Bring Khayman Home

Bring Khayman Home Khayman Welch Missing since August 12 2020 Missing since August 12, 2020

Khay's flyer will be on display at the Missing In Arizona booth during CrimeCon this weekend in Nashville, TN. A big tha...

Khay's flyer will be on display at the Missing In Arizona booth during CrimeCon this weekend in Nashville, TN. A big thank you to Jaz, and the Missing in America Network for all she does for the missing, and their loved ones. As of today there's been no updates on Khay's case. That doesn't mean we stop, that doesn't mean we give up. It means we continue our search, share, and help these families in every way imaginable until we find him...

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every volunteer, every individual who has shared Khaymanโ€™s story, every search...

We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to every volunteer, every individual who has shared Khaymanโ€™s story, every search and rescue team member, and every person who has kept him in their thoughts. Your kindness and compassion have given us strength during this difficult time.

Update: Dakoda is home safe, per a family member's post. This is the son of one of Khay's friends. Please share, and get...

Update: Dakoda is home safe, per a family member's post.

This is the son of one of Khay's friends. Please share, and get this young man back home with his father!

Updated missing flyer.

Updated missing flyer.


Please follow our new instagram page to help support us in our efforts to find Khay.

No. We didn't miss the 18 month mark. His brother and I spent some alone time up here this last week. It will never be t...

No. We didn't miss the 18 month mark. His brother and I spent some alone time up here this last week. It will never be the same until you're with us again, Khay. Ever. We love and miss you so much. ๐Ÿ’”

While we have hit some road blocks... we won't stop until we have answers. I met with the Detective a few days ago. No public updates at this time BUT this is an open investigation so keep that in mind.

Good Morning All,Want to provide all of you with a quick update about our group search over the weekend. We had 41 volun...

Good Morning All,

Want to provide all of you with a quick update about our group search over the weekend. We had 41 volunteers sign up for this search. Ultimately, we had 8 show up for the search. Family members came and handed out flyers at the trailhead to help us inform visitors to keep an eye out for anything unusual and report any findings to authorities.

We had a grid search planned for this day with the large response we got, to cover a 1 mile x .25-.37 mile area to the East of the parking area. We usually expect about half of those who sign up to show up. So we planned this search for 20 people. We ended up conducting a line search in both directions to get the area covered. Adapt and overcome, as they say.

I can't express enough how thankful all of us are for those who only have a couple days off a week, and drive from all over the valley to assist us with this difficult task. The terrain is not easy by any means. I would however like to point out the amount of work that comes with planning, and organizing these searches.Usually folks who sign up have questions, so we answer those questions and provide information to them so they know the type of terrain, footwear, clothing to wear etc... We receive about 30-70 messages a day in the days leading up to the search. Multiply that by even 5 messages just sending info and maps, that's alot of messages. So I would just like to ask that if you sign up to volunteer for a search that you understand we are counting on you. I appreciate those who did reach out to me the day before or morning of to let me know. Unfortunately, about an hour was lost in the parking lot coming up with a plan to get the area we needed cleared with 90% certainty with 8 volunteers. So just please keep that in mind when you contact us.

During the search we ended up finding nothing new, and can now check this area off as complete. We have begun to shift our search South. Some of us went out the day before to search a few areas South of First Water Rd. We will also be working the area from the Horse Lot South of Weaver's Needle Vista to the North side of First Water along SR88. There are less trails and human traffic in this area so we want to get it covered.

We don't have another group search planned at this time. If you are interested in knowing where you can search on your own that hasn't been covered, I have to update our master map then I'll post it here. You'll see on the maps that the trails have been covered numerous times over the last 17 months. Please keep an eye out off trail, in valleys, in washes etc...

One last thing for those asking about the status of hiring private investigators, K9 etc.. We are working with some non-profits to try to find one who is able to help at little to no cost to the family. Unfortunately, we also get hit up by those with a less than stellar background who want to charge an arm and a leg for their "state of the art services". So just know if you have more mugshots than cases solved, I will find out. This family, and all families go through hell under these circumstances. To attempt to scam them out of funds they don't have to spare is an all time low. For those who ask about psychics, we ask that if you refer someone to us that you also include a link to some cases they've successfully assisted on.

