Zamo s Mthethwa

Zamo s Mthethwa Email: [email protected]

SHEMBE is the way

SHEMBE is the way

Wentombi yaseNazaretha Mawukhale umpompozeNgehlazo elikwehleleyoEzweni lakini....🎧🎤

Wentombi yaseNazaretha
Mawukhale umpompoze
Ngehlazo elikwehleleyo
Ezweni lakini....🎧🎤


EKHAYA LEMPHEFUMULO:Inkulu indaba yenkosi uNYAZI ,ekhaya lemphefumulo bekufike ubaba uThokozani Langa ezothethela okhokho bakhe amacala

Day 02:EBuhleni bokuPhakama

Day 02:EBuhleni bokuPhakama

L**e iMpumelelo usuku lwamakhosazane ,asebuhleni namuhla bekuwusuku lokuqala lwemikhosi yokusina nezintombi,yemvunulo ey...

L**e iMpumelelo usuku lwamakhosazane ,asebuhleni namuhla bekuwusuku lokuqala lwemikhosi yokusina nezintombi,yemvunulo eyisikhombisa.lena imvunulo yokuqala yamakhosazana ayivunulayo Uma esinela UJEHOVA...KUSASA kuzobe kungomunye umbala.

Okwamanjee kusasina izintombi Zodwa ,ziyoze ziphelise imvunulo ,Uma sezuqedile ibandla lizobe nalo selivunula obaba ,omama kanjalo nezinsizwa.

Lokhu kukodwa kukutshela ukubaluleka kwentombi ebandleni lamaNazaretha ekhaya Kini,kanjalo nasesizweni intombi igugu.

Nginike leso sibindi sentombi kajafethe.Umkhosi wakhosazane.Lobu ubuhle benkosi YAMANAZARETHA UNYAZILWEZULUIzitombi zaki...

Nginike leso sibindi sentombi kajafethe.
Umkhosi wakhosazane.

Izitombi zakithi eNazaretha,Zinhle.... Natural beauty 🌺

Lapha izintombi bese zisendaweni engcwele,zikhokhelwa ziyalwa zinikwa indlela intombi yaseBuhleni okumele iziphathe ngay...

Lapha izintombi bese zisendaweni engcwele,zikhokhelwa ziyalwa zinikwa indlela intombi yaseBuhleni okumele iziphathe ngayo,Yebo siyabonga ubuhle bendalo, USHEMBE UNYAZILWEZULU asasigcinele bona,lapha kuyophuma amakhosi nababusi bezwe.

Qubula Nkosi okaMpande Samshiya,ehlobane!Zisuke zisho kanjalo izintombi zaseNazaretha Uma zisemkhosini wazo.intombi into...

Qubula Nkosi okaMpande Samshiya,ehlobane!

Zisuke zisho kanjalo izintombi zaseNazaretha Uma zisemkhosini wazo.intombi into enkulu ,kuyona khona ubungcwele sisho intombi.kuhle ukuziphatha.

Ayingabhubhudlwa,bo! Siyakhuza.

L**e impumelelo uhambo lwezintombi zaseNazaretha lwaseNtanda , Izintombi zas'eBuhleni bokuPhakama.Alibongwe igama lenkos...

L**e impumelelo uhambo lwezintombi zaseNazaretha lwaseNtanda , Izintombi zas'eBuhleni bokuPhakama.

Alibongwe igama lenkosi UNYAZILWEZULU amen


uPresident Jacob Zuma ucacisa indaba yokuhoxiswa kwecala,le MK ne IEC

President Jacob Zuma visited Ebuhleni Nazareth Baptist church ngapha lweNkosi yamaNazaretha UNYAZILWEZULU,ezothi siyabon...

President Jacob Zuma visited Ebuhleni Nazareth Baptist church ngapha lweNkosi yamaNazaretha UNYAZILWEZULU,ezothi siyabonga sizwe ngokuvotela umkhonto.

Kulokhe kuqhubekile njalo ukuhlolwa kwezintombi ebuhleni,zilungela ukuya emkhosini oyigcwele wase Ntanda.

Kulokhe kuqhubekile njalo ukuhlolwa kwezintombi ebuhleni,zilungela ukuya emkhosini oyigcwele wase Ntanda.

Abanikazi bomhlangano kaJuly.izintombi zebandla lamaNazaretha abantu abangcwele,sibonge ukuziphatha intombi isayigugu es...

