Diaspora Post

Diaspora Post "Bringing you News and perspectives through the Diaspora lens. Diaspora Post is the brainchild of Ahmed Olusegun Badmus.

DP is the short form of Diaspora Post and its symbolizes our vision that exist in the consciousness of our followers. The media nomenclature has changed, hardcopy newspapers are no longer making huge sales, the era of paper production is going. Many citizens are fed with same reporting format on a daily basis, consuming same kind of information patterns and accepting the news items of those who ha

ve the financial power to control the agenda. DP formation was predicated on the need to report the world objectively through Diaspora experiences using digital channels like the social media and the internet. Diaspora Post has come to carry the burden of under reporting and complicity in news reporting with the aim of crystallizing issues that affects human population in a broader perspective.


African Union

The issue of restricted intra-African travel is rooted in a complex interplay of historical, political, economic, and social factors that hinder the free movement of people across the continent. While the vision of a united Africa with seamless borders is a longstanding aspiration, the reality is far from it. This essay explores the underlying reasons for these travel restrictions and proposes solutions to facilitate freer movement within Africa.

# # # Historical Context and Political Factors

Colonial legacy has left a fragmented Africa, where arbitrary borders were drawn without regard to ethnic, cultural, or economic continuities. This legacy has resulted in a mosaic of nations with diverse and sometimes conflicting political interests. Post-independence, many African governments have maintained these borders and established strict visa regimes to assert sovereignty and control. Political instability, insecurity, and the fear of terrorism further exacerbate the reluctance to open borders. Governments often prioritize national security over regional integration, resulting in stringent travel restrictions.

# # # Economic Constraints

Economic disparities among African countries contribute significantly to travel restrictions. Wealthier nations are apprehensive about the influx of economic migrants from poorer neighbors, which could strain public resources and services. Additionally, infrastructural deficiencies, such as inadequate transportation networks and poor border facilities, impede seamless travel. The lack of economic integration, with countries focusing more on external trade than intra-African trade, further discourages the development of policies that facilitate free movement.

# # # Social and Cultural Barriers

Social and cultural factors also play a role in restricted travel within Africa. Xenophobia and ethnic tensions can create hostile environments for travelers from neighboring countries. Cultural differences and language barriers may discourage people from traveling within the continent. Furthermore, the lack of information and awareness about travel opportunities and destinations within Africa limits the motivation to explore neighboring countries.

# # # Solutions for Enhancing Intra-African Travel

1. **Political Will and Policy Harmonization**: African leaders must demonstrate political will to prioritize regional integration. The implementation of the African Union’s (AU) Agenda 2063, which envisions a borderless Africa, should be accelerated. Harmonizing visa policies through initiatives like the African Passport and the Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM) can significantly ease travel restrictions.

2. **Economic Integration and Infrastructure Development**: Promoting economic integration through trade agreements like the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) can enhance economic cooperation and reduce economic disparities. Investing in infrastructure, such as regional transportation networks and efficient border facilities, is crucial for facilitating movement. Public-private partnerships can be leveraged to fund these developments.

3. **Security Cooperation**: Strengthening regional security mechanisms to address cross-border threats collaboratively can alleviate security concerns. Sharing intelligence and conducting joint security operations can build trust among nations, making them more comfortable with easing travel restrictions.

4. **Cultural Exchange and Education**: Promoting cultural exchange programs and educational initiatives can foster mutual understanding and reduce xenophobia. Encouraging tourism within Africa through marketing campaigns and easing travel processes can also enhance cultural integration.

5. **Digital Solutions**: Utilizing digital platforms for e-visas and travel permits can streamline the travel process and reduce bureaucratic hurdles. Implementing technologies for efficient border management can enhance security while facilitating smoother travel.

# # # Conclusion

The ability of Africans to travel freely within the continent is crucial for fostering unity, economic growth, and cultural exchange. While historical, political, economic, and social barriers exist, they are not insurmountable. With concerted efforts and a commitment to regional integration, African nations can overcome these challenges and realize the vision of a truly united and borderless Africa.

As of 2024, here are the key statistics and information for Mauritius:Geographic and Demographic InformationCapital: Por...

