Get ahead in your job or just expand your mind by studying various subjects and software solutions through a website that not only provides you with the content but, also a "Certificate of Completion" when you finish a course. Not just for job seekers but, for kids and elderly as well. Employers can also request that a certain range of videos/training material be made and posted on this site, specifically for their employees to watch/complete in order to make training multiple people at once, a breeze. People can take everything away from you but, they can't take the knowledge you have obtained.
If y would you like to attend online classes in subjects like Windows 10, Microsoft Office, Canva Content Design, WordPress, and much more, and get a Certificate of Competition when you have completed the course and understand the content? Send us an inbox so that we can ask you which videos you would be interested in seeing on the platform, so that we can literally give the audience what they want. It is very beneficial so that you can apply for a wider range of jobs, add the certificate to your resume, which will give you a slight upper hand when it comes to the employer selecting the perfect candidate, or just stay on top of your game if you are already in the desired position at your job and you just want to stay updated. Once you have completed a course, you can watch the content over and over if you are still uncomfortable with some of the content.
Comment here or Inbox us if you are interested.