It is high time that our politicians begin acting like they actually are Constitutional bodies of REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT, instead of continuing to act like CLOWNS in a CIRCUS! Our political arenas are currently FULL to the brims with POLITICAL GARBAGE, and it is HIGH time that We the People MAKE THE ROUNDS TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH! It is time that we learn to influence ourselves by removing all fo
reign influence and cutting the various puppet strings that have been tied around our political system. This call goes out to each and EVERY American citizen to bind together as one, in solidarity, to create a desperately needed group large enough during these desperate times to preserve and protect this beautiful nation that we all share together. All of us, with no uncertainty in our minds, know that the promised "CHANGE" not only is well overdue, but is currently lacking a force powerful enough to ever ensure its creation. NOW is the time that we all must acknowledge this distress call and begin to begin uniting as ONE undivided nation. This includes everyone; ALL political parties, ALL states, ALL cities, ALL races, ALL religions, ALL men, ALL women, and ALL children of ALL ages. We are currently undertaking EVERY effort humanly possible to quickly assemble ALL of the voices of EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN, so that together we will form the loudest, most blood curdling scream, outright DEMANDING action be taken against those responsible for the corruption, fraud, deceit, and ineptitude committed by the elected officials who have "served" only their own pocket books and the puppet masters who yank their strings! We OUTRIGHT REFUSE to buy into the "Yes We Can" garbage any longer! We KNOW FOR A FACT that: "YES WE WILL" MAKE YOU "CHANGE"! To both the criminal, parasitic robber barons who've hijacked our government and the minions and goons-for-hire who gleefully serve them, We the People have the following bones to pick with you:
Was it "we" (pro-America movement) who engineered the 9/11 terrorist attacks, as well as numerous other false flag attacks over the years? Was it "we" who launched the illegal wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya on the basis of lies, thereby murdering MILLIONS of UNARMED, INNOCENT civilians and THOUSANDS of U.S. Was it "we" who stole trillions of dollars from U.S. taxpayers in order to "bailout" a relative handful of Wall Street scam artists? Was it "we" who bought out and suppressed ideas and technologies designed to benefit mankind at no to little cost to the public? Was it "we" that intentionally tampered with the food and water supplies as well as genetically tampering with life forms on this planet to cause disease and death? Was it "we" that undermined the entire US educational system to squelch free academic thought in favor of indoctrination? Was it "we" who took money, a simple medium of exchange, and turned it into a tool to control human behavior? Is it "we" who intentionally create poverty and fix prices while lying about “free markets” for the purpose of social control? Is it "we" who with the aid of thoroughly discredited Malthusian propaganda openly promote engineering a genocidal reduction in world population of at least 80%? NO, IT WAS YOU WHO DID ALL OF THIS, amongst plenty of other heinous crimes! WE HAVE CAUGHT YOU RED HANDED!!!!!!!!! YOU are the “terrorists”! YOU are the criminal “extremists”! YOU are who the public needs to be both “suspicious” of and “protected” from. You have waste HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of US dollars watching us with your alphabet agencies, spy satellites, TSA thugs, and your little "Homeland Security" Czarette. Well, WHO THE HELL IS WATCHING THESE PEOPLE? So, we will volunteer for the task. To the President, Senate, House, and all other PUBLIC SERVANTS, YOU ARE HEREBY PUT ON NOTICE! If you continue to "serve" us by benefiting yourselves, and/or any other interest that is contrary to the interests shared by the majority of the American people, WE WILL CATCH YOU. We will DEMAND action be taken against you, and "YES WE WILL" see to it that you are relieved of your position/duties, brought up on charges, and punished to the maximum extent in which the law permits. These are the goals of “The Modern American Revolution”:
Uphold, preserve, and restore The U.S. Constitution to the fullest extent
Completely remove the Federal Reserve System
Break up the Banking Cartels
Amend Campaign Finance
Reduce Costs
Protect Internet Freedom
Verify All Votes
Break up the Mainstream Media Conglomerate and encourage Citizen Journalism
Work for a Constitutionally Defined Separation of Corporations and State
Work for a Constitutionally Defined Separation of Church and State
Civil Liberties
Reinstate Habeas Corpus
Shut the Revolving Door
End Closed Door Lobbying
Increase Government Transparency
End Corporate Personhood
Enforce RICO Laws
Stop Polluting the Air, Water & Food
Reduce Healthcare Costs/Profiteering
Improve Education For All
Reform Prison System
Reform Drug Laws/Crash the Cartels
Immigration Reform
Re-Investigate 911 (Without a “cherry picked” fraud commission)
Bring ALL the Troops Home
Investigate War Profiteers
Investigate War Crimes
End ALL Wars
Turn ALL Military Bases around the World into Orchards and Vineyards
Encourage all Energy Sources That Decentralize Control of Energy
Re-Legalize H**p and Ma*****na, WITHOUT A TYRANNICAL TAX
Rebuild Infrastructure
Restore and Empower States’ Rights
End Corporate Welfare
Fair Taxes For Everyone –
Enforce Corporate Responsibility
Force Corporations to Apply Local Labor Laws in Their Global Operations
Strengthen Environmental Laws Against Filthy Corporations
End Fracking -
Stop Prison Labor From Competing With Local Businesses
End the Patriot Act
End FEMA camps
End drone striking on innocent human beings
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