As of 2024, here are the key statistics and information for Mauritius:

Geographic and Demographic Information

Capital: Port Louis
Area: Approximately 2,040 square kilometers
Population: Around 1.3 million
Population Density: Approximately 637 people per square kilometer

Political and Economic Information

Government Type: Parliamentary republic
President: Prithvirajsing Roopun
Prime Minister: Pravind Jugnauth
Currency: Mauritian Rupee (MUR)
GDP (Nominal): Estimated around $15 billion USD
GDP per Capita: Approximately $11,500 USD

Social Indicators

Life Expectancy: Around 75 years
Literacy Rate: Over 90%
Human Development Index (HDI): High, around 0.79

Economic Sectors

Major Industries: Tourism, textiles, sugar, financial services, ICT (Information and Communication Technology)
Unemployment Rate: Approximately 6.5%
Inflation Rate: Around 3%

Trade and Investment

Main Export Partners: European Union, United States, South Africa
Main Imports: Machinery and equipment, petroleum products, chemicals, foodstuffs
FDI (Foreign Direct Investment): Mauritius continues to be a significant recipient of FDI due to its favorable business environment and strategic location.

Environmental and Infrastructure

Renewable Energy: Efforts are ongoing to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the energy mix, with solar, wind, and biomass being key components.

Transportation: The island has a well-developed road network, with ongoing projects to improve public transportation and reduce traffic congestion.

Healthcare and Education

Healthcare System: Public healthcare is provided free of charge, with several public hospitals and clinics available.

Education System: Free education up to the tertiary level, with a focus on increasing access to higher education and vocational training.


Tourist Arrivals: Expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels, with over 1.4 million visitors annually.

Major Attractions: Beaches, nature reserves, cultural sites, and luxury resorts.

Mauritius is known for its stable political environment, diversified economy, and commitment to social welfare, making it one of the leading countries in Africa in terms of economic development and quality of life.

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885: A Historical OverviewThe Berlin Conference, held from November 1884 to February 1885...

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885: A Historical Overview

The Berlin Conference, held from November 1884 to February 1885, was a pivotal event in the history of colonialism, particularly concerning the Scramble for Africa. Organized by German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the conference's primary goal was to regulate European colonization and trade in Africa.

Attended by representatives from 14 European countries and the United States, the conference marked the formal partition of Africa among these powers.

Notably absent from this significant geopolitical event were the African leaders themselves, a glaring exclusion that had profound and lasting implications for the continent.

Context and Motivations

By the late 19th century, European powers were aggressively expanding their empires, driven by economic interests, national prestige, and a belief in racial superiority. Africa, with its vast resources and strategic locations, became a prime target for these imperial ambitions.

Prior to the conference, European involvement in Africa was largely confined to coastal areas and some trading posts. However, advances in medicine, transportation, and military technology allowed Europeans to penetrate further into the continent.

The Berlin Conference aimed to avoid conflict among European powers by establishing rules for the colonization process. It resulted in the General Act of the Berlin Conference, which included provisions for free trade in the Congo Basin, the suppression of the slave trade, and the requirement for effective occupation to claim territory. This meant that European powers had to demonstrate their ability to control and administer a region to have their claims recognized by other powers.

Exclusion of African Leaders

The absence of African leaders at the Berlin Conference was a deliberate and significant omission. There are several reasons for this exclusion:

Eurocentric Worldview: The European powers operated under a Eurocentric worldview, which considered non-European societies as inferior and incapable of self-governance. This paternalistic attitude justified their colonization efforts and rendered the inclusion of African voices unnecessary in their eyes.

Strategic Ignorance: Including African leaders would have complicated the process of partitioning the continent. European powers preferred a swift, unilateral decision-making process that prioritized their interests over those of the indigenous populations.

Lack of Unity among African Polities: Africa was a mosaic of diverse kingdoms, empires, and societies with their own distinct political structures and interests. This lack of a unified political entity made it easier for Europeans to justify excluding African representatives.

Intentional Marginalization: By not inviting African leaders, the European powers ensured that the decisions made would face minimal immediate resistance, allowing them to solidify their claims without having to negotiate with established African rulers.

Consequences of the Conference

The Berlin Conference had devastating consequences for Africa. Arbitrary borders were drawn with little regard for existing ethnic, linguistic, or political boundaries, leading to conflicts that persist to this day. The imposition of colonial rule disrupted traditional societies, economies, and governance structures, often resulting in brutal exploitation and oppression.

