🗣️🚕☂️⚡ NYC Council to Review Taxi Medallion Industry, No-Fault Insurance Reform, EV Charging & More
Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure will hold a public hearing this upcoming Monday, Feb 10th at 10am focused on the NYC for-hire transportation industry, including taxis, insurance and EVs #nyctaxi #nyctaximedallion #yellowcab #ubernyc #lyftnyc #tlcinsurance #EVs #evcharging
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✍️🗣️ NYC TLC Data Correction Related To December 2024 Uber and Lyft Trips & TLC Public Hearing
~2.5-hour NYC TLC public hearing only partially reflected the extensive written public testimony regarding driver pay rule proposals. TLC corrects data error related to Uber & Lyft NYC December trips #ubernyc #lyftnyc #nyctlc #driverlockouts #nyctaxi #tlcinsurance #tlcrentals
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⬛⚡ Tesla Model Y No Longer Qualifies for Uber Black – Why It Matters
Uber recently updated its ‘eligible’ vehicles list, removing some popular models that previously qualified for Uber Black and Uber Comfort. Why is this a big deal for many NYC drivers and fleets? #ubernyc #uberblack #teslamodely #nyctlc #nyctaxi #EVs
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⬛⚡ Tesla Model Y No Longer Qualifies for Uber Black – Why It Matters
Uber recently updated its ‘eligible’ vehicles list, removing some popular models that previously qualified for Uber Black and Uber Comfort. Why is this a big deal for many NYC drivers and fleets? #ubernyc #uberblack #teslamodely #nyctlc #nyctaxi #EVs
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🖤🩷 NYC TLC Revises Factbook: Uber & Lyft Trips Fell 3.1% in Dec 2024, Raising Lockout Concerns Again
TLC Factbook made -1.2 million trip revision to Uber & Lyft figures for December 2024. The updated numbers indicate that Uber & Lyft trips in NYC are once again declining, raising lockouts concerns #ubernyc #lyftnyc #driverlockouts #utilizationrate #nyctaxi #nyctlc
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🔐🖤🩷 Can NYC TLC Stop Uber & Lyft Driver Lockouts?
Much-anticipated NYC TLC public hearing this Wednesday is already sparking intense reactions among industry stakeholders. We simplify the discussion and share our take. #ubernyc #lyftnyc #driverlockouts #nyctlc #nyctaxi #utilizationrate #nycdriverpay #tlcinsurance
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🔐🖤🩷 Can NYC TLC Stop Uber & Lyft Driver Lockouts?
Much-anticipated NYC TLC public hearing this Wednesday is already sparking intense reactions among industry stakeholders. We simplify the discussion and share our take. #ubernyc #lyftnyc #driverlockouts #nyctlc #nyctaxi #utilizationrate #nycdriverpay #tlcinsurance
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🤥 NYC TLC: Uber Lying About Excluding 2019 & Older Vehicles Due to New Driver Pay Rules
NYC Taxi & Limousine Commission (TLC) released official statement saying Uber is lying about new driver pay rules preventing it from dispatching to 2019 and older vehicles. We share our quick take. #nyctlc #ubernyc #lyftnyc #nyctaxi #driverlockouts
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🚨 Uber to NYC Drivers: Vehicles from 2019 & Earlier at Risk Unless TLC Backs Down...What’s Going On?!
Uber sends shockwaves through NYC TLC industry stating that newly proposed TLC pay rules may force it to “no longer dispatch vehicles 2019 or older (and may update their vehicle year annually)” #ubernyc #lyftnyc #driverlockouts #nyctaxi #nyctlc
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☂️📱 ATIC & Hereford Announce 2025 Insurance Rates – Search NYC TLC Brokers & more 🔗 in description (‘Newsletter’) #tlcinsurance #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc #americantransit #hereford #nysdfs #nyctlc
Video Clip #4: Launch of NYC TLC Insurance Index #tlcinsurance #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc #americantransit #hereford #nysdfs
Video Clip #3: REAL NYC TLC insurance inflation #tlcinsurance #nyctaxi #ubernyc #lyftnyc #americantransit #hereford #nysdfs