Aside from our gofundme (link below), if you can think of any fundraising methods that may assist us with obtaining the additional funds needed with this case feel free to reach out. We've tried rummage sales, bbq, businesses, and Christmas tree pickup. $1000 is being held for the reward we offered from the donations, and we've purchased a banner, flyers, postcards, radios, SPOT emergency beacon with monthly subscription, Facebook marketing to get exposure to Khay's page, and map printing. This has us very limited on what we can do. Mapping software for the drone, private investigators, Satelite imaging, and so much more can still be done, but until we can obtain these items we'll continue to work our way around the desert, and share all over social media. Sorry this was a long post, but I feel it was needed so people understand what goes into this. These families cannot do this alone, without our support.

~ Mindy

Good Morning, Just wanted to let everyone know some updates about the group search scheduled for Sunday the 16th at 9am....

Good Morning,

Just wanted to let everyone know some updates about the group search scheduled for Sunday the 16th at 9am.

We have 9 people so far who have let me know they're coming. We still need quite a few more volunteers who are willing to donate a few hours of their time Sunday. The goal is 50+ for this search.

The drone will be out taking photos, and video for this search as well. We have a more experienced operator who will be there to assist us. We are so thankful for him agreeing to come out.

Some folks have reached out about bringing snacks, drinks, or lunch items and that is so appreciated. I will have Khay's banner on my truck for anyone wishing to drop anything off so you'll know which vehicle is mine.

Again, it's the Weaver's Needle Vista Viewpoint that can be googled for directions. We'll be there just before 9am and wrap up around lunch time. 12-1pm.

We look forward to seeing you all, and are so thankful for anyone willing to help.

- Mindy


Good Morning Folks,

Mindy here. Just wanted to provide an update as to where we are with the search for Khay as our last update was when did their news report on November 15th. As you all can imagine this is taking a toll on his family. It also wears at us each time we go out and come up empty handed. We are at almost 17 months. That's a long time. There has been no sightings, no activity on any social media, all of his electronics have been recovered, and turned over to investigators for review. Records, reports, and search logs were requested. They have been received, and gone over. We are hoping to be able to hire a private investigator soon to go over some things we found in these reports. This will occur when funds are available to do so. We did a Christmas tree pick up fundraiser for 10.00 per pick up and gained 20.00 from that. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to reach out.

We have a group search scheduled under the events tab for January 16th from 9am-1pm. We need 50 volunteers for that. We also need folks to visit trailheads in the area to speak to hikers and make them aware of Khay's disappearance. Send us a message through messenger to add your name to our list of volunteers. This will be a grid search where we hope to cover an area NE and East of the vista.

Brock did an almost 17 mile hike not using any GPS just using the needle as his guide from 1st water trailhead to Weaver's Needle. It was a grueling hike in 68 degrees with proper attire and gear. Nothing was found during this search.

The last few months several searches with a group of 3-7 of us were conducted on the West side of SR88 in the Willow Springs Canyon, and Mini Moab areas that consisted of clearing multiple caves, mineshafts, and holes. One of which we had a deputy come out to further inspect bones at the bottom of a collapsed shaft. This turned out to be remains of a mule. We also utilized our drone for hard to reach places, and underwater drone for old wells.

We have conducted searches of various areas along the SR88 from Tortilla Flat to First Water road as well.

With the rains things have the ability to move into areas not searched, as well as areas that have been searched many times. So each time we get heavy rains we recheck areas that collect debris and we search through that.

We have distributed flyers through social media in several states. We will continue to do so. We had a youtuber who was visiting Slab City in California look around for anyone resembling Khay and he reported back that he didn't see anyone matching any of the pictures we sent.

David Paulides finally did a segment about Khay. However, didn't seem to pay attention to details provided, and even had the date of his disappearance incorrect in the video.

We have another individual working with a small group who has a helicopter to search cliffs, and peaks. They too have hiked into more difficult areas to search.

This is all I have. We have a pretty large following now. We're hoping that we can get at least 50 volunteers out for the group search. ๐Ÿ™

Last of all, anyone with suspicion, theories, or information they feel the desire to post here. We ask that you reach out directly to the detective in charge of this case. We are here to support this family, and not slander, hurt, or insult anyone related to Khay or this case. Anyone found doing so will be removed promptly. Suggestions are always welcome, as long as they are respectful.

Thanks to everyone who continues to share, support, search, and help!

Thank you Telemundo AZ for doing a quick segment with us on their network. They contacted the detective and I to help ge...

Thank you Telemundo AZ for doing a quick segment with us on their network. They contacted the detective and I to help get the word out. I am so thankful that news media outlets are picking up more Missing persons cases since there are so many that don't get coverage. We will keep doing all that we can to get his face and name out there. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

Khayman Welch desapareciรณ el pasado 12 de agosto del 2020 cerca de las Superstition Mountains pero hasta este momento se desconoce que realmente sucediรณ con รฉl. Las autoridades piden al publico ayuda en estar vigilantes si llegaran a conocer algo de su posible paradero.

Update posted to the   gofundme today. Please continue to share his story and the gofundme link. We continue to search a...

Update posted to the gofundme today. Please continue to share his story and the gofundme link. We continue to search as often as physically possible. We have initiated a $1000.00 reward for information leading to Khay's whereabouts, and so much more is being done behind the scenes that requires additional tools, resources, and experts. It has been 15 grueling months since Khay was last seen. His family aches to their core over this. We all do. We thank everyone who comes out to the searches, all those who have donated, or just said a prayer for this family.

Khayman "Khay" Welch goes missing... On August 12th, 2020 26 year old Khayman "Khaโ€ฆ MINDY CASTILLO needs your support for Bring Khayman "Khay" Welch Home


Thank you, Justin with Fox10, for helping us get the word out. Today is his birthday. We love and miss him beyond words. ๐Ÿ’”


Airing on Monday. A day before his birthday. ๐Ÿ’” Thank you, detective M, Justin w/Fox10 and Mindy for helping with this. ๐Ÿ™

Khay being the animal magnet he is..... his laugh and that pups face makes this pic one of my favorites. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—Thank you Ke...

Khay being the animal magnet he is..... his laugh and that pups face makes this pic one of my favorites. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Thank you Kevin and Marah for capturing pics of him off guard so we can see the sweet guy he truly is. His birthday is in 1 week and they are airing a new series of local missing persons on Fox10 Arizona the day before. November is a tough month but we are so thankful to have the help we do to keep this moving forward.

Fox10 asked for some pics/ messages for the article they are doing and I found my favorite baby pic of him. I even sent ...

Fox10 asked for some pics/ messages for the article they are doing and I found my favorite baby pic of him. I even sent this in for a cutest baby contest challenge. Just in case you didn't know, he was super adorable when he was a tiny person. Just sayin'. Missing his face pretty hard right now. We love you, Khaymander.



Good Morning,

We've had some folks inquiring about how to donate to the fundraiser the last few days. The gofundme link is pinned to the top of this page. If you don't feel comfortable with donating through that PM us for other options that avoid the fees.

The search team has everything they need now, we have enough post cards, missing person flyers, and we were also able to have a banner made. If anyone knows of any businesses or residences along the SR88 who would be willing to allow us to post up a 24in x 60in banner we can always have additional ones made so let us know.

The Khay T-Shirts and hoodies are also getting alot of attention. If you're interested in ordering one search this page for their link or PM us.

Searches will continue while we raise funds towards a private investigator. Please keep sharing his missing poster everywhere you can. Be sure to include the hashtags as well, it helps with the algorithms on our FB ads.

Just a quick update on what's been happening as of the last couple of weeks. The rummage sale generated $177.00. After a...

Just a quick update on what's been happening as of the last couple of weeks.

The rummage sale generated $177.00. After alot of work we had decent foot traffic on Friday and barely any on Saturday and Sunday:(

As you may have seen in recent posts shared we are now able to offer a reward for locating, or information that leads to locating Khay thanks to the donations given to the gofundme. We still have a long way to reach our goal, but we're making the best of funds we have to work with.

We were contacted by Fox 10 News in Arizona to do a follow up segment on Khay's case and we're working with the reporter to get that done. It's expected to air mid November.

We had the keyboardist from Korn do a cameo for Khay. Thank you Davey Oberlin for that.

We received a response from The Vanished Podcast and they are interested in doing a podcast on Khay's case, so we are working on getting that done.

Last Sunday about 17 miles were covered in the search area, Tuesday, and Thursday another 13 miles were covered, and this weekend another small group of new volunteers used a software that generates probable locations based on terrain and human behavior to pin point some new search areas. So they went out yesterday and today to check some of those areas.

We are still pretty far away from being able to hire a private investigator, but as mentioned above we'll keep doing what we can with what we have to work with. Any donations are greatly appreciated.

Last of all, we've received comments posted on previous posts that absolutely do not belong here. If anyone has actual information, or feels that detectives missed something we HIGHLY encourage you to reach out to the detectives handling the case at Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Lake Patrol Division to provide them your information or tips.

Thanks for everyone's help, support, and kindness!

The band members of Korn helping spread awareness of Khay. This is amazing!  Please share!

The band members of Korn helping spread awareness of Khay. This is amazing! Please share!

Check out this Cameo by Davey Oberlin for Missing Person Khayman Welch!

Updated poster to share, with the reward for information leading to locating Khay. Donations still needed to obtain a pr...

Updated poster to share, with the reward for information leading to locating Khay. Donations still needed to obtain a private investigator. See the pinned post for the gofundme link.


Just a reminder to the folks who will be attending the search tomorrow. We'll be meeting at the vista at 6am then heading out to begin the search at about 630am. If you arrive late you'll see red vests, and the team in the black Find Khay shirts. Look for one of us to join up with on the West side of the vista.

Someone sent us this for tomorrow. Not sure where it came from, but we sure can use all the help we can get!

"Give me your speed in my response, keen vision to find those in need of my skills, the wisdom of those who have served before me, courage to face fear and overcome it, and the strength to bring the fallen home".

Let's get this young man home!

- Mindy

Good Morning everyone. Just wanting to provide some updates on what's been done this week. It's looking like we'll have ...

Good Morning everyone. Just wanting to provide some updates on what's been done this week. It's looking like we'll have about 12 people coming out for the group search on Sunday.

We had 3 individuals who went out this week as well who couldn't make it on Sunday. Thank you all for doing that, it's so appreciated! It's really rough terrain on the West side of the SR 88 but we'll get it covered!

We ordered a few radios since we have zero cell phone reception out there. We also ordered a banner, post cards to pass out/mail out, and had more posters printed to get out to businesses. Thank you for the donations!

Our gofundme is at a stand still but we'll be doing a rummage sale the 21st-24th as well as a bbq on the 23rd and 24th to hopefully raise additional funds towards offering a reward, and working our way up to a retainer for a private investigator. If you aren't able to donate, please share the link. We need this help so desperately ๐Ÿ’”

One of our other volunteers has been talking with the "findme" organization who has retired detectives, LE, and HRD dogs available to assist so we are working on getting them involved with the case.

That's all we have for this week. We'll update after the search Sunday. Send your thoughts, prayers, and good wishes to the search team Sunday for a safe search!

Thanks for all your love, and support!

Khayman "Khay" Welch goes missing... On August 12th, 2020 26 year old Khayman "Khaโ€ฆ MINDY CASTILLO needs your support for Bring Khayman "Khay" Welch Home

Update: This is Rhiannon (Khays mom). They have officially started a fund raiser so they can keep moving forward with hi...

This is Rhiannon (Khays mom). They have officially started a fund raiser so they can keep moving forward with his search. All donations will be put towards the search team, supplies, PI fees, billboard fees, public awareness, and everything else that will be needed in order to BRING KHAYMAN HOME. We aren't seeing an end in sight and have no idea what direction this will go but we're not stopping until we have answers. Please share this and help! ๐Ÿ™

Thanks to all who've followed and shared his story. Your love and support has been amazing. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—

Khayman "Khay" Welch goes missing... On August 12th, 2020 26 year old Khayman "Khaโ€ฆ MINDY CASTILLO needs your support for Bring Khayman "Khay" Welch Home


Mindy here - I just want to take the time to show how powerful social media can be, and how far the reach is through folks like you sharing his poster.

Many messages, and well wishes have come through here as well as my personal page from literally all over the world. I know that means the world to his friends, and family. Just to show how far his story has reached please comment below with where your from, and how you knew Khay, or heard about his disappearance.

This will also help us, and others on cases worldwide to know the fastest ways to communicate missing person cases.


Phoenix, AZ



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