Nullifying the Recommendations of the Berlin Conference

To address the historical injustices perpetuated by the Berlin Conference, several steps need to be considered:

Redrawing Borders: One of the most direct ways to nullify the conference's legacy would be to reassess and, where feasible, redraw African national borders to better reflect ethnic and cultural realities.

However, this is a complex and potentially destabilizing process that requires careful consideration and broad consensus among African states.

Promoting Pan-Africanism: Strengthening the African Union and other regional organizations can help foster unity and cooperation among African nations, allowing them to collectively address the challenges imposed by colonial borders and policies.

Economic Reparation and Justice: Former colonial powers should engage in discussions about reparations for the exploitation and injustices committed during the colonial period. This could include financial compensation, debt forgiveness, and investment in development projects.

Decolonizing Education and Culture: Revising educational curricula to reflect a more accurate and comprehensive history of Africa, emphasizing pre-colonial achievements and the negative impacts of colonialism, can help foster a sense of identity and pride among Africans.

Strengthening Sovereignty and Autonomy: Empowering African nations to develop their political and economic systems free from neo-colonial influences is crucial.

This involves resisting external pressures that perpetuate dependency and promoting self-sufficiency and resilience.International Advocacy and Solidarity: The global community should support African-led initiatives and advocate for policies that respect the sovereignty and rights of African nations. This includes reforming international institutions to ensure fair representation and participation of African countries.


The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 was a landmark event that significantly shaped the geopolitical landscape of Africa, with lasting negative impacts due to the exclusion of African voices. To nullify its recommendations and address the historical injustices, a multifaceted approach involving border reassessment, economic reparations, decolonization of education, and the strengthening of African unity and sovereignty is essential. By doing so, the legacy of the Berlin Conference can be transformed from one of division and exploitation to one of reconciliation and empowerment.

Point of Human Origin: A Journey Back in TimeIntroductionNestled along the southwestern coast of South Africa, the Point...

Point of Human Origin: A Journey Back in Time


Nestled along the southwestern coast of South Africa, the Point of Human Origin is a site of profound archaeological and anthropological significance.

Located near the town of Mossel Bay, this site offers an extraordinary glimpse into the lives of early Homo sapiens, shedding light on the cognitive and cultural development of our ancestors.

With its dramatic coastal scenery and rich historical tapestry, the Point of Human Origin is both a place of scientific intrigue and a powerful reminder of humanity's shared heritage.

Historical Significance

The Point of Human Origin is part of the greater Pinnacle Point complex, a series of caves that have yielded some of the earliest evidence of modern human behavior.

Excavations at these sites have uncovered artifacts dating back as far as 164,000 years, making them among the oldest known records of Homo sapiens.

These discoveries have provided crucial insights into the technological and social advancements of early humans, particularly during the Middle Stone Age.

Key Discoveries

Stone Tools: Archaeologists have found a variety of stone tools at Pinnacle Point, including blades and points that indicate sophisticated tool-making techniques. These tools suggest that early humans in this region had developed advanced methods for hunting and processing food.

Symbolic Behavior: One of the most significant discoveries at the Point of Human Origin is evidence of symbolic behavior. Researchers have unearthed pieces of ochre, a type of iron oxide that was used for pigmentation. The ochre artifacts are believed to have been used in body painting or other symbolic practices, indicating a capacity for abstract thought and communication.

Dietary Evidence: The remains of shellfish, fish, and other marine resources found at the site reveal that early humans had a diverse diet and were capable of exploiting coastal resources. This adaptation to a marine environment is thought to have been crucial for the survival and evolution of Homo sapiens.

The Visitor Experience

Today, the Point of Human Origin is a destination for both researchers and tourists. Guided tours offer an immersive experience, allowing visitors to explore the caves and learn about the significant archaeological findings. The dramatic coastal landscape, with its cliffs and ocean views, adds to the sense of awe and wonder.

Scientific Impact

The findings at the Point of Human Origin have had a profound impact on our understanding of human evolution. They have challenged previous notions about the timeline and nature of early human development, particularly regarding the emergence of complex behaviors and cognitive abilities. The evidence from Pinnacle Point suggests that our ancestors were capable of symbolic thought and technological innovation much earlier than previously believed.


