Hello & Seasons Greetings,
It's that time of year again and Recording Studio LA of Ogden has a special gift "For Our Friends and Family" just in time for Christmas!
For A Limited Time Only: Multiply Your $$$ - From December 7th until Sunday, December 10th at 10pm Only!!!
Multiply Your $$$, Multiply Your Savings & Multiply Your Music!!! Receive a 33.3% bonus on all payments, including all deposit and payments towards future bookings from this Thursday, December 7th until Sunday, December 10th at 10pm!
To qualify all payments must be received during this time and will receive a 33.3% bonus on any amount up to a maximum bonus of $250 per person(s)/group and/or project. (***Bonus*** This Bonus runs alongside all other discounts!!!) Just take any amount up to $750 and multiply it by 33.3% and add that to your total dollar amount!
$150 becomes $200
$750 becomes $1000
To take advantage of this special - Call us now at: 385-626-6100 and tell us you want the Christmas Day sale, we will then schedule a time for you to stop by and make payment before the close of business on Sunday or you can make an instant payment to us via Paypal - Call us for details! Don't miss it, this offer ends Sunday December 10th at the close of business/10pm.
Thank you - Recording Studio LA is sending you and yours our best wishes for a safe and Happy Holidays!
Recording Studio LA
Primary: (385)626-6100
Em: [email protected]