INTRO: When the two-party duopoly grows more extreme and divided every year, it’s a radical move to remain Independent. Moderates, centrists, and other independent-minded people... in a hyper-tribal political climate, we're the new radicals! It's time for the "Extreme Middle" to step up, let our voices be heard, and bring sanity to our current political dysfunction. Fiercely independent, we believ
e individual people matter more than political clans. TAGLINE: Non-partisan, pro-independent, anti-duopoly... reset the system to 'we the people'
MISSION: Provide thoughtful ideas and information to stimulate independent thinking and promote the changes necessary to dismantle a corrupt, rigged duopoly and reclaim a properly functioning civic landscape
1) Discussion is highly encouraged but please keep it respectful. In a sea of toxic partisan emotionalism, we advocate reasonable and sincere discourse.
2) No spam or self promotion.
3) This page is nonpartisan. Continuous partisan comments (left or right) will be considered trolling. VALUES:
Nonpartisan- free of party/group bias
Pro Independent- critical independent thinking AND supportive of independent voters and candidates
Anti Duopoly- dismantle a corrupt, rigged two-party system that's the root cause of many of our largest issues
Constitutional Values- maintaining and restoring essential principles
Civil Discourse- promoting sincere, reasonable discussion with empathy, good faith, and tolerance
Union- decreasing polarization and bringing Americans together in relative harmony
GOALS: Have a socio-political system that
- has open, free, and competitive elections (where independents and minor parties have a fair chance)
- honors and promotes authentic popular sovereignty, representative democracy, and the consent of the governed
- is structured to promote citizenship, knowledge, problem-solving, and bringing out the best in people
Location- Arizona
BA- Arizona State University
MA- Arizona State University
MA- American Military University
Focus- Political Philosophy, US Constitutional Theory
Work History:
Educator 25+ years- US Government, US History, Economics
Military Service:
Army Reserve; Major, 9 years- Military Intelligence
Registered Independent