The Point of Human Origin stands as a testament to the enduring quest to understand our past. It is a place where science and history converge, offering invaluable insights into the dawn of humanity.

As researchers continue to unearth new findings, the site promises to deepen our understanding of who we are and where we come from.

For anyone interested in the story of human evolution, a visit to the Point of Human Origin is an unforgettable journey into the depths of time.


African Development Bank Group Akinwunmi Adeshina admonishes African Union leaders.


The psychology of a white, all-male God and Trinity reflects a patriarchal and Eurocentric worldview that has dominated ...

The psychology of a white, all-male God and Trinity reflects a patriarchal and Eurocentric worldview that has dominated Western religion and culture for centuries.

This representation of the divine can be seen as a projection of dominant societal values and power structures onto religious beliefs, perpetuating the notion that whiteness and maleness are inherently superior and divine.

This portrayal can have psychological implications, such as:

1. Reinforcing gender and racial hierarchies: By portraying God as exclusively white and male, it reinforces the idea that these characteristics are more valuable or divine, perpetuating societal power imbalances.
2. Marginalizing other identities: This representation can alienate those who do not identify as white or male, leading them to feel excluded or devalued within their faith communities.
3. Inhibiting personal and spiritual growth: A narrow view of the divine can limit individuals' ability to connect with their spirituality on a deeper, more inclusive level.

Afrika must be free from this psychology as it portrays Racism in religion, limits beliefs, paving the way for division and continous oppression than inclusive representations of the divine. It's a direct insult to Women and Afrikan spirituality.

Farmers of Thoughts

DECOLONIZATION AND DE-ENSLAVEMENT PROJECT  Before: African Auset and HeruAfter: Greek-Ethiopian Madonna and childWay Aft...


Before: African Auset and Heru
After: Greek-Ethiopian Madonna and child
Way After: Roman Mary and Jesus

Jesus whether Black or White never existed, his story was plagiarized from the original story of Auset and Heru.

The only reason why the Pope worships the Black Madonna and child publicly is because it is a form of reverse psychology to keep Africans attached to the Catholic religion because some Africans will believe that Jesus is real because the Pope worships the Black Madonna and child. It is a serious mind game.



Do you love me?


is not a continent.

READ | The Republic of South Africa institutes proceedings against the State of Israel and requests the Court to indicat...

READ | The Republic of South Africa institutes proceedings against the State of Israel and requests the Court to indicate provisional measures.


Managing African Union resources, President Akinwunmi Adeshina admonishing African Development Bank Group to maximize the benefits of mineral resources.


Is globalism truly dead?


Africans are Africans no matter the language you force him or her to learn.


Real talk.

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to our weekly engagement list! 🎉 Lorenzo Alton Williams, Nana Akosah-Fos...

Thanks for being a top engager and making it on to our weekly engagement list! 🎉 Lorenzo Alton Williams, Nana Akosah-Fosu, Lottie Parker, Tasha Wiles, Kimberly Trice, Johanna McCants, Sheryce Sanders Malone, Judy Dings, Marie Louise Kantambadouno, Morris Boakai, Agustin Liden

Why not just clampdown on the drug traders, drug users and illegal immigrants?

Why not just clampdown on the drug traders, drug users and illegal immigrants?

Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni said by-laws were to be introduced in municipalities aimed at tightening the monitoring of spaza shops, especially those owned by foreign nationals.

🚨 CONFIRMED: No African representative voted for Victor Osimhen as their winner during the 2023 Ballon d'Or voting proce...

🚨 CONFIRMED: No African representative voted for Victor Osimhen as their winner during the 2023 Ballon d'Or voting process.

🇳🇬 Nigeria: Messi
🇿🇦 South Africa: Messi
🇩🇿 Algeria: Haaland
🇧🇯 Benin: Haaland
🇨🇲 Cameroon: Mbappé
🇨🇻 Cape Verde: Messi
🇨🇮 Ivory Coste: Mbappé
🇪🇬 Egypt: Messi
🇬🇦 Gabon: Haaland
🇬🇭 Ghana: Haaland
🇬🇳 Guinea: Haaland
🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea: Messi
🇲🇦 Morocco: Messi
🇺🇬 Uganda: Messi
🇸🇳 Senegal: Haaland
🇹🇳 Tunisia: Messi
🇿🇲 Zambia: Messi

Realistically, do you think voting Osimhen would be wrong given the season he had with Napoli and Nigeria? 🤔


Malawi president Lazarus Chakwera speaking truth to power at the UNGA 2023.


