BELLsummit: ArtWell Summit w/ Nik Ridley
Teaching artist Nik Ridley explores navigating our visual and viral world as we "take control of our own narratives."
BELLsummit: Black Press Meet & Greet #2
Connect with some local media professionals and content creators who have some amazing projects in the works for the community.
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BELLsummit: GNI Startups Lab Boot Camp
Hear from some of the participants of the inaugural Google News Initiative Startups Lab Boot Camp, along with staff from LION Publishers who will share exciting opportunities and resources for independent news entrepreneurs.
Enter the session to interact live:
BELLsummit: Carrying The Torch, Passing The Torch
Tune in to listen to veteran publishers of Arizona, along with emerging entities, as they discuss the local news landscape in Arizona.... Enter the actual event at:
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BELLsummit: The BELLeffect Show
Brett Dismuke, GM of ALKBLK streaming service, joins Leah Marché on
BELLsummit: ShareTheFailure cont'd
Learn from failure!
BELLsummit: #ShareTheFailure
Tune in to hear from media professionals and content creators who will share stories of failure and make a way out of no way. Opening up with Modern Mavericks: Poets & Storytellers.
BELLsummit: In Good Company
Wrapping up the BELLsummit with final remarks.
BELLsummit: Taking Control of Our Narratives
The keynote address to close the official Day 1 of BELLsummit with Ramses Ja, host and creator of Civic Cipher.
BELLsummit: We Shall Not Be Moved
A roundtable discussion on how we move forward "our culture."
BELLsummit: Speaking Truth To Power
Channel Powe, trainer, strategist and advocate, discusses her role in the community and what it means to speak truth to power.