About Us
220 music group is an artist development program/s offering artists music and image consultations, marketing and publicity services and consideration by record labels, publishers, music supervisors, and other industry executives seeking music and artists. One of the main goals of every artist is to get exposure and to be able to make a living from their music. These unique mentoring and
development program/s give artists these tools for success. The 220MG artist development program is only available to qualified artists and paying artists as a service on our part. These days the most important thing you will need as a recording artist is a great website or a great online music profile(you can get one at www.220musicgroup.com. Most record company A&R’s, music managers, music agents, music publishers & music producers will ask you if they can check out your website or online music profile instead of having you send them a demo which they don’t listen to 96% of the time unless is from a trusted source like us 220MG. Make sure that your website online music profile allows visitors to listen & download your music samples. If you really want a record deal with a successful record company you will need to go to great lengths to promote your own music. We recommend that you get a professional promotion package together your self or through us. Some record labels insist that you already have some kind of following. If you are going to sell your records online you should get a barcode first at http://www.220musicgroup.com If you are already a seasoned recording artist or music producer you should already have a complete & mastered LP or close to it. As a professional recording artist it is your responsibility to get with music producers & complete albums. Creating records is sometimes the least of your A&R team problems. So now you have your music demo, pictures, biography, a great website or an music profile with pictures & audio clips. Sounds like you’re now ready to approach A&R’S, MUSIC MANAGERS, MUSIC PRODUCERS, MUSIC AGENTS & MUSIC PUBLISHERS. GET SIGNED THROUGH OUR CONNECTIONS
Are you a great artist looking to get signed by a successful record label? You have just had your CD mixed and mastered & bought 500-1,000 CDs from a manufacturer or us. What do you do now? Artists & musicians these days need to take matters into their own hands by contacting professionals like us. We suggest that you buy one of our packages and watch us send your music to all of the most successful record label A&R people, music managers, music agents, radio stations, t.v supervisors, music producers, music stores & streaming services in the music business. We guarantee you the greatest outcome you’ve ever seen happening right in front of your eyes. Don’t just send your demo hoping that someone is going to listen to it. There are ways and steps to take to earn a Record Label’s trust before you can send your music. It is very important to create a professional sounding demo, take professional studio quality 8-10 pictures & have a complete website with us or a one page biography, professional CD cover. Like with any product under the sun packaging it is very important, If you are not familiar with photoshop it will definitely be worth it to hire a professional graphic designer to design your CD cover or get one of our packages that includes all this. MUSIC PUBLISHING AND WHAT WE DO?
220 music group publishing department is basically a copyright administrator. We are often impressed by how many ways our music publishing department can turn music into money. Our Publishing department have the capabilities to collect & generate income from your recordings. Publishing rights are the right that you have to a song that you wrote. You must be the only writer to own 100% of the publishing from the minute you wrote the song. As long as your work is original you own it. Before we get any further we will like to explain a little more about music publishing. First of all there is two parts to music publishing, one part is the writers share and the other part is the publishers share. You automatically own both parts unless of coarse you give up some of your publishing rights to a music publisher in exchange for a cash advance. After you sign a publishing contract with our music publishers they will be able to issue licenses to companies that want to exploit your music in exchange for money. This contract is called a music publishing agreement. It is clearly stated in this contract exactly how much of your publishing the publisher owns, how many songs you / the writer must deliver, what territory the music publisher administrates your copyright in, the length of your music publishing agreement & most importantly how much you / the writer will get as an advance. You may get a healthy advance if the publisher thinks that your songs are great. The advance that a music publisher gives you is recoupable, meaning you will not start receiving royalties until the amount of your cash advance is paid back to the publisher plus interest. What isn’t recoupable in the music industry? Most acclaim publishers are not as capable of keeping track and collecting the money that is generated by your music. our Music Publisher’s can acquire 100% of your music copyright or you can sign a co-publishing deal where you will split the ownership half & half. In a half & half deal the co-publisher / writer owns 100% of the writers share & 50% of the publishers share. What kind of deal you get will usually depend on how much pull or success you have. Our music publisher’s will not put your music to work without owning a piece of it, unless of coarse you hire them to administer your copyright for fifteen percent. Without a music publisher it would almost be impossible to track when & were your songs are being played. Obtaining a music publishing deal is a great way to use your recordings to generate income. It is extremely important that you do not infringe on another copyright when creating your works. It usually states in a music publishing agreement that the writer will be responsible if his / her works are not original. A music publisher can generate income from your music by tracking radio play, placing your music in TV or film projects & or by selling your song or musical composition to another recording artist. As a music publisher you have the right to lease or sell your music license to a licensee. Basically the rights to use music are leased and bought everyday.