FULL TEXT: President Tinubu’s first address at UN General Assembly

September 20, 2023

President Bola Tinubu made his debut speech at the 78th United Nations General Assembly session on Wednesday, addressing key issues. He spoke on Africa’s potential to achieve prosperity through democratic ideals while overcoming foreign exploitation.

He also highlighted the importance of prioritising African development for international investments and the urgency of addressing climate change impacts.

See the full speech below:


Mr. President,

Heads of State and Government, Secretary-General,

Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Mr. President,

On behalf of the people of Nigeria, I congratulate you on your well-deserved election as President of this Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

We commend your predecessor, His Excellency, Mr. Csaba Korosi for his able stewardship of the Assembly.

We also commend His Excellency, Antonio Guterres, Secretary General of the United Nations, for his work seeking to forge solutions to humanity’s common challenges.

This is my first address before the General Assembly. Permit me to say a few words on behalf of Nigeria, on behalf of Africa, regarding this year’s theme.

Many proclamations have been made, yet our troubles remain close at hand. Failures in good governance have hindered Africa. But broken promises, unfair treatment and outright exploitation from abroad have also exacted a heavy toll on our ability to progress.

Given this long history, if this year’s theme is to mean anything at all, it must mean something special and particular to Africa.

In the aftermath of the Second World War, nations gathered in an attempt to rebuild their war- torn societies. A new global system was born and this great body, the United Nations, was established as a symbol and protector of the aspirations and finest ideals of humankind.

Nations saw that it was in their own interests to help others exit the rubble and wasteland of war. Reliable and significant assistance allowed countries emaciated by war to grow into strong and productive societies.

The period was a highwater mark for trust in global institutions and the belief that humanity had learned the necessary lessons to move forward in global solidarity and harmony.

Today and for several decades, Africa has been asking for the same level of political commitment and devotion of resource that described the Marshall Plan.

We realize that underlying conditions and causes of the economic challenges facing today’s Africa are significantly different from those of post war Europe.

We are not asking for identical programs and actions. What we seek is an equally firm commitment to partnership. We seek enhanced international cooperation with African nations to achieve the 2030 agenda and Sustainable Development Goals.

There are five important points I want to highlight.

First, if this year’s theme is to have any impact at all, global institutions, other nations and their private sector actors must see African development as a priority, not just for Africa but in their interests as well.

Due to both longstanding internal and external factors, Nigeria’s and Africa’s economic structures have been skewed to impede development, industrial expansion, job creation, and the equitable distribution of wealth.

If Nigeria is to fulfil its duty to its people and the rest of Africa, we must create jobs and the belief in a better future for our people.

We must also lead by example.

To foster economic growth and investor confidence in Nigeria, I removed the costly and corrupt fuel subsidy while also discarding a noxious exchange rate system in my first days in office. Other growth and job oriented reforms are in the wings.

I am mindful of the transient hardship that reform can cause. However, it is necessary to go through this phase in order to establish a foundation for durable growth and investment to build the economy our people deserve.

We welcome partnerships with those who do not mind seeing Nigeria and Africa assume larger roles in the global community.

The question is not whether Nigeria is open for business. The question is how much of the world is truly open to doing business with Nigeria and Africa in an equal, mutually beneficial manner.

Direct investment in critical industries, opening their ports to a wider range and larger quantity of African exports and meaningful debt relief are important aspects of the cooperation we seek.

Second, we must affirm democratic governance as the best guarantor of the sovereign will and well-being of the people. Military coups are wrong, as is any tilted civilian political arrangement that perpetuates injustice.

The wave crossing parts of Africa does not demonstrate favour towards coups. It is a demand for solutions to perennial problems.

Regarding Niger, we are negotiating with the military leaders. As Chairman of ECOWAS, I seek to help re-establish democratic governance in a manner that addresses the political and economic challenges confronting that nation, including the violent extremists who seek to foment instability in our region. I extend a hand of friendship to all who genuinely support this mission.

This brings me to my third crucial point. Our entire region is locked in protracted battle against violent extremists. In the turmoil, a dark channel of inhumane commerce has formed. Along the route, everything is for sale. Men, women and children are seen as chattel.

