Livestream Access to this Renowned Anatomy Course!
MAFAC Amsterdam - November 17, 2022 - Leiden University Medical Center - Leiden, Netherlands
Now Available: Physician and Resident Virtual Webcast Options!
Register: https://qmp.com/meeting/MAFAC-Amsterdam/193/virtual/193
MAFAC Course Description
* MAFAC Amsterdam precedes QMP Amsterdam 2022 (Nov 18-20) as a condensed version of the renowned two-day Melbourne Advanced Facial Anatomy Course.
* Specifically oriented to safely incorporate the latest advances in understanding facial anatomy into face-lift surgery.
* Tightly structured, guided, hands-on dissection program, featuring expert instruction by highly experienced dissection tutors.
* Learn how to define and then dissect within the safety of the subSMAS facial spaces, and to define the intervals between the spaces.
* Surgeons learn the locations of facial nerve branches in relation to ligaments in the intervals between spaces, and how to benefit from this powerful technique.
* Surgery focused, using the appropriate surgical technique for specific areas of anatomy.
Bryan Mendelson, MD - Australia
Andres Freschi, MD – Argentina
Njde Hambarchian, MD – Germany
George Kolios, MD – Germany
Lennert Minelli, MD - Belgium
Tim Papadopoulos, MD – Australia
Nina Schwaiger, MD – Germany
Basel Sharaf, MD, DDS - USA
Rodrigo Teixeria, MD - Australia
Howard Webster, MD - Australia
Chin Ho Wong, MD - Singapore
Local Faculty
Berend van der Lei, MD, PhD (NVEPC) - Netherlands
Ali Pirayesh, MD (NVEPC) - Netherlands
Steven Korteweg, MD (NVEPC) - Netherlands
Please see our website for a full program: