👨💼🗽 Uber CEO moves to NYC (?), Comments on EVs, AVs, Insurance & Congestion Pricing
Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi might have relocated to NYC. Recent interviews provide insights into Uber’s stance on EV adoption, self-driving cars, insurance costs, and Manhattan Congestion Pricing #ubernyc #lyftnyc #nyctaxi #ev #av #robotaxi #tlcinsurance #congestionpricing
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✋ NYC TLC *Publishes* Final Rules Ahead of Board Vote on ‘Uber TV’, New Insurance Rules & WAV Wait Times
AutoMarketplace suggested it would be useful if the TLC published the final draft rules ahead of next week’s Board vote on several topics. The regulator has now done that. #ubertv #taxitv #tlcinsurance #wav #accessibility #nyctlc #nyctaxi
🔗 https://automarketplace.substack.com/p/nyc-tlc-publishes-final-rules-ahead
🖤🩷🚕 Uber / Lyft UR Finishes Above 53% As Modest Growth Returns, Yellow Cabs Continue 8%+ Trip Growth
Uber / Lyft remain above 53% UR floor, helped by lockouts and modest trip growth. Taxi medallion trips continue to rise. New TLC rule proposals aim to change driver pay formula to prevent “lockouts” #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc #nyctlc #driverlockouts #yellowcab #nyctaximedallion
🔗: https://automarketplace.substack.com/p/uber-lyft-ur-finishes-above-53-as
✋ NYC TLC Board to Vote on ‘Uber TV’, New Insurance Rules & WAV Wait Times
NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission Board will vote on WAV wait time restrictions for FHVs, interior advertising provider licenses, and new insurance rules regarding ‘non-admitted’ carriers #ubertv #taxitv #tlcinsurance #wav #accessibility #nyctlc #nyctaxi
🔗 : https://automarketplace.substack.com/p/nyc-tlc-board-to-vote-on-uber-tv
🚕☎️♿ NYC TLC to Hold Public Hearing on Accessible Taxi Dispatch This Wednesday
TLC to hold public hearing this Wednesday, January 22nd, to discuss proposal to shut down TLC-funded & managed Accessible Dispatch program to help raise money for insolvent Taxi Improvement Fund (TIF) #nyctaxi #wheelchairaccessiblevehicle #accessibility #wav #ubernyc #lyftnyc #taxiimprovementfund #tif #nyctlc
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“When we first entered this industry as a fleet owner trying to better understand insurance, an executive shared an analogy with us that has always stuck. He provided the following example as a simple way to explain why more, and potentially fraudulent, claims arise when liability limits are unreasonably high:
He explained that if an “average” person rear-ended you, you might accept whatever the insurance company offers without involving lawyers, as the likelihood of receiving an unusually large payout is low. However, if Derek Jeter rear-ended you—whether as a passenger in a taxi or otherwise—an individual might be tempted to hire a lawyer to pursue a payout that not only reaches the maximum liability threshold but potentially exceeds it.” #autoinsurance #carinsurance #tlcinsurance #nofaultinsurance #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc #americantransit
💸 $58 Million Unclaimed: NY AG Urges Uber & Lyft Drivers Claim Settlement Money #ubernyc #lyftnyc
Why don’t NYC TLC insurance companies sell directly? Why use brokers? #tlcinsurance #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc
How much do NYC TLC insurance brokers make? #tlcinsurance #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc