 1.5m‚ all residents will have running taps.

"It’s sufficient to supply while load-shedding is still happening until it reaches about 1m."

Dhludhlu said they will then close reservoirs or towers for them to refill.

The commission of inquiry into state capture will hear testimony from former sports minister Fikile Mbalula Today.At a m...

The commission of inquiry into state capture will hear testimony from former sports minister Fikile Mbalula Today.

At a media briefing in February, Mbalula confirmed evidence from former cabinet minister Trevor Manuel that he had been informed about his appointment as sports minister by one of Gupta brothers, the family alleged to have wielded significant influence over former President Jacob Zuma and gained lucrative state contracts through this relationship.

Manuel testified that an emotional Mbalula rose to his feet during an ANC NEC meeting in 2011 and confessed before the party top brass that one of the Guptas had informed him beforehand of the appointment.

Mbalula allegedly only made the confession almost a year after being appointed minister of sports and recreation, having been a deputy minister of police. Manuel said Zuma was present during this confession but did not react.

Mbalula later told a media briefing that Manuel’s testimony was true, adding that he would appear before the commission to “amplify the truth”.


Umculi u Mampintsha ubonakale e club cubana exoshwa ama customer e club cubana e pietermaritzburg ngo mgqibelo,ku video kuzwakala bememeza "kukhona ingane la" lawo amagama awakhulumile emva kokuba ashaye uBabes wodumo.

Ngo mgqibelo uMampinstha uthumele umlayeyo ekhasini lakhe loku xhumana i Instagram ecela uxolo kuBabes wodumo, abalandeli bakhe ne nkosi yakwa Zulu athi uyathembisa angeke kuphinde kwenzakale,uzo thola usizo ngoku hamba i counselling azothola kubangwa yini aziphathe kanje bese uzolungisa le nkinga yakhe.


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zithole zishisa izindaba zomphakathi kanye nezomhlaba wonke jikelele umkhanyakude expres news s*k thatha s*k beke

Commercial bank Standard Bank will cut around 1,200 jobs and close 91 branches as part of efforts to digitise its retail...

Commercial bank Standard Bank will cut around 1,200 jobs and close 91 branches as part of efforts to digitise its retail and business bank, it said on Thursday.

South Africa’s commercial banks lenders, like others around the world, have been shuttering branches and trimming their headcount in an attempt to cut costs and adapt to customers’ growing preference to bank online or on their mobile phones.

“This has not been an easy decision to make,” the bank, South Africa’s largest by assets, said in a statement, adding it would implement a “comprehensive exit package” that goes beyond the legal requirements.

The job cuts come as the unemployment rate stands at 27%, and on the back of plans to cut 526 jobs announced in November.







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