Abanikazi bomhlangano kaJuly.izintombi zebandla lamaNazaretha abantu abangcwele,sibonge ukuziphatha intombi isayigugu esizweni kanjalo nakwazulu


USEBOSHIWE:Sekusabalale i video yomfana omncane ehlukumeza isalukwazi esidala,esishaya ngenhlahla usetholakeleIgama lakhe uLuve Ngqaza
Uhlala :House address yakhe 26338
Phase 9
Thakudi street

Useboshiwe,usolwa ngokushaya nokuphuca imali isalukazi ahlala Naso.


The dogs that Helen Zille is referring to in KZN, it’s the MK and the EFF?!

… but the majority of the people in KZN voted for the MK Party ?

Amalungu aseNdlunkulu alokhu eqhubeka nokukhetha inkosi eBuhleni,izolo bekubhajadiswa izinyane lesilo.

Amalungu aseNdlunkulu alokhu eqhubeka nokukhetha inkosi eBuhleni,izolo bekubhajadiswa izinyane lesilo.


DR Zwelakhe Mthethwa MK
Member of parliament ..

Izizwe zomhlaba Bezilindele iNkosiManje seziyizwileIseKuphamaneni.....Wabhala kanjalo umuntu waseZulwi ishlabelelo samaN...

Izizwe zomhlaba
Bezilindele iNkosi
Manje seziyizwile

Wabhala kanjalo umuntu waseZulwi ishlabelelo samaNazaretha emvakokuba inkosi ujesu esevalelisile ,ethi sengiyahamba ngiya kubaba...Zonke izizwe zalinda zilindele inkosi ukuthi yehlele kuzona kodwa kwehla USHEMBE UBHOMBELA.namanjer inkosi isahlezi nath ebuhleni inkosi yasezulwini UNYAZILWEZULU.ebuhleni izigidi ngezinkulungwane zibuthene kuyona inkosi.

Yake yathi iNkosi yaseKuphameni thina Manazaretha siphiwe umlilo waseZulwini kodwa saphiwa omncane ngoba sasizoqedana sodwa. Wathi uNkulunkulu yingakho kumele sijwayele ukuthi uma kunenkinga sihlangane sithandaze ukuze umlilo uzoba mningi esikucelayo kwenzeke.

"Manazaretha mkhulu uSHEMBE akalinganiswa nalutho olukhona emhlabeni"

Mdedele angene 01/07/24.

Ikutholule ebikufuna  i-Democratic Alliance ethole izikhundla zongqongqoshe abangu 6 baphinde bathola izikhundla ezinye ...

Ikutholule ebikufuna i-Democratic Alliance ethole izikhundla zongqongqoshe abangu 6 baphinde bathola izikhundla ezinye zamasekela ongqobgqoshe ezingu 6 Okusho ukuthi i-DA ezingu ithole u-12, ikakhulukazi lezi ebivele izigaqele.

Minister of Defence.... ngempela?Benke nenze noma Bantu Holomisa Minister of defence noma ngisaba ukuthi uzovukela umbus...

Minister of Defence.... ngempela?
Benke nenze noma Bantu Holomisa Minister of defence noma ngisaba ukuthi uzovukela umbuso ka ANC?

Awukho CRC Mr President.. cyril.


New Cabinet:

The Deputy President is Paul Mashatile.

The Minister of Agriculture is John Steenhuisen.

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture is Rosemary Nokuzola Capa.

The Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development is Mzwanele Nyhontso.

The Deputy Minister of Land Reform and Rural Development is Chupu Stanley Mathabatha.

The Minister of Basic Education is Siviwe Gwarube.

The Deputy Minister of Basic Education is Reginah Mhaule.

The Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies is Solly Malatsi.

The Deputy Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies is Mondli Gungubele.

The Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is Velinkosi Hlabisa.

The Deputy Ministers of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs are Dickson Masemola and Zolile Burns‐Ncamashe.

The Minister of Defence and Military Veterans is Angie Motshekga.

The Deputy Ministers of Defence and Military Veterans are Bantu Holomisa and Richard Mkhungo.

The Minister of Electricity and Energy is Kgosientsho Ramokgopa.

The Deputy Minister of Electricity and Energy is Samantha Graham.

The Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation is Blade Nzimande.

The Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation is Nomalungelo Gina.

