TMB is a boutique imprint of Ginny Weissman, a former body/mind/spirit literary agent based in California, and collaborative book publisher Pen & Publish, Inc. Weissman's career spans journalism, television and publishing. She is author of "The Dick Van D**e Show" (St. Martin's Press, ISBN-13: 978-0312087661). TMB publishes trade paperback and eBooks and holds worldwide subsidiary rights for most
titles. Contact us at [email protected] to discuss acquisitions, licensing or volume rates. Media, event and speaking inquiries welcome. AUTHOR/AGENT QUERIES AND SUBMISSIONS:
Transformation Media Books is currently open for queries at [email protected]. We accept queries from agents and direct from authors, followed by a proposal or marketing plan and manuscript upon request. Please contact [email protected] if you are seeking self-publishing services. You can expect to hear from us in less than four business days for queries and within two weeks on proposals. Authors with an established or growing platform are preferred, but new authors with quality body/mind/spirit work are welcome to query. Author involvement in promotion is required. However, we will consider your work with or without a significant promotional platform. We are open to using crowdfunding and other alternative methods to give you the opportunity to support your quality work if you have the motivation to reach your core audience.