Yet, thousands risk the Sahara’s hot sand and the Mediterranean’s cold depths in search of a better life. At the same time, mercenaries and extremists with their lethal weapons and vile ideologies invade our region from the north.

This harmful traffic undermines the peace and stability of an entire region. African nations will improve our economies so that our people do not risk their lives to sweep the floors and streets of other nations.

We also shall devote ourselves to disbanding extremist groups on our turf.

Yet, to fully corral this threat, the international community must strengthen its commitment to arrest the flow of arms and violent people into West Africa.

The fourth important aspect of global trust and solidarity is to secure the continent’s mineral rich areas from pilfering and conflict. Many such areas have become catacombs of misery and exploitation.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has suffered this for decades, despite the strong UN presence there. The world economy owes the DRC much but gives her very little.

The mayhem visited on resource rich areas does not respect national boundaries. Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, CAR, the list grows.

The problems also knocks Nigeria’s door.

Foreign entities abetted by local criminals who aspire to be petty warlords have drafted thousands of people into servitude to illegally mine gold and other resources. Billions of dollars meant to improve the nation now fuel violent enterprises. If left unchecked, they will threaten peace and place national security at grave risk.

Given the extent of this injustice and the high stakes involved, many Africans are asking whether this phenomenon is by accident or by design.

Member nations must reply by working with us to deter their firms and nationals from this 21st century pillage of the continent’s riches.

Fifth, climate change severely impacts Nigeria and Africa. Northern Nigeria is hounded by desert encroachment on once arable land. Our south is pounded by the rising tide of coastal flooding and erosion.

In the middle, the rainy season brings floods that kill and displace multitudes. As I lament deaths at home, I also lament the grave loss of life in Morocco and Libya.

The Nigerian people are with you. African nations will fight climate change but must do so on our own terms. To achieve the needed popular consensus, this campaign must accord with overall economic efforts.

In Nigeria, we shall build political consensus by highlighting remedial actions which also promote economic good. Projects such as a Green Wall to stop desert encroachment, halting the destruction of our forests by mass production and distribution of gas burning stoves, and providing employment in local water management and irrigation projects are examples of efforts that equally advance both economic and climate change objectives.

Continental efforts regarding climate change will register important victories if established economies were more forthcoming with public and private sector investment for Africa’s preferred initiatives.

Again, this would go far in demonstrating that global solidarity is real and working.

As I close, let me emphasize that Nigeria’s objectives accord with the guiding principles of this world body: peace, security, human rights and development.

In fundamental ways, nature has been kind to Africa, giving abundant land, resources and creative and industrious people. Yet, man has too often been unkind to his fellow man and this sad tendency has brought sustained hardship to Africa’s doorstep.

To keep faith with the tenets of this world body and the theme of this year’s Assembly, the poverty of nations must end. The pillage of one nation’s resources by the overreach of firms and people of stronger nations must end. The will of the people must be respected. This beauty, generous and forgiving planet must be protected.

As for Africa, we seek to be neither appendage nor patron. We do not wish to replace old shackles with new ones.

Instead, we hope to walk the rich African soil and live under the magnificent African sky free of the wrongs of the past and clear of their associated encumbrances. We desire a prosperous, vibrant democratic living space for our people.

To the rest of the world, I say walk with us as true friends and partners. Africa is not a problem to be avoided nor is it to be pitied. Africa is nothing less than the key to the world’s future.


17123 Ntethe Street, Witsand
Cape Town


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Our Story

DP is the short form of Diaspora Post and its symbolizes our vision and mission to exist in the consciousness of our audience through the provision of news contents that carries the burden of under reporting and ending the complicity by crystallizing issues that affects the human population in a broader perspective.

Diaspora Post is the brainchild of Ahmed Olusegun Badmus. The formation was predicated on the need to report the world NEWS from abroad. It is a journalistic attempt to reveal the true state of affairs in Africa world from global perspective. Many Diaspora are fed with same prejudiced sources on a daily basis, consuming imbalanced NEWS and information. Local and international media has become complicit in the maladministration of many countries save few media platforms who are sticking to reporting truths.

The world media nomenclature is changing, hard copy newspapers are no longer making huge sales as the era of paper production is going and the social media platform has become a veritable source of NEWS consumption.

Diaspora Post has come to fill in the void.

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