The Minister of Employment and Labour is Nomakhosazana M**h.

The Deputy Ministers of Employment and Labour are Jomo Sibiya and Phumzile Mgcina.

The Minister of Finance is Enoch Godongwana.

The Deputy Ministers of Finance are David Masondo and Ashor Sarupen.

The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment is Dion George.

The Deputy Ministers of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment are Narend Singh and Bernice Swarts.

The Minister of Health is Aaron Motsoaledi.

The Deputy Minister of Health is Joe Phaahla.

The Minister of Higher Education is Nobuhle Nkabane.

The Deputy Ministers of Higher Education are Buti Manamela and Mimmy Gondwe.

The Minister of Home Affairs is Leon Schreiber.

The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs is Njabulo Nzuza.

The Minister of Human Settlements is Mmamoloko Kubayi.

The Deputy Minister of Human Settlements is Tandi Mahambehlala.

The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation is Ronald Lamola.

The Deputy Ministers of International Relations and Cooperation are Alvin Botes and Tandi Moraka.

The Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development is Thembi Nkadimeng.

The Deputy Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development is Andries Nel.

The Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources is Gwede Mantashe.

The Deputy Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources is Judith Nemadzinga‐Tshabalala.

The Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is Maropene Ramokgopa.

The Deputy Minister of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is Seiso Mohai.

The Minister of Police is Senzo Mchunu.

The Deputy Ministers of Police are Polly Boshielo and Cassel Mathale.

The Minister in the Presidency is Khumbudzo Ntshavheni.

The Deputy Ministers in the Presidency are Nonceba Mhlauli and Kenneth Morolong.

The Minister of Public Service and Administration is Mzamo Buthelezi.

The Deputy Minister of Public Service and Administration is Pinky Kekana.

The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure is Dean Macpherson.

The Deputy Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure is Sihle Zikalala.

The Minister of Small Business Development is Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams.

The Deputy Minister of Small Business Development is Jane Sithole.

The Minister of Social Development is Sisisi Tolashe.

The Deputy Minister of Social Development is Ganief Hendricks.

The Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture is Gayton McKenzie.

The Deputy Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture is Peace Mabe.

The Minister of Tourism is Patricia De Lille.

The Deputy Minister of Tourism is Maggie Sotyu.

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition is Parks Tau.

The Deputy Ministers of Trade, Industry and Competition are Zuko Godlimpi and Andrew Whitfield.

The Minister of Transport is Barbara Creecy.

The Deputy Minister of Transport is Mkhuleko Hlengwa.

The Minister of Water and Sanitation is Pemmy Majodina.

The Deputy Ministers of Water and Sanitation are David Mahlobo and Isaac Seitlholo.

The Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities is Sindisiwe Chikunga.

The Deputy Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities is Mmapaseka Steve Letsike.

The Minister of Correctional Services is Pieter Groenewald.

The Deputy Minister of Correctional Services is Lindiwe Ntshalintshali.

Adv Busisiwe Mkhwebane vs Judge HLOPHE TODAY IN parliament.

Adv Busisiwe Mkhwebane vs Judge HLOPHE TODAY IN parliament.

Inside Kenya parliament

Inside Kenya parliament

Kenyan protestors invade the Parliament cafeteria and begin feasting

Kenyan protestors invade the Parliament cafeteria and begin feasting




SISHUBILE ISIMO-Ekenya   Intsha yase Kenya ingenile phakath ephalamende,amasosha asebulale abanye outside parliament bui...


Intsha yase Kenya ingenile phakath ephalamende,amasosha asebulale
abanye outside parliament buildings.

uHulumeni usayine, financial bill, emphakathi u-against loyo mthetho,lokhu kuholele esitelekile esesihole esinsukwi eziningi namuhla ngaphakathi ephalamende.

Umholi we MK national u-Judge Hlophe usefungisiwe,njengelunga lephalamende.zizasokhala💚💚🖤🖤🔥🔥🔥🔥

Umholi we MK national u-Judge Hlophe usefungisiwe,njengelunga lephalamende.zizasokhala💚💚🖤🖤🔥🔥🔥🔥

Aseqalile ukufungiswa amalunga omkhonto wesizwe kushoda uPresident umjay...Jabulani.😹

Aseqalile ukufungiswa amalunga omkhonto wesizwe kushoda uPresident umjay...Jabulani.😹




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