Grateful I am able to work from home during #blizzards now! Stay safe and warm everyone, especially my friends still in news and our first responders. #wisconsinlife #wisconsinwinter
And just like that our #baby is #walking 😭
We love having conversations with the wall 🤣
She's on the move! So grateful to have been home to see this!
Appleton, Wisconsin has a special place in my heart as well as Joe Charlevoix's!
A merry christmas for our Cookie monster! #northernmichigan #winterstorm #snow #snowday #merrychristmas
Joe Charlevoix and I are all about this snack scarf... little mad I didn't think of it myself!
Cookie is still very much enjoying this #blizzard. Thankful to have great friends who volunteered to help watch my daughter and take my dog out for me while I am at work covering this storm.
Rough ride up M-72 this afternoon. But my producer Chloe Peter and I made it to the station! Now we are working on putting together the newscast for you so tune in tonight at 5, 6, 6:30 and 11 p.m. for updates on the #blizzard2022 #northernmichigan UpNorthLive
Currently in Traverse City. #blizzard2022 UpNorthLive
Let's see how much she enjoys the snow in more than 12 hours when we are expected to be dealing with #blizzard conditions... #northernmichigan #winterstorm UpNorthLive
It's so quiet outside right now as the snow is really starting to come down. Stay safe tonight #northernmichigan UpNorthLive
#Throwback to when my sweet little Cookie monster was a tiny baby. (Only 6 months ago!) Happy #nationalpuppyday
Fluffy snowflakes tonight falling right on my face... #winterishere #northernmichigan
2 years ago... and many more to come! ❤️ 12-07-2019
Our sweet Cookie is now 5 months old! She loves to watch TV. She really got into learning about the history of dogs courtesy of the canines episode of 'Animal' on Netflix.
Share your pics or videos of your puppers for
#neature at #sleepingbeardunes
A busy bee in slow motion
Ok, one more! #nationaldogday
Happy #nationaldogday to my little snuggle bug! Share your pups with me :)