How many of you would love to publish a book of your Poetry but are not sure how?
You've done the work, gathered your poems and have a manuscript gathering dust while you ponder whether you should submit to publishing houses or explore the idea of self publishing
Or perhaps you've already done your research and have just grown tired of chasing traditional publishers of note, only to never hear a word or find that rejection slip informing you that your work doesn't fit the criteria for what they do...
Whatever the case may be, perhaps I can help.
Having formatted, designed, and edited quite a few poetry books (novels and kids books too on occasion) I've learned a bit along the way...including how to walk people through the process of self publishing on their own.
Which brings me to the reason for this post.
I'd like to offer my services in assisting you in making those books a reality without the stress of high costs or not knowing how to turn your word document or cover images into proper file formats...
While I used to do this for free, that became overwhelming, so now for a nominal fee I will continue to assist and walk you through the process until your book is live just as I always have...
The only difference being the fee...
Now for one of the reasons (besides the obvious) I've been seeking work is because I'd like to fund a project of my own as well. While helping you to chase your dream of seeing that book come alive, it'll help finance one of mine...
Children's books...
Illustrations are not cheap, so in essence I am looking for your help by helping you...
For more info you may message me directly or use the email below
[email protected]
Feel free to share with someone you feel might benefit from this post.
Side Note: Shrouded Eye Press is not a traditional publisher...we do not publish manuscripts so please do not inquire if we'd be interested in publishing your book. We are not. Maybe someday, but that is not our current mission. Instead we assist self publishing entrepreneurs with our services, and by teaching them how to accomplish publication...